Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1269 The Demon Princess [Subscribe]

Gao Yangxu's current mission is to repair the damaged reincarnation road.

However, at the current speed, he will need at least three million years to repair the reincarnation road.

Three million years is not a short time.

Even for Gao Yangxu, he must spend his whole life.

Maybe he will not be able to complete it until he dies.

Then this task will be handed over to his descendants, and the task of repairing the reincarnation road must be taken on by generation after generation.

Because only in this way can they break the curse on the reincarnation people!

Zhuo Bufan didn't know that the reincarnation people had a terrible curse.

This is the punishment given to the reincarnation people by the Lord of Time.

Every hundred years, the reincarnation people will become monsters for one year and kill their closest people.

After that terrible year is over, they will become humans again.

However, what they see may be their relatives who have already died in their hands.

Parents, wife, children, husband...

They don't know anyone when they become monsters. They will only kill their closest relatives.

Even if they are thousands of miles apart, they will sense each other and kill each other.

Until he was alone in the end.

This is the curse of the Samsara Clan.

Gao Yangxu did not tell Zhuo Bufan that his parents had killed each other in the curse.

In order to protect his sister from being killed by himself, he would find ways to send his sister to a safe place outside the starry sky every hundred years.

In order to avoid chasing his sister.

This curse is too terrible. Every hundred years, he will turn into a monster to hunt down his beloved.

If this curse is not solved, the number of people in the Samsara Clan will become fewer and fewer until the clan is completely exterminated.

So Gao Yangxu will solve the curse at all costs.

And the only way to solve the curse is to repair the Samsara Road in front of him.


"Let's go, we're almost there."

Until the end, Gao Yangxu did not tell Zhuo Bufan about the curse.

He took Zhuo Bufan into the Samsara Star Field and then came to the center of the star field.

In the center of the Samsara Star Field, there is a gray star.

Gao Yangxu and his Samsara Clan are on that star.

Moreover, the ray of divine light in the center of the entire galaxy was also released from that star.

The interweaving black and white light filled the entire star.

"In front of us is the Samsara Star where our Samsara clan members live."

Zhuo Bufan looked at the gray star and frowned.

"Why do you Samsara clan members live on such a gray star?"

Zhuo Bufan saw that the entire Samsara Star Region has gorgeous colors.

But the gray star in front of him has no other colors.

Samsara clan members live on such a completely colorful star.

Gao Yangxu answered after hearing this.

"Samsara Star is the only colorless star in the Samsara Star Region"

"Only black and white. So from a distance, it is a gray star."

"But we Samsara clan members can only live on this colorless star."

"Once we leave this star for too long, we will slowly lose our abilities."

Gao Yangxu explained to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly after hearing this.

Although they have such a beautiful galaxy, the Samsara Clan can only live in a world without color.

It can be said that this is a punishment for the Samsara Clan.

In addition to curses, the Samsara Clan has many other punishments.

This black and white star is actually the Samsara Clan's cage.

They can only live in a black and white world.

Anything that enters this gray star will only turn black or white.

When Gao Yangxu approached the gray star, his originally golden hair began to turn white.

His originally golden armor turned black.

The whole person was like a color photo that turned into a black and white film.

After they completely landed on the Samsara Star, Zhuo Bufan realized that what Gao Yangxu said was true.

This world really has only black and white.

White sky, black clouds.

White rivers, black mountains and rivers.

White light, black flames.

White animals, black tribes.


Everything is only divided into black and white.

In addition, there are no other extra colors.

Even Zhuo Bufan found that he was left with only black and white.

"Brother Zhuo, I'm sorry to make you laugh!"

"Don't worry, as long as you leave the Samsara Star, you will return to your original color."

Gao Yangxu said.

"In front is the main city of our Samsara Clan, Samsara City!"

Gao Yangxu pointed to the distant black Guocheng and said.

Zhuo Bufan did not ask any more questions, and Gao Yangxu did not say anything more.

Zhuo Bufan originally wanted to beg Gao Yangxu to see if he could help him think of other ways.

But now that Zhuo Bufan saw the living environment of the Samsara Clan, he realized that his requirements for them might be really excessive.

"Here we are!"

Soon, they arrived at Samsara City.

Gao Yangxu brought Zhuo Bufan to his home, the Lord of Samsara's Palace.

As soon as he entered the palace, Zhuo Bufan saw a woman in white standing in the courtyard inside the door waiting.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned when he saw this.

He felt that he had seen this woman before, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

But the other party recognized Zhuo Bufan at a glance and smiled.

"Master Zhuo, long time no see!"

Zhuo Bufan was obviously a little embarrassed.

Because the other party has already recognized him, but he can't remember the other party's name at all.

I just feel that she is very familiar.

"you are?"

Zhuo Bufan really couldn't remember it, so he finally tried to ask.

The other party smiled, showing a gentle smile.

"Master Zhuo, you are really a noble man who forgets things!"

"I wonder if Mr. Zhuo still remembers the demon clan in the southern region of the world of cultivation, Donghuang Haotian!"

The moment the other party said the name Donghuang Haotian.

Zhuo Bufan suddenly thought of the yellow-haired man.

"Huang Haotian?"

"Young Master of the Demon Clan, Donghuang Haotian?"

"Could it be that you are?"

Zhuo Bufan raised his hand and looked at the woman in front of him in disbelief.

"You are Huang Haotian's aunt, Donghuangqin, right?"

Zhuo Bufan remembered, the demon princess Donghuangqin!

Zhuo Bufan never imagined that one day he would be able to see Donghuang Qin.

He always thought that this demon princess was just a passing guest in his life.

It was only because of Donghuang Haotian that Zhuo Bufan remembered her.

But Zhuo Bufan really could not have imagined that the demon princess from the world of cultivation would actually come to the Samsara Star Territory.

"Could it be that you are my eldest brother's wife, my sister-in-law?"

Zhuo Bufan remembered what Gao Yangxu said before.

Gao Yangxu said that his wife was from the world of cultivation.

In this way, the identity of the demon princess in front of her is ready to be revealed.

Zhuo Bufan suddenly turned his head and looked at Gao Yangxu behind him.

Gao Yangxu saw this and smiled slightly.

Obviously, Zhuo Bufan guessed correctly.

"It really is?"

Zhuo Bufan said a little incredulously.

At this time, Gao Yangxu came forward, took Donghuangqin's hand, and said.

"It's just what you think, Qin'er is my wife now."

"You guys, when did you meet?"

Zhuo Bufan pointed at Gao Yangxu and Donghuangqin and said.

In his own memory, the two of them should not know each other at all.

How could Gao Yangxu and Donghuangqin be together?

"Haha, it's a long story."

"Anyway, the relationship between me and Qin'er is similar to the relationship between you and your younger brother and sister Bai Su."

"Me and Bai Su?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment. He recalled what happened between him and Bai Su in the world of cultivation.

"That's right, a relationship of killing and loving each other."

"Of course, we are not as spectacular as you two and make the noise known to everyone."

"However, Qin'er and I did fight for treasures from each other from the beginning and made enemies many times. Unexpectedly, she saved me later. And then I saved her again during the demon clan chaos."

"After the Monster Clan Rebellion, her brother Donghuang Taiyi died, and her nephew Donghuang Haotian succeeded to the throne."

"Qin'er followed me to the Samsara Clan."

Gao Yangxu briefly told Zhuo Bufan about his relationship with Donghuangqin.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned after hearing this.

It turns out that when Gao Yangxu was in the world of cultivation, he had already formed an indissoluble bond with Donghuangqin.

They were against each other from the beginning, and then joined hands to support each other.

Unknowingly, the two had feelings that were inseparable.

Especially later, the demon clan was in civil strife.

After the death of the Demon Emperor, the people of the Demon Clan planned to use the Donghuang Qin to threaten Donghuang Haotian.

But at this moment Gao Yangxu appeared and rescued Donghuangqin in time.

Until Qingdi, the ancestor of the demon clan, returned and put down the civil strife.

At this time, Gao Yangxu also woke up and knew that he was a member of the Samsara tribe.

He received guidance from the Lord of Time and planned to return to the Samsara Clan.

At this time, Donghuangqin found that he had fallen in love with Gao Yangxu.

Between Gao Yangxu and the demon clan, the demon clan princess finally chose Gao Yangxu.

Gao Yangxu was very moved.

After all, Donghuangqin gave up his own tribe and followed him thousands of miles away in time and space to another world, this colorless world of reincarnation.

Therefore, Gao Yangxu cannot let down Donghuangqin.

After he and Dong Huangqin returned to Samsara Star, they got married immediately and became husband and wife.

Zhuo Bufan was deeply moved after hearing the love story between Gao Yangxu and Donghuangqin.

He remembered that he and Bai Su had also fallen in love and killed each other.


"Brother, sister-in-law, my brother Zhuo Bufan, I sincerely wish you all the best."

Zhuo Bufan was moved.

At this time, Gao Yangxu walked up to Donghuangqin and said.

"Is that girl Yinyin back?"

Donghuangqin nodded.

"Well, I'm back!"

"My sister said that you brought a bad guy back, and she also said that you had to let her recognize that bad guy as her brother!"

"She went back to her room angrily and said she would no longer recognize you as my brother."

"I guess the person who comes here may be your only sworn brother."

"I didn't expect that to be the case."

Donghuangqin smiled softly.

After hearing this, Gao Yangxu couldn't help but shook his head and sighed.

"Hey, this silly girl."

"I'll go check on her! Just in case she gets confused."

"You should have a lot to say to my brother. You guys should talk first."

Gao Yangxu finished speaking and immediately entered the mansion.

Zhuo Bufan and Donghuangqin were left behind.

Donghuangqin immediately looked at Zhuo Bufan and said.

"I do have something to ask Brother Zhuo!"

"Brother Zhuo, is my demon clan okay? Is Haotian okay?"

As soon as Gao Yangxu left, Donghuangqin couldn't wait to ask Zhuo Bufan about the situation of the demon clan.

Zhuo Bufan replied after hearing this.

"Don't worry, sister-in-law, the demon clan is fine, and Haotian has become the new emperor of the demon clan!"

Next, Zhuo Bufan told Donghuangqin everything about the demon clan.

Zhuo Bufan knew that Donghuangqin must want to know everything about the demon clan now.

For so many years, she has been guarding Gao Yangxu's side, but she has never forgotten the affairs of the demon clan.

However, no matter how much she misses the demon clan, she can only miss it.

She wants to know more about the situation of the demon clan.

Is the demon clan doing well, and is her nephew Donghuang Haotian doing well.

She wants to know all these things.

Now that Zhuo Bufan was here, she was naturally eager to get more news about the tribe from him.

Zhuo Bufan also learned about the curse of the Samsara Clan from Donghuang Qin.

The more he knew, the more he understood Gao Yangxu's difficulties.

Zhuo Bufan chatted with Donghuang Qin for a whole afternoon.

Old friends met and had a good chat.

Soon, it was time for dinner, and Gao Yangxu finally persuaded his sister Yinyin to come out.

However, the little girl was still angry when she saw Zhuo Bufan.

"Humph, give Xiao Kui back to me quickly. If Xiao Kui gets into trouble, I will never let you go."

The first thing the little girl did when she saw Zhuo Bufan was to ask Zhuo Bufan for her Hydra.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and then remembered the Chaos Beast he had subdued.

He immediately released the Chaos Beast from the Devouring Black Hole.

As for the broken head of the Hydra, it had already recovered by itself.


Next, Zhuo Bufan and Gao Yangxu drank and talked happily.

The two of them reminisced about the past, talking about their adventures and battles together in the cultivation world.

The two had not seen each other for a long time, and their relationship needed to be rebuilt.

Gao Yangxu also learned from Zhuo Bufan about Zhuo Bufan's experiences in the past few years.

Zhuo Bufan did not hide anything from Gao Yangxu, and told him about his experience in Daluotian.

He also told Gao Yangxu that he was the incarnation of Luotian.

Gao Yangxu felt deeply guilty when he learned about his brother's mission.

"What are you going to do next?"

Gao Yangxu asked.

Zhuo Bufan shook his head, and now he didn't know what to do.

"First of all, I can confirm that there is nothing wrong with the information you got."

"The Lord of Time is indeed in the reincarnation world."

"So now, what you need to do is to find a way to enter the reincarnation world."

Gao Yangxu helped Zhuo Bufan analyze.

"The president of the Chamber of Commerce did not lie to you. If you want to go to the world of reincarnation, you can only go through the road of reincarnation, except for the invitation of the Lord of Time."

"But now the road of reincarnation has become like this."

"I heard that there are branches of the road of reincarnation in the cracks of time and space. I wonder if this is true?"

"It is true!"

"In fact, the so-called forks in the cracks of time and space are when the road of reincarnation collapsed, and some fragments were sucked into the cracks of time and space."

"As a result, these cracks of time and space have gained some forks in the passage."

"But I want to tell you, don't go to these forks."

"They are very unstable and full of the terrifying power of time."

"No one knows what the consequences will be after entering. Death is easy, and it may be worse than death."

Zhuo Bufan originally planned to find these branches.

But Gao Yangxu warned him so, which made him a little worried.

"How about this, you follow me to the road of reincarnation tomorrow, maybe we brothers can work together to find a faster way."

Zhuo Bufan responded after hearing this.

"Okay! I have nowhere to go anyway."

The two brothers agreed to work together to build a road.

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