Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 124 Emperor Xuan [Please recommend]

Zhuo Bufan watched as the soul of the last Risheng was swallowed by the dark whirlpool.

But he was completely unmoved, and his soul was not violated in the slightest.

He slowly stood up from the ground, and then looked at the Holy Lord on the high platform.

Zhuo Bufan widened his eyes and stared at the Holy Lord closely.

He had no idea what was going on. Why is this mysterious Holy Lord suddenly devouring everyone's souls?

The mountains and rivers that were flourishing all year round suddenly ran out of steam.

Zhuo Bufan was a little confused when he arrived. He looked at the Holy Lord on the high platform and wanted to say something, but he didn't dare to say it. I wanted to ask, but I didn’t dare.

For a time, there was deathly silence in the underground palace.

Zhuo Bufan stood in the audience, while Tai Sui stood on the stage. The two sides just looked at each other face to face.

Zhuo Bufan could feel that the eyes under the mask must be looking at him in the same way.

After nearly three minutes, Zhuo Bufan finally couldn't help himself and asked.

"Holy Lord, I'm very confused, can you help me clarify my confusion?"

Zhuo Bufan plucked up the courage and took the initiative to ask the Holy Lord. However, the other party remained silent.

After another two minutes, the Holy Master suddenly spoke.

"The place I am sending you to is called Yunmeng Realm. It is a world that can only be visited by the soul."

"This world was destroyed 180,000 years ago. After the destruction, it turned into 108 Yunmeng Pearls, scattered in various places in our world."


Zhuo Bufan was secretly shocked. He didn't expect Xiaomei's Yunmeng Pearl to be a fragment of the world.

No wonder, no wonder Sister Mo Qiu did not hesitate to fight in order to get Yunmeng Pearl.

"In order to find these one hundred and eight Yunmeng Pearls, I spent all my luck in the mountains and rivers of the Four Seasons."

"Today, the Yunmeng Realm is reopened, and the mountains and rivers of the four seasons will collapse and disappear."

After Zhuo Bufan heard this, he was extremely shocked.

He did not expect that the Holy Master would consume all the luck of the Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers in order to find all 108 Yunmeng Pearls.

No wonder it would say that the four seasons, mountains and rivers have exhausted its energy, because this energy was consumed by the Holy Lord himself.

"Why? Sacrifice the Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers just to reopen the Yunmeng Realm?"

Zhuo Bufan asked very puzzledly. He didn't know whether the Holy Master would give him an answer, so he just wanted to ask why.

"Because, Emperor Xuan!"

As soon as he said this, Zhuo Bufan's heart clicked and trembled.

Emperor Xuan, this name is so familiar to Zhuo Bufan.

Wasn't the Nine Revolutions of Life and Death Art practiced by Zhuo Bufan created by Emperor Xuan?

Who is this Emperor Xuan? Emperor Xuan is a more mysterious figure than the Holy Lord in front of him. Will his mysterious veil be unveiled soon?

"The Yunmeng Realm was destroyed 180,000 years ago when Emperor Xuan ascended."

"At the same time, Emperor Xuan set up the rules of 'Jedi Heavenly Power'. From then on, there will be no more ascendants in the world."

"Xuan Emperor has cut off the opportunity for me to ascend in the world of immortality for 180,000 years. Countless real people have died with hatred, and their resentment towards Xuan Emperor has echoed between heaven and earth for thousands of years."

"And I want to restart the path to ascension and break the Jedi Heavenly Power."

The Holy Lord's words made Zhuo Bufan speechless. He didn't know how to answer or how to ask.

Zhuo Bufan never expected that Emperor Xuan's reputation in this world would be so bad.

It was him who destroyed the Yunmeng Realm and prevented all the souls in the world from finding a home.

It was he who set up the Jedi Heavenly Power to make it impossible for this world to ascend to the fairyland.

It was he who cut off the opportunity for ascension in the world of immortality for 180,000 years, and no one has ever ascended since then.

Emperor Xuan actually did something so outrageous and resentful that Zhuo Bufan, the heir to Emperor Xuan's technique, couldn't cope with himself.

"Damn it, who is this big brother Xuan Emperor? He can actually formulate the rules of heaven and earth and prevent future generations from ascending. Is he trying to defy heaven?"

"Damn it, there won't be any problems with the Nine Revolutions of Life and Death Art that I practice, right?"

This Emperor Xuan was such a trap, Zhuo Bufan suddenly had a bad feeling. Could the Nine Revolutions of Life and Death Art he practiced also be a trap?

Emperor Xuan was able to cut off the path to ascension for future generations, so what he left behind might also have a conspiracy behind it?

"As the successor of Emperor Xuan, you need to know these things."

Just when Zhuo Bufan regretted practicing the Nine Revolutions of Life and Death, suddenly the Holy Lord's words made Zhuo Bufan freeze to the ground.

"No way, your identity has been discovered?" Zhuo Bufan was horrified.

The Holy Master was able to say these words because he obviously already knew that Zhuo Bufan had practiced the Nine Revolutions of Life and Death.

"Did you deliberately keep me here to silence someone?"

"Damn it, if I am killed and silenced, is there any point in reading the file? When my life card appeared in the main hall of the Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers Palace of Life, I must have been well known by this Holy Lord!"

"No matter which archive I read, it's useless."

"By the way, there is also the first archive, the one in the Mass Grave. Fortunately, I saved one. If it crashes this time, it seems that I can only read that archive."

"But, have my third-level soul, my second-level death skill, and my honorable position all disappeared like this?"

When he thought that he might be doomed this time and could only read the first archive, Zhuo Bufan panicked.

He worked hard for more than half a year and died more than twenty times before finally gaining the honorable position.

If everything starts from the beginning, Zhuo Bufan doesn't know if he will have such opportunities and luck.

If everything starts from the beginning, Xiaomei, Chu Mubai, Chu Jian, Duan Xinghe, Xiao Chenglang, Zhou Yu, Mo Qiu, Su Hong, Lan Miaoren, Huang Haotian, Tie Yunhe, etc.!

Can these people get to know each other again?

Even if they can get to know each other again, can they still be friends?

When Zhuo Bufan thought of this, he panicked. If the experience of the past six months is a dream bubble in the end...

"No, no!"

Zhuo Bufan didn't dare to imagine it anymore!

He looked up at the Holy Lord again, his eyes full of regret.

Just when Zhuo Bufan showed regret and confusion, the Holy Lord suddenly spoke.

"The Emperor Xuan is the Emperor Xuan, and you are you. You are the Sun of my Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers. You practiced the Emperor Xuan's skills. Maybe one day, you will know why the Emperor Xuan set up the rule of 'Jedi Tiantong' to imprison all the real people in this world."

"Go to Yunmeng Realm, little boy, grow up quickly!"

To Zhuo Bufan's surprise, the Holy Lord did not do anything to him.

He just performed a ritual in the air and opened the dark vortex again.

A golden hand stretched out from the dark vortex and grabbed Zhuo Bufan's soul.

"Go, this saint is here to protect you and wait for you to return."

As soon as the Holy Lord finished speaking, Zhuo Bufan felt that the golden hand ruthlessly tore his soul out of his body, and then grabbed his soul into the dark vortex.

"Damn it, save it, save it!"

Zhuo Bufan didn't know if Yunmeng Realm could save it, so he could only save it in time at the last moment when his soul left his body.

Now the three archive gates are: Four Seasons Underground Palace II, Four Seasons Underground Palace, Mass Graveyard!

Emperor Xuan's pit is out! Please recommend, collect, reward, and click.

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