Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1247 Void Chamber of Commerce [Subscription Request]

The following battle was completely one-sided.

The low-level Chaos Beast was obviously no match for Zhuo Bufan.

The eight spider legs of the Spider God Seat were cut off one by one by Zhuo Bufan's infinite black hole.

Until the end, Zhuo Bufan stopped torturing the Chaos Beast, gave it a quick death, and completely swallowed it into his inner world.

"The soul power seems to have become stronger."

After swallowing the souls of two Chaos Beasts, Zhuo Bufan found that his soul power had grown a lot.

However, he still needed a lot to break through to a higher level.

Next, Zhuo Bufan spent some time swallowing the entire starry sky in front of him.

His body finally became strong enough to be immortal.

Now, all the stars that he was looking at were swallowed by Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan had nothing else to swallow for a while.

"It's time to leave here."

"But where should I go next?"

Zhuo Bufan stared at the vast and dark void, lost in thought.

Because he suddenly didn't know where to go.

Should he continue to look for the Lord of Time, or look for Meng Chanyi?

Zhuo Bufan could sense the energy of his Heaven Repairing Technique that remained on Meng Chanyi.

Obviously, Meng Chanyi was not dead yet.

Zhuo Bufan wanted to find Meng Chanyi, but where was Meng Chanyi? Where should he look for her?

"By the way, I forgot the key that Yi Tianxing gave me."

Just when Zhuo Bufan didn't know where to go, he suddenly remembered that the Void Merchant Yi Tianxing had given him a key.

That key could open a space door that led directly to his Yixing.

Zhuo Bufan's mind moved, and suddenly a purple crystal key appeared in his palm.

He held the key in his hand, and then condensed a force into the key.

"I remember it seemed to be three circles on the left and three circles on the right."

Zhuo Bufan recalled the method that Yi Tianxing had given him.

Then he injected a stream of energy into the purple crystal key.

At this time, a mysterious void power emerged on the key.

Zhuo Bufan inserted the key into the void.

Then, a series of void cracks began to appear in the void.

Zhuo Bufan, who saw this scene, quickly turned the key.

He turned left three times, and then turned three times again.

For a moment, a space channel was quickly born in the void.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the space channel, without thinking much, and stepped forward.

When Zhuo Bufan passed through the space channel, he found that he had come to the dreamy star, Yixing.

Just when Zhuo Bufan had just walked out of Yixing, suddenly a divine light fell from the sky and landed in front of him with a bang.

"Brother Zhuo, welcome to Yixing, we meet again."

In the divine light, a six-armed arhat came out, wearing a mysterious mask.

This mysterious man who suddenly appeared was the lord of Yixing, the void merchant Yi Tianxing.

Zhuo Bufan also smiled slightly after seeing Yi Tianxing.

"Hello, Brother Yi. We meet again."

"Yes, it's been more than a year since we last met. I'm very happy to see Brother Zhuo again."

"By the way, Brother Zhuo, I'll take you to see someone."

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment after hearing what Yi Tianxing said.

"Take me to see someone? Who?"

"You'll know when you get there. Let's go!"

Yi Tianxing deliberately kept it a secret.

Then he took Zhuo Bufan to his castle.

When they came to a gorgeous bedroom.

As soon as he entered the bedroom, Zhuo Bufan saw the person lying on the bed.


The one lying on the bed was Shun, the sixth elder of the Ronin.

Unexpectedly, Shun did not die in that battle.

"Half a year ago, Brother Shun suddenly opened the space channel here and escaped to my Yixing."

"When he came to me, he was already seriously injured and dying."

"Fortunately, after more than half a year of recuperation, his injuries began to improve."

"But his injuries are serious and he has not woken up yet. Obviously, he encountered a tragic battle."

Yi Tianxing said.

Zhuo Bufan nodded after hearing this.

"Yes, it was indeed a huge and shocking battle!"

Zhuo Bufan witnessed that battle, which was so fierce that the sky was dark, everything was extinct, and the galaxy was shattered.

Zhuo Bufan didn't know how the subsequent battle was. He only knew that the battle was very heroic and he didn't know how many people died because of it.

"Brother Zhuo, you should have the ability to bring people back to life, right?"

"I wonder if you can help Shun?"

Shun is also a good friend of Yi Tianxing, otherwise Yi Tianxing would not have tried so hard to save him.

Zhuo Bufan replied after hearing this.

"Of course, Brother Shun is my friend, so I will do my best to help him."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he came to Shun's bedside.

Then he used the Heaven Repairing Technique on Shun.

As the best magical power in the world, the Heaven Repairing Technique can instantly repair any injury.

When the energy of the Heaven Repairing Technique covered Shun,

Shun's consciousness soon began to recover, and his damaged body and soul were completely restored.

In a short while, Shun opened his eyes, and then looked at Zhuo Bufan and Yi Tianxing in confusion.

"Everyone, what's wrong with everyone?"

Shun looked at Zhuo Bufan and said.

Zhuo Bufan frowned tightly and shook his head.

"Brother Shun, I just got here too. I don't know what happened to them you mentioned."

Zhuo Bufan replied helplessly.

Next, Yi Tianxing told Shun what happened.

After hearing this for a moment, he covered his head.

"It's over, everything is over!"

"My people are all dead!"

Shun obviously recalled what happened before he teleported.

He watched with his own eyes the destruction of Ronin.

At this moment, he was in great pain.

"why why!"

Shun showed the same pained wail as Qiankun.

Zhuo Bufan and Yi Tianxing didn't say anything after seeing this scene.

They also know that once something has happened, it is impossible to undo it.

Even Zhuo Bufan can't do it now.

His first save door was even broken.

Two days later, Shun finally stopped wallowing in grief.

He told Zhuo Bufan and Yi Tianxing what happened next.

When Zhuo Bufan learned that Ronin was destroyed, he felt a little touched in his heart.

An entire ethnic group was wiped out in the hands of those guys.

A feeling of sadness and anger lingers in my heart.

"Brother Shun, please don't worry, I will help you get revenge."

Zhuo Bufan decided to help Shun take revenge. After all, the incarnation of the way of heaven was also his enemy.

But after hearing it for a moment, he shook his head.

"No need, this is my hatred, I will bear it myself."

"Besides, I've figured it out. I still have tribesmen waiting for me to protect them, and I want to find them as soon as possible."

Shun knew that their Ronin clan had not yet been completely wiped out.

Before the Ronin star was destroyed, a Ziji battleship escaped in time.

There lies the future of the Ronin clan.

Therefore, Shun wants to find his people and their future.

"Brother Yi, do you know the news about my people?"

Shun looked at Yi Tianxing.

As a merchant in the void, Yi Tianxing is the most well-informed being in the void. If you ask for his help, you may be able to find the whereabouts of your clan members.

After hearing this, Yi Tianxing frowned.

"I'm sorry, I really don't know about this."

"I only knew the news that your Ronin planet was destroyed, but I didn't know that a group of your Ronin tribe had escaped."

"However, I think there should be news from the Chamber of Commerce."

"Chamber of Commerce?" Zhuo Bufan asked from the side.

"That's right, the Void Chamber of Commerce, the liaison base for all our void merchants."

"There, as long as you pay enough, you can get any information."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan's eyes lit up.

"any news?"

"Yes, if you want to inquire about someone, going to the Chamber of Commerce is undoubtedly the best choice."

"The Void Chamber of Commerce has the largest intelligence network in the chaotic void."

Yi Tianxing is obviously not the only void merchant in this void.

The chaotic void is huge and boundless.

There are countless void merchants like Yi Tianxing.

There is also a mutual network of contacts between the void merchants.

After a while, they will all feedback their information to each other in the Chamber of Commerce, and then summarize the information to create a sea of ​​information.

In this chaotic void, information is sometimes the most precious.

For example, if Zhuo Bufan wants to find the Lord of Time, the answer to this news can only be found in the Void Chamber of Commerce.

"Then let's go to the Void Chamber of Commerce now. I must find the clansmen immediately."

Shun had just recovered, and he couldn't wait to find his tribe.

After all, there are many crises in the chaotic void, and chaos beasts are often touched.

Among the surviving Ronin clan, there are no first-class masters, and they are simply not enough to protect themselves.

So after all, Shun found his clan members as soon as possible, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

Facing Shun's ardent request, Yi Tianxing answered without hesitation.

"Okay, now I will take you to the Void Chamber of Commerce."

"But before I go, I have one thing to warn you. In the Chamber of Commerce, you must not cause trouble, and don't take off your mask."

After Yi Tianxing finished speaking, he took out two white-faced masks from somewhere and handed them to Zhuo Bufan and Shun.

When Zhuo Bufan and Shun saw this, they immediately took the masks and put them on their faces without thinking too much.

After putting on the mask, they immediately felt that their aura was completely hidden.

"This mask can hide your aura, so you don't have to worry about exposing your identity in the Chamber of Commerce."

"Exposed? What is our identity worth protecting?"

Zhuo Bufan said in confusion.

After hearing this, Yi Tianxing smiled slightly.

"Do you think that only you would think of using the Void Chamber of Commerce's intelligence network to find someone?"

Yi Tianxing's words made Zhuo Bufan suddenly realize.

"You mean, those incarnations of heaven can do it too?"

Zhuo Bufan obviously understood the meaning of Yi Tian's jargon.

Since he can use the Void Chamber of Commerce's intelligence network to find people, people in Daluotian can also use this intelligence network to find him.

The Void Chamber of Commerce's intelligence network can serve anyone, as long as they pay the appropriate price.

"I understand! But even if those people find me, I have nothing to fear."

Zhuo Bufan now really wants to meet an incarnation of heaven and have a good fight with him.

It’s not certain who will win.

However, the most urgent task is to find Meng Chanyi, so Zhuo Bufan should keep a low profile for the time being.

"Well, since you two are ready, let's go to the Void Chamber of Commerce with me!"

After Yi Tianxing finished speaking, he suddenly raised the middle finger of his second arm on his left side.

Then he snapped his fingers.

For a moment, a purple light was reflected in the void.

Then, the purple light slowly formed a space channel in the void.

Obviously, this space channel is the only way to the Void Chamber of Commerce.

"Let's go!"

Under the leadership of Yi Tianxing, Zhuo Bufan and Shun walked into the void channel together.

When they passed through the void channel, they found themselves in a completely unimaginable starry sky holy land.

There are magnificent palaces everywhere, and star ships shuttled back and forth everywhere.

As far as the eye can see, at least hundreds of stars are connected together by special energy to form a set of star networks.

On each star, there are densely covered information palaces.

In each of these information palaces, countless information is stored.

This is the information network of the Void Chamber of Commerce, an information world so huge that it is simply unimaginable.

"Chamber of Commerce President Gai Wen said that all the information stored here is enough to compile hundreds of heavenly ways like your Daluotian world."

Yi Tianxing's sudden words made Zhuo Bufan's eyes light up.

"You said that this information can create the Heavenly Way?"

"Is the Heavenly Way created?"

To be honest, Zhuo Bufan's knowledge of Daluo Tiandao is limited. He always thought that Daluo Tiandao was born autonomously.

Unexpectedly, Yi Tianxing did say.

"The birth of Daluo Tiandao is an accident and a miracle."

"It is because the Lord of Time, after mixing countless information and energy, gave birth to a void existence with its own self-consciousness."

"You mean, Daluo Tiandao was created by the Lord of Time?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned.

"Yes, it was indeed created by the Lord of Time, and it is still impossible to copy."

"The Lord of Time created the Heavenly Dao, which was just an accident."

"I didn't expect that this accident would become another master with independent consciousness."

"Perhaps, it is really the existence second only to the Lord of Time."

From Yi Tianxing, Zhuo Bufan learned that the Daluo Heavenly Dao was created by the Lord of Time.

The Lord of Time might have just wanted to create something casually,

so he mixed various information and energy together to create the Heavenly Dao.

I didn't expect that the Heavenly Dao would actually develop self-awareness in its continuous evolution.

This self-awareness made it slowly become a unique existence.

Of course, the mystery of the Heavenly Dao is not just that. Perhaps only by meeting the Lord of Time can we know everything in detail.

"Follow me, we will go to the Yuxu Palace in Wandao City now, where we should be able to find out the information you want."

Yi Tianxing said no more, and then he took Zhuo Bufan and Shun to one of the stars.

On that star, there is an emerald-like divine city.

Above the Divine City, there is a palace shrouded by countless holy halos.

This is the Yuxu Palace, one of the ten palaces of the Void Chamber of Commerce!

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