Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1223: The sudden change of Li Mei

In the witch temple, Li Po carefully inspected the body and soul of Mengchan Yizai.

Finally, it was determined that Meng Chanyi had indeed lost her memory.

"This girl's soul was completely destroyed, leaving only a remnant of her soul."

"After these days of recovery, although her body has recovered, her soul cannot."

"She is probably just like a blank sheet of paper now, and she barely remembers anything."

Li Po told Qian Kun about Meng Chanyi's situation.

After Qiankun heard this, he looked at Meng Chanyi who was sitting by the window, motionless, looking up at the sky.

No matter when or where he saw Meng Chanyi, his heart would flutter.

"Lost all memories, like a blank piece of paper?"

"That's great."

"In this case, I can start from scratch with her. Wouldn't it be beautiful?"

The news that Meng Chanyi lost his memory was undoubtedly the best news he had heard recently for Qiankun.

After hearing the news, Qiankun's mood became wonderful.

"Po Li, I am happy today. I can forget the blame for what you did today."

"But if you do this kind of thing in the future, even if you are Li Po, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Now that the beauty has awakened, she no longer needs to stay in your witch temple."

"Today I will take her back to my palace."

After Qiankun finished speaking, before Po Li could say anything more, he led Li Mei towards Meng Chanyi.

Now, whether it is Li Mei or Meng Chanyi, Qiankun must personally take care of it.

Of course, Qiankun has completely different attitudes towards Li Mei and Meng Chanyi.

He treated Li Mei with dignity and intimidation.

Treat Meng Chanyi with care and humility.

"Miss Meng, let me take you home!"

Qiankun walked to Mengchanyi and looked at this lovely person who had no master. He instantly became much gentler.

When Meng Chanyi heard this, her eyes suddenly lit up.

"Go home? Will you take me home?"

Obviously, what Meng Chanyi meant by returning home was returning to Daluotian.

And what Qiankun said about returning home meant returning to his palace.

The current Qiankun will naturally not let Meng Chanyi go.

He wanted to keep Meng Chanyi well on Ronin Planet, and then slowly build a relationship with her.

Today's Mengchanyi is just a blank piece of paper.

So Qiankun wants to draw beautiful memories on the white paper of Mengchanyi again.

"Let's go! Let's go home."

Qiankun left the Witch Temple with Meng Chanyi and Li Mei.

The Seventh Elder and Keira stood outside the hall, watching Qiankun take Meng Chanyi away, feeling extremely uncomfortable in their hearts.

Of course, perhaps the most unpleasant thing is Li Mei.

Fallen to Heaven and Li Mei, he has regarded Meng Chanyi as his mortal enemy throughout his life.

Even at all costs, he would travel across the void to kill her.

However, the irony is that now that Meng Chanyi is in front of her, Li Mei cannot move to kill.

At this moment, Li Mei felt strange.

She actually didn't hate Meng Chanyi at all.

Instead, there was fear of Qiankun and pity for Meng Chanyi.

Of course, no matter what kind of emotion it is, it is certain that Li Mei no longer wants to kill Meng Chanyi.

She doesn't even know the meaning of her existence.

Li Mei, like Mo Chichi, has reached the stage of doubting life.

One is obsessed with love, while the other completely loses all desires and begins to sink and degenerate.

In addition to Limei's depression, Keira also fell into despair.

They had planned it for so long, and it was obviously perfect, but in the end it failed.

"Why? Mother-in-law, why wasn't she sent away?"

Keira asked Po Li, with obvious complaints in her tone.

"Child, mother-in-law, I can't help you."

Po Li was helpless. They had obviously sent Meng Chanyi away, but who knew that Meng Chanyi would come back.

"Kaila, you can't blame Po Li for this matter. She has done what she should do."

"We sent the woman out of the area that Ronin Star could monitor, but who knew she would turn around and come back."

"But you clearly promised me."

Kayla gritted her teeth, feeling a little sad.

She waited with hope for something good to happen between her and Qiankun, but she didn't expect that her plan would fail.

All her hopes were destroyed once again.

"Child, accept your fate! Some things are really destiny and we cannot change it."

Li Po looked at the heartbroken Keira and could only offer helpless comfort.

However, getting Keira appointed was not easy.

"If I had known, I should have killed her!"

"When I wanted to kill her, you had to stop me."

"Now, that woman is back. Brother Qiankun is even more inseparable from her."

"She must be killed, she must be killed!"

Keira knew very well that she basically couldn't fight Meng Chanyi when she woke up.

Now Qiankun doesn't even look at her, he only has eyes for that woman.

"Is this woman really going to come back and take away everything from me?"

Keira was extremely sad, and deep in her heart, she once again had murderous intentions towards Meng Chanyi.

Liberate Li Mei, open up the universe, and send Meng Chanyi away!

This flawless plan ended in failure.

Therefore, Keira's murderous fire was ignited once again.

She no longer paid attention to Li Po and the Seventh Elder, and left the Witch Temple with a terrifying murderous aura.

At this moment, Qiankun felt that all this was God's will.

It was the Lord of Time who made him meet Meng Chanyi again.

So he was more convinced that Meng Chanyi was his true love.

After returning to the palace, Qiankun almost guarded Meng Chanyi step by step. Facing any request from Meng Chanyi, he agreed without hesitation.

Of course, Meng Chanyi had no other requests, she just wanted to go home.

"When will you send me back to Daluotian?"

In the back garden of the palace, Meng Chanyi looked at Qiankun and asked.

After hearing this, Qiankun replied: "We are rushing to your home."

"Don't worry, I will definitely send you home."

"But before returning to Daluotian, this is your home, okay?"

Qiankun did not rush to prepare to marry Meng Chanyi, nor did he do anything beyond the limit.

Because when he heard that Meng Chanyi's current memory was a blank sheet of paper.

Qiankun decided to start from scratch with Meng Chanyi.

He wanted to slowly build a relationship with her.

"Ms. Meng, has anyone ever said that you are more brilliant than the brightest three emperor stars in the chaos?"

"When I first saw you in the chaos, I was deeply fascinated by you."

Qiankun, a straight man, had to say some love words that he would never say in his daily life in order to pick up girls.

Meng Chanyi opened her big cute eyes and looked at Qiankun as if he was a fool.

"Respected leader, I don't understand what you mean."

Meng Chanyi was pure white and flawless. She didn't even know what feelings were in her mind. How could she understand what Qiankun wanted to express?

Qiankun found that his clumsy love words did not convey his feelings, and coughed awkwardly twice.

"Ahem! It's like this, Miss Meng, what do you think of me, Qiankun? Or what kind of person am I in your eyes?"

Meng Chanyi looked at the puzzled Qiankun and responded.

"Chan Yi doesn't know much about the clan leader, but since Qian Kun is the head of the clan, he is naturally an excellent person."

"I am excellent in your eyes, right?"

"Of course! Not only in Chan Yi's eyes, but in everyone's eyes, you are quite excellent."

Meng Chan Yi thought, this big boy should want her praise!

Just like her junior sisters, he wants to get her praise and then keep showing off.

In Meng Chan Yi's eyes, Qian Kun is like a little brother.

After listening to Meng Chan Yi's words, Qian Kun said.

"No, I don't care about other people's evaluation of me. What I want is you, how do you see me?"

Qian Kun was so excited that he grabbed Meng Chan Yi's hands directly.

If it were the former Meng Chan Yi, she might have broken free from Qian Kun's hands long ago.

But now Meng Chan Yi is more cute and has no reaction at all.

"Very good! I think you are very good."

"Really? Then do you think I can be your best friend?"

Qian Kun found that Meng Chan Yi did not reject his enthusiasm, so he began to launch an offensive.

"Friend? Sure! I like making friends."

"Can I call you Chan Yi in the future?"


"Then I..."


Standing in the corner, Li Mei looked at Qian Kun like a lion in heat, and her dull eyes finally showed some expression.

The relationship between Li Mei and Qian Kun is that you are strong and I am weak.

At this moment, Qian Kun was kneeling and licking Meng Chan Yi, and he obviously lost his domineering spirit.

Without Qian Kun's domineering majesty, Li Mei slowly recovered the mental strength that was conquered.

"I really don't know why I should submit to such a man!"

Li Mei has not completely broken free from Qian Kun's mental shackles, but now she seems to be no longer so decadent.

"The amnesiac Meng Chanyi and the insane Qiankun."

"This man will get hurt!"

Li Mei seemed to be able to see what would happen to Qiankun after Meng Chanyi recovered and fell in the future.


"I'm a little tired, can I go back and rest first?"

Meng Chanyi was a little anxious and tired by Qiankun's nagging.

After hearing this, Qiankun quickly replied.

"Okay, Li Mei, send Chanyi back to the house!"

"I warn you, don't be rude to her."

Li Mei, who had begun to slowly break away from Qiankun's deterrence, was suddenly conquered by Qiankun's domineering power again.

Qiankun's treatment of Meng Chanyi and Li Mei is simply two completely different feelings.

When treating Li Mei, the invisible pressure made Li Mei's soul breathless.

But this woman enjoyed the feeling of being shocked by Qiankun.

She likes to be conquered by Qiankun. Perhaps in the entire chaotic void, only Qiankun can conquer her.

"Yes, my master!"

At that moment, Li Mei was as obedient as a little maid. She came to Meng Chanyi obediently and then carefully took Meng Chanyi back to the house.

If there were other incarnations of the Heavenly Dao here, they would be shocked to see Li Mei being ordered around like a maid.

They would not believe that Li Mei could actually walk with her mortal enemy Meng Chanyi and live in peace.

It must be said that Li Mei's change is completely incomprehensible.

This woman who was once the most proud of Daluotian is now completely immersed in the joy of being conquered and unable to extricate herself.


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