Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 123 Holy Lord [Please recommend]

When the twenty-four holy envoys, following the majestic voice, appeared on the stage.

Finally, an unprecedented great man appeared on the high platform.

In the air nearly two meters above the ground of the high platform, a wave suddenly occurred.

Just like the surface of the water blocked a layer of ripples, overlapping and adding fuel to the waves, shaking all the Japanese people in the audience.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

Suddenly, a black singularity appeared in the air, and then with the black singularity as the center, the air began to rotate, and the surrounding space began to distort and deform.

The harsh whirring sound produced was like the sound made when shaking the diabolo.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

In an instant, a golden figure appeared on the high platform for no reason.

It was a majestic figure wearing an airtight high-rise cloak.

The whole person was completely wrapped in the golden shining coat.

His shoulders were raised, and his shoulder armor was like flying wings, looking like a golden bell.

He wore a golden mask on his head, and there were no holes for eyes, ears, mouth, and nose on the mask.

"Greetings to the Holy Lord!"

When the mysterious "Golden Bell Man" appeared, the twenty-four Holy Envoys and the four Hall Masters knelt down on one knee almost at the same time, not even daring to raise their heads.

Seeing the Hall Master and the Holy Envoy like this, the Building Masters and the Suns in the audience naturally did not dare to neglect it.

Everyone knelt down in unison as if they had practiced beforehand, lowered their heads silently, and then shouted in unison.

"Greetings to the Holy Lord."

The Holy Lord, this mysterious "Golden Bell Man", is the Holy Lord!

Until now, the Holy Lord has not revealed his true face. No one can see what kind of face is hidden under the golden amber mask.

Mysterious, too mysterious!

Zhuo Bufan thought he could see the Holy Lord with his own eyes.

Unexpectedly, this Saint Lord has been keeping his secrets in this way.

Under the golden bell-like robe, no one can even tell whether it is a man or a woman.

The appearance of the Saint Lord makes the underground palace shine with golden light. But at the same time, it also brings terrible energy. Everyone can clearly feel that they are under great pressure on their shoulders.

That kind of pressure makes them feel painful to kneel down, and only prostrating can relieve the oppression.

Everyone feels that their breathing has accelerated a lot, and their blood is surging like a big wave.

This is the Saint Lord of the Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers, a mysterious and powerful existence. He is the strongest person Zhuo Bufan has ever seen.

Zhuo Bufan can feel that the Saint Lord on the stage is far superior to the Light Lord of the Talisman Temple.

He now believes that this Saint Lord is very likely the former Yu Zun.

Tearing apart the space and crossing the void. All kinds of great abilities and magical powers can only be done by this mysterious Saint Lord.

The Saint Lord descended amidst the long calls. For a moment, everyone knelt on the ground, not daring to move. Even the sound of breathing weakened a lot.

At this time, the Holy Lord spoke.

"After the annual meeting, Shanhe will be disbanded. This annual meeting, this Saint, will give you a chance."

These words rang in the air of the underground palace, as if they were not said by the Holy Lord.

But there is no doubt that in the entire underground palace, the only one who dared to speak now was the Holy Lord.

But the words of the Holy Lord were like the collapse of the sky and the crack of the earth, which made everyone in the underground palace change their spirits and forms.

After the annual meeting, Shanhe will be disbanded!

After the annual meeting, Shanhe will be disbanded!

These short eight words exploded in everyone's mind. Feeling extremely shocked.

Four Seasons Shanhe, is going to be disbanded?

This is a big deal!

Obviously, this news came too shocking and surprising, let alone ordinary Risheng and Louzhu. Even the Four Seasons Hall Master and the Twenty-Four Saint Envoys did not expect it.

"Taisui, why so suddenly?"

Among the twenty-four holy envoys, a middle-aged man who was slightly older and more experienced looked up and said.

He wore a brown vest and black shorts, with a straw hat hanging behind his neck, and looked like an ordinary fisherman.

Zhuo Bufan calculated his ranking and determined that he was the envoy of the solar term in Dongyue, which was November, Dongzhi!

The Holy Lord stood in place, without wavering, and answered Dongzhi's words coldly.

"Fenghe, how many years have you followed this holy envoy?"

Dongzhi, the middle-aged man also called Fenghe answered.

"To Taisui, including this year, Fenghe has followed you for 158 years."

When the audience heard this, they were secretly shocked.

"One hundred and fifty-eight years, doesn't that mean he has followed this holy lord before the establishment of Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers?"

Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers was established a hundred years ago, and Dongzhi has been with the Holy Lord for 158 years.

The friendship between them is naturally not something that Zhuo Bufan, who has been in Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers for less than half a year, can understand.

After hearing this, the Holy Lord was silent for a moment, and then slowly spoke.

"How old are you this year?"

The Holy Lord's voice echoed in the underground palace, making people tremble.

After hearing this, Feng He continued to answer.

"Replying to the Holy Lord, this year is 382 years and 7 months."

After hearing this, everyone was secretly shocked again.

382 years, this Winter Solstice Holy Envoy actually lived for 382 years.

"You are in the Jindan realm, and your life span is 500 years! But you have wasted more than 100 years playing games with this Saint, and now you have lived more than half of it. This Saint will give you a chance. Whether you can reach the state of not leaking the Jindan depends on your own luck. Go!"

This time, the Saint Lord did not wait for Feng He to speak.

Suddenly, he cast a spell in mid-air, and a golden hand tore through the space in the void, stretched out, and pulled Feng He's soul out of his body.

Then he pulled it directly into the void. The next second, the torn void closed instantly, as if nothing had happened, and Feng He's body was still kneeling, motionless.

Zhuo Bufan and others who saw this scene were all shocked.

"And you, you are the pillars of my Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers, but the mountains and rivers are broken, and the wind blows the dust. My Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers, the fate has come to an end."

"Before it disappears, this saint will give you a chance."

"In a few days, the world will change, you will go to that world first and open up your own future!"

After the Holy Lord finished speaking, the whole underground palace suddenly trembled. Then, a huge space vortex suddenly appeared above the underground palace.

Everyone present, including the owner of the building, the hall master, and even the Holy Envoy.

The souls of all people began to be slowly pulled out of their bodies by the vortex.


There were shouts one after another around. After all, the souls were forcibly pulled out, and many people's bodies developed a self-protection mechanism and began to resist the stripping of the souls by that force.

However, the more the souls were stripped, the more painful it was.

"What's going on?" Zhuo Bufan looked at everything happening around him in shock.

On the high platform, the souls of all the Holy Envoys had been stripped and sent into the void. They did not resist the Lord's actions, so they did not feel any pain.

Everyone's soul was taken away, except Zhuo Bufan, who looked at everything happening around him blankly.

"What's going on?"

Zhuo Bufan looked around and saw the last wisp of soul being stripped from the body of a Japanese, and then swallowed by the black vortex above his head.


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