Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1224: Encountering the Chaos Beast Again

The Greedy Wolf Starship is the starry sky battleship of Greedy Sky Hun Dun.

This is a very large battleship, the entire battleship is spherical, almost as large as the Wandering Star.

In fact, the Greedy Wolf Starship, also called the Greedy Wolf Star, is a small world created by Hun Dun.

However, most of the star is wild. Only a small part has been developed.

As the master of Greedy Wolf, Hun Dun is obviously not suitable for managing such a huge star.

After Mo Chichi arrived, the entire star was almost handed over to Mo Chichi for control.

And just a short while ago, Mo Chichi felt a powerful soul energy from Li Mei coming from the Wandering Star.

However, the burst of soul power was fleeting.

Because of this discovery, Mo Chichi speculated that Li Mei had tried to escape from the Wandering Star, but failed to escape.

Mo Chichi immediately told Hun Dun about this discovery.

After hearing this, Hun Dun frowned tightly.

"Sister Chichi, are you saying that sister Li Mei might be in danger?"

Mo Chichi nodded in response.

"Li Mei failed to escape, the enemy will definitely not let her go."

"Although they can't kill Li Mei, they will definitely torture her!"

"I didn't expect the enemy to be so powerful that even Li Mei is no match."

Mo Chichi temporarily recovered from her love-sick state.

After all, the most urgent task is to rescue Li Mei.

Although Li Mei is the weakest among the seven incarnations of the Heavenly Dao, the fallen form of Li Mei is absolutely powerful.

Being able to trap Li Mei twice, it can be seen that there is a master on Ronin Star who is not weaker than their Heavenly Dao incarnations.

"The situation is urgent. Even with the fastest speed of Tanlang Star, it will take two months to catch up with the other party."

"How about this, brother? I want to take Lifang and the others to board Li Mei's Fallen Starship and go to the Wandering Star to find out."

"Li Mei's starship has the ability to shuttle through space, and its speed is much higher than that of Tanlang Star. It should reach the target star field in a month."

Mo Chichi wanted to get to Wandering Star first, which made Hun Dun a little worried.

"Sister Chichi, I am a little worried about you going alone."

"That enemy can even capture Sister Li Mei, I am afraid he will kill you."

Mo Chichi also knew that Hun Dun was worried about her, but Mo Chichi's strength was not weak.

She was an existence that could fight Meng Chanyi on par with her.

"Don't worry, brother. I'm here to negotiate this time. Even if the negotiation fails, I will act accordingly."

"If the negotiation fails, I will retreat immediately and then join you."

"Let's join forces again to rescue Li Mei."

Mo Chichi is a smart person, and her arrangement is obviously the best arrangement so far.

Seeing Mo Chichi so confident, Hun Dun had no choice but to respond.

"Then sister, be careful. If the enemy is strong, you must retreat immediately."

"I will let Lan Xing and the others catch up with you as quickly as possible."

"Well, that's it! Then I'll go and join Li Fang and the others first."

After Mo Chichi finished speaking, she disappeared in front of Tan Zhi Tian Hun Dun.

Then, she appeared on the red starship not far away.

This red starship is Li Mei's starship, currently controlled by Li Mei's subordinate Ling Ya.

However, after Mo Chichi arrived, the commander naturally became her.

"Lifang, Lingya, go full speed ahead and chase after the Ronin Star!"

After Mo Chichi gave the order, the Fallen Starship turned into a red light and disappeared behind the Greedy Wolf Star at a speed that surpassed the light.

The arrival of Mo Chichi will start a war.

At the same time, at the other end of the starry sky.

Zhuo Bufan also took the starship of the Seventh Elder of the Ronin Clan and rushed to the Ronin Star at the fastest speed.

But even if the speed of the starship was instantly increased to the limit, it would take nearly three months.

On the way to the Ronin Star, Zhuo Bufan was not idle.

In his inner world, he was thinking about how to merge the Devouring Star Core with the Minsheng Sword.

There was one thing Zhuo Bufan had to keep in mind, that is, the powerful energy of the Devouring Star Core must not be released at will.

Even the Void Merchant Yi Tianxing had to seal it with the Void God Stone.

The Void God Stone can isolate the devouring power of the Devouring Star Core.

But even so, Zhuo Bufan's soul was being stripped away bit by bit.

If the Void God Stone is broken and the Devouring Star Core is released, I am afraid that all the matter and energy within a light-year radius will be swallowed by the Devouring Star Core in an instant.

"I have been looking for a power that can strengthen myself. Now this power is in front of me, but I am powerless?"

Zhuo Bufan really wants to fuse the Minsheng Sword with the Devouring Star Core.

But to fuse the two, another powerful force is needed to melt them.

Zhuo Bufan is missing the most important medium, the medium that can fuse the two.

Regarding this, the Void Merchant Yi Tianxing did not tell Zhuo Bufan.

Or rather, he himself did not know.

After all, his understanding of the Devouring Star Core only stays in the origin of this thing.

As for how to use the Devouring Star Core, Yi Tianxing has no experience.

"In the first life, I was Luo Tian who could become the host of the Heavenly Dao, and I was a peerless strong man who could create the Minsheng Sword."

"In the second life, I was Ji Xuanhao who created the Gate of Rebirth and the Sealing Heaven Seal, a terrifying existence that even God fears."

"Now I have no ability inherited from my previous life. Can I really surpass myself?"

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan was very distressed, or at a loss.

There was not much time left for him, but now he had not found a way to surpass the past.

Zhuo Bufan was Zhuo Bufan, not Ji Xuanhao, nor Luo Tian.

He needed to go his own way to make the reincarnation of this life perfect.

In terms of martial arts, Zhuo Bufan did not have his own martial arts.

In terms of weapons, Zhuo Bufan did not have any weapons he created.

Zhuo Bufan had no achievements in this life, which was a failure.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was thinking hard about how to go in this life.

Suddenly, there was a startled sound outside.

Zhuo Bufan immediately rushed out of the cabin and came to the deck.

Only saw Xiaoyan and Shun standing on the deck, looking around.

"What's going on?"

Zhuo Bufan ran towards Shun, and at the same time he noticed that the starship they were riding had stopped.

"Boy, we seem to have encountered something strange."

After Xiao Yan finished speaking, he looked at Shun who was silent on the deck.

It was Shun who stopped the starship, and it was obvious that he knew what happened.

"Brother Shun, what happened?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

After hearing this, Shun frowned.

"From just now, I found that our starship has been spinning in one place."

"It's like being dragged into a vortex by an invisible energy."

After hearing Shun's words, Zhuo Bufan realized that there seemed to be something in this dark and chaotic void.

"It seems that our luck is really bad. We actually met this guy."

Shun obviously knew what they met.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan frowned.

"Brother Shun, could it be a chaos beast?"

Zhuo Bufan had encountered this situation before.

That was when he was being chased by the suspicious Tianwang Ce, and he met a chaos beast-Serpent.

The chaos beast was quite huge, with eyes like stars, and it was entrenched in that galaxy.

Zhuo Bufan was spared by the Chaos Beast because he helped it pull out the hairpin that controlled its power.

Now, they met the Chaos Beast again, and it was obvious that Zhuo Bufan was not so lucky this time.

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's guess, Shun nodded.

"Yes, we met the Chaos Beast."

The Ronin people are natural warriors.

The most terrifying thing about them is that they can seal the power of the Chaos Beast in their bodies through their blood power.

Let the Chaos Beast become their helper.

This is why the blood power of the Ronin is very precious.

You know, the Chaos Beast is known as the Void Scavenger. They are the most terrifying existence in the void.

Specialized in sweeping away those lives that should not exist in this void.

It can be seen how powerful the Ronin are.

And Shun next to Zhuo Bufan is the sixth elder of the Ronin.

He is also a natural warrior, with the power of two Chaos Beasts sealed in his body.

Therefore, even when facing this Chaos Beast that suddenly appeared, Shun did not show too much fear.

"Brother Zhuo, you go back to the cabin first, and leave this Chaos Beast to me."

"Just right, my third Chaos Beast has been found."

Chaos Beasts are also hard to come by, especially for the Ronin tribe.

They often hunt Chaos Beasts in the Chaos Void.

But generally speaking, they are all group hunting, and there are very few such individual hunting situations.

As the sixth elder of the Ronin tribe, Shun naturally has no fear at all.

This time, he wants to fight this mysterious Chaos Beast alone.

Of course, the most important thing is that he does not want to lead Zhuo Bufan into this unprovoked war.

Zhuo Bufan is his guest, and he cannot let his guest's life be threatened.

However, Shun obviously underestimated Zhuo Bufan.

How could Zhuo Bufan hide!

"Brother Shun, don't worry about me. I should be able to protect myself, and maybe I can help you."

"I heard that you Ronins specialize in hunting Chaos Beasts as your seal totem power. Maybe I can help Brother Shun capture this Chaos Beast."

If you want to seal the Chaos Beast and use the power of the Chaos Beast for yourself, you can only rely on the blood of the Ronins to do it.

Even if Zhuo Bufan also wants to obtain the power of the Chaos Beast, it is impossible.

However, Zhuo Bufan can help Shun.

In this way, not only can he gain Shun's favor, but it may also help his actions in Ronin Star later.

After all, Zhuo Bufan went to Ronin Star this time for Meng Chanyi.

But Zhuo Bufan had a feeling that the process of taking back Meng Chanyi this time would not be smooth.

In this way, he needed Shun's power even more.

One more friend means one less enemy.

If he becomes an enemy of the Ronins in the future, at least Shun will not embarrass him even if he does not stand on his side.

So Zhuo Bufan decided to help!

"So Brother Shun, let me lend you a helping hand!"

Zhuo Bufan took the initiative to ask for help from Shun.

After hearing this, Shun glanced at Zhuo Bufan.

He did not shy away from Zhuo Bufan's help, but said.

"Then you have to be careful, this battle is not easy."

"If it is easy, do you still need my help?"

Zhuo Bufan smiled, then took out the Minsheng Sword and prepared for battle.

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