Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1252: The Cicada Sword [Subscribe please]

Now Zhuo Bufan was split into two people by Mo Chichi's power.

One is in the Void Chamber of Commerce, comprehending the Law of Devouring.

This Zhuo Bufan is obviously more powerful.

According to his current cultivation speed, once he successfully comprehends the Law of Devouring, he believes that there will be only a handful of people in the void who are qualified to be his opponents.

What kind of incarnation of heaven is out of the question.

It can be said that this person is extraordinary and has practiced hard, which is no longer the same as before.

However, the other half, Zhuo Bufan, did not get the chance to become stronger because he lost half of his cultivation.

And most importantly, he is now completely targeted.

It can only be said that Zhuo Bufan's lower body is really unlucky.

Fortunately, he still has Meng Chanyi's protection.


Meng Chanyi covered Zhuo Bufan and the others and rushed towards the nearest space-time rift.

But now there is a problem.

Meng Chanyi and Mo Chichi agreed to meet at the Mufa Star in the Eternal Star Territory.

If they choose to go through the rift in time and space,

Then it is very likely that he will be taken to an unknown world by the cracks in time and space.

Because the direction of the space-time rift teleportation is unknown, no one knows where it will be teleported.

Even the Time and Space Nightmare Dragon, which lives in the cracks in time and space, doesn't know.

So once you get into the cracks in time and space, you are embarking on an unknown journey.

However, they have no choice now. Now Tian Ao Lai, who hates them, has caught up with them.

"I want to leave, have you left yet?"

The hateful Tian Ao came in hot pursuit.

From the dragon ball in his mouth, countless innocent souls flew out, constantly eroding the shield created by Meng Chanyi's Heaven-Mending Technique.

The power of the Sky Mending Technique lies in its ability to constantly repair its own wounds.

However, Ao Lai's dragon ball can exhale countless innocent souls.

Each of these wronged souls carries the resentment of Da Luotian, and it can be said that they use the power of heaven.

Therefore, under the constant encroachment of these innocent souls, the shield woven by Meng Chanyi began to break.

"I'm going to hold him while you go towards the rift in time and space."

Seeing the hatred of Tian Ao coming, he was about to catch up.

Meng Chanyi made a prompt decision and decided to cover Zhuo Bufan's retreat.

Before Zhuo Bufan could react, Meng Chanyi flew away and fought with the hateful Tian Ao Lai in the void.

"be careful!"

Zhuo Bufan exclaimed.

However, he did not stay where he was, because this would only delay Meng Chanyi's retreat.

"Little Nightmare, let's go."

Zhuo Bufan couldn't live up to the retreat time that Meng Chanyi bought for him.

After Meng Chanyi saw Zhuo Bufan evacuate, she jumped in front of Ao Lai, who was hated by the sky.

With one move, a cicada was able to repel Ao Lai who was pursuing him.

"Meng Chanyi, you are really hateful."

"He has ruined my heavenly affairs over and over again."

"Fuck me."

Seeing Meng Chanyi standing in front of him, Tian Aolai was filled with hatred and rage.

He opened the dragon's throat that swallowed the sky and the earth, and swallowed Meng Chanyi in one gulp.

Mengchan's clothes are elegant, and she holds the law of non-duality in her hand.


A purple hairpin flew towards Ao Lai.

One turns into two, two turns into four, four turns into eight, eight turns into thousands.

Seeing countless flying hairpins coming towards him, Ao Lai sent a breath of dragon that shook the world.

All the flying hairpins were instantly shattered into ashes.

Then, it roared angrily.

The dragon ball began to spin crazily, and then released the terrifying souls.

Countless innocent souls attacked Meng Chanyi.

These grievances directly attack the soul and are not affected by physical damage. They are the most difficult to deal with.

However, their opponent is Meng Chanyi, who is the number one among the human monks under the Three Emperors.

Although his cultivation level has not reached the Heavenly Dao realm, it is comparable to the Heavenly Dao incarnation in the Heavenly Dao realm.

Facing the entanglement of the resentful spirits, Meng Chanyi waved her hand, and the holy light filled the entire sky.

These radiances carry extremely sacred power and are the greatest nemesis of the resentful spirits.

All the resentful spirits were wiped out in an instant.

When Ao Lai saw this, he roared in frustration.

"Damn Meng Chanyi!"

"Damn, damn!"

Meng Chanyi's methods were endless, and she suppressed the hatred of Tian Aolai without any temper.

As a last resort, Ao Lai could only seek help from other incarnations of heaven.

"Tyranny, I have found my natural enemy."

"But now I am entangled by this woman Meng Chanyi, please come and help me."

"If we don't come back, the natural enemies will escape through the cracks in time and space."

Ao Lai communicated through the special soul of the incarnation of Heavenly Dao, and then informed Tyranny and the others in another starry sky.

After hearing this, Tyranny immediately decided to give up chasing Mo Chichi and pursue Meng Chanyi instead.

The incarnation of Tiandao is very fast, and it won't take long to reach this starry sky.

Meng Chanyi apparently also discovered that Ao Lai was informing Tyranny and others.

So she no longer loved fighting, but condensed a black and white light from her palm.

Immediately afterwards, a very stunning divine sword flew out from the black and white light.

The sword was as thin as a cicada's wing, and where the sword rested, there was a golden cicada.

As Jin Chan breathed out, it seemed as if even the surrounding time and space began to freeze.

This is Meng Chanyi's Jingchan Sword, which was made for her by that person.

This Jian Meng Chan Yi is rarely used because this Jing Chan Sword is extremely fragile.

It can be said that it is a divine sword with restrictions on use.

The main ability of this Jing Cicada Sword is to cut through time and space!

That's right,

The power of the Jingchan Sword is very strong, it can be said to be against the will of heaven.

If you are cut by the Jingchan Sword, time will stop.

One cut of the sword can stop time.

But such a power against the will of heaven will naturally hurt the sword body.

So the Jingchan Sword cannot be used frequently. Meng Chanyi will not use the power of the Jingchan Sword unless it is absolutely necessary.

After all, the Jingchan Sword was forged for her by Luo Tian.

This is Luo Tian's relic, Meng Chanyi regards it as more important than her own life.

However, it is an emergency situation now.

In order to protect Zhuo Bufan, she must use the Jingchan Sword.

Because Zhuo Bufan is the reincarnation of Luo Tian, ​​in a sense, Zhuo Bufan is Luo Tian.

It is natural to use Luo Tian's Jingchan Sword to protect Zhuo Bufan.

Hate Tian Aolai obviously rarely fights with Meng Chanyi.

He doesn't know much about Meng Chanyi,

and it is even more impossible for him to know that Meng Chanyi has hidden such a heaven-defying artifact as the Jingchan Sword.

You must know that Meng Chanyi has never used the Jingchan Sword before, whether it is fighting against Li Mei or Tyranny.

Now, Ao Lai was lucky enough to witness the true power of the Jingchan Sword.

When Meng Chanyi held the Jingchan Sword in his hand, he was like the most lonely and high sun in the sky.

The Jingchan Sword in his hand burst out with golden light.

The moment he saw the Jingchan Sword,

Ao Lai instinctively felt a hint of threat.

It spit out dragon balls, released countless resentful spirits, and protected itself.


Meng Chanyi's Jingchan Sword slashed down. The power of the divine sword burst out.

Immediately, a divine light like the creation of the world penetrated the entire void.

Then, all the time and space where the sword slashed was instantly broken.

At that moment, time and space were completely still.

Ao Lai had no time to dodge, and was cut by Meng Chanyi's sword. .

For a moment, the world was silent, and all matter and energy were still.

The Jingchan Sword, like a cicada in summer, stopped time in the sound of cicadas.

"Meng Chanyi, you!"

Ao Lai watched his movements completely stop.

Obviously, he didn't know the ability of the Jingchan Sword to stop time.

But it was too late to regret now.

After Meng Chanyi killed Ao Lai with her sword, she turned around and caught up with Zhuo Bufan and the others.

"Here I come!"

Zhuo Bufan watched Meng Chanyi coming and immediately stopped the Space-Time Nightmare Dragon.

Seeing Meng Chanyi return safely, he was very happy.

"Are you okay?"

Zhuo Bufan stretched out his hand and caught Meng Chanyi from the air.

Seeing this, Meng Chanyi carefully stretched out her hand.

Until the moment her little hand was caught by Zhuo Bufan, her heart was pounding.

"I'm fine, I made you worry."

"My worry is unnecessary, your strength is undoubtedly strong."

Zhuo Bufan's worry was obviously unnecessary.

Meng Chanyi has endless means, and it is normal for her to escape from Ao Lai's pursuit.

"He won't catch up, will he?"

"Not for now, I trapped him with the Jingchan Sword."

"But the other incarnations of the Heavenly Dao should be here soon."

Meng Chanyi said lightly, she felt her palms sweating.

She had never thought of being held by Zhuo Bufan's hand like this.

Meng Chanyi was pure and innocent, and no other man had ever held her hand except Luo Tian.

Those men didn't want to, but they didn't dare.

Meng Chanyi couldn't let any other man touch her except Luo Tian.

But Zhuo Bufan was different.

Zhuo Bufan was Luo Tian's reincarnation, he was Luo Tian in her heart.

So Meng Chanyi didn't feel the slightest bit of aversion to Zhuo Bufan holding her hand.

On the contrary, she was looking forward to it.

"Hey, what kind of sword is this? I feel that there is the power of time on this sword."

Zhuo Bufan saw the Jingchan Sword in Meng Chanyi's hand.

Because Zhuo Bufan had been in contact with the power of time, when he saw the Jingchan Sword, he felt a little familiar.

After hearing this, Meng Chanyi hurriedly explained.

"This is the Jingchan Sword!"

"Jingchan Sword? It feels so familiar, there is an inexplicable sense of familiarity."

Zhuo Bufan said.

Meng Chanyi was surprised when she heard it.

"Really? You can feel a sense of familiarity?"

"Yeah, it's like an old friend who I haven't seen for a long time."

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's words, Meng Chanyi said excitedly.

"That's right, because the Jingchan Sword was made by you!"

Zhuo Bufan was slightly stunned by Meng Chanyi's words.

"I made this sword?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

Meng Chanyi held the Jingchan Sword in her hand, as if she was stroking her child.

Then she said.

"Yes, this sword is the parting gift you made for me."

Meng Chanyi's tone was a little sad.

Zhuo Bufan said after hearing it.

"Is it Luo Tian?"

Zhuo Bufan knew that the self that Meng Chanyi was talking about was not the current self, but her first life, Luo Tian.

Meng Chanyi smiled slightly and said.

"Yes, it's the Jingchan Sword that Lord Luo Tian forged for me!"

After hearing what Meng Chanyi said, Zhuo Bufan smiled faintly and said.

"So that's why I have an inexplicable sense of familiarity."

Zhuo Bufan thought to himself.

If this is Luo Tian's sword, then in other words, this sword is actually his sword as well.

"Yimeng Jingchan is really a good sword."

Meng Chanyi's eyes widened after hearing Zhuo Bufan's unconscious words.

"Yi Meng Jing Chan? How do you know the full name of this sword is Yi Meng Jing Chan?"

Meng Chanyi was pleasantly surprised, because only Master Luo Tian in her heart had said the word "Jingchan in a Dream".

Now that Meng Chanyi heard what Zhuo Bufan said, she felt extremely happy.

"Haha, I don't know either, I just said it casually."

"I think if I were to name this sword, it would also be called Yi Meng Jing Chan!"

"It seems that that person and I are really inseparable."

Although Zhuo Bufan didn't want to admit it, he had to admit the fact that he was Luo Tianlun's reincarnation.

After hearing what Zhuo Bufan said, Meng Chanyi's beautiful eyes became even more hopeful.

She now has confidence in Zhuo Bufan. She believes that as long as she finds the Lord of Time, she will be able to see Lord Luo Tian again.

"Let's go! Let's go find the Lord of Time. We will definitely find him."

Meng Chanyi's biggest wish now is to find the Lord of Time.

She wanted to see Master Luo Tian again. She had been waiting for a million years, and he didn't want to wait any longer.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but say something when he saw Meng Chanyi being so excited.

"I want to find him just like you!"

"Although I don't know what the result will be. But now, I have no way out."

Zhuo Bufan looked at Meng Chanyi and thought of his wives Bai Su and Xuan Su.

Zhuo Bufan was thinking about what would happen if he really merged with Ji Xuanhao and Luo Tian.

The fusion of three lives and three lives may be the best result.

In this way, the lover of the third life will no longer be disappointed.

"We'll find it! I've got news from the Time Lord."

"It is rumored that the Lord of Time is in the world of reincarnation. And through the cracks in time and space, we can enter the world of reincarnation."

"So, there is an opportunity right in front of us. Maybe we can meet the Lord of Time soon."

Meng Chanyi had been collecting information about the Lord of Time on her phone.

Later she found out that the Lord of Time was probably in the world of reincarnation.

The only way to go to the reincarnation world is to go through the cracks in time and space.

Through the cracks in time and space, there is a certain chance of entering the world of reincarnation.

Of course, Meng Chanyi didn't know what to do next.

That's why Meng Chanyi only found the Time and Space Nightmare Dragon, which is the Little Nightmare they are riding on now.

However, Little Nightmare doesn't seem to know the way to the world of reincarnation.

Seeing the time and space rift approaching, Meng Chanyi looked very excited.

"Through the cracks in time and space, it is possible to enter the world of reincarnation."

"So, I'm going to give it a try."

Meng Chanyi said to Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan looked at the Space-Time Nightmare Dragon at his feet.

"Little Nightmare, do you know how to get to the world of reincarnation?"

After hearing this, Xiao Yu responded.

"The woman next to you asked this question a long time ago."

"I have no idea!"

"If I had known, I would have gone to see the Lord of Time. I would have asked him to give me eternal life."

Xiao Xi's answer made Zhuo Bufan a little disappointed.

However, Meng Chanyi was not too disappointed.

"Trust me, we can do this."

"Come with me."

After Meng Chanyi finished speaking, she held the Shocking Cicada Sword in her hand, and then took Zhuo Bufan and the Time and Space Nightmare Dragon with her, and resolutely got into the time and space rift.

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