Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1246 Zhuo wants to defy the will of heaven [Subscribe please]

After fusing the Sword of Compassion and the Devouring Star Core, Zhuo Bufan achieved the most powerful Devouring Divine Body in the Chaos Void.

This physique can make Zhuo Bufan endlessly stronger.

Once someone has this physique, even if he doesn't practice, he will become stronger all the time.

Zhuo Bufan himself is a walking black hole.

Wherever he goes, he devours!

All the matter he devours will be transformed into the purest energy.

Such a walking black hole came to a young galaxy that had just formed.

It began a brutal devouring journey.

"This planet is earth yellow in color, has no life, has a diameter of 21,000 kilometers, and contains rare purple chaos stones. By devouring it, my cultivation should be able to recover to the level before being cut off by Mo Chichi."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he raised his hand and waved it, and a huge black hole appeared out of thin air, swallowing the star.

For a moment, the star began to explode in the black hole.

All matter turned into dust. It turned into powder and ashes.

Then all the energy inside the stars turned into the original power, and then was completely absorbed by Zhuo Bufan's body and soul.

When Zhuo Bufan opened his eyes again, he found that his soul power had recovered to its previous peak.

"Huh! It's so cool! A life with cheats is indeed more enjoyable than a life with frustration."

Zhuo Bufan is very happy now, because after being away for so long, he finally got his own cheat.

"As long as I completely devour this galaxy in front of me, I will be fearless when I meet the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao."

Zhuo Bufan now has only one idea in his mind, that is, to become stronger, stronger, and stronger.

He wants to become stronger than everyone else, and become invincible in the world.

He wants the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao to see him fleeing, instead of chasing him like a mad dog.

"From now on, I, Zhuo Bufan, will never escape again."

Zhuo Bufan now really has full confidence.

After speaking, he opened all the black hole vortexes and began to sweep across the entire galaxy!

Watching one star after another being absorbed by Zhuo Bufan.

His strength also began to expand and strengthen.

He could feel that his body contained endless energy.

Now there was no problem for Zhuo Bufan to blow up a star with one punch.

As Zhuo Bufan continued to devour, his strength was still soaring.

However, Zhuo Bufan basically devoured some material energy.

These material energies can only strengthen Zhuo Bufan's physique, not his soul.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan's cultivation has been unable to break through to the Daoyuan realm.

It is precisely because his soul is still in the stage of the Shengyuan realm.

The cultivation system of Daluotian is mainly an evolution of the soul.

In the chaotic void, the cultivation of the soul is actually very difficult.

After all, the cultivation of the soul is to grow and cultivate through the perception of the souls of the world.

But there are very few living creatures in the chaotic void.

So it is actually very difficult to seek a breakthrough in the soul.

However, although Zhuo Bufan's realm has not reached the Daoyuan realm, his current strength is not weaker than the great powers of the Daoyuan realm.

For a long time afterwards, Zhuo Bufan was devouring the stars in this starry sky.

One, two, five, ten...

As Zhuo Bufan devoured more and more stars, his physique became stronger and stronger.

His body began to release an everlasting golden light, and the whole person was filled with an indescribable sense of sacredness.

Zhuo Bufan's endless devouring obviously attracted the attention of some chaos beasts.

As the scavengers in the void, the chaos beasts naturally did not allow Zhuo Bufan to mess around like this.

Zhuo Bufan is now simply a planet destroyer.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan's movements finally attracted the visit of these chaos beasts.


On this day, Zhuo Bufan was devouring the planet in front of him as usual.

As a result, at this time, Zhuo Bufan felt that something appeared around him!

This feeling is very familiar, he had encountered it once before.

In an instant, the space around him was completely confined.

So, Zhuo Bufan became alert.

"Chaos Beast?"

He knew at the first moment that he must have been targeted by the Chaos Beast.

The power of the Chaos Beast is self-evident. After all, it is an existence that even the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao fears.

When Ba Tu and others saw the arrival of the Chaos Beast, they chose to escape without hesitation.

So, the Chaos Beast is very strong, and Zhuo Bufan dare not take it lightly.

"It's coming, it's nearby."

Every time the Chaos Beast appears, it is silent.

They will hide in this chaotic void.

So it is actually difficult for ordinary people to discover their existence.

Even Zhuo Bufan only sensed the arrival of the Chaos Beast. As for where the Chaos Beast is or what it is doing, Zhuo Bufan has no idea.

Zhuo Bufan dare not take it lightly. He condensed all the black hole vortices around him as a defense.

As expected, just after Zhuo Bufan put up his defense,

suddenly, several very strong and sturdy metal guns flew out from the chaotic void.

This kind of metal gun has very strong penetrating power, powerful enough to penetrate a star in an instant.

However, Zhuo Bufan used the swallowing vortex as a defense long before the opponent launched an attack.

Dozens of mysterious metal guns were directly swallowed by Zhuo Bufan's swallowing black hole.

For a moment, Zhuo Bufan felt an extremely powerful force integrating into his body.

"Well done!"

Zhuo Bufan gave a slight shout.

Immediately afterwards, he clenched his fists, and then the power in his fists was condensed enough to shatter the stars.

"Come out!"

Zhuo Bufan punched hard and blasted away in the direction of the black gun.


Only a muffled sound was heard in the chaos!

It was as if a star was shattered, but Zhuo Bufan did not see any strong explosion.

Instead, I heard a muffled sound! It seemed like something had been punched through.

Then, Zhuo Bufan heard a familiar scream.


The cry was a bit miserable, and Zhuo Bufan must have hit his lifeline!

Immediately afterwards, Zhuo Bufan could clearly see a huge creature in the void, looming like a shadow.

Judging from the shape, it seems to be a huge spider-shaped chaos beast.

It is huge, like a star.

The most terrifying thing is its eight huge spider legs and the spider hairs all over its body.

Zhuo Bufan could think that the black guns that were attacking him just now were actually just the body hair of this spider-shaped chaos beast.

It's just hair, but it has such powerful lethality. This surprised Zhuo Bufan secretly.

However, Zhuo Bufan is obviously not weak either.

The power of the punch he just punched was really terrifying. It penetrated a huge hole directly in the body of the divine spider.

The terrifying scream before was caused by the Divine Spider Seat.

Zhuo Bufan's punch severely damaged the spider throne.

However, the Spider God did not fall down immediately after being seriously injured.

The next second, it released all the spider hairs on its body towards Zhuo Bufan.

For a moment, countless spider hairs turned into black guns and blasted towards Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan watched the overwhelming black gun attack him.

He raised his right hand and unleashed a powerful swallowing black hole.

All the black guns were swallowed up by the black hole.

Powerful energy, like a wave, began to surge into Zhuo Bufan's body.

"Back to you!"

After Zhuo Bufan absorbed the power of all the black guns,

He clenched his fist again and punched the spider god's throne.

This time, the big spider was riddled with holes all over its body, obviously suffering some serious damage.

Of course, this little damage is not enough to kill the spider god.

And Zhuo Bufan was not in a hurry to kill the Spider God Seat. He wanted to use the Spider God Seat to train himself.

Zhuo Bufan now has invincible power, but he still has too few battles with strong men.

Facing a real master, victory or defeat may be decided in an instant.

Even if Zhuo Bufan is powerful, he may not always be his opponent.

Therefore, in terms of actual combat, Zhuo Bufan needs to strengthen his training.

And this Chaos Beast is undoubtedly Zhuo Bufan's best training opponent.

"There is still one!"

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan suddenly discovered that there was a chaotic beast waiting for an opportunity in the void.


In an instant, Zhuo Bufan felt a strong light coming from behind him.

It is a black lethal light, and once it is irradiated, you will die instantly.

But just when the black light was about to shine behind Zhuo Bufan.

A black hole instantly appeared behind Zhuo Bufan.

The black light was directly sucked in by the black hole.

The result once again turned into extraordinary power.

It can be said that the black hole around Zhuo Bufan is not only his most powerful means of attack, but also his most powerful means of defense.

Whether it is a physical attack or a soul attack, Zhuo Bufan's black hole can absorb it.

It can be said that Zhuo Bufan has mastered the ability of absolute defense.

Unless you encounter some powerful law force.

Such as the chaotic time reversal, or the shackles of Xu Kuang's angry soul.

This kind of lawful power cannot be absorbed by extraordinary black holes.

In addition, extraordinary black holes should not be afraid of any kind of force.

Facing the flanking attacks of the two chaotic beasts, Zhuo Bufan seemed to be at ease.

He looked back at the second Chaos Beast that attacked him.

I saw a black light and shadow in the void, like a shadow.

That light and shadow looked like a person.

He was wearing heavy armor. To be precise, it looked more like the mecha Zhuo Bufan was familiar with.

The whole body was covered with various ray cannons. With a wave of his hand, several beams of destruction and death struck towards Zhuo Bufan again.

Obviously, this second Chaos Beast is a humanoid Chaos Beast.

Upon seeing this, Zhuo Bufan took the initiative to attack him.

Swallowing black holes quickly unfolded in front of them, swallowing up all the incoming destruction rays.

No matter how terrifying the enemy's destruction ray is, it can't even hurt Zhuo Bufan in the slightest.

Zhuo Bufan fought his way towards the God of Mecha.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan approaching, the Mecha throne suddenly changed its form.

It transformed from human form into a fortress, and then all the guns were aimed at Zhuo Bufan.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Suddenly, countless energy bombs came.

The Chaos Beast Machine God Seat obviously wanted to saturate Zhuo Bufan's devouring ability.

In this way, Zhuo Bufan could not continue to devour and would only expose himself to death.

However, the opponent obviously underestimated Zhuo Bufan's devouring power.

Zhuo Bufan's devouring power is not only enough for one Chaos Beast, but even if 10,000 Chaos Beasts attacked at the same time, he could still withstand it.

"Are you going to use a big move?"

While defending, Zhuo Bufan noticed that the Chaos Beast's chest was condensing a terrifying white light.

That was the purest Chaos Yuan Qi, which could easily sweep across a starry sky.

The Machine God Seat obviously regarded this shot on the chest as its killer.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan approaching, it released its condensing ability without hesitation.


For a moment, a white light column with a diameter of hundreds of meters rushed towards Zhuo Bufan.

"Come on, swallow it for me!"

Seeing the thunderous energy coming, Zhuo Bufan quickly expanded the black hole in front of him.

For a moment, the energy cannon that condensed all the energy of the Mecha God Seat was completely absorbed by Zhuo Bufan's devouring black hole.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan's black hole devouring all its energy, the Chaos Beast was obviously stunned for a moment.

At this moment of distraction, Zhuo Bufan raised his hand and pushed the huge black hole in front of him towards the Chaos Beast.

The Mecha God Seat had no time to react at all, and the next second, it was completely swallowed up by Zhuo Bufan's black hole.

After being swallowed into the black hole, the evil body of the Mecha God Seat began to fall apart and disintegrated instantly.

Until the end, all the energy was absorbed by Zhuo Bufan.

This was the first time Zhuo Bufan absorbed the power of the Chaos Beast.

The power born from this Chaos Beast made Zhuo Bufan extremely stunned.

Because he found that not only his physical body became stronger.

His soul actually grew stronger, and it also reached the peak of the Saint Yuan Realm.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

"What exactly is this Chaos Beast? Why does it have such a powerful soul power?"

"But isn't it an ordinary life? To be precise, it is not a life."

Zhuo Bufan didn't understand.

He knew that Chaos Beasts had souls, but that kind of soul was very strange.

They don't have their own thoughts, just like a set program, just like a robot.

You know, even the souls of small animals have self-awareness.

But the souls of this Chaos Beast are like programs that have been set long ago.

Zhuo Bufan remembered the Chaos Beast that he had sealed with Shun before.

Zhuo Bufan saw a giant baby deep in the core of that Chaos Beast.

Shun told Zhuo Bufan that it was the original power of the Chaos Beast, an immature soul.

It seems that this Chaos Beast also has many unknown mysteries.

Zhuo Bufan thought to himself.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan suddenly sensed a fierce murderous intent coming from behind him.

He looked back and saw a huge saw blade like a mountain, slashing towards Zhuo Bufan.

That was the spider leg of the Spider God Seat. The Spider God Seat had obviously launched an attack on Zhuo Bufan again.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the spider leg that was like a mountain weighing tens of millions of tons.

He spread his hands and waved, and a huge chaos beast appeared in front of him.

Now, Zhuo Bufan is more and more adept at controlling the black hole.

He doesn't even need to wave his hands. He can make the black hole grow or shrink at will at any place with just his thoughts.

The spider leg of the Spider God Seat was swallowed up by Zhuo Bufan's black hole in an instant.

Then Zhuo Bufan closed the black hole in an instant, and cut off one of the spider legs of the Spider God Seat through space isolation.

Zhuo Bufan, who saw this scene, showed a slight joy on his face.

"I, Zhuo, should defy the heavens!"


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