Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1260 Great Sage Way [Subscription Request]

As Zhuo Bufan and the others' spacecraft slowly entered the orbit of Mufa Planet,

A magnificent picture of civilization appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan.

As far as the eye can see, there are splendid palaces and buildings.

The entire world is shrouded in holy light, giving people a powerful sense of holiness.

Zhuo Bufan felt that he could not use words to describe what he saw.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as a fairyland or a paradise.

Zhuo Bufan once saw Mazu Mountain, the most beautiful holy place in Daluotian, and he also felt the most powerful sacredness in the world on Mazu Mountain.

However, even Mazu Mountain cannot feel the sacred energy of Mufa Star.

Sacred energy is a very magical energy that can cleanse people's souls and make people feel positive.

Zhuo Bufan suspected that there might be a source of sacred energy beneath the Mufa Star.

Perhaps the entire Mufa Star is the source of this sacred energy.

Under the influence of this sacred power, Zhuo Bufan believed that all people in this world should be the incarnation of positive energy.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan has not felt the positive energy of the Mufa Stars so far.

On the contrary, I felt the domineering and rudeness of the Mufa star.

"We're almost there!"

At this moment, the soldier came out of the cockpit.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan only saw their spaceship sailing into an air port.

The entire air port is like a huge mechanical tree.

Every canopy is an air port.

And every battleship is a leaf.

The spaceship Zhuo Bufan and the others were on docked at the air port.

Then a group of people stepped off the spacecraft.

Then walked through the branch passage and finally came to the tree trunk elevator.

Through the elevator, they landed on the ground.

After stepping out of the elevator, the rolling mountains of tree roots suddenly appeared in front of us.

On each "root" mountain range, there are energy rail cars that shuttle back and forth at very fast speeds.

"You three, please!"

"Let's go to Mu Shen Mountain now!"

The soldier led Zhuo Bufan and the others onto one of the energy rail cars.

Then they headed towards the most sacred mountain in the center of the world.

Another half day passed,

They finally arrived at the foot of Mount Mugen.

Zhuo Bufan raised his head and looked at the towering sacred mountain in front of him.

The entire sacred mountain was shrouded in a brilliant light.

A broad ladder leads directly to the clouds on the top of the mountain.

"You three, this is your first time going up the mountain. Please climb to the top of the mountain step by step!"

"This passage is called the Great Sage Path!"

"Those who hike to the top of the mountain will have their negative energy completely washed away."

"It cleanses your souls and cleanses you of your sins."

"Ordinary people can't even climb one step on the Great Sage Path."

"But the three of you are all gods who can navigate the void. I believe reaching the top will not be a problem for you."

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly when he saw this scene.

"Is this a test of us?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that when he got to the foot of the mountain, he would come out like this.

This made Zhuo Bufan a little unhappy.

"Haha, Senior Zhuo is joking. This is not a test, just a baptism."

"Everyone who goes to the Holy Mountain for the first time needs to be baptized, including our nine holy envoys."

"Once you successfully reach the top, you can come and go freely on this sacred mountain from now on."

After the soldier finished speaking, he stretched out his hands toward Zhuo Bufan and the others.

"You three, please!"

At this time, suddenly another group of people came to the foot of the Great Holy Way.

Zhuo Bufan and the other three turned around and saw the leading man wearing the same clothes as the soldiers.

Presumably he is also one of the nine holy envoys of Mufa Star.

Obviously, the soldier also saw the person coming, so he quickly stepped forward and asked.

"Array History, I didn't expect you to come too."

"It seems that you have also completed the task assigned by Lord Shepherd."

The soldier walked towards the formation historian.

After hearing this, the formation history officer snorted coldly and said.

"The soldiers are not bad either! They completed the mission so quickly."

"This tall guy should be the Giant King Huck!"

"If Lord Shepherd hadn't personally taken action, I'm afraid Giant King Huck wouldn't have been convinced!"

The formation envoy's tone was a bit sinister, which made the envoy very unhappy.

Zhuo Bufan could see that there was no harmony among the nine holy envoys.

These so-called nine holy envoys are full of negative energy. Have they really been baptized by this great holy way?

"Array envoy, you are jealous!"

"Be careful that you are no longer holy, and will be deposed as the Holy Envoy by the Shepherd God."

The soldier ordered the formation to play.

After hearing this, he gritted his teeth and hummed.


He hesitated to speak, but finally calmed down the anger in his heart.

"Very well, Soldier, I won't argue with you."

"You are right, we holy envoys have all been baptized by the Great Holy Path and are saints personally selected by the Shepherd God."

"As a saint, you must naturally have the spirit of a saint."

After the formation envoy finished speaking, he turned back and looked at the two inhuman creatures behind him.

"You two, this is the Great Holy Path. You can get the approval of the Shepherd God by hiking to the top of the mountain."

"Since you want to be loyal to Lord Shepherd, then please go to the top of the mountain and wash your soul."

"Lord Shepherd doesn't like dirty people."

"See you at the top of the mountain."

After the formation envoy finished speaking, he turned into a ray of light and flew up to the top of the mountain first.

Seeing the envoys running away, the envoys laughed.

"Hahahaha, the formation envoy escaped now?"

"I still have something to say!"

After the soldier finished speaking, he turned back to look at Zhuo Bufan and the others.

"You three, I'm waiting for you at the top of the mountain, please!"

After saying that, the soldier turned into a ray of light and flew to the top of the mountain.

For a moment, only Zhuo Bufan and the others were left.

On Zhuo Bufan's side, there was the Giant King and Yu Ji.

The two people on the other side are obviously the star owners of the other two life stars.

One of them had two very long arms.

His hands were almost dragging to the ground.

He is also very tall, at least two or three meters tall.

It has a huge bull head and its body is covered with long black hair.

The whole appearance looked a bit weird, and it was obviously a creature Zhuo Bufan had never seen before.

"They seem to be the long-armed tribe. Legend has it that their hands can reach up to the sky to grasp the moon and go down to the sea to catch Kun. One palm can shatter the stars. They are a very powerful race."

Giant King Huck introduced to Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan nodded slightly.

Then, he looked at the person next to the long-armed tribe.

That one looks even more terrifying and grotesque.

It has a head like a light bulb.

Around its head, there are tentacles.

At the end of each tentacle is an eyeball.

It looks like an upside-down jellyfish floating in the air.

When Yu Ji saw this, she immediately said.

"It is Tong Ge, the leader of the Demon Eye Clan, who just obtained the will of the Demon Eye Star not long ago."

"The Demon Eye clan is very cunning and treacherous. I really don't know why the Shepherd would recruit them."

Yu Ji doesn't have a good impression of Tong Ge, the leader of the Demon Eye Clan.

It seems that Mu Shen is recruiting from any force in order to fight against Yuan Zun.

After all, this is a battle related to the life and death of the entire Eternal Star Territory.

Mufa star and original body star,

Shepherd and Yuan Zun!

Whoever can win this war will be the talker of the Eternal Star Territory in the future.

Therefore, this is a battle that cannot be lost.

For this reason, the Shepherd does not care whether the recruits are good or bad, good or evil.

While he was talking, Zhuo Bufan spotted the two people from the Long Arm Clan and the Demon Eye Clan.

Started to embark on the Great Holy Path.

The moment they stepped onto the stairs, a ray of white light shot up from the soles of their feet, shrouding them in the white light.

Under that holy light, traces of black aura began to escape from their bodies.


From their mouths, bursts of low roars came out.

I don’t know whether it’s uncomfortable or refreshing.

In short, the evil aura about them seems to be slowly fading.

Zhuo Bufan's eyes lit up when he saw this scene.

"It turns out that this Great Holy Way is specially used by the Shepherd to absorb evil thoughts from our souls."

"He wanted to ensure our loyalty, so he selected us in this way."

Zhuo Bufan guessed the intention of the Shepherd.

Since you are evil by nature, purify your evil thoughts and then use them for me.

This is what the faun thinks.

"It's interesting, let's go too!"

After Zhuo Bufan guessed the Shepherd's plan, he did not back down.

Anyway, I don't have any evil thoughts. At most, I just want to wait for Mo Chichi's arrival on this Mufa Star.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan bravely took that step and stepped onto the ladder of the Great Sage.

The moment his feet stepped on the steps of the Great Holy Path, an extremely sacred energy rushed out from under Zhuo Bufan's feet.


At that moment, Zhuo Bufan felt that energy pouring into his soul.

Wash away all the unpleasant thoughts in your heart.

“So relaxing!”

Unexpectedly, Zhuo Bufan felt an indescribable sense of pleasure.

He couldn't help but take the second step.

When he took the second step, that soul shock hit him again.

This time, the sorrow and worry in Zhuo Feifan's heart were washed away.

He was still blaming himself and worried about Meng Chanyi's disappearance.

However, under the baptism of the holy light, Zhuo Bufan actually had another idea.

Regarding Meng Chanyi, he changed from worry to relief.

"She must have gone to the world of reincarnation!"

"She must have found the Time Lord."

"That's great. If I had gone with her, I would have been able to see the Lord of Time now."

Zhuo Bufan had this strange thought.

He was no longer worried about Meng Chanyi, but felt happy instead.

That inexplicable joyful emotion began to continuously infuse Zhuo Bufan's soul.

This made Zhuo Bufan even more eager to climb up.

The higher he climbed, the happier he became and the less and less troubled he was.

Not only Zhuo Bufan, but also the Giant King and Yu Ji who caught up later.

They all had that inexplicable feeling of joy.

For Yu Ji, her inner concerns about race are becoming more and more calm.

From the beginning, she was very opposed and worried about joining the Animal Husbandry Alliance.

It can be said that she was forced to join the Animal Husbandry Alliance.

How can a person who is forced into helplessness be happy?

However, after embarking on the Great Saint Road, her thoughts changed.

"Only by following the Shepherd God can we gain more happiness for the tribe."

"For a better future, I must firmly follow the footsteps of Lord Shepherd God."

This idea constantly bombarded Yu Ji's soul.

Slowly, Yu Ji's soul accepted such a strange idea.

She actually developed a willing sense of identity.

In order to get more pleasure, Yu Ji accelerated her climbing speed.

And the giant king Hake was also affected by this mysterious and strange Great Saint Road.

After embarking on the Great Saint Road, the resentment in him was eliminated a lot.

In fact, after losing to the Shepherd God, Hake has always been unconvinced.

If it weren't for the tribe, he would not be convinced by the Shepherd God.

Although he said he would be loyal to the Shepherd God, Hake's heart would only be loyal to one person, that is the Queen of Wa.

The giant king Hake came to the Shepherd Law Star with a lot of resentment.

However, when he embarked on the Great Saint Road, his thoughts changed.

He actually developed a feeling of absolute obedience to the Shepherd God.

There was no reason, and it was inexplicable.

It was as if the soul was forcibly instilled with that feeling,

and in the end, the soul actually accepted that wonderful feeling.

The higher he climbed, the deeper the sense of submission in his heart became.

And most importantly, he couldn't stop, his feet couldn't stop at all.

The joy in his mind drove him to continue climbing step by step.

For a while, everyone embarked on the climbing road of the Great Saint Road.

And at this moment, at the top of the Shepherd God Mountain.

The two soldiers and the formations looked at the people climbing at the foot of the mountain and couldn't help laughing.

"Hahahaha, once you climb the Great Saint Road, you will always submit to His Majesty the Shepherd God."

"They are looking for a sense of inner compliance and a sense of satisfaction that can comfort themselves."

"No matter where they come from, no matter whether they were evil or righteous before."

"After embarking on the Great Saint Road, they will only obey the Shepherd God in the future."

Obviously, this Great Saint Road is not a trial road.

It is a road of brainwashing.

And it is not ordinary brainwashing, but a kind of brainwashing that even the Star Lord cannot resist.

When they took the first step on the Great Saint Road, they were destined to not turn back.

This Great Saint Road is also called the Forget Worry Road and the Loyalty Road.

It is a law artifact refined by the Shepherd God from the sacred energy underground.

After embarking on the Great Saint Road, they will gradually forget their troubles, all sorrows, and all negative energy.

Then, when the soul is completely blank.

Then the will of the Shepherd God will slowly enter the depths of their souls.

And as they continue to climb, that will becomes stronger.

The Shepherd God will replace the image of their loved ones in their souls.

In the end, the Shepherd God will become an irreplaceable sacred existence in their hearts.

It may be a close relative, it may be a belief, or it may be a beloved!

In this way, the Shepherd God will become the most important person in their hearts.

The so-called Shepherd God comes from this.

Shepherd God, Shepherd God, can enslave gods, herd gods, and play with the existence of gods.

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