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Chapter 1227: Li Mei's Methods [Subscribe]

When Li Mei volunteered and stood up and said that she could solve the problem of the Ronin women.

Everyone present frowned and looked at her.

"Huh, prisoner, how can you speak here?"

The great elder looked at Li Mei angrily.

His eyes were filled with anger, and he hated Li Mei even more deeply.

Obviously, Li Mei had taken over his body and done evil things, which made the great elder hate him quite a lot.

The great elder originally proposed to execute this Li Mei.

But Li Mei is the incarnation of heaven, immortal and can only be sealed.

Fortunately, Qiankun shocked Li Mei with his unparalleled power.

But even so, they still hated Li Mei deeply.

In their eyes, Li Mei is just a slave of the leader Qiankun.

How can a slave have the right to speak here?

Not to mention, it would be impossible for her to manage the entire female clan.

However, Li Mei didn't pay attention to the questions of these elders at all, but said calmly.

"I can share my master's worries, can you?"

"If you can't, just shut up."

In front of Qiankun, Limei will become quite honest.

But in front of others, Li Mei is still the same arrogant Li Mei.

Li Mei's words made Qian Kun suddenly realize.

Indeed, no one present was willing to help him or share his worries.

And the only thing he could believe was this woman who was completely conquered by him.

"How do you want to help me relieve my worries?"

Qiankun looked at Limei and asked.

After hearing this, Li Mei replied: "The reason why the female clan rebels is nothing more than the secret instigation of some people with undying intentions."

"The only reason why they are incited is because someone has a position in their mind that makes them obey."

"In other words, the people of the female tribe were simply conquered by that person."

"It's like you conquered me."

Li Mei's words made Qiankun's eyes light up.

The great elders also figured out who the person Li Mei was talking about was none other than the female clan leader Keira.

"Shut up, leader, and don't listen to this witch's nonsense."

After the great elder finished speaking, he attacked Li Mei.

However, it was blocked by Qiankun.

"Stop! Great Elder, let her finish speaking."

Unexpectedly, Qiankun believed Li Mei because he could feel that Li Mei really wanted to help him.

After this woman was conquered by him again, her thoughts were completely revealed in Qiankun's heart.

Qiankun knew exactly what was thinking in Li Mei's soul.

With Qiankun's protection, Li Mei naturally spoke without any scruples.

"The solution is simple, let me reconquer the entire female clan."

When Li Mei said these words, everyone in the hall was speechless.

Qiankun looked at Li Mei like a fool.

"are you serious?"

"Of course, because only in this way can I share my worries for you, Master."

"The female tribe is completely out of control under Keira's influence. They need to vent their inner hatred and anger."

"Since none of the elders present want to be the target of this public criticism, let me bear all this resentment."

Li Mei looked at Qiankun seriously and said.

The other elders present burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, what a joke. Who gave you the confidence to conquer the entire female clan?"

"As a foreign creature, what qualifications do you have to stand here and talk to people of my race?"

"Ever since this woman was tamed by the leader, she seems to have lost her mind and gone crazy, with wishful thinking."

Li Mei's words were laughed at by all the elders.

But Qiankun said at this time.

"Okay, I'll give you this opportunity. It's up to you to handle the affairs of the female clan."

"If you can really pacify the female clan, I will make you the leader of the female clan."

There are clear rewards and punishments in the universe, even though Li Mei is a member of the Xu clan and will not forgive any evil.

But if Li Mei can really make a great contribution, he will also reward her.

After hearing Qiankun's words, Li Mei shook her head slightly.

"It's my honor to share your worries. I will definitely not disappoint your expectations."

"Well, I'll leave the rest of the female clan's affairs to you. If you need anything, I will support you."

"Also, the elders present, I hope you will not embarrass Limei. Since you are not responsible for sharing my worries, then don't make trouble for me."

"Li Mei is right. Whoever becomes the leader of this female tribe will be targeted by the public."

"Since none of you are willing to take the responsibility, you old and cunning swindlers. Then let those who dare to take the responsibility do it."

"One last time, anyone who dares to cheat secretly is an enemy of me. You should know the consequences of betraying the leader."

"Okay, let's break up the meeting."

After Qiankun finished speaking, he stood up and left.

The elders left present shook their heads.

"Hey, why didn't you stop the leader just now?"

"How can it be allowed to let foreigners manage our clan's affairs in such an arbitrary manner?"

"Yes, yes, not to mention that woman, she is our prisoner and even more our enemy."

"The leader has really changed completely since he came back. Not only did he fall in love with a woman from a foreign race, but now he wants another woman from a foreign race to take over the position of the leader of the female clan."

"If this continues, the future of our clan will be in jeopardy!"

Obviously, no one present agreed with Qiankun's choice of Limei to manage the female clan.

But just like Qiankun said, they are all just people who are living an ignoble existence.

When they were really asked to manage the female clan, they would push back and forth one by one, for fear of offending Keila and becoming the public enemy of the entire female clan.

With such irresponsible elders, Qiankun obviously has no intention of counting on them.

After returning to the back garden, Qiankun handed over the silver patriarch seal returned by Keira to Li Mei.

"This is the seal of the female clan leader. With it, you can mobilize all the female generals of our clan."

"But this clan leader's seal must have no effect now."

"Although Keira is not in her position, her influence on the entire female clan is definitely not something you can change."

"If you become the matriarch of the clan now, you are actually jumping into a pit of fire. It's still too late to regret it."

Qiankun also knows that someone must take the position of the female clan leader.

Otherwise, it would damage his prestige as a leader.

However, the position of the matriarch is like a pit of fire.

Those who go are undoubtedly asking for trouble.

After hearing this, Li Mei shook her head.

"I do not regret."

When Qiankun saw this, he was slightly moved in his heart.

This is the only support he has received so far.

"Well, I don't have high demands on you. As long as I can successfully marry Chanyi, you will be the biggest contributor."

"When the time comes, I will set you free."

Everything Qiankun did was just for Meng Chanyi.

He can compromise, but that doesn't mean he will admit defeat like this.

As the leader of the Ronin clan, he must have his own majesty and dominance.

Just like he conquered Li Mei, he also wanted to conquer the entire Ronin clan.

He wanted everyone in the Ronin clan to sincerely bless his marriage to Meng Chanyi.

After Li Mei obtained the Silver King's Seal, she immediately rushed to the Queen's Palace to deal with the female tribe's rebellion.

Obviously, the people in the Queen's Palace have been notified in advance.

Knowing that Li Mei came here this time, she was ordered by the leader, the king, to temporarily take over the position of the female clan leader.

But in the hearts of these people, there is only one matriarch, and that is Keira.

So the moment Li Mei entered the Queen's Palace, all the female generals in military uniforms surrounded her.

"Foreign captives, it doesn't matter whether you have received the king's order or not to come to the Queen's Palace."

"Now, please go back to where you came from."

A group of people surrounded Li Mei and demonstrated towards Li Mei.

The spear in his hand was ready to strike at Li Mei's head at any time.

Even though Li Mei took out the Silver King Seal, these people turned a blind eye. Just like Qiankun said, the Silver King Seal has lost its effect.

Now in the minds of these female tribesmen, Keira is the queen and she is the symbol of power.

These people are willing to follow Keira and fight for Keira.

"Don't think that just because you hold the Queen's Seal, you want us to obey your orders."

"In our hearts, Chief Keira is the only queen."

"That's right, even if the leader personally sends people, we will not give in."

Things were just as expected, the female clan was completely out of control.

Everyone blindly followed Keira, and under Keira's influence, they began to trigger rebellions.

If the internal friction continues like this, perhaps the entire Ronin clan will collapse on its own before the Void clan's army arrives.

Li Mei could actually turn a blind eye and wait for the Ronin clan to fall apart.

However, under the influence of Qiankun's conquering power, she is now unable to feel betrayal towards Qiankun.

It can be said that Li Mei's body and even soul were completely conquered by Qian Kun.

This is the innate ability that comes from the strong, which will make the weak feel endless admiration for them.

Even though Li Mei is the Fallen Heaven incarnated by the Heavenly Dao, she is now completely captured by Qiankun.

So this time, she is really here to solve the civil strife among the Ronin women.

"I won't leave, I represent the chief."

"If you dare to attack me, you are openly resisting. On behalf of the leader, I will eradicate all traitors."

Li Mei said as she walked towards the throne in the center of the hall.

Since she said she wanted to conquer the entire female clan, she would use her iron fist to achieve her goal.

Seeing how strong Li Mei was, these female generals obviously couldn't hold it any longer.

One of the female generals wearing golden armor took a step forward, pointed the spear in her hand directly at Li Mei's throat, and said.

"My female tribe does not want to betray the leader, but the leader of the female tribe must be Keira."

"Don't blame us for being rude if you dare to take a step forward again."

Listening to the other party's high-sounding words, Li Mei was not moved at all and continued to take a step forward.

"you wanna die!"

Seeing Li Mei take that step, the golden-armored female general kept her word. After rounding the spear in her hand, a spear came out like a dragon and stabbed Li Mei in the throat.

But at that moment, the spear made of star stone in the opponent's hand began to appear cracks, then shattered section by section, and finally turned into powder.

How could this mere female general be Li Mei's opponent?

In the entire Ronin Star, perhaps only Qiankun can fight against Li Mei.

Even if most of Li Mei's abilities are sealed now, it is not something that the female general in front of him can bully.


Li Mei raised her hand and pointed, and the female general was instantly petrified and fixed in place.


Seeing this, the other female generals wanted to rush up to kill Li Mei.

However, Li Mei yawned and waved her hand lightly, and all those who rushed up were petrified in place.

For a moment, half of the female generals in the hall turned into stone.

One of the old women in a white robe said in fear after seeing this scene.

"What did you do? What did you do to them?"

"You witch, I will tell the clan leader to completely ban you."

The old woman was the high priest of the Queen's Palace and also the most loyal person of Kaila.

These female generals were gathered in this hall by her to rob and kill Li Mei.

"Yi Po, that's what I call you!"

"Kaira's wet nurse, and also her confidant."

"Let me guess, you must have gathered these people in the Queen's Palace, ready to kill me, right?"

When Li Mei took over the body of the Great Elder, she also received all the memories of the Great Elder.

From the memories of the Great Elder, she knew a lot of secrets that even Qian Kun didn't know.

For example, this Yi Po is not just Kaira's confidant, she is also the spy sent by the Great Elder to Li Mei.

"I advise you to be honest, otherwise I will tell the leader all the secrets between you and the Great Elder."

Li Mei's soul transmitted to the Yi Po, and the Yi Po was frightened and pale after hearing it.

"Have you forgotten that I once possessed the soul of the Great Elder? I know all the secrets between you."

"You and the Great Elder secretly embezzled the Purple Chaos Stone of the tribe; you also conspired to kill the previous 12 elders; you also planned to secretly attack Kaila; and you also planned to plot against Li Po of the Witch God Temple. You have a lot to do."

When Li Mei told the secrets between Yi Po and the Great Elder one by one, Yi Po was scared.

If Li Mei really told the leader these things, she would be dead, and there would be no way back.

"You, what do you want?"

Yi Po asked tremblingly using her soul to convey the message.

After hearing this, Li Mei smiled slightly and said.

"Be obedient and I will naturally not do anything to you. But if you dare to make me unhappy, I can't guarantee that I will tell the leader clearly."

"After all, the secrets between you and the Great Elder are enough for you to die 10,000 times."

After hearing this, Yi Po trembled all over.

"I listen to you, don't say it, don't say it."

This Yi Po is also a pitiful person, who has been controlled by others all her life.

She was controlled by the Great Elder, and also by Kaila, and now she is controlled by Li Mei.

Of course, pitiful people must have pitiful things.

She has done so many bad things, so there is no need to pity her.

"You have to understand that I can kill you at any time. So now, do you want to listen to me, or listen to the Great Elder, or to Kaila?"

As the Fallen Heaven, Li Mei's ability to charm others and make them fall is her innate ability.

The Yi Po was frightened by Li Mei's words and dared not resist.

"I listen to you, I listen to you."

"Well, now let these stupid guys you lead be honest."

"Next, I want to revive the female clan, but I really need your help, Yi Po!"

Li Mei looked at the Yi Po with a smile, her eyes were like a quagmire, making people sink into it and unable to extricate themselves.

After hearing this, Yi Po did not dare to resist Li Mei's order and quickly asked the remaining female generals to put down their spears.

At this time, the negotiation really began.

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