Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1228: Force the Emperor to Abdicate【Subscribe】

Because Li Mei has the upper hand, Yi Po can only obey Li Mei's orders now.

Of course, Li Mei will not let go of such a useful support.

The reason why she dared to take on this task was actually partly because she knew some secrets of the Ronin that even Qian Kun did not know.

All the female generals present were summoned by Yi Po in advance.

They naturally obeyed Yi Po's orders.

Under Li Mei's threat, Yi Po stopped all those who intended to die.

At this time, the hall was indeed much quieter.

"Don't worry, these people will not die. When the time comes, I will let them go. Now let's talk about business!"

"I really want to know, are you all loyal to the leader or to Kaila?"

Kaira asked a soul-slamming question to everyone in the hall.

"Does anyone among you still remember the ancestral motto of your Ronin tribe?"

"Five million years ago, your Ronin tribe escaped from that dark world to the chaotic void."

"We survived in fear in this world full of crises."

"Your ancestors relied on courage, wisdom, unity, and fearlessness."

"Your leader passed the many selections of your tribe and won the recognition of everyone before he ascended the throne."

"Your ancestral motto is to give everything for the race and the leader."

"The leader's words are always the truth, and the leader's decision is always correct. Do you swear to follow the leader forever and never betray?"

"Obviously, you are now shocked and violated the original oath. You are betraying the leader by doing this, do you understand?"

After Li Mei finished speaking, he sat on the throne.

For a moment, he was domineering and shocked the whole audience.

When Yi Po and others heard this, they were so nervous that they couldn't speak.

"The leader has said that the affairs of the female tribe will be left to me."

"If you still want to offend me, you can step forward. But this time, it will no longer be a warning, but an annihilation."

"The traitor will be directly annihilated."

Li Mei is the incarnation of the way of heaven, a king-like existence.

Although her majesty and dominance are not as strong as Qiankun, she is definitely powerful.

Facing Li Mei's powerful momentum, Yi Po and other female generals present took a step back and dared not step forward again.

Seeing this, Li Mei smiled triumphantly.

At least so far, everything has gone smoothly.

"Since you are unwilling to step forward, I will assume that you are still loyal to the leader."

"Of course, we are always loyal to the leader."

Yi Po took the lead and said.

The others were also submissive.

"It's right to be loyal to the leader, but why did the leader force Kaila away? We just don't accept that you are the leader of the female tribe?"

Of course, there are still some people who dare to shout in front of Li Mei, and they are obviously not convinced.

Li Mei saw this and snorted coldly.

"Humph! Kaila voluntarily resigned from the position of leader. She abandoned you. Do you still want to speak for her?"

"You forced her to leave. If the leader didn't marry that woman, would Kaila give up the position of leader of the female tribe?"

"Yes, it was the leader who was sorry to Kaila first. Kaila's behavior is understandable."

"The leader and Kaila grew up together. They should have become a happy couple. It was you. After you came, the leader betrayed Kaila and their relationship."

"So, you foreigners are the culprits."

These female generals were more excited than each other, pointing at Li Mei and Meng Chanyi.

Li Mei was suddenly angry after hearing this.

"What did you say?"

As soon as these words came out, they were as powerful as thunder, and all the female generals in the audience shut up again.

"I don't know whether Kaila has feelings for the leader, but I know the leader has no interest in Kaila."

"Everything is just wishful thinking on your part."

"You are dreaming that Kaila and the leader will be together. Do you want to force the leader to marry?"

Li Mei stopped everyone present.

Since the leader is respected as the king of the Ronin, it is his freedom to marry whoever he wants. You want to interfere in the leader's marriage. Do you want to commit a crime against your superiors?"

Li Mei was able to answer, and every word was heart-wrenching, which made these female generals speechless.

"What? Aren't you going to quibble?"

At this time, a female general said weakly.

"We just think it's unfair."

"Fair? What's fair? The leader married Kaila, which is fair to you, but is it fair to the leader?"

"You want to threaten the leader with this, and it's fair to the leader?"

"In the final analysis, you still have rebellious hearts. Your loyalty to the leader has disappeared. "

"You are loyal to Keira, not the leader. You are traitors to the entire Ronin tribe."

When Li Mei said this, everyone present was dumbfounded.

Everyone shook their heads.

"No, no. We did not betray the leader, nor the Ronin tribe."

"We just, just! By the way, we just don't want to see the leader marry a woman from another tribe."

"The leader has the most noble blood of the Ronin tribe, and his blood power must be passed down. If he combines with people from other tribes, it will only pollute his holy blood power."

These people said one by one that they didn't want Qiankun's blood power to be polluted.

In fact, it was just to allow Qiankun to be with Keira.

After hearing this, Li Mei chuckled and said.

"Who told you that the leader will only marry one?"

"The leader will definitely have three wives and four concubines in the future. Are you still afraid that his bloodline will not be passed on?"

"So you don't have to worry about blood inheritance at all."

"What you have to worry about is how to solve the current rebellion of the female clan."

"Letting your great leader worry less is what you, the ministers, should do."

"This is called duty, do you understand?"

It is rare for Limei to conquer others with words instead of violence.

You must know that Fallen Heaven Limei used to be such a good person, and he would never talk nonsense if he could take action.

But now, in order to share Qiankun's worries, she was also worried.

"In short, if you still want to continue to be loyal to the leader, then you must carry out the oath of allegiance you once made."

"You are warriors appointed by the leader, and the weapons in your hands are used to protect the leader and the group."

"Do you want to live up to the leader's expectations?"

Finally, the female generals present were moved by Li Mei's words.

They slowly put down the spears in their hands, and finally chose to obey in their hearts.

Seeing this scene, Li Mei finally had a smile on his face.

After spending so much time talking, I finally settled these female generals.

Of course, dealing with these female generals is nothing.

What Li Mei wants to do is to settle the entire female clan.

However, Li Mei will no longer personally deal with the female clan's affairs.

After all, Li Mei's status is special. If she handles it personally, it is likely to arouse more people's opposition.

Therefore, Li Mei planned to let these people present handle the affairs of the female clan.

"Yipo, as the high priest next to the former leader of the female clan, it should be okay for you to handle the rebellion in the female clan, right?"

Li Mei looked at Yi Po. In fact, the entire rebellion of the female clan was caused by people like Yi Po.

What Li Mei said was undoubtedly to make Yi Po retreat in spite of the difficulties.

After all, she holds Yi Po's secret, so Yi Po has to obey Li Mei's words in order to save her life.

"Who do you want to be loyal to?"

"Don't let someone use it as a gun. You won't know how you died."

"That's all I've said, please do as you please."

"I will give you three days. If the rebellion in the clan cannot be resolved within three days, then I will punish you as the acting female clan leader."

At the same time, Li Mei also told Yi Po secretly about the soul rumors.

"Yipo, don't think that I don't know who organized this rebellion. If you can't handle the rebellion within three days, don't blame me for telling the leader the secret between you and the great elder."

"When the time comes, let alone Keira, not even the Great Elder can protect you."

"That's all, it's your decision."

After Li Mei finished speaking, she stood up and left the throne.

At the same time, she waved her hand towards the petrified people present.

The next second, all the petrified people returned to normal.

"You should all have heard it, right? Those who still want to be petrified by me can always rush up and try."

"If you don't dare, just complete the task I asked you to do honestly."

"Remember, you only have three days."

"If it cannot be completed, they will all be petrified."

Li Mei, a domineering woman, would never be merciful towards other people.

Perhaps only in front of Qiankun will he show his weak side.

After Li Mei left the Queen's Palace, Yi Po rushed to the Great Elder's palace immediately.

She told the great elder all the news that Li Mei knew.

Upon hearing this, the great elder frowned deeply.

"This little bitch really read all my memories."

"We can't let her tell our secret to the leader."

The Great Elder also knows that many of his secrets are hidden from others.

After all, those things he obtained secretly were suspected of treason.

Especially during the period when Qiankun was away from the clan, the great elder even secretly conspired to elect a new clan leader.

Because he thought Qiankun might never come back.

Unexpectedly, Qiankun rushed back in time and disrupted his plan.

His plan was aborted, and naturally no one found out.

However, now all these plans are known to Li Mei.

"In this case, you first do what the woman says. Stop all activities of the female clan."

The great elder said to Yi Po.

After hearing this, Yipo frowned.

"But this way, we won't be able to use Keira. If Keira loses her power, it will also have an impact on our plans."

Yi Po said.

After hearing this, the great elder continued.

"Just do it as you are told. I will arrange the rest freely."

"In short, Qiankun cannot be allowed to marry that woman."

"The one Qiankun wants to marry can only be Keira."

It's obvious that the Great Elder is Keira's biggest advocate.

Of course, his main purpose in supporting Keira is for his own plan.

Support Keira to rise to the top, and her wings will be fuller in the future.

In fact, the Ronin clan is not that peaceful and is divided into various factions.

The Great Elder's faction is undoubtedly powerful.

But the more powerful the faction, the more people are eyeing it.

He had to find the right backer, and Keira was undoubtedly the most suitable person.

After hearing this, Yi Po complied with the great elder's wishes.

She turned around and started dealing with the female clan affairs.

In the next three days, Yipo tried her best to dissuade the previous rebel leaders from stopping their activities.

Finally, some of the rebellious voices of the female tribe were calmed down.

Three days later, when Li Mei came to the Queen's Palace again, she was naturally happy to learn that the rebellion of the female clan had stopped.

She also followed the agreement and did not report the matter between Yi Po and the Great Elder.

"Very good, it turns out that you are loyal to the leader."

"I will inform the leader about this matter and ask for credit for you."

Li Mei's words made Yi Po breathe a sigh of relief.

After settling the affairs of the female clan, Li Mei immediately went back to report the good news to the leader Qiankun.

When Qiankun heard the good news, he was very excited.

"Well done. This way, there will be no objections within the clan."

"In this case, I don't have to postpone the wedding for a month. Let's make preparations and the wedding will be held as scheduled."

This Qiankun thought that the opposition within the Ronin clan had finally been extinguished.

So he decided to move the wedding, which he originally planned to postpone, by one month again.

However, when Qiankun once again announced the early wedding, the voice of rebellion also sounded again.

And this time the rebellion was more serious than the last time.

It can be said that it is out of control.

Because this time, not only the female clan rebelled, but many people in the male clan also started to rebel.

The Ronin tribe has a total population of more than 30 million, and the current number of rebels has probably reached more than 10 million.

It is equivalent to saying that one-third of the people in the clan are against Qiankun.

This result was something that even Li Mei had not expected, let alone Qian Kun.

This riot, as if it had been planned in advance, completely broke out in an instant.

As the number of rebels increases, even the patriarch Qiankun can no longer withstand the pressure.

The voice of the rebels came from all over the clan.

Almost all the calls have the same meaning, resolutely resisting the leader from marrying a foreign woman.

Many people also gathered directly outside the palace.

They did nothing, no noise, no rebellion, no banners.

They just knelt down in rows outside the palace and went on a collective hunger strike.

Yes, they went on hunger strike and threatened death.

As long as Qiankun doesn't cancel the wedding, they won't eat for a day.

These are just ordinary people who cannot resist the pain of hunger.

But in order to threaten Qiankun, they did not care about life or death.

Even if it was windy and rainy, even if it was freezing cold, they would kneel and sit in front of the palace.

Some people have even been forced to fight to the death.

They collectively took poison and committed suicide in rows in front of the palace.

Of course, these people who have taken poison will be sent to the Witch Temple for treatment in time.

With the help of Po Li, who is able to rejuvenate, they can't die yet.

But after being rescued, they will come back and continue to seek death.

They just want to use this method of self-mutilation to make Qiankun, the leader, never feel at ease.

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