Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1251 The Second Avatar [Subscribe]

In order to fight against the Law of Equivalent Exchange of the President of the Void Chamber of Commerce, Zhuo Bufan,

Begin to understand the more powerful law of devouring yourself.

It is not easy to understand the law of devouring;

After all, the Law of Devouring is also the most powerful type of law in the chaotic void.

Perhaps, second only to the law of time.

You must know that the Lord of Time controls the law of time. Just relying on a law of time can become the strongest existence in the chaotic void.

Although the Law of Devouring is not as good as the Law of Time, it can definitely rank among the top three in the ranking of the Laws of Chaos and Void.

In the entire chaotic void, no one is closer to swallowing the soul of the law than Zhuo Bufan.

Because now he himself is an existence like a swallowing black hole.

His body can swallow everything in the world,

His soul can devour all souls.

It can be said that Zhuo Bufan is only one step away from understanding the Law of Devouring.

Of course, just one step away, that may be the distance to the end of the world or the galaxy on the other side.

So can Zhuo Bufan realize the power of the Devouring Law?

It still depends on him.

When he completely emptied himself, his body felt like a big whirlpool.

He can swallow anything.

This feeling is very strange, like a bottomless abyss.

He was looking into the abyss, and the abyss was looking into him.

It was as if at that moment, he was the abyss himself.

Zhuo Bufan is looking into the abyss,

Zhuo Bufan is also an abyss.

This feeling is mysterious.

That sense of existence that is indescribable, unclear, and inexplicable.

Zhuo Bufan is constantly reincarnated in this kind of self-devourment.

Zhuo Bufan obviously has his own understanding of the soul that swallows the law.

The so-called law of devouring actually belongs to reincarnation in origin.

Turning the swallowed thing into another kind of substance or energy is called reincarnation.

The law of reincarnation originates from the law of time.

Therefore, the law of time is the source of all laws in the world.

Of course, with Zhuo Bufan's current ability, it is impossible to comprehend the law of time.

If he wants to understand the law of time, Zhuo Bufan must at least understand the law of reincarnation first.

To understand the Law of Reincarnation, he must first understand the Law of Devouring.

This is an advanced relationship that belongs to the power of law.

"To swallow is to reincarnate!"

"Combined with my experience in the world of reincarnation, it may help me understand the mystery of this devouring law."

Zhuo Bufan continues to realize the true meaning of engulfment in self-devourment and self-reincarnation.

This process will obviously take a long, long time.

After all, understanding the laws does not happen overnight.

If Zhuo Bufan can really understand the Law of Devouring, then he will truly be invincible and invincible.

On this side, Zhuo Bufan understood the law of devouring with extreme composure.

On the other side, at the far end of the galaxy, another part of Zhuo Bufan's body also had its own adventure.

After Zhuo Bufan was cut in two by Mo Chichi's moon knife.

The two broken bodies were separated into two spaces by space forces.

Zhuo Bufan's upper body has now become the Devouring Divine Body, and he has begun to understand the mystery of the Devouring Law.

The lower body was obviously not so lucky.

After Zhuo Bufan's lower body floated in the void, he fell asleep for a long time before waking up.

He first used the Sky-Mending Technique to complement his body.

Immediately afterwards, he sensed it and found that his cultivation level had dropped by half.

Because of the separation law of Mo Chi Chi Moon Knife,

He couldn't feel where his upper body was at all.

However, Zhuo Bufan's lower body possesses the power of the inner world.

He first entered the inner world to see how the earth was developing.

Today's earth is expanding in an orderly manner.

Thanks to the Tree of Creation, the power of laws in Zhuo Bufan's inner world has become more and more perfect.

Of course, the power of laws in the inner world is at the lowest level, and getting the Chaos Void is not worth mentioning at all.

In addition, Xiao Xiang was also sent to the inner world by Zhuo Bufan for recovery due to previous serious injuries.

Now that the injury has recovered, Zhuo Bufan summoned it again.

"Little Nightmare, where should we go now?"

Zhuo Bufan, who only owned the inner world, had no idea where to go next.

In addition to the inner world, other life-saving swords, swallowing star cores and many other precious artifacts are all in the space ring hands on the upper body.

In other words, it is almost impossible for Zhuo Bufan, who has a lower body, to use the fusion power of the Mercy Sword and the Devouring Star Core.

Now he couldn't feel the position of his upper body at all.

So for a moment, the lower body of Zhuo Bufan didn't know where to go.

He just let Little Nightmare carry him, traveling aimlessly through the void.

"I want to become stronger. Only by becoming strong enough can I survive in this world."

Zhuo Bufan, who is in the lower body, also wants to become stronger.

But the way to become stronger lies in the upper body.

Now, his cultivation level has dropped by half.

Therefore, it is not easy for Zhuo Bufan to gain a foothold in this chaotic void.

"Although that woman Mo Chichi is a little too much, she did it to save me."

Zhuo Bufan actually wanted to complain about Mo Chichi.

If Mo Chichi hadn't cut him off with a single blow, his cultivation would not have declined.

However, if Mo Chichi hadn't cut himself off in time, he wouldn't have been able to escape from the battlefield.

Mo ChiChi actually saved him at the last moment.

Zhuo Bufan is not a fool, he knows Mo Chichi's true feelings for him.

It's just that Zhuo Bufan already has three women in his heart, and he really can't accommodate other women.

"I wonder if Dream Fairy is okay now!"

Zhuo Bufan felt that the Sky Mending Technique he had previously applied to Meng Chanyi still existed.

This means that Meng Chanyi should still be alive now.

But whether it was good or bad, he wasn't sure.

However, Meng Chanyi is still alive, which is at least good news for Zhuo Bufan.

"Then go find Dream Fairy first!"

Zhuo Bufan, who was lowering his body, planned to find Meng Chanyi.

Meet Meng Chanyi first, and then discuss the next thing.

As a result, just when Zhuo Bufan was about to do everything he could to find Meng Chanyi, a white light like white silk fell in front of him.

"Got you!"

Deep in the soul, a heart-thumping and affectionate voice came.

Zhuo Bufan took a closer look and saw someone coming in front of him, dressed in white clothes like snow.

Feathers and colorful clothes are dancing gracefully.

"Meng, Dream Fairy?"

It really comes to whatever you want.

Zhuo Bufan was really planning to look for Meng Chanyi, but he didn't expect Meng Chanyi to find him first.

Meng Chanyi looked at Zhuo Bufan lovingly. She didn't say anything, but directly rushed towards Zhuo Bufan and hugged him deeply.

"Hold me tight and don't talk."

Meng Chanyi's voice sounded in my mind,

Zhuo Bufan could feel that Mengchanyi was hugging him tightly, fearing that he was an illusion.

For some reason, Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but raise his hands, and then hugged Meng Chanyi's slim waist tightly.

For a moment, Zhuo Bufan felt that he had gained an indescribable sense of satisfaction.

They just hugged each other, feeling each other's heartbeat and body temperature.

No one spoke, as if they were expecting this tenderness to last longer.

It wasn't until Meng Chanyi suddenly remembered something that she immediately pushed Zhuo Bufan away from her arms and said.

"Let's get out of here first, Tyranny and the others are coming to hunt us down."

Only then did Meng Chanyi remember that her mission was not to be gentle with Zhuo Bufan, but to escape with Zhuo Bufan.

After Meng Chanyi finished speaking, she quickly left the starry sky with Zhuo Bufan and Xiao Xiang.

"Tyrant? How do they know where I am?"

After hearing this, Meng Chanyi replied.

"Mo Chichi knows!"

"Originally, Mo Chichi and I planned to find your two clones as soon as possible."

"But along the way, we were pursued by Tyranny and others."

"Mo Chichi is the only one who knows where your two clones are."

"So in order to lure them away, Mo Chichi first told me the location of one of your clones."

"Then she took Tyranny and others and headed in another direction."

"Mo Chichi tried to lure them away, but a Heavenly Dao clone caught up with me."

Meng Chanyi told Zhuo Bufan the general situation.

It turns out that after their battle on Ronin Star, Mo Chichi and Meng Chanyi teamed up to find Zhuo Bufan's two clones.

The only one who could find the two clones of Zhuo Bufan was Mo Chichi.

After all, it was Mo Chichi who killed Zhuo Bufan with the moon knife.

However, Mo Chichi is the incarnation of the way of heaven, and the incarnations of the way of heaven can sense each other's directions within a certain range.

It was obvious that Tyranny and the others had taken advantage of this and had been secretly following Mo Chichi.

As long as you keep following Mo ChiChi, you will definitely find Zhuo Bufan.

In order to protect Zhuo Bufan, Mo Chichi sacrificed herself again.

She told Mengchan the location of one of Zhuo Bufan's clones, and then she lured Tyranny away in another direction.

So this is also the reason why Meng Chanyi was able to find Zhuo Bufan.

Of course, Meng Chanyi only found half of Zhuo Bufan's body.

The other half of Zhuo Bufan's body is still in the Void Chamber of Commerce.

After learning the truth, Zhuo Bufan was once again grateful to Mo Chichi.

"Who is following you?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

After hearing this, Meng Chanyi replied.

"It should be Aolai, the god of hatred!"

"This guy is a tough guy and I don't want to fight him, so we'd better get rid of him."

Meng Chanyi said.

Tian Aolai of Hatred is the most difficult opponent among the seven incarnations of heaven.

Because of the existence of the Dragon Ball, he almost has the ability to mend the sky with Meng Chanyi.

So Meng Chanyi didn't want to waste time with him, so she took Zhuo Bufan and ran away.

"That little nightmare, look for the nearest space-time rift immediately. We can use the space-time rift to get rid of him."

Zhuo Bufan said to the little nightmare at his feet.

After hearing this, Little Nightmare immediately began to sense the nearest space-time rift nearby.

Soon, Little Nightmare responded.

"found it!"

"Okay, let's rush there right away."

Zhuo Bufan didn't say much and asked Xiao Yanli to rush towards the direction of the space-time rift.

"Then what do we do next?"

It is good to escape from the pursuit of the incarnation of heaven.

But what to do next?

Zhuo Bufan had no idea at all. After all, Meng Chanyi was here, and he suddenly felt much weaker.

"Mo Chichi asked us to go to Mufa Star in the Eternal Star Territory to wait for her!"

"Mufa Star? Where is that place?"

"The Mufa Star is a law star in the Eternal Star Territory, and it is also the star of the Mufa Clan!"

"He is very famous in the Chaos Void."

Meng Chanyi's understanding of the chaotic void was obviously better than Zhuo Bufan's.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan asked no more questions.

He followed Meng Chanyi towards the crack in space.

Behind him, there was a long dragon chasing after him.

It was a terrifying black dragon, filled with the resentment of countless resentful spirits.

It seems that there are countless innocent souls that make up its body.

The coming of hatred from Heaven is originally transformed by the hatred of Heaven.

It can be said that he represents the hatred of Heaven.

Who does Heaven hate?

The person Daluo Tiandao hates the most is, of course, Zhuo Bufan.

Therefore, the hateful Tian Aolai is also the most serious in hunting down Zhuo Bufan.

Everyone else has their own agendas and agendas.

Some people's hearts are not with Zhuo Bufan, some are in love with Zhuo Bufan, some are playing soy sauce, and some are paddling.

Only Hate Tian Ao came, this guy only wanted to kill Zhuo Bufan.

Therefore, Ao Lai is chasing after Meng Chanyi.

Because he knew that Meng Chanyi would definitely go to Zhuo Bufan.

Only by following Meng Chanyi could he find Zhuo Bufan.

Facts have proved that Ao Lai's guess was correct.

As expected, Mo Chichi planned to lure the tiger away from the mountain, so that Meng Chanyi could find Zhuo Bufan and Jin Chan could escape.

"Where to escape!"

Hatred Tian Aolai suddenly accelerated his speed, and then chased Zhuo Bufan and Meng Chanyi.

"Coming, so fast!"

Zhuo Bufan could sense that Aolai, the Sky of Hatred, was flying rapidly towards his direction.

Its speed even exceeds that of Little Nightmare.

The speed of the Space-Time Nightmare Dragon is already fast enough in the Chaos Void.

But compared with the hatred of Tian Aolai, it is far from enough.

Seeing that Ao Lai was about to catch up, the Time and Space Nightmare Dragon sped up.

But Ao Lai was obviously faster.

At this moment, Meng Chanyi pulled out a hairpin from her hair and waved her hand.

The hairpin instantly penetrated the space and struck towards Ao Lai.

call out!

A piercing cold light flew by, and Ao Lai immediately hit it with his dragon horn.


The two tyrannical forces collided together, and then an earth-shattering divine power erupted.

Ao Lai opened his mouth and spit out the dragon ball.

Streams of dark light flew out from the dragon beads, and then headed towards Meng Chanyi and Zhuo Bufan to kill them.


Meng Chanyi blocked Zhuo Bufan behind her, and then formed a golden shield.

The shield was condensed from the Heaven-Mending Technique, and protected Meng Chanyi, Zhuo Bufan and Xiao Xiang together.

Meng Chanyi is worthy of being the number one among the three emperors. She can handle Ao Lai's crazy attack with ease.

The shield condensed by the Heaven-Building Magic blocked all Ao Lai's attacks.

Not only that, the powerful bombardment speeded up Meng Chanyi and the others' escape.

Meng Chanyi took this opportunity to fly toward the rift in time and space with Zhuo Bufan and escape.

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