Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 127 Soul Codex [Please recommend]

“Empty, empty, empty…”

A thunderous sound came from the sky, as if the sky cleared its throat and was about to speak.

“Announcement, the first camp of Yunmeng Realm ‘Seal True Name’ has been established, and a special reward of 100,000 soul power points is given for the basic construction of the camp.”

“Award ‘Insatiable’ blessing, all disciples under this camp will increase their soul power by 30% from hunting and tasks.”

“Award ‘Glory of Death’ blessing, all disciples under this camp will have their souls damaged by half after death.”

“Award ‘Pure Yang Protection’ blessing, all disciples under this camp will have their souls protected to a certain extent.”

The sound of the announcement spread throughout the Yunmeng Realm.

All the disciples of Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers who were at a loss in the Yunmeng Realm looked up at the sky.

"Who? Who's talking?"

"The first camp in Yunmeng Realm, 'Seal the True Name', what does this mean?"

"How do we establish a camp? And what do these strange rewards and blessings mean?"

Facing the announcement from the sky, everyone seemed a little confused.

August 7th, the man with a cunning face, was stunned when he suddenly heard the announcement from the sky.

He couldn't help but set his pace, but he forgot that there was a huge black python with six wings chasing him behind him.

Hiss hiss hiss!

The six-winged flying python was huge, 20 to 30 meters long, with six huge flesh wings around its body, soaring in the air like a blue dragon.

It chased August 7th all the way, and suddenly saw August 7th stop. The six-winged flying python opened its bloody mouth and swooped down.

When August 7th came to his senses, he saw a huge mouth like an abyss that was bigger than him, swallowing him in one bite.

August 7th didn't even have time to scream, and his soul was gone.

Less than a thousand meters in front of him, there was a bare mountain. Under the mountain stood a hundred-meter-high stone tablet with the words "Linlang Xianzong" written on it.


"Don't eat me, don't eat me!"

In the Four Seasons Underground Palace, August 7th suddenly got up from the ground like a lunatic, shouting and waving his claws.

When he came to his senses, he found that he was no longer in Yunmeng Realm. What he saw was a group of Risheng sitting on the ground motionless like sculptures.

In addition to him, several Risheng had been eliminated in advance and returned to this world.

However, all of them had a common discovery that their souls were quite weak and almost dying.

They sat on the ground weakly, looking at the motionless Saint Lord on the high platform in confusion. They were also unfortunate people who were eliminated when they arrived at Yunmeng Realm.

"What's going on? I'm not dead!"

August 7th thought that his soul was swallowed by the six-winged flying python and he would definitely die.

Unexpectedly, he was only eliminated from Yunmeng Realm, and he was still alive.

It's just that the soul has suffered a huge trauma, and the soul cultivation seems to have declined. Don't think about recovering in one or two months.

August 7th knelt on the ground in a daze, looking at the Holy Lord on the high platform, and then kowtowed and asked.

"Holy Lord, didn't you say you would give me an opportunity? Why did my soul fall instead?"

August 7th couldn't figure it out. This is not an opportunity, it's simply a punishment.

After hearing this, the Holy Lord replied.

"Opportunities and dangers go hand in hand. Since you have been eliminated, it means you don't deserve this opportunity."

"Four Seasons Mountain and River has been disbanded. Now, you can choose to leave or stay."

After hearing this, August 7th was silent for a moment, and then replied.

"Holy Lord, I am unwilling. Can I still go back to that world?"

August 7th was indignant. Why couldn't he get this opportunity?

After hearing this, the Holy Lord replied.

"The Yunmeng Realm has been restarted. When your soul recovers, you can go in at any time."

After the Yunmeng Realm is restarted, people in the entire Xiuxian world will slowly discover that their souls can lead to another world.

Open up a new cultivation channel.

The disciples of Four Seasons Mountain and River are just the first group of people to enter the Yunmeng Realm.

The so-called first come first served, this is the opportunity given by the Holy Lord to the disciples of the sect.

Since it is an opportunity, it can only be obtained by the capable.

After hearing this, August 7th punched the ground unwillingly, then he sat cross-legged and said.

"I want to stay and see who can get this opportunity."

Before being eliminated, August 7th heard the announcement of the Yunmeng Realm, and it was obvious that someone got this opportunity.

Seeing August 7th sitting cross-legged and began to practice the soul divination to restore his soul, the Holy Lord did not say anything more.


At this moment, the Yunmeng Realm has exploded!

"Did someone get this great opportunity?"

"It seems that someone got it first."

Mo Qiu and Su Hong were together, looking up at the sky. They are indeed unfathomable in the cultivation world, and they are powerful golden elixir masters.

However, in the Yunmeng Realm, they are just crossing the river by feeling the stones, and some of them can't find the direction.

"Who do you think founded the 'Seal True Name' camp?"

Su Hong looked at Mo Qiu. Mo Qiu smiled, enchanted Su Hong's beautiful face, and then said.

"I may know, but I won't tell you."


Su Hong rolled her eyes at Mo Qiu, and the two continued to walk side by side.


At this time, Zhuo Bufan also looked at the sky with a confused face, and then asked the soul monument, saying.

"There is also a world report? This world is amazing."

Facing the world report from the sky, Zhuo Bufan was very happy.

"What should I do next? Are there any hints?"

Zhuo Bufan has already treated this world as a game. Unexpectedly, the soul monument actually responded.

"Please stand on the soul altar, awaken the soul canon, and become an awakened soul cultivator."

"Stand on the soul altar, awaken the soul canon, and become an awakened soul cultivator?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment, and he stood on the soul altar without knowing why!

The next second, the soul altar under his feet actually turned. It was a nine-layer soul altar like a cake tower, and each layer rotated clockwise at a different speed.

Buzz buzz buzz!

For a moment, the heaven and earth resonated, and a huge beam of white light fell from the sky and landed on the soul altar where Zhuo Bufan was.

Immediately afterwards, wisps of black and white light floated out from Zhuo Bufan's body.

The light gathered in front of Zhuo Bufan, condensing into a book of black and white intertwined and fused.

It was a thick book, with a Tai Chi pattern in the center of the cover, but without the two black and white eyes of the Yin-Yang fish.

When the light faded, the book floated in front of Zhuo Bufan. Zhuo Bufan could feel that the book was connected to his soul, as if he was the book, and the book was himself.

"Is this the Soul Codex?"


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