Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1234 I’m here [Subscribe please]

Zhuo Bufan finally arrived, and he arrived before Qiankun and Meng Chanyi's wedding.

But he was blocked outside the main hall of the Wushen Temple.

When the second elder saw that the person in front of him came for Meng Chanyi, he naturally cried out in his heart that it was not good.

If Zhuo Bufan was allowed to enter at this moment, it would definitely cause chaos.

The second elder was different from the first elder. The second elder actually supported Qiankun.

He also strongly supported Qiankun's idea of ​​marrying Meng Chanyi.

After all, Qiankun grew up under his care, and the second elder treated Qiankun like his own child.

As long as the child is happy, it doesn't matter who he marries.

Therefore, the second elder could not let Zhuo Bufan enter the Wushen Temple.

So, after weighing the pros and cons for a moment, the second elder said.

"Sixth Elder, there are some things you don't know."

"During your absence, a lot of things happened in the clan."

"How about this, you take this friend with you, and we will go to the palace and tell you in detail."

"This Witch God Temple is where Li Po practices, and you and I can't enter and exit at will."

The second elder wanted to lead Zhuo Bufan away.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly. He could almost guess what the second elder meant.

"Elder, I won't go to the palace with you."

"Can I see my partner first?"

Zhuo Bufan knew that the other party was trying to stop him from seeing Meng Chanyi now.

The second elder hurriedly said after hearing this.

"Your Excellency doesn't know that this Witch God Temple is the holy place of our clan. People who are not from our clan cannot enter."

"And even if you are from our clan, it's not easy to get in."

"Anyway, I'll take you to the palace to meet our clan leader first."

The second elder insisted on delaying, which made Zhuo Bufan very suspicious.

"Second elder, to be honest. I came to Ronin Star this time for my partner."

"Please be flexible, Second elder."

Zhuo Bufan had already made preparations to force his way into the Witch God Temple.

At this time, the Sixth Elder Shun, who was standing by, was also a little suspicious.

"Second elder, since you are here, why don't you let Brother Zhuo take a look?"

"After all, it is very likely that he is his partner."

The Second Elder looked at the Sixth Elder's elbow, and was obviously a little angry.

"What do you know, kid?"

"Really, why don't you come back earlier or later, but at this time..."

The elder accidentally let it slip.

After hearing this, the Sixth Elder Shun frowned slightly and said.

"Second elder, what do you mean? What do you mean by not coming back earlier or later?"

"Is it not the right time for me to come back?"

Faced with Shun's question, the Second Elder quickly covered his mouth.

Zhuo Bufan, who was standing by, said.

"If I'm not mistaken, your leader is planning to marry my woman today, right?"

For some reason, Zhuo Bufan blurted out that Meng Chanyi was his woman at that moment.

This was completely his outspoken words with anger and subconsciousness.

For some reason, Zhuo Bufan was very angry. Meng Chanyi had waited for him for three lifetimes and one million years.

Now that she has finally waited for him, she is going to marry another man.

Anyway, Zhuo Bufan was unhappy at the moment, very unhappy. He didn't even want to hide his anger, and his emotions were completely expressed on his face.

After listening to Shun on the side, he suddenly realized it.

"What? Second Elder, is what Brother Zhuo said true?"

"The leader wants to marry that girl?"

"No, no, this is absolutely not possible! Brother Zhuo told me on the way here that the girl is very important to him."

"That girl has been waiting for him for many years, she is Brother Zhuo's..."

"Hey, what's the matter with the leader? A gentleman doesn't talk about love many times. No, I want to go in, let me go in and ask the leader."

Shun is the same age as Qiankun, so he is also Qiankun's most close friend.

And Shun also regards Qiankun as his good friend.

However, now his childhood friend wants to marry the woman of another brother who has lived with him for a lifetime.

Perhaps Shun is in the most difficult time at this moment.

After hearing this, the second elder shouted.

"Sixth brother, don't talk nonsense. You should know that Qiankun is not the kind of person you think."

"Whether he is that kind of person, let me go in and ask and you will know."

"I guess Qiankun must be in there, right?"

At this moment, Shun is obviously on Zhuo Bufan's side.

After all, along the way, he learned from Zhuo Bufan about the love-hate relationship between him and Meng Chanyi.

In Shun's opinion, Qiankun was just stealing his love.

Moreover, he was the one who brought Zhuo Bufan to Ronin Star, and he wanted to seek justice for Zhuo Bufan.

However, the second elder did stop them when he saw this.

"How dare you!"

"Old Six, you are getting more and more unscrupulous now, right?"

"How can you just barge into the Wushen Temple?"

"The leader Qiankun is not in the Wushen Temple. If you want to find him, go to the palace."

The second elder blocked the door tightly and prevented the sixth elder and Zhuo Bufan from entering.


At the same time, in the Wushen Temple, Mo Chichi and Li Mei walked out of the backyard with Meng Chanyi, who was wearing red makeup.

Meng Chanyi wore a long fire phoenix dress and a hazy red gauze on her head.

Today, she is more beautiful than before.

Even if Mo Chichi and Li Mei stood beside her, they were dwarfed by her.

When Qiankun saw Meng Chanyi walking towards him, he was completely stunned.

"Quick, mother-in-law, hold a wedding for us."

"We will become husband and wife with your blessing."

Qian Kun couldn't wait to marry Meng Chan Yi, because Zhuo Bu Fan was already outside the Witch God Temple.

He didn't have much time.

As long as he could get married before Zhuo Bu Fan rushed into the hall, everything would be over.

After hearing this, Li Po took out a piece of red silk.

One end was handed to Qian Kun, and the other end was handed to Meng Chan Yi.

The two held the red silk and prepared for the final ceremony.

But at this time, a burst of noise began to come from outside.

"Qian Kun, come out, don't hide in there. What kind of man are you?"

"If you still want me to look up to you, come out immediately."

Sixth Elder Shun didn't believe what the second elder said at all. He even felt the breath of Qian Kun in the Witch God Temple.

So he simply stood outside the door and cursed.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bu Fan was not idle either.

"Fairy Meng, I have failed you for a million years of love, and it is difficult to repay you."

"If Fairy Meng really thinks it through and wants to marry the person next to you, I have nothing to say."

"But if Fairy Meng is not sincere, then please wait for me, I will go in and rescue you."

Zhuo Bufan was impatient and was ready to break into the Witch God Temple.

At this moment, in the Witch God Temple, Mo Chichi, who had always been in Zhuo Bufan's mind, immediately brightened up after hearing Zhuo Bufan's words.

"Zhuo Lang? He is here."

Mo Chichi rushed out of the Witch God Temple again without hesitation.

Li Mei, who was beside him, naturally followed, because Li Mei had to protect this wedding and not let anyone disturb Qian Kun's life event.

When Mo Chichi and Li Mei rushed out of the Witch God Temple.

It was seen that in the square outside the Witch God Temple, Zhuo Bufan and Shun were about to break into the Witch God Temple.

But at this moment, a torrent of energy suddenly blasted towards the two of them.


The energy was so strong that it was like a small boat on the vast sea. Zhuo Bufan and Shun were instantly blown away.

"Who dares to act wild here?"

The one who did it was Li Mei.

She was the bodyguard at Qiankun and Meng Chanyi's wedding today, and she would not allow anyone to disturb the wedding.

However, Zhuo Bufan was determined at this moment.

He believed that Meng Chanyi was coerced and not voluntary.

So he wanted to rush in and bring Meng Chanyi out.

"Get out of my way."

Zhuo Bufan rushed up again without saying a word.

Li Mei looked at Zhuo Bufan's appearance and her eyes lit up.

"It's you? Natural enemy!"

Li Mei didn't expect that the enemy in front of her was the natural enemy that their incarnation of heaven wanted to kill.

"Hahaha, you're just in time. Look, my queen, I'll destroy you with one blow."

After Li Mei finished speaking, murderous intent suddenly emerged.

The next blow will instantly destroy Zhuo Bufan and turn him into ashes.

Seeing this, Mo Chichi on the side suddenly turned around and appeared in front of Li Mei.

"Don't kill him!"

Mo Chichi blocked Li Mei, and at the same time, Zhuo Bufan also saw Mo Chichi who suddenly rushed out.

"Chichi, what are you doing?"

"Mo Chichi? Why are you here?"

Li Mei and Zhuo Bufan said in surprise at the same time.

Li Mei was shocked that Mo Chichi would suddenly rush out to protect this natural enemy.

You know, he is a natural enemy, an enemy of the entire Daluotian, and also the target that their Tiandao incarnation wants to kill this time.

Is Mo Chichi protecting his mortal enemy?

Zhuo Bufan was surprised to meet Mo Chichi on Ronin Star.

The entire chaotic void is boundless.

He and Mo Chichi are like two ants in the sea.

No one expected that the two would meet again after parting.

Zhuo Bufan is grateful to Mo Chichi.

After all, it was Mo Chichi who saved him.

Moreover, Mo Chichi also planted the Soul Devouring Divine Source in his body.

It can be said that Mo Chichi has done a lot of favors to Zhuo Bufan.

However, Zhuo Bufan can't forget their positions because of Mo Chichi's favors.

What's more, Zhuo Bufan is now going to rush into the Witch God Temple to rescue Meng Chanyi.

And Mo Chichi is the person standing in front of him.

Anyone who stands in his way is an enemy at this moment.

"Chichi, get out of the way, let me kill this kid with my own hands, and our mission will be completed."

Li Mei seemed even more excited, and she wanted to rush out immediately to kill Zhuo Bufan.

However, Mo Chichi stood in front of her and shook his head at her.

"Li Mei, you can't kill him, don't."

Mo Chichi shook his head, then turned back and looked at Zhuo Bufan and shouted.

"Go quickly, she is one of the incarnations of the Heavenly Dao, she will really kill you."

"Go quickly!"

Mo Chichi tried to get Zhuo Bufan to leave, so that she could protect Zhuo Bufan and let Meng Chanyi and Qiankun's wedding continue.

But Zhuo Bufan didn't care about that anymore.

"Sorry, I won't leave if I can't save Meng Chanyi."

"I won't leave even if I die."

If Zhuo Bufan fled at this time, he would blame himself forever and fall into a whirlpool.

Meng Chanyi had waited for him for a million years, how could he give up at this time?

"Mo Chichi, let me see."

Li Mei stopped talking nonsense to Mo Chichi.

He passed through Mo Chichi's body directly, and then burst out with destructive power, attacking Zhuo Bufan.

But at this moment, Mo Chichi actually rushed towards Li Mei at the same speed and knocked Li Mei out.



With a roar, the entire Wushen Temple was in a mess in an instant.

"Mo Chichi, are you crazy?"

In the ruins, Li Mei flew up, and purple lightning began to wrap around her body, and the whole person became extremely terrifying.

Another Mo Chichi also floated up, and white halos floated behind her.

There was also a white ring that fell on Zhuo Bufan and wrapped him.

"I said, don't touch him!"

Unexpectedly, Mo Chichi, who was always gentle, was so strong in this one.

Even Li Mei was a little confused, because she had never seen Mo Chichi like this.

"Are you going to betray your father?"

Li Mei looked at Mo Chichi and said.

"How stupid! If that's the case, then this kid can't stay."

"Chichi, this is for your own good. This kid can't stay."

Li Mei couldn't care less at this moment.

She didn't forget her mission, which was to hunt down Zhuo Bufan and take his life.

And when she found out that Mo Chichi was so protective of Zhuo Bufan, she thought that Zhuo Bufan couldn't stay.

So Li Mei was determined to kill him, regardless of Mo Chichi's objection.

In this way, in order to protect Zhuo Bufan, Mo Chichi had to fight with all her strength.

But now, they are in Ronin Star.

Both of them are figures who can destroy the world. Once they fight, the entire Ronin Star will be destroyed at any time.

So at this juncture, Qiankun, who had chosen to hide in the Witch God Temple, had to come out to persuade them to stop fighting.

Although the wedding was important, Qiankun couldn't watch Ronin Star being destroyed.

Even more, he couldn't watch his people suffer such a disaster.

So, Qiankun rushed out of the Witch God Temple without waiting for the wedding to start.

Just when Li Mei and Mo Chichi were about to fight, he appeared between them in a red suit.


"If I don't stop you from fighting, you may not be able to leave my Ronin Star to fight again?"

"Today is my big day, do you want to destroy my wedding?"

Qiankun's appearance made Li Mei stop immediately.

Li Mei could not listen to Mo Chichi, but she would definitely respect Qiankun.

So she let Zhuo Bufan go for Qiankun's sake.

"Boy, when you leave this Ronin Star, I will tear you to pieces."

Mo Chichi defended him on the spot.

"Li Mei, I'm here, I won't let you touch him."

Others present were all confused.

They didn't understand the complicated relationship at all.

The Sixth Elder Shun was even more stunned.

These two women were originally accomplices, but now they are fighting to the death for their brother Zhuo Bufan.

And his brother came for another woman in the Witch God Temple.

And that woman was the woman that his childhood friend Qian Kun was going to marry today.

But Qian Kun was now protected by the woman named Li Mei.

This messy relationship made the Sixth Elder very worried.

And at this moment, the appearance of a key figure made this already complicated relationship even more complicated.

Meng Chanyi, wearing a red dress, ran out of the Witch God Temple.

When she appeared, Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but call out.

"Fairy Meng!"

"I'm here!"


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