Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1245 Devouring the Divine Body [Subscribe]

One of the three archive doors has been broken.

Zhuo Bufan will not even have the chance to reload the archive again.

It can be said that Zhuo Bufan has burned his boats and has only this one chance.

If he cannot successfully fuse the Devouring Star Core, then what awaits him is only to return to the second archive.

That is, to return to the time before he entered Daluo Heaven.

Zhuo Bufan certainly does not want to return to the time before Daluo Heaven,

so this time, no matter what, he must succeed.

Zhuo Bufan found a feeling, the feeling he had when he was refining the Minsheng Sword.

When he was refining the Minsheng Sword, he really felt the power of the Minsheng Sword.

So much so that when he was refining the Devouring Star Core, he once felt that he had turned into the Devouring Star Core.

He tried his best to experience the life of the Devouring Star Core. It was with this alternative feeling that Zhuo Bufan discovered that everything in the world actually has spirits.

Even such a piece of stone has its own spirit.

Unknowingly, Zhuo Bufan felt a wonderful power that merged into his body.

At the same time, Zhuo Bufan found that his heart of repairing the sky had automatically released the sky-repairing technique and wrapped himself up.

The sky-repairing technique has a very magical ability. .

It is not only used to repair its own injuries and defects, it can also give birth to souls in other non-living substances.

This is the most magical part of the sky-repairing technique.

The Devouring Star Core was endowed with a soul under the gift of the power of the Sky-Repairing Technique.

It was through this soul that Zhuo Bufan opened up a deep soul communication with the Devouring Star Core.

The Devouring Star Core is the final form of the Hunyuan Star.

And the Hunyuan Star is the source of all life materials.

If there is no Hunyuan Star, there will be no vitality in this world.

Without vitality, there will be no other energy breaths such as spiritual energy, true energy, mysterious energy, immortal energy, soul energy, ghost energy, etc.

It can be said that it is because of the chaotic vitality that everything in the world exists.

Even the way of heaven was born because of this.

However, although the Hunyuan Star was endowed with life, it eventually became a non-living existence.

To put it bluntly, the Devouring Star Core is just a piece of stone.

It has been searching for a way to go to the world of reincarnation all its life.

It wants to see the Lord of Time who created it.

Zhuo Bufan can feel its needs from such a small Devouring Star Core.

It is precisely because of this that Zhuo Bufan promised him when he communicated with the Devouring Star Core.

"I will definitely let you see the Lord of Time, because finding the Lord of Time is also my wish."

Zhuo Bufan promised the Devouring Star Core.

The Devouring Star Core felt Zhuo Bufan's urgent desire.

For the Devouring Star Core, if it does not help Zhuo Bufan, then it may never see the Lord of Time again in this life.

So, Zhuo Bufan may be his only chance.

So, the Devouring Star Core made a decision.

It chose to merge with Zhuo Bufan!

For a while, the energy of the Devouring Star Core began to converge crazily.

Then an energy core was formed in Zhuo Bufan's body.

This energy core is not only connected to every cell in Zhuo Bufan's body, but also to his soul.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan felt that his body and soul were stronger than ever before.

Especially his body, which had surpassed the past.

Since Zhuo Bufan's body merged with the Minsheng Sword, the Eternal Wood that the Minsheng Sword brought with it has completely merged with Zhuo Bufan.

It can be said that Zhuo Bufan's body is now completely the Eternal Wood.

The Eternal Wood is the ash of the heavenly tribulation, and it is the ultimate existence that even the Daluo Heavenly Dao cannot destroy.

It can be said that Zhuo Bufan's body is probably unmatched now.

Especially after the Eternal Wood merged with the Devouring Star Core.

In this world, I am afraid that only an existence like the Lord of Time can tear his body apart.

The Void Merchant Yi Tianxing did not deceive Zhuo Bufan.

The Eternal Wood and the Devouring Star Core can really merge.

Moreover, after the fusion, the two sides completely evolved to another level.

Zhuo Bufan's body became as bright as jade cream.

There are nine small black vortices around him, and these nine small black vortices can exist as Zhuo Bufan wishes.

They are devouring the surrounding energy all the time.

In just a moment, Zhuo Bufan felt that the absorbed matter was completely transformed into pure energy flowing into his body and enveloping his soul.

This is not over yet, Zhuo Bufan's true power is not that simple.

Zhuo Bufan, who has integrated the Minsheng Sword and the Devouring Star Core at the same time, is himself a Devouring Star Core.

What is a Devouring Star Core?

The Devouring Star Core is an existence that can devour a galaxy.

In other words, Zhuo Bufan's most powerful devouring power can devour a galaxy.

This is Zhuo Bufan's peerless magical power, which can be said to be unmatched.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan closed his eyes silently.

He stretched out his right hand and then touched the uninhabited planet under his feet.

Then, a black vortex appeared out of thin air in Zhuo Bufan's palm.

The black vortex suddenly began to spread.

In just a moment, the black outline covered the entire starry sky.

The next second, the star suddenly began to disintegrate, breaking into pieces and completely shattering.

Then, in an instant, it was swallowed by the black vortex.

That's right, Zhuo Bufan swallowed a star in an instant.

With the power of the Devouring Star Core, this star could not resist his powerful devouring power at all.

A whole star was swallowed by Zhuo Bufan just like that.

Devouring a star is of course nothing. Zhuo Bufan's strength lies in the fact that his current physique is the Eternal Wood.

The Eternal Wood has the power to contain the sky and the sea.

It can transform all matter into pure energy.

In other words, the entire star he swallowed will be transformed into the purest energy, integrated into his body, and strengthen his physique.

This is the Devouring Divine Body that Zhuo Bufan obtained after fusing the Minsheng Sword and the Devouring Star Core.



Zhuo Bufan exhaled slowly.

After swallowing the power of a star, his physique once again became stronger.

Zhuo Bufan now, I am afraid, can withstand the full force of Ao Zhi Tian Ba ​​Tu.

Of course, this is far from enough. For Zhuo Bufan, he wants to surpass himself, surpass the past, and surpass the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao.

So, from this moment on, Zhuo Bufan officially embarked on the road of being a strong man.

"Devour everything in sight, I will become the strongest in the world."

Zhuo Bufan's ambition rekindled, sweeping away the previous haze.

Zhuo Bufan now has the heart of soul devouring to deal with souls.

He has the ability to devour life.

He is now the most terrifying devouring origin and the most terrifying vortex in the Nine Worlds of Chaos Void.

He can devour all matter.

All souls cannot escape from him, the soul devourer.

Zhuo Bufan shook his hand, and countless purple chaos stones spread across the starry sky.

Then he opened his mouth, and a black hole appeared in front of his mouth.

Almost in an instant, the purple chaos stone was completely swallowed into Zhuo Bufan's body.

This purple chaos stone is the energy crystal produced by the cracks in time and space.

After Zhuo Bufan devoured them, a layer of light purple light condensed around his body.

With this layer of defense, ordinary Void Clan masters will be helpless against Zhuo Bufan.

Feeling the unprecedented powerful force he possessed, Zhuo Bufan smiled.

"It is worth using a save door as a price."

"In this way, I only need to keep devouring, and then I will no longer be afraid of these incarnations of the Heavenly Dao."

Zhuo Bufan now has obviously undergone a qualitative change.

He will also become more powerful from this moment on.

The road to becoming a strong man belonging to Zhuo Bufan will officially begin.

"There seems to be a galaxy ahead, go and devour them all."

As long as you devour, you will become stronger.

Zhuo Bufan now has only the idea of ​​becoming stronger in his heart.

So, he looked at the star field in the distant galaxy, and then turned into a beam of light and flew over.

He wanted to devour that galaxy completely.

As long as he devoured that galaxy, Zhuo Bufan believed that he would become stronger than ever before.


Zhuo Bufan has already started his journey to become a strong man.

On the other side, after the destruction of the Ronin tribe, the Ronin tribe leader Qiankun also ushered in an unprecedented strengthening.

His grief resonated with the Chaos Beasts.

Dozens of Chaos Beasts poured their power into his body.

After accepting these powers, Qiankun's strength level was once again improved.

The ultimate strength is almost comparable to Ao Zhi Tian Ba ​​Tu.

However, at this moment, Qiankun's strength has reached that level.

But he lost his fighting spirit and was completely shrouded in sadness.

The death of his tribe members was a great blow to him.

Qiankun never thought that their Ronin tribe would be destroyed.

Qiankun recalled the familiar faces one by one, and the whole person was completely in grief.

And Li Mei, from beginning to end, has been guarding Qiankun's side.

I don't know how long it took, Qiankun stood up again.

He began to fly towards a dark direction.

Seeing this, Li Mei followed closely and followed Qiankun closely.

Along the way, they had no communication.

Li Mei didn't know how to persuade Qiankun, and Qiankun didn't want to say a word.

So, Li Mei just chose to follow Qiankun silently.

She knew that Qiankun was looking for his remaining tribesmen.

Before the destruction of the Ronin Star, some tribesmen escaped.

The dead are gone, and Qiankun must protect his remaining tribesmen next.

The death of the tribesmen made Qiankun wake up thoroughly.

Meng Chanyi was just a dream after all.

He was the leader of the Ronin tribe, and his mission was to protect his tribesmen.

Not to give up on them for a woman.

I don't know how long he followed, but Qiankun found that Li Mei was still following him.

Suddenly, Qiankun turned around and launched an attack on Li Mei.

A holy sword slashed at Li Mei.

Li Mei saw this and dodged instantly.

"What are you doing?"

Li Mei looked at Qian Kun in confusion.

As a result, Qian Kun was furious and looked at Li Mei with red eyes.

"Don't follow me anymore, get out!"

Qian Kun couldn't stand Li Mei following him after all.

However, looking at Qiankun's appearance, it was even more impossible for Li Mei to leave.

"I do not go!"

Qiankun has lost everything now that Li Mei's child has arrived. Maybe he is the only one who still follows him.

However, Li Mei's following would only make Qiankun even more angry.

Because Li Mei is the incarnation of the way of heaven, and he is with the group of guys who destroyed Ronin Star.

Therefore, Qiankun vented his resentment on Li Mei.

"Go away, you murderers."

"You are in the same group as them. If you follow me again, I will kill you."

Qiankun issued an ultimatum to Limei.

After Li Mei heard this, she didn't want to leave even more.

"I won't leave!"

"If you want to blame me for the death of your people!"

"Well, you kill me! As long as you can vent your anger, do it! I will never fight back, and I will never frown."

Li Mei said very domineeringly.

When Qiankun heard this, he was filled with anger!

"you wanna die!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Qiankun controlled the Sword God Seat again and slashed at Li Mei with his sword.

This sword pierced directly towards Li Mei's chest.

However, Li Mei actually did not dodge when faced with this powerful blow.


With one strike of the sword, Li Mei's body was completely penetrated by Qiankun.

However, Qiankun did not stop venting his anger, and once again used the power of the Chaos Beast to whip towards Li Mei.

After a while, Li Mei's body was already riddled with holes.

The body had already been tortured beyond recognition, and even the soul had suffered a powerful blow.

From the beginning to the end, Li Mei had no defense and completely accepted all the anger of Qiankun.

Until the end, Qiankun watched Li Mei's body completely shattered into pieces.

He finally realized that he was crazy.

"Why? Why don't you hide?"

Qiankun shouted towards Limei.

Seeing Li Mei fall, Qiankun gritted his teeth and flew towards Li Mei.

Then he used secret techniques to protect Li Mei's remaining body.

"Why, why don't you continue to kill me?"

"Don't you want to avenge your people?"

"Kill me and you can get your revenge."

Li Mei dragged her weak soul and said.

"That's enough, I shouldn't vent all my anger on you."

Qiankun obviously realized that he had gone too far.

Li Mei had done nothing wrong, and he should not vent all his anger on her like a madman.

In the final analysis, the death of the clan members was all because he, as the clan leader, was not strong enough.

Therefore, Qiankun is more of a self-blame.

"Well, since you no longer blame me, I will continue to follow you and help you find your tribe."

Li Mei actually felt guilty.

If she hadn't attracted Chaos and the others in the first place, Ronin's Heart wouldn't have suffered such a disaster.

In short, neither of them felt comfortable with this incident.

Qiankun didn't say much. After he healed Li Mei's injuries, he didn't continue to drive Li Mei away.

Next, the two continued to move forward and continued to search for the remaining clan members of Qiankun.

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