Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1270 Star Picking Technique [Subscribe]

The next day,

Gao Yangxu took Zhuo Bufan to the place where he repaired the reincarnation road.

It was the center of a violent galactic storm.

From a distance, it looks like a black and white Tai Chi diagram.

In the storm, everywhere was filled with destructive space-time power.

It is impossible for ordinary people to get close to this place.

Only a powerful person like Gao Yang Xu Zhuo Bufan can enter freedom.

When Zhuo Bufan followed Gao Yangxu to the center of the storm,

Saw a man-made Jianzu.

It's a spiral staircase.

One black staircase, one white staircase.

Black and white interweave, spiraling upward.

There are only ten levels in the entire ladder.

"This is my path to reincarnation"

"A total of ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine levels need to be built."

"I've only repaired level ten so far."

Gao Yangxu said helplessly.

It took him nearly three hundred years to complete the restoration of only ten steps.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and walked to the stairs.

He suddenly discovered that the power of time was flowing on the black and white stairs.

"Sands of Time?"

Zhuo Bufan asked in surprise.

After hearing this, Gao Yangxu looked at Zhuo Bufan and said.

"Brother Zhuo, do you know about the Sands of Time?"

"Yes, the sands of time in the long river of time."

"The Black Sand of Time possesses the power to accelerate time."

"The white sand of time has the power to turn back time."

Zhuo Bufan understands the power of the Sands of Time better than anyone else.

After all, his save door was made of the white sand of time.

After hearing this, Gao Yangxu nodded immediately.

"Yes, the road to reincarnation is actually the spiral ladder built by the Sands of Time."

"The first level of white sand, the first level of black sand!"

"Every grain of sand of time here is collected by me from everywhere in the void."

"Actually, the process of building the Road to Reincarnation is not difficult. The difficult part is collecting the Sands of Time."

"After all, the Sands of Time are very rare and precious."

"After the road to reincarnation was broken, the Sands of Time were scattered throughout the void of chaos."

"Most of the Sands of Time were swallowed up by the cracks in time and space."

"That's why this space-time rift provides a shortcut to the world of reincarnation."

"Of course, these shortcuts are very unstable, so I would never recommend that you take them."

Gao Yangxu persuaded.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan reached out and touched the ten-step ladder that had been repaired in front of him.

He could feel that the stairs were filled with powerful time power.

"We need to cultivate ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine levels!"

"This is too exaggerated."

Zhuo Bufan also couldn't imagine it.

It took Gao Yangxu three hundred years to build the ten steps in front of him.

Next, Gao Yangxu will continue to build.

No matter how long it takes, Gao Yangxu will try his best to complete this mission.

For the sake of his people and to solve the curse, he had no choice.

"Yeah, I used to complain too."

"But it's destiny, so this is my fate!"

Gao Yangxu said.

Zhuo Bufan was deeply worried about his brother's future.

He will exist for this road of reincarnation all his life.

This was his punishment from the Time Lord.

When he thought of this, Zhuo Bufan felt that he should find the Lord of Time as soon as possible.

Find the Lord of Time, and then intercede for your brother to see if you can help him solve this problem.

The Lord of Time's punishment for Gao Yangxu was too severe and too cruel.

However, now the problem arises again.

So how is he going to find the Time Lord?

How to enter the world of reincarnation?

Without Gao Yangxu's reincarnation path, Zhuo Bufan would not have been able to go to the world of reincarnation, let alone find the Lord of Time to intercede with him.

So in the final analysis, Zhuo Bufan has now entered a dead end.

He has no choice now!

"Do you really want me to choose to load the reincarnation world?"

Zhuo Bufan's only choice now is to choose the second file load and directly enter the world of reincarnation.

His second file read was in the world of reincarnation, which he had unknowingly been invited to enter by the Lord of Time.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan had a good idea and left an archive in the world of reincarnation.

This is also the only way Zhuo Bufan can directly go to the world of reincarnation.

However, this method is definitely not Zhuo Bufan's best choice.

Because once he chooses to load files, everything Zhuo Bufan has now will be gone.

Including the friends he made in Da Luotian, the Meng Chanyi he met, the Devouring Divine Body he cultivated, and the Devouring Law he understood.

Everything Zhuo Bufan has now will disappear.

Everything disappears, everything no longer exists. This is definitely an unimaginable blow to Zhuo Bufan.

It's hard for Zhuo Bufan to imagine what he would be like after losing everything.

By then, even if he reaches the world of reincarnation, he may not be qualified to face the Lord of Time.

It is even more impossible for the Lord of Time to combine him, Luo Tian and Ji Xuanhao.

Zhuo Bufan was very distressed and even got entangled.

He seemed to have no choice, after all, he only had two options now.

Or follow Gao Yangxu to build the road to reincarnation.

Or choose to save and enter the world of reincarnation directly.

The former is too difficult, and the latter is too painful.

No matter which choice is made, Zhuo Bufan will never recover.

"In fact, I always thought that this was just a test from the Lord of Time."

"Maybe it is not as I expected, it will take three million years to repair it successfully."

"When the time comes, as long as the Lord of Time forgives me, he will let me return to the reincarnation world and inherit the godhood of the previous life."

Gao Yangxu looked very cheerful. He was not as pessimistic as Zhuo Bufan.

Gao Yangxu's optimism obviously infected Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan also felt that the Lord of Time must know that he was looking for him.

He was a person who had reincarnated three times, and he would definitely be noticed by the Lord of Time.

Maybe the Lord of Time is paying attention to him now.

Just as Gao Yangxu said, this is actually a test from the Lord of Time.

As long as the time comes, the Lord of Time will naturally appear and meet Zhuo Bufan.

Just like when he mysteriously entered the reincarnation world.

Entering the reincarnation world by himself is actually the request of the Lord of Time.

Since the Lord of Time can bring him into the reincarnation world once, there will be a second time and a third time.

Zhuo Bufan thought about it this way, and he really had some confidence in the future.

"Brother, you are right. In fact, we don't need to be so pessimistic."

"I believe that the Lord of Time has been paying attention to us. Just as you said, this is the Lord of Time's test for us."

"As long as the time is right, the Lord of Time will naturally take the initiative to find us."

Zhuo Bufan was infected by Gao Yangxu, and his mood has become much more cheerful now.

Seeing this, Gao Yangxu patted Zhuo Bufan on the shoulder from behind, and then smiled.

"That's right, little brother, as a reincarnation of three lives, I believe that the person that the Lord of Time pays the most attention to is you."

"Maybe you are under his surveillance all the time."

"When the time is right, the Lord of Time will naturally appear in front of you."

Gao Yangxu comforted Zhuo Bufan in this way.

This gave Zhuo Bufan a new direction to look for.

That is not to take the initiative to find the Lord of Time, but to let the Lord of Time come to him.

How can the Lord of Time come to him?

That is to make yourself good enough so that the Lord of Time can see the increasingly bright light on you.

Zhuo Bufan believes that as long as he is as bright as the sun, the Lord of Time will definitely appear.

After all, in this vast chaotic void, compared to Zhuo Bufan looking for the Lord of Time.

It is obviously easier for the Lord of Time to find Zhuo Bufan.

After all, on the long river of time, no creature can escape the surveillance of time.

It can be said that time can monitor all creatures all the time.

Zhuo Bufan is obviously also under the surveillance of time.

"I understand, then how about this, big brother!"

"I will help you build the road of reincarnation."

"If what you said is true, then the Lord of Time must be watching me."

"I also want to get the recognition of the Lord of Time as soon as possible."

Zhuo Bufan plans to follow Gao Yangxu to build the road of reincarnation.

Gao Yangxu shook his head after hearing this.

"No, brother Zhuo! You have more important things to do."

"And it's my job to repair the road of reincarnation. No one knows how long it will take to repair it, and you can't wait that long."

Gao Yangxu rejected Zhuo Bufan's request.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan said.

"No problem, I don't know what to do now anyway."

"Let me help you for a while!"

"I'll leave after I find a new direction."

"During this time, just treat us as brothers and reminisce about the past."

Zhuo Bufan continued.

He proposed to help Gao Yangxu repair the road, in fact, he also wanted to find something to do for himself who was confused now.

Zhuo Bufan didn't know what he should do now.

After all, the only road of reincarnation that could enter the world of reincarnation collapsed.

He couldn't go to the world of reincarnation, and he had nowhere to go for a while.

Instead of being confused, it's better to stay here and follow Gao Yangxu to repair the road.

Maybe the Lord of Time was deeply moved after seeing this scene and took the initiative to come out to see Zhuo Bufan.

This was Zhuo Bufan's plan. At his request, Gao Yangxu thought for a moment and replied.

"Well, then let's work together, brothers, and try to impress the Lord of Time."

Gao Yangxu finally agreed to Zhuo Bufan's request and asked Zhuo Bufan to follow him to repair the road.

"What do I need to do?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

Gao Yangxu replied after hearing this.

"I just said that repairing the reincarnation road is not difficult, but collecting the sand of time is difficult."

"The sand of time exists in the chaotic void!"

"It takes a dedicated person to discover it."

After Gao Yangxu finished speaking, he suddenly raised his hand, and then he condensed a mysterious power between his fingers.

That power can imprison time and space.

Gao Yangxu stretched out his hand and pinched it in the air.

Then he saw a black grain of sand of time between his fingers.

"This is the Star Picking Technique, a high-level divine art that belongs to the law of space."

"You can gather the things you imagine in your mind within a certain range at your fingertips."

"The higher the level of this Star Picking Technique, the wider the range."

"Now the range of my star picking technique is 800 light years, which means that I can pick all the time sands within 800 light years at will."

"But because the energy of the time sands is too strong, I can only pick a few grains each time."

After Gao Yangxu finished speaking, Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but frown slightly.

"Can only pick a few grains of time sand each time? No wonder it's so difficult."

Zhuo Bufan could imagine that Gao Yangxu had to use the star picking technique countless times every day, and then pick grains of time sand in the void.

This is a very long and boring process.

And Zhuo Bufan is ready.

"Brother, teach me the star picking technique!"

Since Zhuo Bufan has decided to help Gao Yangxu build the road, he will not back down at this time.

After listening, Gao Yangxu nodded.

"Since you are ready, I will pass on the Star Picking Technique to you now."

"But the realm of the Star Picking Technique needs you to improve it yourself."

"The range may be small at the beginning, but as you use it more and more times, the Star Picking Technique will become more and more powerful."

Zhuo Bufan responded.

"I understand, come on!"

Gao Yangxu saw that Zhuo Bufan was ready and didn't say much.

He raised his hand, then put two fingers together and pointed at Zhuo Bufan's forehead.

A ray of spiritual light penetrated into Zhuo Bufan's eyebrows.

Immediately afterwards, Zhuo Bufan felt a space door wanting to open itself.

He entered a chaotic world, and countless tiny stars were floating around him.

It seemed that his fingers could pick these stars at will.

"Is this the Star Picking Technique?"

"It seems that Fu Huang of Daluotian also masters this magic."

After practicing the Heaven Repairing Technique, Zhuo Bufan also learned about the other ten magics.

The Star Picking Technique is the third-ranked Daluotian magic.

The Star Picking Technique is a space magic.

You can pick up anything within the range at will, even the heart and soul of the other party.

Gao Yangxu is now using the Star Picking Technique to pick up the Sand of Time in the chaotic void.

He kept stretching out his hands to pick in the air.

Every time he pinched the air, one or two grains of Sand of Time would appear at his fingertips.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan, who was standing next to Gao Yangxu, slowly opened his eyes.

"Brother Zhuo, how do you feel?"

Gao Yangxu passed the Star Picking Technique directly to Zhuo Bufan, so Zhuo Bufan didn't need to learn it at all, he just needed to master it.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan didn't answer, but stretched out his right hand.

Then he pinched his thumb and index finger in the air.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan felt that he was not pinching the air, but a powerful energy.

Under the vibration of that energy, a white grain of sand suddenly appeared at his fingertips.

Gao Yangxu was overjoyed when he saw this scene.

"Brother Zhuo is indeed a genius in cultivation. He mastered the Star Picking Technique so quickly."

"How big is the range of your Star Picking Technique now?"

Gao Yangxu asked.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan answered without hiding anything.

"Three hundred light years!"

Gao Yangxu was stunned when he heard this.

"What? You have a range of three hundred light years just after mastering the Star Picking Technique?"

"Brother Zhuo, you are too amazing."

"You should know that when I just mastered this Star Picking Technique, the range was only ten light years."

"You are no longer a genius, you are simply a genius!"

Gao Yangxu was shocked by Zhuo Bufan's comprehension talent.

Of course, he didn't know that at this moment, Zhuo Bufan had already comprehended the legend of the Devouring Law.

"Well, then, the two of us brothers will join forces to pick more Sand of Time!"

After Gao Yangxu finished speaking, he began to use both hands to continuously grab the Sand of Time in the chaotic void.

And Zhuo Bufan also began to gradually become familiar with the magical power he had just learned, the Star Picking Technique.

Soon, Zhuo Bufan was already proficient in using it.

The number of sands of time he picked increased from one to three or five!

The two brothers worked together, and it was obvious that they picked more and more sands of time.

Of course, compared to the nearly 100,000 steps of the reincarnation path that needed to be built, what they had was really just a drop in the ocean.

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