Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1225: Battle against Chaos Beast

Zhuo Bufan and Shun's journey home was not smooth, and they met a Chaos Beast on the way.

As a scavenger of the void, the Chaos Beast will wipe out all existing life.

Obviously, this Chaos Beast has set its sights on Zhuo Bufan and Shun.

Of course, the two did not intend to escape.

On the contrary, Shun even decided to use his blood power to seal the Chaos Beast.

"We need to know the source of the Chaos Beast first."

"Once I find the source, I can seal it."

Shun obviously fought with the Chaos Beast not for the first time.

After hearing his words, Zhuo Bufan asked from the side.

"Whatever you need me to do, just tell me."

Since Zhuo Bufan came to help Shun, he would spare no effort.

The Minsheng Sword in his hand was eager to try.

Shun answered after hearing this.

"The source of the Chaos Beast is its origin. Generally, its source will only emerge during battle."

"In the past, when our tribe hunted Chaos Beasts, there would be a special team to contain the Chaos Beasts and force them to reveal their source."

"But now there are only two of us, so we can only go together."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan nodded in response.

"Well, let's go together."

As soon as the words fell, Zhuo Bufan raised the Minsheng Sword in his hand to the sky and cut off a powerful energy.


Under the sword, thousands of rays of light forced the Chaos Beast hidden in the chaotic void to reveal its original form.

"Did it appear?"

Under the might of Zhuo Bufan's sword, one could gradually see huge black shadows in the void, towering around them.

"Boy, are you really going to fight the Chaos Beast?"

Xiao Yan was obviously frightened by Zhuo Bufan's character of doing what he said.

Seeing the huge shadows like mountains appearing around, Xiaoyan's eyes turned green.

"What is this?"

Xiaoyan could no longer describe what he saw.

Because they were too small.

That feeling was like an ant standing at the feet of a group of elephants. When he looked up, all he could see were the extremely thick thighs.

Now the huge existences like mountains that they saw were just part of the body of the Chaos Beast.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine!"

Xiaoyan counted and found that there were nine "giant peaks".

"This guy is really huge."

Zhuo Bufan looked at the nine giant peaks that appeared, and obviously understood that this was just the tip of the iceberg of the Chaos Beast.

"Brother Zhuo, you did a good job, let's get excited!"

After seeing Zhuo Bufan take action, Shun no longer hesitated, and took out a bright dagger from behind, and then turned directly into a white light and flew to the nine giant peaks in the sky.

Boom boom boom boom boom!

With a burst of light spots exploding in the air, it was like thunder flashing everywhere.

It can be clearly seen that Shun's strength is extraordinary, even above Zhuo Bufan.

After a random hack, the immovable Chaos Beast was finally shaken.

"Brother Zhuo, be careful. This guy is preparing to counterattack."

After Shun finished speaking, Zhuo Bufan only saw the tattoos on his two calves suddenly flash by.

Then Shun disappeared in the air.

Then, countless black lethal rays attacked Zhuo Bufan and Xiaoyan.

"Xiaoyan, hide."

Zhuo Bufan stretched out his hand to grab Xiaoyan, and the next moment, Xiaoyan was taken into the inner world by Zhuo Bufan.

Then Zhuo Bufan turned around and disappeared on the spaceship.

At the moment Zhuo Bufan disappeared, the spaceship also disappeared.

Obviously, the spaceship was also taken away by Shun.

Bang bang bang bang!

Almost in the instant of lightning and flint, the entire space where the spaceship was originally located was instantly destroyed, forming a huge black hole.

"Good fellow, when did you launch the attack? I didn't feel the enemy's murderous intent at all."

When Zhuo Bufan appeared in the air again, the first wave of fighting had ended.

At this time, Shun also appeared beside Zhuo Bufan and said.

"This Chaos Beast has never been seen by our clan, so there is no information about it."

"So Brother Zhuo, be careful."

After Shun finished speaking, the light flashed again under his feet, and he disappeared in the air the next second.

Then he saw a piece of white light in the air. This Shun was obviously an amazing assassin.

Under his crazy attacks again and again, the mysterious Chaos Beast was activated again.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan felt a terrifying destructive energy coming again.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

The entire void produced a series of destructive explosions for no reason.

If Zhuo Bufan hadn't reacted in time, he would probably have been killed in an instant.

"Don't be careless!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he raised the Minsheng Sword and slashed at those giant peaks.


With one sword strike, it swept across the starry sky with overwhelming force.

However, this sword did not cause any damage to the "mountain", not even a single scratch.

"So tough, what is the structure of this guy's body?"

Zhuo Bufan's previous attack, even if he did not use 10% of his strength, he used 70% or 80%.

If it was in Daluotian, Zhuo Bufan's sword would be enough to destroy everything within a hundred miles.

But facing the Chaos Beast in front of him, his unparalleled sword skills did not work at all.

"Sure enough, in this chaotic void, am I still at the bottom of the food chain?"

"Maybe compared to this Chaos Hand, I am really just an ant."

Zhuo Bufan realized the unreachable gap between himself and this Chaos Beast.

"Soul Devourer, swallow it!"

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan had gained a lot after the battle with the Soul Devourer.

Zhuo Bufan, who obtained the Soul Devourer Divine Source, can be said to have the power of the Soul Devourer.

This is a power that even the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao fears.

Zhuo Bufan pushed his hands forward, and thousands of gray wolves bit towards the mountain in front of him.

This gray wolf is formed by the power of the Soul Devourer. They can directly penetrate the material itself, reach the opponent's soul, and then devour its soul alive and eat it up.

With this trick, Zhuo Bufan believes that even if he faces the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao, he can retreat unscathed.

The source of the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao is the soul of the Heavenly Dao. As souls, they are naturally most afraid of the Soul Devourer.

It can be said that this is Zhuo Bufan's most powerful means so far.

However, just when Zhuo Bufan thought that his Soul Devourer could devour the soul of the Chaos Beast.

Suddenly, Zhuo Bufan found that his Soul Devourer was in the body of the Chaos Beast and could not find any soul power to absorb.

"What's going on?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

His Soul Devourer shuttled through the Chaos Beast's body, and then did not find that the Chaos Beast had soul power at all.

"Is this guy a machine?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the huge Chaos Beast in front of him and understood immediately.

This Chaos Beast is likely to be just a machine without a soul.


"The Serpent I met before, it took the initiative to ask me for help, and later helped me escape."

"It has its own emotions and consciousness, so it should have a soul."

"Could it be that its soul is hidden in the pulse source that Shun mentioned?"

Zhuo Bufan did not believe that this Chaos Beast was just a simple machine.

In other words, the outer shell of the Chaos Beast is a machine, but it must be driven by its origin.

The soul must be in the origin.

"The soul should be in the source!"

Zhuo Bufan took back the Soul Devouring Beast, and then grabbed it in the air with his backhand.

More than a dozen Purple Chaos Stones appeared in the air.

At the same time, a terrifying energy sneak attack came from behind Zhuo Bufan.

As a result, the energy was instantly absorbed by the Purple Chaos Stone thrown by Zhuo Bufan.

Then, Zhuo Bufan ejected the Purple Chaos Stone that had absorbed enough energy towards the giant peak in front of him.

At the same time, Zhuo Bufan injected his own Chaos Yuan Qi into those Purple Chaos Stones.

The energy inside them reached a completely saturated state.

The completely saturated Purple Chaos Stone could no longer absorb any energy.

Even if it absorbed a trace of energy, it would cause it to explode.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

The power originally coming from the Chaos Beast was completely counterattacked by Zhuo Bufan. This is how the Purple Chaos Stone is used.

The Purple Chaos Stone is Zhuo Bufan's last resort.

Use the power of the other to treat the other.

The Purple Chaos Stone absorbs the power of the Chaos Beast and returns it to the Chaos Beast.

For a time, the entire Chaos Void was blown up to the point of destruction and madness.

"Brother Zhuo, well done!"

"If you come a few more times, this guy will definitely launch an all-out attack. By then, we will be able to find its source."

Shun, who was standing by, was very excited when he saw Zhuo Bufan complete a beautiful counterattack.

There was a little thing Shun did not tell Zhuo Bufan, that is, this Chaos Beast is likely to be a mid-level Chaos Beast.

A mid-level Chaos Beast can easily destroy the stars.

Shun did not tell Zhuo Bufan because the arrow was on the string and had to be shot.

Shun was not sure that he could seal the Chaos Beast, and he needed Zhuo Bufan's power.

He was worried that after telling Zhuo Bufan the truth, Zhuo Bufan would turn around and run away.

In short, now Shun could only keep Zhuo Bufan's kindness in his heart.

After they finished this battle, he would be grateful to Zhuo Bufan.

"Brother Zhuo, be careful!"

At this moment, Shun suddenly sensed that nine balls of light as hot as the sun appeared under their feet.

The nine balls of light began to condense together, forming an energy ball full of destruction and damage.

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly when he saw this.

The next second, he swung out hundreds of purple chaos stones with his backhand.


Zhuo Bufan estimated that the energy this time would take at least three or four hundred purple chaos stones to absorb.

He threw all the purple chaos stones downwards.

At the same time, Zhuo Bufan shouted to Shun who was standing aside.

"Inject your power into those chaos stones with all your strength."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, Shun immediately understood Zhuo Bufan's intention.

The next moment, the two gathered all their strength and rushed towards the hundreds of sparkling crystals in the darkness.

At the same time, the terrifying energy condensed by the mysterious chaos beast attacked and soared into the sky.

For a moment, all the energy of both sides was absorbed by the hundreds of purple chaos stones in the air.

There was no more energy fluctuation in the void. Chaos was silent, and there was no earth-shattering explosion.

"It's almost there, just detonating one of them will be enough."

Zhuo Bufan saw that none of the Purple Chaos Stones had exploded, which was obviously beyond his expectations.

Now all the Purple Chaos Stones had absorbed a lot of energy, and all were on the verge of exploding.

Zhuo Bufan only needed to detonate one of them, and the power of the explosion would be absorbed by the other Chaos Stones, causing a chain explosion.

So, Zhuo Bufan took a deep breath and absorbed all the Chaos Qi around him.

The next second, he condensed all the Chaos Qi he had absorbed on his fingers.

"Brother Shun, get ready."

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he pointed at one of the Purple Chaos Stones.


A beam of energy was injected into the Purple Chaos Stone.

Then, the Chaos Stone that was injected with energy could not withstand the energy absorbed inside, and exploded with a bang.

Most of the energy of the explosion was absorbed by other Chaos Stones.

In this way, a powerful chain reaction was generated.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

The entire chaotic void, the entire dark star field, was blown upside down.

The nine giant peaks, under the earth-shaking explosion energy, began to disintegrate and begin to destroy.

Under the waves of crazy explosions, the Chaos Beast was finally completely enraged.


Suddenly, there was energy transmission in the void.

Then, Zhuo Bufan and the others felt that their souls were like being pressed down by a mountain.

"It appeared, the pulse source of that guy!"

At this time, Shun suddenly pointed to a light spot below that was emitting red light and said.

"Is that the pulse source?"

Zhuo Bufan saw the pulse source for the first time, and he didn't know what the pulse source was used for.

But he had suspected that there was a soul in the pulse source before.

Especially this time's soul pressure made him realize that this Chaos Beast also had a soul.

"Brother Zhuo, I'll go first!"

Without time to explain to Zhuo Bufan, Shun rushed directly to the pulse source.

The blood of the Ronin tribe can devour the power of the pulse source, thereby completely sealing the Chaos Beast.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan was not idle either.

"Soul-devouring Hand, go!"

Zhuo Bufan released the Soul-devouring Hand, and saw a purple tentacle following the instant to the location of the pulse source.

When they arrived at the pulse source, Zhuo Bufan was surprised to find that the so-called pulse source was actually a giant baby in human form.

That's right, that guy looked like a giant baby sleeping in his mother's womb.

"Is this the body of the Chaos Beast?"

Zhuo Bufan was very surprised.

And Shun, who was standing aside, was obviously accustomed to it. He did not hesitate, bit his finger, and then dripped his Ronin blood on the forehead of the giant baby of the pulse source.

The next second, a red line connected Shun and the giant baby.


Amidst waves of heart-wrenching screams, Shun began to collapse.

His blood was devouring the pulse source of the Chaos Beast, and the Chaos Beast was also devouring him!

The process of the Ronin sealing the Chaos Beast was originally a life-and-death process.

As long as it succeeds, you can obtain the power of the Chaos Beast.

But if it fails, you can only die here.

"Will you completely absorb the power of such a powerful Chaos Beast into your body?"

"This fusion method is really perverted."

Zhuo Bufan's heart trembled when he looked at the giant infant who instantly devoured the pulse source.

Suddenly, he thought of something.

"By the way, the medium that can fuse the Minsheng Sword and the Devouring Star Core at the same time is the body!"

"Use my body to fuse them at the same time, whether it is the Minsheng Sword or the Devouring Star Core, they will become part of my body."

"Although it is a bit risky to do this, you can give it a try."

Zhuo Bufan suddenly found a way to fuse the Minsheng Sword and the Devouring Star Core at the same time.

That is to contain both of them in your body at the same time.

Doing this is obviously very dangerous, but Zhuo Bufan took a key step.

This is the most important step for him. Perhaps from this moment on, he can find his life achievement.

"Brother Shun, I'm here to help you!"

After thinking of the way to fuse the Sword of Compassion and the Devouring Star Core, Zhuo Bufan immediately came back to his senses. Looking at the painful Shun, he immediately released the power of the Soul Devouring Divine Source and began to devour the soul of the giant infant.

For a while, a long and intense battle continued.

In this battle, either you die or I die.


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