Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1267 Goodbye Brother [Subscribe]

The woman in white suddenly appeared and stopped Zhuo Bufan who was about to kill.

Zhuo Bufan saw the person coming and slowly stopped his action.

The woman in white was covered by holy light.

She appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan and then protected the nine-headed snake behind him.

"I'm sorry for offending you just now. Please don't kill it!"

The woman was petite and lovely, but she was very courageous.

She dared to stand in front of Zhuo Bufan and stop him from killing.

At least Zhuo Bufan admired her courage.

"This evil beast wanted to sneak attack me, which is really an unforgivable crime."

"If you want me to spare it, give me a reason that convinces me."

Zhuo Bufan would not be soft-hearted just because the other party was a woman.

He would not let go of any creature that had murderous intentions towards him, including the Chaos Beast.

After hearing this, the woman hurriedly explained.

"I'm sorry, Xiao Kui didn't want to murder you. It was just fulfilling its responsibilities and mission."

Zhuo Bufan laughed when he heard it.

"Hehe, is his mission to kill me?"

"If that's the case, then he must not be left alive."

Zhuo Bufan finished speaking and raised his right hand.

For a moment, several swallowing black holes appeared in the void.

The woman in white who saw this scene hurriedly explained.


"Xiao Kui is the guardian beast of our Samsara Star Domain. Its mission is to prevent any creature from approaching the Samsara Star Domain."

"So can you let it go?"

The woman had obviously discovered Zhuo Bufan's strength.

If Zhuo Bufan was not the kind of strong man who made her feel palpitations, then the woman would not have begged Zhuo Bufan so humbly.

And the woman's words made Zhuo Bufan's eyes light up.

"Samsara Star Domain? It seems that this is the Samsara Star Domain."

"You said it is the guardian beast of the Samsara Star Domain, then who are you?"

"Could it be that you are from the Samsara Clan?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the woman in front of him again carefully.

The woman was very fair and clean, just like an ordinary human woman.

But on her forehead, there was a vortex-like red mark.

That mark was not created by painting or tattooing, but was born with it.

It was that mark that made Zhuo Bufan doubt whether the other party was a member of the mysterious Samsara tribe.

When the woman heard Zhuo Bufan's guess, she was so shocked that she immediately fell silent.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but hum.

"What? You don't want to say it?"

"If you don't say it, I'll kill it!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he was about to take action.

Seeing this, the woman immediately said.

"No, I'll tell you, I'll tell you!"

"My name is Yin Yin, and I am indeed a member of the Samsara tribe."

"Please, don't ask any more questions. Can you let Xiao Kui go now?"

The girl named Yin Yin kept pleading with Zhuo Bufan.

But Zhuo Bufan was overjoyed in his heart, because he finally found the legendary Samsara tribe member.

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that the Samsara tribe member he had been looking for with so much difficulty was right in front of him.

"Okay, I can let you go!"

"But I have one condition!"

Zhuo Bufan finally met a girl from the Samsara tribe who looked easy to fool.

He began to put forward the conditions.

When the other party heard it, she frowned, and she naturally felt the malicious eyes of this man.

"You, what other conditions do you have?"

The little girl said.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled and said.

"It's very simple, I want you to take me to your Samsara tribe."

When Zhuo Bufan said this, the little girl Yinyin opened her mouth in fear.


"No, no! I can't take you there, and you can't go either."

"Please, go back to where you came from! You really can't go to our Samsara tribe."

Yinyin didn't expect Zhuo Bufan to make such a request.

The Samsara tribe is not for anyone to go, and the Samsara people will not let outsiders enter the tribe.

This is the tribe rule, and it is the first tribe rule.

Yinyin can't violate the tribe rule and take Zhuo Bufan into the Samsara tribe.

But Zhuo Bufan frowned immediately after hearing this.

"If you don't take me with you, I will kill the beast behind you immediately."

Zhuo Bufan began to threaten Xiao Yinyin.

As he spoke, he controlled the swallowing black hole and prepared to kill the nine-headed snake.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan was actually threatening the other party. He didn't think of killing the nine-headed snake cruelly.

He could see that this snake was very important to the little girl.

So Zhuo Bufan guessed that if he threatened her with the life of this snake, she would definitely give in.

However, Zhuo Bufan never expected that after he threatened the little girl fiercely.

She suddenly cried.

"Woo woo woo! You bad guy, you bully me."

"I'm going to complain to my brother, I want my brother to teach you a lesson."

Zhuo Bufan looked at the little girl who suddenly cried with a confused face.

The other party cried very sadly, it can be said that she was heartbroken.

She cried like a kitten, crying like a pear blossom in the rain.

The person who was most confused by Yinyin's crying was, of course, Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan was dumbfounded,

"What are you doing? Why are you crying?"

"How did I bully you? I just wanted to discuss something with you. I just wanted to go and see your Samsara Clan."

Zhuo Bufan quickly comforted the crying Yin Yin.

After hearing this, Yinyin kept crying.

"No, you're just bullying me, you're a bad guy!"

"woo woo woo woo!"

Once this girl started crying, she wouldn't stop crying.

Zhuo Bufan looked confused.

I feel like I've stung a hornet's nest.

"Come on, little sister. I just made a joke to you, don't take it seriously."

"Don't cry. Can we calm down first and discuss it?"

Zhuo Bufan couldn't bear to see the girl cry.

So he didn't dare to threaten this little girl.

But it was impossible to get rid of his reputation as a bad guy.

"Well, I won't kill it! As long as you take me to the Samsara Clan, I will grant you a wish, no matter what it is."

If coercion doesn't work, let's use inducement.

Zhuo Bufan comforted the little girl, and then made a condition that could satisfy any of his wishes.

I have to say that this is a very promising condition.

With Zhuo Bufan's current ability, I'm afraid he can pick the stars for her even if this girl wants them.

After hearing this, the little girl widened her round eyes and said.

"Really? Any conditions are acceptable?"

Zhuo Bufan was able to do it in one day and felt that there was something exciting.

"Yes, any wish is fine. As long as I can achieve it, there will be no ambiguity."

Zhuo Bufan looked at the little girl with a smile and said.

But at this time, Xiao Yinyin suddenly said.

"My wish is that I don't want you to enter the reincarnation clan."

After hearing the little girl's condition, Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Being fooled!"

Zhuo Bufan looked confused.

He didn't expect this little girl to be so clever, she was just a clever little girl.

"No, I must go to the Samsara Clan!"

"Little girl, aren't you going to ask your brother to teach me a lesson?"

"Go find your brother now, I want to talk to your brother!"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he suddenly raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

The next second, the hydra was swallowed by a black hole.

"Go find your brother now. If you're late, your little pet will die."

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to talk nonsense to this little girl anymore.

Threats were used again.

This time, no matter how much Yinyin cried, Zhuo Bufan remained indifferent.

"You, you don't keep your words. You said that as long as I make a request, you will agree."

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he laughed.

"My premise is that you must take me into the Samsara Clan. Only if you take me to the Samsara Clan will I agree to your request."

"I don't care, you're a liar."

"You bullied me again!"

"I must tell my brother and let him teach you a lesson."

Zhuo Bufan laughed after hearing this.

"Okay, then go quickly! I'll be waiting here, waiting for you to come to me."

Zhuo Bufan didn't like communicating with the crying little girl.

Maybe Zhuo Bufan would be better able to deal with her brother.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan's resolute attitude, the little girl Yin Yin was so angry that she gritted her teeth.

"Hmph, just wait for me."

"I'm going to find my brother right now. I'm going to find my brother and let her teach you a lesson."

After the little girl finished speaking, she flew away immediately.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and smiled calmly.

It took a long time for the little girl Yin Yin to go.

Zhuo Bufan thought the little girl was lost and was slightly worried.

At this moment, a white hole opened in the void in front of Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment when he saw the white hole.

"come yet?"

Zhuo Bufan guessed that it was Yinyin's brother who came.

It is not difficult to guess from the little girl's tone that her brother's strength is extraordinary.

Although Zhuo Bufan is now a peerless powerhouse in the void, he still does not dare to take it lightly when facing the mysterious Samsara clan.

At this time, I saw only the white hole.

A golden figure came out.

The opponent was wearing a golden battle armor, had long golden hair, and was holding a golden spear. His whole person was shrouded in a golden light.

He walked out of the black and white hole with overwhelming murderous intent.

"Who is it? Dare to bully my sister?"

The other party roared with thunder, shaking the void. It is soul awe-inspiring.

"The breath of the strong."

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly, and just from the other party's voice, he could feel that this was a strong man who was not weaker than the incarnation of the way of heaven.

However, Zhuo Bufan was confident that he could still deal with the opponent.

So Zhuo Bufan felt very calm inside, and even felt that it didn't matter.

However, when Zhuo Bufan saw the other party, his calm heart suddenly became excited.

At the same time, the other party also saw Zhuo Bufan.

Similarly, the other party was also stunned.

The two looked at each other, and for a moment they were both silent.

Next to him, the little girl Yinyin pointed at Zhuo Bufan and shouted.

"Humph, my brother is here, and now you can't leave even if you want to."

At the same time, she looked at her brother and shouted.

"Brother, this is the guy. He bullied me. He also kidnapped Xiao Kui and cut off one of his heads."

"Brother, use your reincarnation gun to drive him into reincarnation. Don't let this bad guy get close to our reincarnation star domain again."

Beside her brother, the little girl began to complain.

She did not notice that her brother was now shedding two lines of hot tears from the corners of his eyes.

When she found that her brother did not react, she looked back.

She only saw her brother, with tears in his eyes, looking at the man in front of him excitedly.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

The little girl was frightened when she saw her brother crying.

"Brother, don't scare me! Why are you crying?"

Her brother is the most powerful warrior of the Samsara Clan. Even when facing the Chaos Beast, he is not afraid.

But now, he is crying.

At the same time, Xiao Yinyin saw Zhuo Bufan on the opposite side.

He found that the fierce and untrustworthy man was also excited and full of tears.

Two grown men, they were crying.

"What's wrong with you?"

Yinyin looked at her brother without saying anything, and then looked at Zhuo Bufan on the opposite side.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan on the opposite side suddenly moved.

He rushed towards his brother quickly.

"Brother, be careful!"

Xiao Yinyin quickly reminded.

At the same time, his brother also moved, holding the spear and rushing towards the other party.

"Is the war going to start?"

Seeing this scene, Yinyin thought that a big war was about to break out.

Both her brother and the bad man on the opposite side seemed very excited.

Two figures, two rays of light.

At that moment, they collided together!


Just when Yinyin thought that a shocking war would break out.

Suddenly, her brother and the man on the opposite side hugged each other.


The two sides hugged each other tightly and slapped each other's backs hard.

Seeing this scene, Yinyin opened her mouth completely.

He didn't expect that two big men would hug each other!

This is too surprising.

That's right, Zhuo Bufan and Yinyin's brother hugged each other.

Of course, it was not because Zhuo Bufan suddenly fell in love with men.

But the man in front of him turned out to be his long-lost sworn brother, Gao Yangxu!

That's right, Yinyin's brother turned out to be Gao Yangxu.

It was the Gao Yangxu who became sworn brothers with Zhuo Bufan in the Yin-Yang world. "

He was also Zhuo Bufan's only brother who was truly sworn brothers.

Gao Yangxu's origin was mysterious, and Zhuo Bufan had known about this for a long time.

Later, Gao Yangxu suddenly disappeared in the world of cultivation.

Since then, Zhuo Bufan has never heard of his brother again.

You should know that after Zhuo Bufan became the world god of the Yin-Yang world, he also specifically looked for Gao Yangxu.

But he found that Gao Yangxu had disappeared in the Yin-Yang world a long time ago.

That kind of disappearance is not death, but leaving.

Zhuo Bufan never expected that Gao Yangxu, who had been missing for many years, would appear in front of him again.

Moreover, he became a member of the Samsara clan.

No, to be precise, Gao Yangxu was a member of the Samsara clan from the beginning.

"Brother, long time no see! "

Zhuo Bufan worshipped Gao Yangxu as his elder brother.

So he should call him elder brother.

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's call, Gao Yangxu patted Zhuo Bufan on the back and said excitedly.

"Good brother, long time no see!"

For a moment, the two grown men hugged each other and cried with joy.


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