Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1261: Chasing and Escape [Subscription Request]

Chapter 1261: Chasing and Escape [Subscription Request]

The Great Saint Road is not a ladder leading to the temple,

but a dangerous trap.

As long as you set foot on this Great Saint Road, you will unconsciously walk towards the road of submission.

This is the power of the law from the Shepherd God, which no one can resist.

The higher you climb, the deeper your sense of submission to the Shepherd God will be.

And these people often don’t know that they have fallen into a trap.

They will only find that the Shepherd God’s position in their hearts is becoming more and more important.

The Shepherd God will appear in their memories imperceptibly.

From an inconspicuous passerby, he slowly becomes their friend.

Then become a close friend, or even a relative.

This feeling will become stronger and stronger.

It seems that the Shepherd God once fought with them, went through life and death together, and grew up together.

Until the end, the Shepherd God will become an indispensable existence in their hearts.

Even become a belief in their hearts.

Zhuo Bufan has obviously fallen into this kind of feeling.

In his memory, the Shepherd God plays the role of his former brother.

Mu Shen was the only sworn brother he had ever sworn to.

They went on adventures together and fought against powerful enemies together.

That was when Zhuo Bufan was in the world of cultivation. Because of the Donghuang Bell, he was hunted down by the Demon King Donghuang Taiyi.

Then in his memory, Mu Shen suddenly appeared and accompanied Zhuo Bufan to resist Donghuang Taiyi's dominance of the Demon King.

The two swore to each other in front of the whole world and became brothers who would live and die together.

Then, in his memory, Mu Shen went through life and death for Zhuo Bufan many times.

He even saved Zhuo Bufan's life several times.

Zhuo Bufan's perception was that if there was no Mu Shen, he would not be who he is now.

Mu Shen became his most important brother.

But in fact, the role of Mu Shen was Gao Yangxu.

Gao Yangxu, the only sworn brother with Zhuo Bufan.

The two had fought against the Demon King together in the Talisman Temple.

It was from that time that Zhuo Bufan and Gao Yangxu swore to each other.

However, later the two brothers went their separate ways.

Gao Yangxu seemed to have suddenly evaporated from the face of the earth, disappearing from Zhuo Bufan's world.

Zhuo Bufan's memory of this former sworn brother is becoming increasingly vague.

Not just Zhuo Bufan, in fact, everyone has one or two friends who were once very important, but suddenly disappeared from their world one day.

And he will slowly forget him.

The Shepherd God took advantage of this, he occupied that part of the memory, and then continued to magnify this part of the memory.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan would think that the Shepherd God is Gao Yangxu, the brother he once shared life and death with.

Not just Zhuo Bufan.

The giant king Hake, and the mermaid princess Yu Ji.

Their memories were tampered with by the great saintly way of the Shepherd God.

The Shepherd God also became the person they admired most in their hearts.

In Yu Ji's memory, the Shepherd God is a character he secretly loves.

Yu Ji will secretly love the Shepherd God, and always regards the Shepherd God as the prince charming in her mind.

In fact, Yu Ji did have a secret crush on a mermaid when she was very young.

But that was when she was very young, and she had even forgotten that memory.

However, the Shepherd God kept magnifying this part of the memory.

Until Yu Ji completely regarded him as the male god she had a crush on.

The Giant King Hake was different.

In the memory of the Giant King Hake, the Shepherd God was a relative.

The Shepherd God became the elder brother in Hake's mind.

When Hake was very young, he followed his tribe on a journey of wandering in the void.

And Hake's elder brother died when he was very young.

But the Shepherd God now inherited this part of the memory.

He became Hake's elder brother, so Hake was quite respectful to the Shepherd God.


Zhuo Bufan, Yu Ji, Hake.

The three of them have become slaves of the Shepherd God unconsciously.

It must be said that the Shepherd God's methods are really clever.

Zhuo Bufan believes that he has dominated the world and has never been trapped by other people's illusions.

But the Shepherd God's is not an ordinary illusion, it is a very powerful law power.

They make people fall without knowing it.

Finally, after half a day of hiking, they reached the top of the mountain.

As soon as they reached the top of the mountain, the soldier came up to the three of them.

"Three, welcome to the Shepherd God Mountain!"

"From now on, we are brothers in the same camp."

"Do you want to see the Shepherd God now?"

When the soldier finished speaking, Zhuo Bufan and the other two nodded.

"Yes, where is the Shepherd God now? Take us to see him."

They couldn't wait to see the Shepherd God.

After all, the Shepherd God's position in their minds is already of extraordinary significance.

"Haha! The three of you should be patient."

"I will take you to the Shepherd God Temple now. The Shepherd God is in the main hall, waiting for you!"

Then, the soldier led Zhuo Bufan and the others to the central hall on the top of the mountain.

Along the way, there was a statue of the Shepherd God.

When they saw the statue of the Shepherd God, they couldn't help but stand in awe.

They obviously didn't realize that something was wrong with them.

Instead, they were cheering in their hearts, looking forward to meeting the Shepherd God.

Soon, they arrived outside the Shepherd God's Hall.

The majestic and majestic building of the Temple of God gives people a strong sense of worship and makes people marvel.

"Three of you, we're here."

While talking, the soldiers led everyone into the hall.

Inside the main hall, it is even more magnificent and glorious, without any dark corners.

In the center of the hall, there is a ball of light suspended in the sky like the sun.

The ball of light was so radiant that people dared not look directly at it.

When they got close to the ball of light, the feeling of joy deep in everyone's souls reached a climax.

Even their facial expressions became intoxicated.

"Three of you, Lord Shepherd is not in the temple now."

"But he can see you through this holy light ball."

"The light you are bathing in now is the light of the gift of the Shepherd."

"Are you still satisfied?"

The soldiers on the side looked at Zhuo Bufan and the others with a proud smile.

"Satisfied, satisfied!"

"It is already our honor to feel the brilliance of the Faun."

Yu Ji replied with satisfaction.

At this moment, a cold voice came from the holy light ball.

"Welcome everyone to join our Animal Husbandry Alliance."

"I am the god of animal husbandry! From now on, you will be with me."

The faun made a proclamation,

For a moment, Zhuo Bufan and others shouted in unison.

"We will fight to the death with the God of Shepherd!"

"Very good! The war is about to begin, and the Mufa Alliance will represent justice and punish the enemy."

"You are the light of justice, the light of hope, the light of holiness."

"I hope you can represent the right path and hold up the sword of justice to the enemy."

"The next war cannot be separated from you, cannot be separated from everyone, and cannot be separated from everyone."

The voice of the Shepherd became louder and louder.

Obviously, he was mobilizing Zhuo Bufan and the others.

This God of Shepherd is, to put it bluntly, a brainwashing god.

From the very beginning, the Great Holy Path began to brainwash everyone. Make yourself the most important person in their minds.

Wait until the brainwashing is successful and then continue the brainwashing.

In short, he wanted to make these people completely surrender to him and die for him.

Zhuo Bufan and the others were completely in this brainwashing state and began to follow blindly.

This shepherd is a person who has taken the simplest illusion of brainwashing to its extreme.

Even gods can brainwash people, and the name of the Shepherd is really not for nothing.

"Well, from now on, you can stay in my animal husbandry star!"

"You are my sharp sword, now you should hide it in its sheath."

"When the time is right, draw your sword out of its sheath, expand my territory for me, and defeat all enemies."

After listening to the words of the Shepherd, Zhuo Bufan and the others became even more excited.

"I will obey the orders of the Shepherd God!"

The three of them kneeled down on one knee unconsciously towards the light of the Shepherd.

"Soldier, the rest is up to you! Make good arrangements for our three distinguished guests."

"Meet any of their requests without slacking off."

After finishing speaking, the Shepherd disappeared into the ball of light.

"I understand! I send you my best regards, Master Shepherd."

The soldier covered his chest with his right hand and saluted.

Then, he looked at Zhuo Bufan and the others present.

"Three of you, let's go!"

"I will arrange for you to stay next. If you need anything, please let me know."

"After some time, the Shepherd will return. There will be an alliance meeting!"

"At that time, you will be able to see the face of the Shepherd God with your own eyes."

When the soldier finished these words, Zhuo Bufan and the others showed joy unconsciously.

They were actually looking forward to meeting the Shepherd again.

Next, under the arrangement of the military envoy,

Zhuo Bufan and the others lived in Mufa Star.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan did not forget his purpose.

The purpose of his coming to Mufa Star was to wait for Mo Chichi.

But now, he has one more task in his heart, which is to help the Shepherd complete the great cause of unifying the Eternal Star Territory.

Zhuo Bufan can now be said to have found his way.

I originally wanted to sneak into Mufa Star and become a gangster.

Unexpectedly, he became the little brother of the Shepherd now.

Fortunately, only half of Zhuo Bufan's body was injured.

The other half, Zhuo Bufan, is comprehending the Law of Devouring in the Void Chamber of Commerce.

For Zhuo Bufan's two clones, it is obvious that the stronger half is the dominant one.

In other words, it doesn't matter if Zhuo Bufan, who is now on Mufa Star, dies.

If Zhuo Bufan, the main other half, is not dead, then he will still be strong.

Of course, if two Zhuo Bufan can merge, it would be best to become even more powerful.

However, this requires Mo ChiChi's help.

After all, they were split in two because of Mo Chichi's moon knife.

If the two Zhuo Bufan want to unite, then they must do it with Mo Chichi.

The next thing Zhuo Bufan has to do is wait.

Waiting for Mo ChiChi’s arrival!

At this moment, Mo Chichi was on his way to the Eternal Star Territory.

However, Mo Chichi was now entangled with Tyranny and the others.

Tyranny and others knew that Mo Chichi was going to find Zhuo Bufan.

So they have been following Mo ChiChi secretly.

They believed that as long as they followed Mo Chichi, they would be able to find Zhuo Bufan sooner or later.

And Mo Chichi also knew that he could not continue to the Eternal Star Territory with Tyranny and the others.

So, she has been trying to get rid of Tyranny and the others.

And the best way to get rid of them is to use the space-time crack.

Space-time cracks can teleport people to various locations in the chaotic void. Mo Chichi can get rid of Tyranny and the others through the space-time crack.

But in this way, Mo Chichi will also be teleported to other locations by the space-time crack.

Fortunately, Mo Chichi can sense Zhuo Bufan's location.

After all, it was her moon knife that cut off Zhuo Bufan, so she has some sense of Zhuo Bufan's two clones.

"We must get rid of them quickly!"

"I remember there should be a space-time crack nearby."

Mo Chichi shuttled quickly in the void.

When she was looking for Zhuo Bufan before, she had found a space-time crack.

The other clone of Tiandao, Yi Zhi Tianwang Ce, was swallowed by this space-time crack.

Now Mo Chichi plans to get into this space-time crack in order to get rid of Tyranny and the others.

After flying for a while, Mo Chichi entered a chaotic and lightless world.

There was no light around.

This was a world of pure darkness.

Mo Chichi knew that he had approached the space-time crack.

Only around the space-time crack would it be so dark.

At the same time, Batu and others who were secretly following Mo Chichi suddenly discovered Mo Chichi's intention.

"No, this woman Mo Chichi wants to use the space-time crack to get rid of us."

Batu was the first to react.

Then he took Hun Dun and Ao Lai to chase her.

"Don't let her run away."

Perhaps feeling the pursuit of Batu and others, Mo Chichi sped up.

"Mo Chichi, you crazy woman, are you determined to betray your father?"

Batu chased while using soul transmission to stop Mo Chichi.

After hearing this, Mo Chichi ignored it.

Instead, he flew forward desperately.

"Found it."

Seeing that Batu and others were about to catch up, Mo Chichi felt the powerful devouring power of the space-time crack.

Without thinking too much, she immediately flew towards the direction of the space-time crack.

Soon, a huge black hole like a demon eye appeared in front of Mo Chichi.

When she came to the edge of the space-time crack, Mo Chichi hesitated.

After all, the space-time crack was extremely fierce.

Even if the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao jumped into it, it would be severely damaged.

If there was no cover of the Space-Time Nightmare Dragon, it could be said that it would be a life-or-death struggle to travel through the space-time crack.

However, at this point, there was no choice.

Seeing that Tyranny was right in front of him.

"Hundun, stop her!"

Tyranny immediately asked Hun Dun to use time reversal to pull Mo Chichi back.

However, Mo Chichi jumped into the space-time crack without hesitation almost at the same time as Tyranny spoke.

"It's too late! The time power of the space-time crack will interfere with me."

Hun Dun had no time to reverse time.

Mo Chichi just disappeared in front of them.

Seeing Mo Chichi jump into the time crack, Tyranny was angry.

"Damn it, damn it!"

He was so angry that he shook the universe and punched into the void, exploding the entire space.

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