Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1271 The War Begins [Subscribe]

Zhuo Bufan's main clone worked with Gao Yangxu on the Samsara Star to repair the Samsara Road.

Zhuo Bufan, who had mastered the Star Picking Technique, seemed to be more and more at ease.

But each time, he could only pick up five or six grains of Time Sand in the starry sky at most.

You know, the Time Sand needed to build a step is tens of millions.

Zhuo Bufan and his team could only collect 10,000 or 20,000 Time Sands at most in a whole day.

And they had to use the Star Picking Technique all the time.

He was picking Time Sands in the void almost all the time.

He had to use the Star Picking Technique at least five or six thousand times a day to ensure that they could collect 20,000 to 30,000 in a whole day.

But compared to the Samsara Road, this was just a drop in the bucket.

Compared to their picking stars in the void, Yugong moving mountains was too easy.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan did not give up. He wanted to keep going with Gao Yangxu.

Until the Lord of Time was moved.

Moreover, after using the Star Picking Technique for a few days, Zhuo Bufan's comprehension of the laws of space has become more and more thorough.

After all, Zhuo Bufan has mastered the Devouring Law.

And the Devouring Law is actually closely related to time and space.

For Zhuo Bufan, he can now devour both time and space.

So when Zhuo Bufan used the Star Picking Technique, he actually introduced the Devouring Power.

The Star Picking Technique is a power that can instantly pick up things in your imagination within the range.

And after Zhuo Bufan added the Devouring Power, an unimaginable qualitative change occurred.

Zhuo Bufan raised his hands, and he no longer made the action of picking stars in the void.

Instead, he closed his eyes silently and opened his hands forward.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

Gao Yangxu on the side saw Zhuo Bufan's actions and was a little puzzled.

Zhuo Bufan did not answer, and he imagined the Sand of Time in his mind!

Then, a black hole appeared in front of his hands.

"Come to me!"

Suddenly, Zhuo Bufan shouted in a low voice.

The next second, a river of sand gushed out from the black hole.

The black and white sands of time mixed together, and then flowed out of the black hole like a quicksand river, and began to pile up on the ground.

Gao Yangxu, who was standing by, was stunned and dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

"No way?"

Gao Yangxu was shocked.

He didn't expect that Zhuo Bufan could collect so much sand of time at one time.

Seeing the sand of time gathering more and more, in less than half a minute, a small mountain was piled up in front of him.

At least ten tons of sand of time were piled up in front of Gao Yangxu.

Gao Yangxu was dumbfounded when he saw this result.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan slowly opened his eyes and said.

"Brother, this is all the sand of time within 300 light years, I have transported it."

Zhuo Bufan said proudly.

Gao Yangxu opened his mouth wide and was stunned.

"All the sands of time within 300 light years?"

"Brother, how did you do it?"

Gao Yangxu looked at the few grains of sands of time on his fingertips and was completely dumbfounded.

You know, the sands of time he collected in 300 years were not as much as the sands of time Zhuo Bufan collected in less than a minute.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled and said.

"I added the law of swallowing to the star picking technique."

"The star picking technique is like selecting, and the law of swallowing is filtering."

"I used the law of swallowing to filter all the sands of time within 300 light years and then collected them."

Zhuo Bufan's law of swallowing plus the star picking technique is undoubtedly a bug.

The star picking technique can only be picked bit by bit, but the law of swallowing can lock all the sands of time within the range and then swallow them together.

Gao Yangxu was stunned and looked at Zhuo Bufan differently again.

"Brother Zhuo is worthy of being the strongest man in the void."

"You are simply a man who creates miracles!"

Gao Yangxu was ecstatic.

Zhuo Bufan collected all the sands of time within a radius of 300 light years at once, which was a great help to Gao Yangxu.

Zhuo Bufan smiled faintly.

He was naturally very happy that he could help his elder brother.

"It's a pity that the range of my star-picking technique is only 300 light years now. If I have your star-picking technique, I can collect all the sands of time within 800 light years."

"By then, they will have more sands of time."

"How about brother, I will teach you the power of the law of devouring."

Zhuo Bufan wanted to teach Gao Yangxu the law of devouring.

But Gao Yangxu shook his head and said.

"No need, brother Zhuo. Only one person can enjoy all the power of the laws in the world."

"If you comprehend the law of devouring, no one else can comprehend it."

"You are already the master of the law who has mastered the law, so it is easy for you to collect the sand of time."

"But I am different. I cannot master the law of devouring. So even if I learn the power of devouring, I can't combine it with the star-picking technique to achieve the effect you have."

Gao Yangxu replied.

Gao Yangxu is not a greedy person. On the contrary, he knows very well that he can't comprehend the law of devouring.

Instead of letting himself comprehend the law of devouring, it is better to let Zhuo Bufan work harder to improve the star-picking technique to a higher level.

As long as Zhuo Bufan's star-picking technique has a wider range, Zhuo Bufan can collect more time sand.

"Then let's do this, big brother. From now on, the task of collecting time sand will be handed over to me."

"You just need to be responsible for building the road."

Zhuo Bufan said to Gao Yangxu.

Zhuo Bufan has mastered the ability to collect time sand, so the task of collecting time sand belongs to him.

Gao Yangxu nodded and said after hearing this.


"I have collected time sand for three hundred years, but it is not as good as your instantaneous work."

"Then you will collect the sand, and I will build the road of reincarnation."

In the end, the two brothers had a clear division of labor.

Zhuo Bufan was responsible for improving the level of star-picking technique, and then collecting all the time sand in the void.

As for Gao Yangxu, he only needed to be responsible for building the road of reincarnation.

With so much time sand absorbed by Zhuo Bufan, Gao Yangxu might not be able to use up all the time sand for a while.

The remaining construction work will obviously be easier for Gao Yangxu.

With Zhuo Bufan's help, the progress of their construction of the road of reincarnation began to speed up.


On this side, Zhuo Bufan's main clone is working hard to build the road of reincarnation in order to go to the reincarnation world.

On the other side, Zhuo Bufan's other clone is on the Mufa Star in the Eternal Star Domain, leading the people of the Mufa Alliance to attack the Primitive Alliance.

Zhuo Bufan, who is located on the Mufa Star, inexplicably became the Grand Military Advisor of the Mufa Alliance.

And he seems to be very satisfied with his current identity.

As a Grand Military Advisor, he began to speed up the integration of the alliance.

And he also prepared a battle plan.

Under his command, together with the nine holy envoys, a round of war began.

Nowadays, the front-line battles between the Mufa Alliance and the Primitive Alliance are not too stalemate, nor have they entered a white-hot stage.

However, both sides have won over many alliance masters.

It is obvious that the next battle will escalate.

As the Grand Military Advisor of Mufa Star, Zhuo Bufan will play a crucial role in the next battle.

Mufa Star,

In the Alliance Hall.

Zhuo Bufan and all the star masters of the alliance have joined together to mobilize for the war.

The Shepherd God once again projected himself into the venue and spread the holy light to everyone.

Zhuo Bufan once again felt himself surrounded by the holy light, and the whole person began to enter the state of being controlled again.

"Everyone, I will convey Lord Mu's plan and arrangement for our next battle."

As the head of the nine holy envoys, the temporary envoy naturally has a high status.

"Our next battle will be around the Gray Body Star, one of the seven armies in the Primitive Alliance."

"The Gray Body Star is the most powerful alliance team in the Primitive Alliance."

"As creatures similar to souls, physical damage can hardly affect them."

"So we will send the Brain Demons and the Orphans to fight against the Gray Body."

"Lord Shepherd's intention is that these two races will be led by our great military advisor Zhuo Bufan."

"Two Star Lords, do you have any opinions?"

The temporary envoy looked at the Star Lords of the Brain Demons and Orphans under the stage and said.

The Star Lord of the Brain Demons is a humanoid monster with three heads, which looks a little scary.

The Star Lord of the Orphans is much more normal, wearing a blue mysterious rune-structured clothes and surrounded by multiple spell halos.

After hearing this, the two agreed with the arrangement of the Shepherd God.

"Follow the arrangement of the Shepherd God."

At this time, the temporary envoy looked at Zhuo Bufan and said.

"Military Advisor Zhuo, are you okay?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that the Shepherd God would arrange such an important position for him as soon as he arrived.

Now that the other party has made arrangements, it is difficult for him to refuse.

And deep in his soul, there is an inexplicable impulse.

An impulse to show himself as much as possible and get the recognition of the Shepherd God.

So facing the question of the envoy, Zhuo Bufan answered without hesitation.

"No problem, I will lead the two star masters, Brain Demon and Arcane, to take down the gray body."

Zhuo Bufan now really wants to show off in front of the Shepherd God.

Of course, he has been completely brainwashed by the Shepherd God.

In the next two days, they will arrange the battle plan completely.

Everyone has sensed that there will be a big war next.

All of them will be involved in this war, and no one will survive.

As a military advisor, Zhuo Bufan has been arranged.

Next is the mermaid princess Yu Ji and the giant king Hake.

They have also been assigned tasks.

Yu Ji still doesn't know that her mermaids have already escaped the control of the Shepherd Star.

A few days later, all the star masters left the Mufa Star with their respective missions.

Zhuo Bufan followed the star master Sanshou of the Brain Demon Clan and the star master Aolong of the Orfa Clan, heading towards their mission target, the Gray Body.

Of course, before that, Sanshou and Aolong had to return to their respective tribes and bring their large forces.

So they agreed on a meeting place, an unnamed star called Wuheika.

Zhuo Bufan led a warship assigned to him by the Mufa Star and a small half-legion of troops to Wuheika Star.

The other two star masters returned to their respective tribes first.

The three began to act separately, and the war was obviously about to begin.

On the other hand, the mermaid tribe leader Yu Ji became one of the logistics commanders and was left on the Mufa Star.

She was not assigned to the front line.

The reason was that her tribe members had already fled, so Mufa Star wanted to keep Yu Ji just in case.

It didn't matter if Mufa Star fled, Yu Ji must be kept.

Yu Ji's stay was obviously a bit tricky for Ronin Shun.

The star defense of Mufa Star was very tight. Ronin Shun had been patrolling around Mufa Star for a long time and had not found a way to sneak into Mufa Star.

But he had to enter Mufa Star.

Because only in this way could he see Yu Ji, whom he had been thinking about in his heart.

On this side, Ronin Shun was also waiting for an opportunity to move.

Everyone was plotting their own plans with their own intentions.

In this battle in the Eternal Star Domain, who would be the final winner?


At the same time, at the other end of the distant galaxy.

Another surviving leader of the Ronin tribe also entered the Eternal Star Domain under the leadership of Li Mei.

They guessed that there would be news of the survivors of the Ronin in the Eternal Star Domain, so they all rushed here.

They didn't know yet that Ronin Shun was now a famous war god on the Primitive Star.

Of course, it was believed that it would not take long for Qiankun to find out about Ronin Shun.

In addition to the arrival of Qiankun and the others, a group of uninvited guests also came.

This group of uninvited guests came from the other end of the void, the Heavenly Dao clones of the Three Emperors Star Domain, Daluotian.

Ao Zhi Tian Ba ​​Tu, Tan Zhi Tian Hun Dun, and Hen Zhi Tian Aolai.

The three Heavenly Dao clones rushed to the Eternal Star Domain.

The three of them interrupted the clues of chasing Mo Chichi.

Now the only clue they have is the Eternal Star Domain.

The Eternal Star Domain is known as a miracle place in Daluotian, where miracles can happen.

They calculated that Zhuo Bufan must have left some clues in this star domain.

In short, the most dangerous and powerful trio appeared.

This will obviously play a decisive role in the next war in the Eternal Star Domain.

Of course, the three of them are definitely not invincible in the void.

Because, at the other end of the starry sky, a battle of destruction is erupting.

It shakes the heavens and earth at every turn, and explodes the universe. All energy is reduced to nothingness.

And one of the parties in the battle is the first incarnation of the Heavenly Dao, Yi Zhi Tian Wang Ce, who was thrown away by Zhuo Bufan a long time ago.

And who is Wang Ce's opponent?

It is a mysterious figure.

He wears a black armor and a black mask, and no one can see his face under the mask.

Someone actually dares to attack the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao.

Even Wang Ce himself did not expect this.

"Who is it? You dare to trouble me, Yi Zhi Tian Wang Ce, you are courting death."

After Wang Ce finished speaking, the staff in his hand shook the heaven and earth, condensing all the energy between heaven and earth, ready to kill the mysterious man in front of him.

However, the mysterious man was unmoved by Wang Ce's condensed shocking move.

He raised his hand and grabbed, and the powerful soul locked Wang Ce's body.

The next second, Wang Ce's body exploded and shattered into pieces.

If there were other Heavenly Dao clones here, they would be stunned.

There was actually someone who could crush the body of the Heavenly Dao incarnation with a single move. What a joke on the universe!

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