Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1226: The leader gets married, and there is a turmoil within the tribe

When Zhuo Bufan's soul-devouring power entered the giant baby's body, Zhuo Bufan discovered that there was also a soul in the giant baby, and it was quite powerful.

Strictly speaking, this chaos beast is more like a life, but on the wheel of life, they have no display.

Zhuo Bufan didn't have time to think more, and now it was important to help Shun absorb the power of the chaos beast.

Shun was now at a critical moment of life and death, and Zhuo Bufan could see that he was madly absorbing the power of the chaos beast.

And the chaos beast was also devouring his power.

After the two sides fell into a stalemate, Shun's body began to fester and his skin began to turn into ashes.

Obviously, Shun's power began to be stripped away by the chaos beast.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan increased his devouring power.

The soul-devouring divine source can devour the souls of others and strengthen his own soul power at the same time.

Zhuo Bufan wanted to weaken the soul power of the pulse source giant baby, so that Shun could gain the upper hand.

With the help of Zhuo Bufan, Shun soon regained the initiative.

He began to absorb the power of the pulse source frantically.

The blood in the body is like a gluttonous beast. The power of the pulse source is being deprived bit by bit.

At the same time, blood-colored tattoo marks began to appear on Shun's chest.

This is the tattoo produced by the Ronin after absorbing the power of the Chaos Beast's pulse source.

The Ronin call it a pulse pattern.

The more and more complex the pulse patterns are, the more powerful the Chaos Beast is.

The Chaos Beast that Shun absorbed is obviously quite powerful.

Because the pulse pattern it produces is quite complex and almost impossible to copy.

And this pulse pattern is still growing and evolving.

The whole process lasted for a long time, nearly more than a month.

Until the end, the power of the Chaos Beast's pulse source was completely absorbed by Shun.

And the pulse pattern on his chest became clearer and more complete.

When Shun opened his eyes again, he found that Zhuo Bufan was treating him.

A faint golden light was released from Zhuo Bufan's hand.

That light was very strange. It felt like any injury could be quickly recovered after being bathed in it.

Shun knew very well that he had almost made a mess of his body in order to absorb the power of the Chaos Beast.

He thought that he would be bloody after waking up, but he didn't expect Zhuo Bufan to heal all his injuries.

"Brother Shun, you are awake!"

"Congratulations, you have gained the power of another Chaos Beast."

After hearing this, Shun quickly stood up and thanked.

"Thanks to Brother Zhuo's righteousness, if it weren't for Brother Zhuo, I would have been buried here long ago, and it would be impossible to obtain the power of this Chaos Beast."

Shun knew very well that this success was entirely due to Zhuo Bufan's contribution.

"Brother Zhuo's great kindness, I will definitely remember it in my heart and will never forget it."

Shun expressed his gratitude and emotion to Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan nodded silently.

For him, helping Shun obtain the power of the Chaos Beast might be more meaningful.

In this way, he would be indebted to Shun, and Shun would certainly have regarded him as the most important benefactor.

Zhuo Bufan wanted to be kind to Shun, which would be of great help to his future activities on Ronin Star.

However, because of the attack of the Chaos Beast, they delayed their journey for more than a month.

During this more than a month, a lot of things happened on Ronin Star.

First, the leader Qiankun officially announced to the entire Ronin tribe that he was going to marry Meng Chanyi.

In order to get Meng Chanyi, Qiankun did not hesitate to deceive her. He Qiankun was the man Meng Chanyi loved the most.

Meng Chanyi, who had lost her memory, really believed Qiankun's lies.

Qiankun even told Meng Chanyi that they were actually ready to get married.

It was just because Meng Chanyi met a great enemy, hurt her soul, and forgot their past.

Meng Chanyi, who had lost her memory, didn't even know what marriage was.

She only knew that this man was really good to him. But Meng Chanyi just wanted to get back to Daluotian as soon as possible.

Qiankun told Meng Chanyi that only after they became husband and wife, the Ronin tribe would recognize her status as the queen and could go to Daluotian with all the strength of the planet.

Qiankun was obviously tired of the drama of falling in love and building up feelings bit by bit.

He planned to get on the bus first and then buy a ticket.

Meng Chanyi didn't know that Qiankun had so many bad intentions.

After all, Qiankun told him that husband and wife are the best relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend.

Meng Chanyi was willing to accept Qiankun as her best friend of the opposite sex.

So, this cute girl agreed to Qiankun's lie and agreed to marry Qiankun.

When Qiankun announced that their wedding would be held in a month, it caused quite a stir in the entire Ronin Star.

The first to bear the brunt was the opposition from the entire Ronin female tribe.

It can be said that Qiankun is the hero, male god, and dream lover in the minds of the entire Ronin female tribe.

Although they knew that they could not get the favor of the leader, they would never allow the leader to marry a foreign woman.

In their minds, perhaps only the female tribe leader Kaila can be with the leader.

It can be said that if Qiankun wants to marry Meng Chanyi, then the entire female tribe will not agree.

Of course, the one who wants to see this scene the most is Kaila.

And the opposition of the entire female tribe was obviously also secretly caused by Kaila.

Kaila obviously would not let Qiankun and Meng Chanyi's wedding go so smoothly.

Along with the opposition of the female tribe, riots followed.

The female tribe had even begun to gather and demonstrate in front of the leader's palace.

For a time, Qiankun was furious and arrested several of the masterminds of the riot on the spot. Even the female tribe leader Kaila was scolded by him.

"Kaira, as the female tribe leader, how do you manage the female tribe?"

"Do you let them act so recklessly in front of this leader's palace?"

In the hall, Qiankun completely ignored Kaila's face and directly scolded her for her incompetent management.

Now Kaila no longer regards Qiankun as a myth in her mind.

Instead, she began to hate Qiankun and felt that her efforts over the years were all in vain.

"Haha, what are you talking about, brother? I won't be the female tribe leader any more in a short time!"

"Since brother is planning to marry that girl, she will become the female tribe leader of our Ronin tribe sooner or later."

"Now all the female tribe girls are not actually against you, they just don't want to be ruled by an outsider."

Kayla said coldly, which made Qiankun stunned.

"What nonsense are you talking about? When did I say that I want Chanyi to become the female tribe leader?"

"Today I will tell you here that no one will replace your position as the female tribe leader, and I will not let Chanyi interfere in the affairs of my Ronin tribe."

Qiankun wanted to marry Meng Chanyi, not because he wanted Meng Chanyi to become the female leader of his Ronin tribe, but because he simply loved Meng Chanyi.

Kayla laughed when she heard it.

"Chan Yi, Chan Yi, you are so affectionate to me!"

"But it's useless to say that to me, after all, your Chan Yi will soon become your only queen."

"Oh, by the way, brother, I have something else to tell you today. I have decided not to serve as the head of the female tribe anymore."

When these words came out, all the elders in the hall were shocked.

Qian Kun on the throne was even more stunned.

"What? You are not going to be the head of the female tribe anymore?"

After hearing this, Kaila smiled proudly and said, "Yes, I am sensible and will give up my position."

"And you have seen it, brother, I don't have the ability to manage this female tribe. Brother, you should ask someone else, such as your sister Chan Yi."

After saying this, Kaila took out a silver seal from her arms and placed it on the ground of the hall.

"This is the seal of the female tribe leader. I will return it to you today."

"From now on, anything that happens to the female tribe has nothing to do with me."

"Next, I will enter the Witch God Temple and practice ancient witchcraft with my mother-in-law, striving to become the next witch leader."

"So please don't let worldly affairs disturb my meditation."

After saying this, Kaila turned around and left.

Qiankun was left behind, furious.

He didn't expect that Kaila would do this to him.

In this way, Qiankun instantly lost his biggest helper.

Without Kaila, who will take care of the female tribe?

At this moment, the female tribe is rebelling again, and it is the time when the female tribe leader is needed.

It can be said that Kaila's move is completely adding insult to injury, catching Qiankun off guard.

"This Kaila is really getting more and more excessive."

"Does she really think I don't know that she was the one who released Li Mei and sent Chan Yi away last time?"

Qiankun is not stupid, otherwise he would not be the leader.

Since the last time he saw Kaila in the Witch God Temple, he knew that she must have participated in the plan for Li Po to send Meng Chanyi away.

Originally, Qiankun would forgive her for her hard work over the years.

But this time, Kaila issued a formal declaration of war to him.

Kaila's strike against the position of the leader of the female tribe was clearly a statement to Qiankun.

Choosing Kaila was choosing the submission of the entire female tribe.

Choosing Meng Chanyi was choosing the betrayal of the entire female tribe.

So Kaila was actually using this method to force Qiankun to give up Meng Chanyi.

However, Kaila obviously underestimated Qiankun's persistence in Meng Chanyi.

Qiankun went through a lot of hardships to get the opportunity to be with Meng Chanyi.

It was impossible for him to compromise because of Kaila's coercion.

"Do you really think that without her, no one can manage the female tribe?"

"Seventh Elder, I order you to temporarily take over the position of the female tribe leader. Are you willing?"

Qian Kun intends to choose one of these people on the spot to suppress the rebellion of the female tribe.

When the Seventh Elder heard this, he was frightened and took two steps back.

"Leader, no, I am old and no longer competent for this position. Even the position of elder, I am powerless."

After hearing the words of the Seventh Elder, Qian Kun frowned slightly.

"Seventh Elder, what do you mean?"

When the Seventh Elder heard this, he suddenly stepped forward, and then also took out a token and handed it to Qian Kun.

"To reply to the leader. Although the leader did not blame me for sending Miss Meng away privately before, I still feel that this act betrayed the leader..

"My behavior has violated the declaration that I would never betray the leader when I was an elder."

"I feel guilty, so I plan to resign from the position of elder. "

After Kayla resigned as the leader of the female tribe, the Seventh Elder resigned as the elder again.

You should know that the Seventh Elder is the only female elder.

If she resigns, will she be the spokesperson for many female tribe affairs?

Now, the two most important female tribe members have all resigned, which clearly makes it difficult for Qiankun to carry out his work.

"Chief, I am leaving."

After saying this, the Seventh Elder put down the Elder's token and turned to leave.

Seeing the Seventh Elder leave, Qiankun finally felt a headache.

He knew that he could not stop this elder who had made up his mind, so he just sighed helplessly and said.

"Forget it, since you don't want to stay, then go!"

"Who else wants to leave? Go! I will never keep you."

Qiankun saw that he wanted to marry Meng Chanyi, which was a public outrage.

The entire Ronin tribe did not support him.

If this continued, Qiankun might really have to choose between the leader and Meng Chanyi.

Fortunately, it has not reached that point yet.

Although the other elders present were a little hesitant, they still did not forget the oath they made at the beginning to never betray the leader.

"Chief, I think the most urgent thing is to solve the internal strife of the female tribe first."

"After all, the female tribe is the most important tribe of our Ronin tribe. They shoulder the sacred mission of continuing the bloodline of our tribe. If this matter is not handled properly, I am afraid that we will lose the support of the people!!"

The elder who was rescued came forward and proposed.

At this time, the second elder also stood up and said.

"Yes, chief, now we are facing a big enemy, we can't have another internal strife. I think you should postpone your marriage with Miss Meng?"

"After all, Miss Meng is not a member of our tribe. It is a bit difficult to let the tribe accept her for a while, right?"

The words of the elder and the second elder made Qiankun understand.

He must make a compromise first, otherwise the matter of the female tribe will not be solved smoothly.

Qiankun thought for a moment and replied.

"I can postpone my marriage with Miss Meng for another month."

"Then will one of you come and help me solve the internal strife of the female tribe?"

Qian Kun compromised and took the initiative to postpone the marriage for a month.

As a leader, it was not easy for him to make concessions.

At this time, if the female tribe continued to push forward, it would be too much.

But without Kaila, who can temporarily calm the anger of the female tribe?

"Grand Elder, are you willing to go?"

Qian Kun looked at the Grand Elder.

When the Grand Elder heard this, he waved his hand.

"The people of the female tribe have always only listened to Kaila's words. I am really a little powerless."

"Then Second Elder, you go?"

Seeing that the Grand Elder refused again and again, Qian Kun looked at the Second Elder.

When the Second Elder heard this, he was also scared and could only wave his hand.

"No, no, please ask the leader to choose someone else! You know, the woman in the family is as fierce as a high-level chaos beast. She will never allow me to be the head of the female tribe."

The second elder is a well-known henpecked husband, so it is impossible to ask him for help.

Then Qiankun glanced at the other elders present, and almost all of them avoided him.

Seeing this scene, Qiankun was very annoyed.

"Isn't there anyone who can share the worries of this leader among the eighteen most outstanding elders of the Ronin Clan?"

Qiankun sighed helplessly.

At this time, Li Mei, who was tied with a sealing chain, suddenly spoke from the side.

"Master, I can share your worries."

Qiankun looked at Li Mei standing aside and said in a daze.

"Can you?"

Not only Qiankun, but all the elders in the hall looked at Li Mei in disbelief. This Void Clan is extremely dangerous to the Ronin Clan.


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