Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1233 The End is Coming

There are less than two days left before the wedding of Qiankun, the leader of the Ronin tribe, and Meng Chanyi.

Zhuo Bufan is on his way here.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan was by no means the only one rushing to Ronin Star.

In addition to Zhuo Bufan, there are also a group of uninvited guests.

Originally, he planned to go to Ronin Star alone to save Li Mei from the beginning, but he summoned Mo Chichi from the Heaven of Chi on the way.

But Mo ChiChi took the first step halfway.

And just as Mo Chichi left, the proud Tian Ba ​​Tu, the angry Tian Xu Kuang, and the hateful Tian Ao came!

The three incarnations of Da Luotian caught up with Chaos.

When the three of them searched to no avail and could not find the whereabouts of Zhuo Bufan, they decided to follow Hun Chao to rescue Li Mei first.

Moreover, the three of them offended Mo Chichi and went to Ronin Planet.

Mo Chichi was previously ordered to track down the suspicious king Ce and Zhuo Bufan. Obviously she should have clues about Zhuo Bufan.

This is also the reason why the Three Lords of Pride, Anger, and Hate came specifically to chase Hun Chaos.

In this regard, Huan Chao did not refuse. After all, with one more person to help, there is more confidence.

And since Mo ChiChi left, Hun Chao has not received any more messages from Mo Chi Chi and Li Mei.

He was worried that something would happen to Mo Chichi and Li Mei, so he was very happy for the three deities to join them.

Moreover, they also accelerated their speed and were less than two days away from Ronin.

This time, the seven heavenly incarnations, except Wang Ce, were thrown to nowhere by the cracks in time and space.

The remaining six will soon gather on Ronin Planet.

This may be an unprecedented disaster for Ronin.

After all, the three deities of pride, anger, and hatred are all ruthless people.

They will not be moved by anything. In their eyes, there is only killing.

This time when they go to Ronin Planet, they will not negotiate with the Ronin tribe at all.

As the pride of Heaven, the pride of Heaven, how could he bow to the enemy?

He would completely disregard Li Mei's life and death and directly destroy the Ronin Star.

This is the purpose of Ao Zhitian's trip.

Qiankun doesn't know yet, what a terrible catastrophe they, the Ronin tribe, are about to face.

Now he is just concentrating on preparing for his wedding with Meng Chanyi.

Two days passed in a blink of an eye.

In the past two days, Qiankun had stayed up all night, and his inner uneasiness became more and more serious.

Of course, this uneasiness disappeared in an instant until the wedding day arrived.

Finally, the appointed time arrived.

Although the entire Ronin clan would not sincerely bless the wedding of Qiankun and Mengchanyi.

But for Qiankun's sake, many people still came.

This wedding was held at the Witch Temple, and Li Po willingly gave up the front yard of the Witch Temple as the wedding venue.

And as the master of ceremonies, he will bless Qiankun and Mengchanyi.

However, Keira did not come, but stayed in the Palace of Discipline in the backyard of the Witch Temple to clean up.

She has decided to stay in the Witch Temple, and like Li Po, will grow old alone and never marry.

Qiankun knows that he can't help Keira, but he can only choose between Keira and Meng Chanyi.

He couldn't be ashamed of his sincerity. His sincerity told him that he could only choose Meng Chanyi.

On the wedding day, the most interesting scene was none other than Luizhi Tianlimei dressing up Meng Chanyi.

Even Mo Chichi on the side was a little shocked.

She would never have imagined that Li Mei would dress up Meng Chanyi one day.

She obviously hates Meng Chanyi deeply.

But now, she is like a younger sister dressing her elder sister, and she is still a little reluctant to leave.

"It's really strange! Chichi, do you think I have fallen?"

Li Mei obviously didn't even know why she did this.

Dressing up Meng Chanyi, would this be something she, the person who hates Meng Chanyi the most in the world, would do?

"That's why I say you have changed."

Mo looked at Li Mei with a silly smile.

Although Li Mei was puzzled, she didn't ask any more questions.

At this moment, Meng Chanyi suddenly turned her head and looked at Li Mei behind her.

"Li Mei, can you tell me, what is marriage? And should I marry Qiankun?"

Meng Chanyi suddenly asked.

Li Mei was stunned for a moment. Faced with Meng Chanyi's words, she didn't know how to reply.

After all, the current Meng Chanyi may only have the intelligence of a three-year-old child.

She didn't even know what marriage meant.

It can be said that from beginning to end, she was kept hidden by Qiankun.

Facing an idiot whose intelligence is less than three years old, this may be the reason why Li Mei cannot hate Meng Chanyi.

Li Mei looked at Chu Chu's poor Meng Chanyi and felt soft inside and said.

"Marriage means two people living together in the future."

"Are you willing to care about Qiankun from now on?"

Li Mei explained.

After hearing this, Meng Chanyi shook her head unexpectedly.

"I don't want to stay here. I want to go back to Mazu Mountain and be with Master and my junior sisters."

"Qiankun told me that as long as I marry him, he will send me home."

"But I feel like he's lying to me."

After hearing Meng Chanyi's words, Li Mei couldn't help but roll her eyes.

I thought to myself: "You are really a fool, no, not even worse than a fool."

"Any fool can see that Qiankun is lying to you."

However, Li Mei did not say it clearly, she just replied.

"If you marry Qiankun, as long as you want to go home, he will definitely take you home. Do you understand?"

"Is that so? But why do I feel so uneasy?"

Meng Chanyi looked a little pitiful when she looked at Li Mei and Mo Chi Chi.

At this time, Mo Chichi suddenly stepped forward and asked.

"That Qiankun treats you very well, why don't you want to be with him?"

"I heard that he gave up his position as patriarch for you, and was even willing to die for you."

"A man is so infatuated with you, what regrets do you have?"

Of course, Mo Chichi didn't want Meng Chanyi to regret it at this time.

So her words were actually a warning to Meng Chanyi.

Meng Chanyi didn't feel Mo Chichi's hostility, she just shook her head.

"I don't know, I just feel that I can't be with him."

"I always feel that I have forgotten the most important person. If I were with Qiankun, I would be sorry for him."

Meng Chanyi's words made Mo Chichi startled.

Of course Mo Chichi knew who the important person Meng Chanyi was talking about.

Isn't that the extraordinary Zhuo she longed for?

"No, we can't let her change her mind at this time."

Mo Chi Chi, who is in a state of love and infatuation, is selfish.

She obviously would not let Meng Chanyi regret it, nor would she let Meng Chanyi return to Zhuo Bufan.

She wanted to do her best to facilitate this wedding, so she said quickly.

"No, let me ask you, will you forget Emperor Wa?"

Mo Chichi asked.

Meng Chanyi shook her head.

"Then will you forget your junior sisters?" Mo Chichi asked again.

Meng Chanyi shook her head again.

"Are they the most important people to you?"

Meng Chanyi nodded.

"Of course, I will never forget them in my life."

Mo ChiChi heard what she wanted to hear, so she answered.

"That's right! Since he is the most important person, he will not be forgotten."

"Since you have forgotten that person, it means that he is not the most unforgettable person in your mind."

Mo Chichi was indeed a smart man, and Meng Chanyi was stunned by this theory.

Meng Chanyi suddenly felt that what Mo Chichi said made sense.

Since he is the most important person to him, how could he forget about him?

"You're right, if it's really important to me, then I shouldn't forget him."

Meng Chanyi was obviously tricked by Mo Chichi.

Li Mei, who was on the side, frowned after hearing Mo Chichi's words.

She didn't expect that Chichi would use this kind of language game to deceive Meng Chanyi.

Chichi had never bothered to use this kind of thing before.

Generally, those who do this kind of thing are the ones who fall into the trap of falling from heaven.

Now, the two seem to have been swapped.

Mo Chichi learned to deceive, but she actually learned to be tolerant.

"Chichi, has changed too."

Li Mei said in her heart, of course she didn't expose Mo Chichi's lies here.

After hearing this, Li Mei said with a smile.

"Okay, Chichi is right. Since you have forgotten, he is someone who is not worthy of your memory."

"It's okay to forget."

"You can be your bride in peace and contentment today."

"The wedding is about to begin. I promise you that after you and Qiankun are married, I will personally take you home."

Li Mei promised Meng Chanyi like this.

Strange to say, Li Mei was trying to bring Meng Chanyi and Qiankun together from beginning to end.

But in her heart, she clearly never forgets Qiankun, and even has love in her heart.

And instead of being jealous, she has been helping Qiankun fulfill his wish.

I have to say that Li Mei's feelings are also very strange.

"Really? As long as I marry Qiankun, you can take me home?"

Meng Chanyi grabbed Li Mei's hand and said.

After hearing this, Li Mei promised.

"I promise you, I will take you home."

After hearing Li Mei's answer, Meng Chanyi nodded firmly and said.

"Well, I'll marry Qiankun."

In this way, Meng Chanyi, who has an IQ of less than three years old, was happily preparing to be her bride while telling lies.

On the other side, Qiankun has put on his wedding clothes and is ready to be the groom's official.

He was discussing the layout of the wedding venue with the second elder and the others.

At this moment, someone suddenly came in to report.

"I've met the second elder, the leader."

Before the person in charge of reporting had finished speaking, Qiankun raised his hand and said with a smile.

"Hey, I'm no longer the leader, you can just call me Qiankun. I want to report something, right?"

Qiankun is very happy today. It can be seen that his face is full of peach blossoms and he is smiling in the spring breeze.

The person in charge of reporting quickly said after hearing this.

"The leader is the eternal leader of the Ronin clan in my heart."

"By the way, chief, the Sixth Elder and the others are back."

When Qiankun heard that the Sixth Elder was back, he smiled happily.

The Sixth Elder is the brother who understands things best, so if Shun comes back, he will definitely support his wedding.

"Shun is back? It's great. Please invite him in quickly."

The person in charge of the report frowned after hearing this.

"Besides the Sixth Elder, there seems to be another person."

"Is there anyone else? Who?"

Qiankun asked suddenly alertly.

After hearing this, the other party replied.

"I don't know him, but I heard from the Sixth Elder that he can sell us the Purple Chaos Stone."

The second elder on the side listened and said.

"So it's a wandering merchant? Then please come in."

After the second elder finished speaking, the person in charge of the report was about to turn around and leave.

But Qiankun stopped him at this time.

"Wait a minute, don't go yet!"

"Old Sixth Elder can't bring a stranger to the Wushen Temple for no reason."

"Since he is a wandering merchant, why not go directly to the palace?"

After listening to Qiankun's analysis, the second elder on the side felt that it made sense, so he asked.

"What do you think is going on, leader?"

"I'm afraid it's coming for me."

After Qiankun finished speaking, he quickly said to the second elder on the side.

"Second elder, please go and find out the truth. If the other party wants to see me, just say that I'm not in the palace now."

"Then you take them to the palace and let Lingxiao help watch."

"I will go to meet them after my wedding is over."

It has to be said that Qiankun is very cautious.

Now, the uneasiness in his heart hits him again.

He has a hunch that he must not let the person brought back by the Sixth Elder enter the wedding scene.

Everything will be fine after the wedding.

The more at this juncture, the more cautious he is.

After hearing this, the second elder walked out of the Wushen Temple with the man in charge of reporting.

When he came to the gate, the second elder saw the sixth elder Shun at first sight.

However, he did not immediately reminisce with Shun, but looked at Zhuo Bufan on the side.

Yes, Zhuo Bufan finally came.

He went through a lot of hardships and finally arrived outside the Wushen Temple.

Of course, when he saw the Wushen Temple decorated with lights and red silk, he knew that things were obviously developing in the direction he least wanted.

The chief of the Ronin tribe wanted to marry Meng Chanyi, whom he had been looking for.

The matter was obviously a bit serious, and Zhuo Bufan had even prepared for a fight.

Shun on the side was obviously completely unaware of it. When he saw the second elder coming out, he hurried to greet him.

"Second elder, I'm back."

"One hundred thousand Purple Chaos Stones, I've fulfilled my mission. I even brought the seller."

"Come, let me introduce you. This is Brother Zhuo Bufan who is willing to give us one hundred thousand Chaos Stones."

Shun excitedly introduced to the second elder.

For no other reason, because on the way here, Shun had sworn brotherhood with Zhuo Bufan.

Shun would never forget Zhuo Bufan's life-saving grace to Shun.

The two of them also had a good chat, and on the way here, they got along better and better.

In the end, they simply became brothers.

Of course, half of Zhuo Bufan's sworn brotherhood with Shun was actually to use Shun.

After hearing this, the second elder hurriedly said.

"Such a distinguished guest, you should take him to the palace first!"

Shun obviously knew nothing, he said.

"Isn't this Brother Zhuo? He said he wanted to meet an old friend of his."

"Oh, that's the girl the leader saved before."

"Didn't the leader arrange for her to be taken care of in the Wushen Temple? So I brought Brother Zhuo to the Wushen Temple to see his friend first."

When the second elder heard this, he cried out in his heart that it was not good.

It seems that the leader Qiankun really guessed it right.

This man in front of him must not be allowed into this wedding.

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