Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 125 Yunmeng Realm [Please recommend]

Zhuo Bufan's soul was pulled into the dark vortex.

In an instant, there were fleeting lights and shadows in front of him, and the wind and clouds changed.

The sun, the moon, the stars, the birds and beasts, the flowers, birds, fish and insects...

The universe is all-encompassing, and Zhuo Bufan seemed to be in a big world.

Then, he felt his soul being torn by an irresistible force.

Strand by strand, it was swallowed up continuously.



The wind was hot, like a knife cutting, like a fire spray.

The air was dry, like poison, like dust, suffocating and uncomfortable.

Here, there are rivers flowing with venom.

Here, there are volcanoes erupting everywhere.

The rain here may corrode everything.

The thunder here may also ravage the earth wildly.

Here, the smallest snake is a python, and the smallest bird is a falcon.

A hill may be a monster turtle. A vast ocean may just be a pool of water monsters.

The saber-toothed tiger devoured a two-headed wild wolf one moment, and the next moment it will become the food of a hill rat.

A hundred-mile forest, lush and green. The next second, a sky-covering roc flew over the sky, and the forest was like a grassland, instantly destroyed and turned into mud.

A thousand-meter peak, towering into the clouds. The next second, a group of ground-trampling demon bulls rushed over from the far side of the earth, unstoppable, breaking it in half and razing it to the ground.

This is a wild land, and survival is the only rule here.

God will not help you, but will make things worse when you are in trouble.

The sky was cloudless one moment, and the endless sea of ​​thunder the next.

The heavy rain cannot be described as pouring, it is completely pouring the sea.

Once it falls, the flood overflows and sweeps everything.

Here, even an ant can easily take a person's life.

This is the Yunmeng Realm, a terrible and opportunity-filled world of spirits.

Here, there are all the opportunities you can think of.

But at the same time, there are also disasters that you can't imagine.

Life and death are always together, life is at stake, and dignity is gone. Sometimes, being alive is a kind of happiness.

If you believe that there is hell in the world, then this is the real hell on earth.

There are stars in the sky, dragons and snakes on the earth, and countless giant beasts walking between the clouds.

On a desolate hill, there is a huge round stone platform.

Suddenly, a lightning crackled in the sky, falling from the sky and piercing down.


Suddenly, a figure appeared on the huge round stone platform.

Zhuo Bufan's soul, after being unraveled, reassembled and appeared on the round stone platform.

Feeling the burning and spicy from the soul, he silently opened his eyes and looked around.

"Is this Yunmeng Realm?"

Zhuo Bufan looked around, and there was no one. But at the end of the plain not far away, he saw a slowly moving mountain range.

Boom boom boom boom...

The huge mountain range, like a dragon lying on the ground, slowly moved towards the distant distance.

This world is crazy, barbaric, and primitive, even more shocking than the world of immortal cultivation.

A giant elephant with nine long trunks walked across the vast ocean like a mountain. Every step it took, the sea was a storm.

A giant bird flew across the sky, its bloody mouth like a sharp knife, shuttling between the mountains, countless mountains were pierced and collapsed.

"Is this the opportunity that the Holy Lord mentioned?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at everything in front of him blankly, and he just wanted to shout in his heart: "What a pitfall!"

"Such a dangerous and terrifying place, why is it called Yunmeng Realm, it would be better to change it to Shura Realm."

After Zhuo Bufan shouted, he stopped.

"Let's take a look at the archive first."

Zhuo Bufan closed his eyes and saw the three archive doors, making sure that the three archives on the door had not disappeared.

"Try to save one."

This was his first time in Yunmeng Realm, and he didn't know if this world allowed him to save. So Zhuo Bufan needed to give it a try.


Zhuo Bufan overwrote the save file of the second save door, and the save door showed "Mountain Moving Plain".

"Very good, this world can be saved."

Zhuo Bufan was relieved when he saw that the save was successful.

Being able to save means being able to read the save file!

The three save doors at the moment are: Four Seasons Underground Palace II, Mountain Moving Plain, and Mass Grave.

"This plain is called Mountain Moving Plain? How does this save door know?" Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment, but he didn't dwell on this issue.

At least the save door was not written wrong, and this is indeed a Mountain Moving Plain. There were a few high mountains at the end of the plain just now, but now they have all moved.

It's weird, it's really too weird.

A mountain weighing tens of billions of tons actually crawled away like a giant turtle!

"There is no problem with the save file, so what other questions are there? How big is this world, and where are those people who came before? Where are the opportunities, and what kind of opportunities are they?"

The Holy Lord said that he would give everyone an opportunity before the Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers were disbanded, and then threw everyone into this world.

Obviously, the opportunity mentioned by the Holy Lord is in this world.

This is a world that existed nearly 200,000 years ago in ancient times, which means that all these ancient cultivators may have stayed in this world. Maybe Emperor Xuan is also here.

Will the ancient masters leave any inheritance here? Will the treasures of the ancient times remain until now?

All kinds of speculations came to him.

And Zhuo Bufan was excited.

"Xiaomei, come out!"

Zhuo Bufan called out, but the plum blossom mark on his hand did not respond at all.

Zhuo Bufan frowned, thought for a moment, and then said: "So that's it. I am in a state of spirit now. Not only can I not summon Xiaomei, but I can't even use things like the ring."

After reacting, Zhuo Bufan emptied his mind and began to focus on the opportunities in this world.

"Let's find the others first!"

Zhuo Bufan said, took a step, and prepared to walk down the hill.

However, as soon as he took his right foot, suddenly, a fierce scream came from the sky.

The scream was extremely terrifying, like the scream of a resentful woman and a dead baby turning over at the same time.

Zhuo Bufan looked up and saw three fierce birds with wings spread out, more than 20 meters long, swooping down towards him.

They had big and ferocious duck-like beaks, full of sharp teeth, and after opening their big mouths, there were still a mouthful of sharp teeth in their throats.

They looked extremely scary!


Zhuo Bufan's scalp tingled just by seeing the embarrassing and terrifying appearance of those guys, and he ran away without even thinking about it.

As he ran, he found that his body was extremely light, and he took a step several meters away.

It was like walking in space, as light as a swallow.

"I can fly!"

This thought flashed through Zhuo Bufan's mind, and the next second he jumped up suddenly, and his whole body flew up.

He stepped on the flowing wind, flew thousands of meters away.

His speed was exactly the same as that of the fierce bird, and even faster.

"What a rip-off! You guys are so big that I can't even fill your teeth. Why are you chasing me?"

The three fierce birds chased after him relentlessly, leaving Zhuo Bufan confused.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was at his wit's end, he saw a barren mountain.

This barren mountain had no vegetation and was completely piled up by the chaotic world.

In front of the barren mountain, there stood a hundred-meter-high boulder with the words written on it.

"Fang Cun Lingshan!"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment, but didn't care and rushed into the barren mountain.

Just as his feet stepped into the territory created by the giant stone tablet, at that moment, he felt like he had crossed a mysterious barrier.

Looking back, he suddenly found that the three beasts flapped their wings and stopped outside the stone tablet in time, roaring at Zhuo Bufan inside.

"Don't dare to come in?"

Zhuo Bufan smiled coldly: "Then I won't go out."


There was no map change, just a small copy!

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