Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 126 Seal the True Name [Please recommend]

After Zhuo Bufan got behind the stone tablet on the barren mountain, he escaped the pursuit of the three beasts.

However, this also made him very likely to enter another desperate place.

Even the three vicious beasts did not dare to enter the barren mountain. It is conceivable that there must be something in the barren mountain that made them afraid.


Zhuo Bufan overwrote the second save again, and the name of the save gate changed from "Mountain Moving Plain" to "Spiritual Mountain in the Square Inch".

Zhuo Bufan no longer paid attention to the three beasts screaming outside the stone tablet, but turned around and looked at the barren mountain behind him.

This barren mountain is completely made of stones. There is no trace of any grass or trees growing on it.

The mountain is very high and piled up in the shape of a pagoda. After getting closer, Zhuo Bufan was shocked to find that a strange energy seemed to attract him in the barren mountain.

He is now in a state of spirit. What power can attract his spirit?

When Zhuo Bufan walked to the foot of the mountain, he suddenly realized.

"Amazing, every stone on this mountain is engraved with a spell that I have never seen before."

In front of Zhuo Bufan, there are densely packed uneven spell stones.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan remembered the amber wall of the Light Talisman Temple he had seen before.

That amber wall is inlaid with thousands of amber stones of spells. It is similar to the mountain of spell stones in front of him.

"This mountain is a huge spell mountain! What kind of spell is it?"

Zhuo Bufan, who has a certain understanding of the spells in this world, naturally understands that this spell mountain is of extraordinary significance.

He walked around the spell mountain for nearly half an hour, but did not find anything special, nor did he find any mysterious cave entrance.

Interestingly, the three fierce birds did not leave. They stared at Zhuo Bufan. When Zhuo Bufan moved, they followed him, but they did not dare to cross the boundary of the stone tablet.

The three beasts stared at Zhuo Bufan so tightly that he had no chance to escape.

Since he couldn't escape, Zhuo Bufan didn't plan to run away.

He simply observed the Talisman Mountain carefully again, and this time he climbed to the top of the mountain.

When Zhuo Bufan arrived at the top of the mountain, he was surprised to find that there was a mysterious relic on the top of this barren mountain.

There was a huge open space on the top of the mountain, with some broken walls and traces of foundations on the ground.

"Was there a magnificent building here, and then it was destroyed?"

"Fangcun Lingshan, it sounds like the name of an ancient and mysterious sect."

After seeing the huge open space in front of him, Zhuo Bufan remembered the four big characters engraved on the boulder at the foot of the mountain.

In his mind, a magnificent palace complex was constructed, located on the top of the mountain in front of him.

Once, right in front of him, there was a prosperous mountain gate.

But overnight, it was all destroyed. Only a ruins were left in front of him.

Zhuo Bufan walked slowly into the ruins and found a stone tablet that stood upright, covered with a layer of sand. Blowing away the sand covering the stone tablet, ancient words were written on it.

After Zhuo Bufan came to this world, in addition to the three archive doors in his mind, there were many other memories, such as some words and languages ​​in this world.

Among them, there were also some memories of ancient words.

On this stone tablet, it was written: Altar without an owner, please make the decision!

Seeing this string of words, Zhuo Bufan suddenly felt puzzled.

"What the hell, it still needs to recognize the owner?"

That being said, Zhuo Bufan still looked at an altar behind the stone tablet.

It was a white altar, in a stepped style, with a total of nine levels. The top floor was a circular area just big enough for one person to sit, about one or two square meters.

"Try it, if it's a pit, the worst case is to reload the file and start over."

Now Zhuo Bufan has a feeling of crossing the river by feeling the stones. He believed that other people, like him, came to this strange world and were completely groping in the dark, unable to figure out the direction.

However, Zhuo Bufan's only advantage was that he had the ability to read the game. Others were groping in the dark, while he could rush around in the dark like a mad bull, and it didn't matter if he broke his head.

Thinking of this, Zhuo Bufan was determined and stretched out his hand to put it on the stone tablet.

For a moment, the soul and the stone tablet had some kind of communication.

"Are you willing to become the master of this altar?"

The stone tablet actually started a dialogue with Zhuo Bufan's soul.

Zhuo Bufan agreed and said, "I am willing."

"Engrave your soul on this monument."

"From now on, you will be the master of this soul altar."

"All awakeners who enter the area covered by the soul altar will be forced to contribute ten points of soul power to you, and they will be protected and blessed by the soul altar."

"All those who awaken on the altar will be forced to join your camp and contribute 10% of their soul power every day, and your disciples will be blessed by the soul altar."

"All those who trade on the altar will be forced to collect 30% of their soul power and can obtain the right to trade and exchange soul treasures.

"All those who teleport on the altar will be forced to contribute 100 points of soul power to you and can be teleported to any location of the soul altar."

"All those who leave the altar will be forced to contribute 200 points of soul power to you and can leave the Yunmeng world safely."

"All those who practice on the altar will be forced to contribute 1,000 points of soul power to you, which can be converted into soul power to improve their soul cultivation."


When Zhuo Bufan heard the soul tablet say these terms and conditions in a very calm manner.

He went crazy!

"Oh my god, no way, I seem to have found something incredible."

While Zhuo Bufan was excited, his soul had already been engraved, and he only heard the soul tablet reply: "The recognition of the master is successful, please name your camp."

"Name the camp?" Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment.

What should I name?

He thought for a while, rolled his eyes, and finally replied.

"Seal the true name! The name of the camp is called, seal the true name."

As soon as Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, the soul tablet replied: "The camp is confirmed, seal the true name."

At the same time, the stone tablet under the barren mountain suddenly shot up into the sky with a ray of light.

On the hundred-meter-high stone tablet, the original four characters "Fang Cun Lingtai" actually began to change into the four characters "Seal the True Name".

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan smiled excitedly.

"Hahaha, so that's how it is. It turns out that this 'Square Inch Spirit Platform' was once someone's camp. Although I don't know what happened, it seems that I have gained a huge benefit."

The Four Seasons Mountain and River Saint Lord used up all the luck of the Four Seasons Mountain and River to restart the Yunmeng World, and also gave all his disciples a good fortune and an opportunity.

Zhuo Bufan now seems to have understood what the opportunity the Saint Lord mentioned is.

This is a great opportunity!

A little stuck, sorry, two updates today. It will be on the shelves the day after tomorrow, and I have to prepare for the outbreak. I have to sort out the outline. Ensure that the ideas are clear.

Regarding the Yunmeng World, it is a very interesting world, and it is also a world where the protagonist is thriving and playing with various big guys.

As for why the Saint Lord gave the protagonist an opportunity, I said that the Saint Lord is a woman and fell in love with the protagonist. Do you believe it?

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