Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1266: Reincarnation Star Region [Subscribe]

At the headquarters of the Void Chamber of Commerce, a dazzling sun was suspended above the void.

All the Void merchants looked up.

It is said that light creates blind people, and these merchants had to close their eyes under the brilliance.

Only Gai Wen, the president of the Void Chamber of Commerce, stood with his hands behind his back on the Void Worm Mother.

He looked at the sun in front of him with empty eyes.

A closer look revealed that it was not the sun.

It was a ball of light wrapped by countless chains emitting golden light.

Those chains were law shackles.

And this round of sun was the law power released by Gai Wen, the president of the Void Chamber of Commerce.

As for the person in the sun,

it was Zhuo Bufan, the great enemy of the Void Chamber of Commerce, who possessed the Devouring Divine Body.

In order to subdue Zhuo Bufan, the president of the Chamber of Commerce, Gai Wen, used the law of balance to control him in this sun wheel.

Because Zhuo Bufan, who possessed the Devouring Divine Body, was too powerful, it was beyond human power to stop him.

Sealing him was undoubtedly the best choice.

In order to break through the ban of the article, Zhuo Bufan is comprehending the law of devouring.

As Zhuo Bufan, who possesses the Devouring Divine Body, it is obviously not as difficult as imagined in the process of comprehending the Devouring Law.

Now Zhuo Bufan's Devouring Divine Body is basically half of the Devouring Law.

The Devouring Divine Body can devour three kinds of existence: matter, energy and soul.

Then when Zhuo Bufan can devour rules, space and time, he will fully master the Devouring Law.

As for the comprehension of the Devouring Law, Zhuo Bufan thought very simply, that is, to turn himself into a black hole.

An endless black hole.

He completely released the Devouring Star Core in his body.

And his Devouring Divine Body unconsciously began to fire at full power and devoured fiercely.

Because it was sealed in the law of the Chamber of Commerce President's article.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan's devouring power did not affect the Void Chamber of Commerce outside.

However, as Zhuo Bufan's black hole became larger and larger.

The devouring power he released was also growing.

So that the space in the Haori had begun to distort and deform.

Finally, Zhuo Bufan's devouring power has even begun to change space.

And not only space, but also time is distorted.

He really transformed himself into a space-time crack.

Space-time crack is the existence that can devour space and time.

Devouring star core is the final form of space-time crack.

And Zhuo Bufan himself is now the largest devouring star core!

It can be said that Zhuo Bufan is now a mature space-time crack.

Time has slowed down because of Zhuo Bufan's devouring.

Of course, this is nothing.

Because the devouring power continues to increase, even the law chain of the text begins to break.

After seeing this scene, the text sighed silently and said.

"Can't be trapped!"

"This person is about to break through and comprehend the third law of the chaotic void!"

The text can see that Zhuo Bufan is about to become one of the few existences in the chaotic void.

An existence comparable to the Three Emperors!

The Three Emperors are the existence that can even seal the Daluo Tiandao.

If Zhuo Bufan can really reach the height of the Three Emperors.

Then he really became stronger!

Surpass his own destiny, surpass his past.

After three reincarnations, Zhuo Bufan finally surpassed the past and became the strongest.




As the chains of the law continued to break, Gaiwen had completely given up the suppression.

Until the end, the sun wheel exploded in the void.


A bang shook the void! Released infinite light.

After the light flashed, a black sun appeared in the sky.

It floated quietly in the air. At that moment, it seemed as if time had stopped.

The appearance of the black sun wheel even stopped the flow of time.

Seeing this scene, Gaiwen finally spoke.

"I am Gaiwen, the president of the Void Chamber of Commerce. Congratulations on mastering the law of devouring! Becoming another supreme celestial master in this chaotic void!"

After Gaiwen finished speaking, the black sun wheel in the air slowly converged the light.

Then a man in black clothes walked out of the black sun wheel.

The man had black hair, a black robe, and a pair of black pupils, which made people tremble in their souls.

When he appeared, the souls of all the Void Merchants present seemed to be pressed by a mountain, and they couldn't breathe.

He was Zhuo Bufan who had comprehended the supreme law of devouring!

Zhuo Bufan raised his right hand and snapped his fingers.

Suddenly, an endless black hole appeared above the sky of the entire Void Chamber of Commerce headquarters.

Zhuo Bufan said coldly.

"I'll give you a word to convince me to let go of your Void Chamber of Commerce."


At this moment, Zhuo Bufan showed unparalleled domineering.

As long as Zhuo Bufan's mind moved, the entire Void Chamber of Commerce would instantly disintegrate in the next second.

This is an invincible attitude, a domineering attitude, and an attitude that regards all living beings as ants.

Zhuo Bufan is not joking. Now he really has the ability to destroy the entire Void Chamber of Commerce in a single thought.

Even the president of the Void Chamber of Commerce, Gaiwen, could not doubt this.

Therefore, facing Zhuo Bufan's question, Gaiwen should not take it lightly.

He sighed and did not speak immediately.

Because his next words may very well determine the life or death of the entire Void Chamber of Commerce.

Therefore, the article immediately communicated with the Void Insect Mother under his feet.

He wanted to use the Void Insect Mother's information network to know the questions and answers Zhuo Bufan wanted to know most.

As the soul life that collects all information in the void, the Void Insects obviously know what Zhuo Bufan's needs are.

Also know how to solve these needs.

as expected,

Soon, Wen Wen found the information Zhuo Bufan wanted most from the Void Insect Mother.

So the article immediately answered.

"I can tell you how to find the Time Lord!"

Sure enough, the news Zhuo Bufan wanted to know most was undoubtedly the whereabouts of the Lord of Time.

After the article said this sentence, the soul couldn't help but become nervous.

He looked at Zhuo Bufan's reaction and wanted to know what decision Zhuo Bufan would make.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan snapped his fingers.


Immediately, the black hole in the sky of the entire Void Chamber of Commerce disappeared.

"As expected of the president of the Void Chamber of Commerce, he knows what I need and want."

"Tell me how to find the Lord of Time!"

Zhuo Bufan's tone was no longer pleading or questioning like before.

Instead, he took an almost commanding tone.

He is ordering the president of the Void Chamber of Commerce to tell him the whereabouts of the Lord of Time.

The president of the Void Chamber of Commerce responded after hearing the article.

"The Lord of Time is located in the world of reincarnation!"

"How to go to the world of reincarnation?" Zhuo Bufan asked again.

"There are two ways! One is to be actively invited by the Lord of Time as a reincarnation person!"

"I think you should have experienced the world of reincarnation before."

The words of the article reminded Zhuo Bufan of his previous experiences of entering the world of reincarnation.

She always thought that she entered the world of reincarnation after drinking the wine.

Thinking about it now, I am afraid that those few times were all invited by the Lord of Time.

"Lord of Time? Could it be that Mr. Zhou is the Lord of Time?"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly frowned.

He thought of the mysterious old man Zhou Lao in the long river of time.

He was alone in a small boat drifting in the long river of time.

Zhuo Bufan always thought that he might be an ascendant from the Yin and Yang world.

But it turned out later that Mr. Zhou probably had little to do with the Yin and Yang world.

Not even an ordinary ascendant.

Because Zhuo Bufan later did not find Mr. Zhou in the Daluotian world.

It seems that Mr. Zhou has never ascended to Da Luo Tian.

If George W. Bush ascended to Daluotian, where did he go?

Many mysteries led Zhuo Bufan to make a bold guess.

I'm afraid Mr. Zhou has something to do with the Lord of Time.

Thinking of this, Zhuo Bufan looked forward to going to the world of reincarnation again.

"Besides being actively invited by the Lord of Time, is there any other way?"

Zhuo Bufan continued to ask.

After hearing the article, he replied.

"Other than accepting the Lord of Time's invitation, I can only find the path to reincarnation by myself."

"The road to reincarnation?" Zhuo Bufan frowned.

"Yes, that is the only way to the world of reincarnation."

"This road has many branches and shortcuts hidden in the cracks of time and space."

"But these shortcuts are not stable, and it is difficult to find them. You can only rely on luck!"

"So, I don't recommend you to find these shortcuts! I suggest you find the main road of reincarnation!"

After finishing the article, Zhuo Bufan continued to ask.

"Then where is the main road?"

"Looking at your tone, you should know!"

"Yes, I do know!"

"The main road of the Road to Reincarnation is guarded by a race called the Reincarnation Clan!"

The article mentioned the reincarnation tribe.

"How to find the Samsara Clan?"

The article replied.

"This Samsara clan is very mysterious and exists in an invisible Samsara star field!"

"If you want to find this reincarnation star field, then you need the guidance of the reincarnation stone."

"I can provide you with the reincarnation stone."

The article promised to provide Zhuo Bufan with the reincarnation stone, which surprised Zhuo Bufan.

"Are you helping me? How can I repay you?"

Zhuo Bufan is not a domineering person.

He was willing to pay some price to obtain the article's reincarnation stone.

After hearing the article, he shook his head.

"I don't need anything in return from you!"

"No need to repay you? Do you think if you do this, I will miss you?"

"That's your business!"

After the president finished speaking, he turned his palms.

A black crystal appeared in his hand.

"This is the Reincarnation Stone. If you integrate your thoughts into it, it will guide you to the Reincarnation Star Realm."

After finishing the article, he put the reincarnation stone in his hand in the air.

Then he slowly floated towards Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan grabbed the reincarnation stone and then released a stream of thought to wrap it up.

The reincarnation stone suddenly flashed a white light, and then the light flew out in one direction.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the direction pointed by the Samsara Stone. He frowned slightly and hesitated for a while.

"What? Are you worried that I will trap you?"

"Anyway, the Reincarnation Stone is already in your hands. Whether you believe me or not depends on you."

The article saw the worry in Zhuo Bufan's eyes.

And Zhuo Bufan did have some doubts about whether the article told the truth.

However, with Zhuo Bufan's current ability, he doesn't have to worry about being deceived by these people.

"Okay, I'll trust you this time! You dare not deceive me."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he raised his hand and stretched out his hand in the direction indicated by the Samsara Stone.

Then, a black hole appeared beside him!

Then, Zhuo Bufan went into the black hole.

The next second, he and the black hole disappeared in front of everyone.

When Zhuo Bufan left, all the void merchants present felt that their souls that were pressed by the mountain were released.

Including the president Gaiwen, he also sighed for a long time.

"Finally gone!"

"This person is so powerful that he can actually master the law of swallowing!"

Gaiwen knew very well that the law of swallowing ranked third among all the laws of the chaotic void.

After the two laws of time and reincarnation.

It is equivalent to saying that Zhuo Bufan is now the incarnation of swallowing and the synonym of swallowing.

As long as he wants, he can swallow a star field in an instant.

This is the power of mastering the law of the void.

On the other side, Zhuo Bufan used the power of the Devouring Law to directly pass through the Devouring Space, opened a space channel, and teleported him to the other side of the starry sky.

When he walked out of the black hole again, he saw a dark chaos in front of him.

Zhuo Bufan picked up the Samsara Stone and injected a soul power.

At this time, the light released by the Samsara Stone was even stronger!

But this time, the Samsara Stone did not indicate the direction.

Obviously, Zhuo Bufan has come to the Samsara Star Field mentioned in the article.

"Haha, after mastering the Devouring Law, even I don't know how powerful I am."

Zhuo Bufan was not kidding.

Now even he himself doesn't know how powerful he is.

He only knows that the president of the Void Chamber of Commerce, Gaiwen, is no longer his opponent.

Since Zhuo Bufan has possessed the Devouring Divine Body, his cultivation has increased like a cheat.

Just like this time looking for the Samsara Star Field.

If it were before, Zhuo Bufan might need to fly for several years to reach the direction indicated by the Samsara Stone.

But now, Zhuo Bufan just passed through a black hole and reached the target location in an instant.

"The article says that this Samsara Star Domain is an invisible star domain!"

"Then how can I enter it?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the dark area in front of him and frowned.

Of course, he couldn't just wave his hand to release a swallowing black hole and swallow the entire void.

What if he accidentally wiped out the Samsara Star Domain?

Just when Zhuo Bufan didn't know how to enter the Samsara Star Domain.

Suddenly he felt that some powerful life was rushing towards him.

In the darkness, there was nothing.

But Zhuo Bufan's feeling would not be wrong, there must be something rushing over.

"Chaos Beast?"

Zhuo Bufan said with dazed eyes.

Sure enough, at this moment, a stern murderous aura suddenly attacked Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan raised his hand calmly, and then pointed at the void.

A black hole appeared in front of him.

The next second, a scream was heard in the void.


Accompanied by the soul-shaking scream, a giant shadow loomed in the void.

Soon, the giant shadow emerged as a nine-headed python.

But one of the heads had been killed by Zhuo Bufan's black hole.

"Beast, you dare to sneak attack me, you are looking for death!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he was about to raise his hand to kill the other party.

Zhuo Bufan raised his hand and waved it, and several black holes intertwined and swept towards the nine-headed snake.

Just when the devouring black hole was about to kill the other party in seconds.

Suddenly, a cry of surprise came.

"Wait a minute! Don't kill it!"

Zhuo Bufan turned his head and saw a woman in white appearing out of thin air in the void.


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