Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1285 Meet Mo Chichi again [Subscribe please]

Mo Chichi broke into the Mufa Star and activated the defense system of the Mufa Star for a while.

The people of Mufa Star started the arcane wheels one after another, and nine huge arcane wheels wrapped Mo Chichi for a while.

"Who are you? You have trespassed into my Mufa Star Region."

"I am warning you now. If you dare to move forward again, I will regard you as an enemy."

The warning from Mufa Star temporarily stopped Mo Chichi's impulsive steps.

However, she did not intend to give up.

"I am a mysterious visitor from the Three Emperors Star Region, and now I want to see your star master."

Mo Chichi did not want to start a war, after all, she might still need these people.

However, after hearing this, the messengers of Mufa Star mocked.

"Do you think our Lord Mushen can be seen by you if you want to?"

"I now suspect that you are a spy sent by the Primarch Alliance, capture you for me."

These people rushed towards Mo Chichi without saying a word.

Seeing this, Mo Chichi finally couldn't stand it anymore and decided to conquer these guys in front of her by force.

Mo Chichi took a deep breath, and then he rushed towards the Mufa army in front of him.

Mo Chichi rushed into the Mufa fleet, which was like releasing a hungry wolf among a group of sheep.

Mo Chichi began to kill.

For a time, it was unstoppable.

Mo Chichi was like a female war god, and the Mufa army was unable to resist at all.

However, Mo Chichi was obviously becoming more and more powerless.

She was injured too badly. If she forced her luck, her injuries would only get worse.

However, it was not a problem to deal with these minions of Mufa Star.

Among the guards of Mufa Star, the most powerful ones were the three holy envoys, who were the column envoy, the formation envoy, and the front envoy.

The three holy envoys joined forces to suppress Mo Chichi.

They were holy envoys after all, and they still had certain strength.

Especially when they joined hands, they could even use super god-level combined arcane.

Three holy envoys, using combination skills at the same time.

"Destroy Star Devourer!"

The three holy envoys joined forces to use their most powerful attack.

For a moment, they saw a huge black hole energy condensing above their heads.

Immediately afterwards, a beam of holy light was projected onto Mo Chichi's body.

Afterwards, Mo Chichi felt an extremely powerful devouring force beginning to devour her body and soul.

Mo Chichi saw this and shouted angrily.


Then he saw a crescent-shaped sword appear in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, Mo Chichi took the moon knife and slashed it down.

Then he saw that the huge devouring black hole was actually cut off by a knife and split into two.

Afterwards, the three holy envoys were directly blown away.

"Not good, retreat!"

The three holy envoys saw that the situation was not good and chose to retreat immediately.

After retreating, the three holy envoys also ran to the Shepherd God as soon as possible to seek help.

"Your Majesty, there is a female war god coming from the sky, and we are unstoppable. I am afraid that only Your Majesty can turn the tide."

The three holy envoys could not defeat them, so they had to ask the Shepherd God for help.

After hearing this, the Shepherd God frowned slightly.

"Could it be Yuan Zun's people?"

"Your Majesty, it should not be Yuan Zun's people."

"She threatened to meet you. Judging from the other party's formation, she is not a good person!"

The formation envoy said.

At this time, Qiankun on the side said.

"Do you need us to take action?"

"Since you promised to help me find my clansmen, I can help you solve three troubles."

Qiankun is a man of his word. He directly discussed the conditions with the Shepherd God.

After hearing this, the Shepherd God was stunned.

"Three troubles?"

"In that case, I must cherish these three opportunities."

"So I won't bother you to do this trouble yourself."

He was very happy that Qiankun promised him that he could solve three troubles.

In that case, he must cherish these three opportunities.

So Mo Chichi didn't need Qiankun to do it himself, he, the Shepherd God, could do it.

Then, the Shepherd God brought the three holy envoys and came to the outer sky again!


At this time, above the sky, Mo Chichi was still fighting.

But now, she is no longer the Mo Chichi who can destroy the stars.

The current Mo Chichi is getting weaker and weaker.

Next, she will only get weaker and weaker until she can't continue to fight at all.

The power of Jealousy Heaven is too strong, so strong that Mo Chichi can't catch up.

Just when Mo Chichi was fighting hard, suddenly a ray of light fell from the sky.


Accompanied by the arrival of several holy lights, the legendary Shepherd God appeared out of nowhere.

Several divine lights appeared around the Shepherd God.

The light enveloped his body and then wrapped it up.

For a moment, Mo Chichi felt an extremely powerful and sacred energy.

Seeing this, Mo Chichi frowned slightly.

As soon as the opponent appeared, he used his magic without hesitation and attacked Mo Chichi.

He counted to the super-god-level arcane and blasted towards Mo Chichi.

Before Mo Chichi could react, he was wrapped up by those super-god-level arcanes.

Then, powerful energy rushed towards Mo Chichi.

Mo Chichi began to show a painful expression under the energy.

"What's going on? Her strength shouldn't be like this."

At this moment, Ronin Shun, who was watching the battle from a distance, suddenly felt that something was wrong with Mo Chichi.

He had seen Mo Chichi fight before.

Mo ChiChi's fighting power is very strong. It can be said that even Qian Kun, the leader of their Ronin tribe, is no match for Mo Chi Chi.

However, at this moment, Mo Chichi suffered an unprecedented blow.

Facing the god of animal husbandry, she had no power to resist.

Ronin Shun still has a good impression of Mo Chichi.

After all, during the Ronin war, Mo Chichi helped them do a lot of things on the Ronin planet.

It can be said that without Mo Chichi, the Ronin clan might have been finished long ago.

Although the outcome did not change, the Ronin clan was still destroyed.

However, even so, Mo Chimo's actions still touched Ronin Shun.

Therefore, Ronin Shun is now very concerned about Mo Chichi's situation.

"No, I want to help her!"

Ronin Shun couldn't helplessly watch Mo Chichi being harmed by the God of Mu Dharma.

So Ronin Shun suddenly took action.

The ability that Ronin Shun should be most proud of is probably his speed.

As fast as lightning, he appeared in front of Mo Chichi in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, Mo Chichi, who was trapped in the supernatural arcana, was taken away.

Ronin Shunde suddenly took action, attracting the attention of the God of Mufa.

"Oh? Who is he? He is so courageous that he dares to steal someone from me."


After the god of animal husbandry finished speaking, he raised his hand and held it in the air.

Immediately afterwards, the world instantly restrained, trying to trap Ronin instantly.

However, Ronin disappeared once again under the supernatural arcana of the god of animal husbandry.

"Shepherd, are you so eager to kill me?"

After Ronin evaded the supernatural arcana in an instant, he immediately appeared in front of the Shepherd.

When the Shepherd saw Ronin Shunhou, he frowned slightly.

"Who are you? You are so fast and can surpass my arcane skills. You shouldn't be a nobody."

said the faun.

Ronin heard this and laughed.

"Thanks to the God of Shepherd, I really think highly of you. I am just a wanderer in the stars."

"As the saying goes, when the road is rough, draw your sword to help."

"I saw the majestic Priest, hundreds of thousands of warriors besieging a weak woman. It's really a bit embarrassing!"

"Even the God of Shepherd personally went to fight. If word spreads about this, wouldn't the God of Shepherd be afraid of the ridicule of the people in the starry sky?"

The Ronin instantly hugged Mo Chichi and escaped the Shepherd's arcane spell.

Then he actually wanted to criticize the shepherd with his words.

However, the Shepherd did not receive any influence from him at all. Instead, he snorted coldly and said.

"threaten me?"

"What I represent is light, and what I represent is justice. Anyone who stands against me will be the enemy of light and the enemy of justice."

"There is no need to pursue benevolence, justice and morality against enemies of justice."

"I see that your kid is so eloquent, you must not be a kind person."

"Since you want to intervene in this battle, then I will help you. I will send you to die together."

After the Shepherd finished speaking, he suddenly gave a low drink.

Immediately afterwards, the entire starry sky began to tremble.

The nine arcane divine rings of the Shepherd Star behind him began to rotate violently.

Immediately afterwards, a series of super-divine arcane spells began to weave into a web of arcane spells in the air.

Ronin immediately frowned upon seeing this.

"Not good!"

His intuition told him that this faun was serious.

Moreover, he may not be able to withstand the arcane net in front of him with his strength.

escape? That's even more impossible!

The opponent seemed to be sure that he would escape, so the arcane net used by the Shepherd was a huge dragnet.

Not giving anyone a chance to escape.

Facing the dragnet, Mo Chichi suddenly woke up again.

The moon knife in her hand cut out a huge sword light.

The sword light began to fall apart towards all the condensing supernatural arcana around it.

For a moment, half of the arcane spell that the Shepherd God had not had time to release was wiped out by Mo Chichi.

"This woman is so simple!"

The Shepherd frowned slightly.

The move just now consumed most of his energy. The number of supernatural arcane spells released reached tens of thousands.

However, Mo Chichi's sword directly cut off half of these ten thousand super-god arcana.

It seemed that Mo Chichi had not completely lost his combat effectiveness.

However, this was obviously a killer move that she tried her best to use.

After this strike, the Shepherd actually took back all his magical powers.

He squinted his eyes, looked at Mo Chichi, and then asked.

"Good idea, who are you?"

The Shepherd suddenly expressed great interest in Mo Chichi.

He knows how powerful his supernatural arcana is.

However, Mo Chichi was able to cut off his supernatural arcana.

Mo ChiChi's strength shocked him even more.

Mo Chichi finally breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that the Shepherd had withdrawn his magical powers.

"Are you the god of fauns?"

Mo ChiChi recognized the other party's identity at a glance.

After hearing this, the Shepherd sneered.

"Yes, I am the Lord of this star field, the God of Shepherd!"

"You haven't answered my question yet, who are you?"

The faun asked again.

After Mo Chichi listened, he said a little weakly.

"My name is Mo Chichi, from the Three Emperors Star Region. I want to find two people in your Mufa Star."

"I have no intention of being your enemy. As long as I find these two people, I will leave immediately."

The Shepherd God heard this and said with a slightly blurred look.

"Looking for someone again?"

The Shepherd God suddenly thought of Qiankun and the others.

Qiankun was also looking for someone, and now a mysterious woman came and also wanted to find someone.

How did so many people find their Eternal Star Domain?

After hearing this, the Shepherd God laughed and said, "May I ask, girl, who are you looking for?"

"If he is on my Shepherd Star, I will definitely help you find him!"

"But if he is not there, then girl, please go back to where you came from."

The Shepherd God smiled.

He didn't have time to fight with Mo Chichi now, because Mo Chichi's move just now made him realize that Mo Chichi was definitely not a simple outsider.

Mo Chichi was very strong. In some ways, her strength might not be weaker than his own.

Of course, the other party seemed to be injured, so that her strength could not be fully exerted.

But it was hard to guarantee that the other party had other trump cards.

So the Shepherd God didn't want to fight at this time, because on his Shepherd Star, there were two distinguished guests, Qiankun and Li Mei.

After hearing this, Mo Chichi immediately said.

"I'm looking for a man and a woman!"

"The woman is called Meng Chanyi, do you know her?"

Mo Chichi knew that asking the God of Shepherd Law would definitely yield something.

After hearing this, the God of Shepherd Law slowly shook his head.

"Meng Chanyi? Sorry, I have never heard of this name, and I don't know the existence of this woman."

The Shepherd God did not lie about this, because he really didn't know Meng Chanyi.

He also didn't know who Meng Chanyi was.

After hearing the Shepherd God's answer, Mo Chichi frowned slightly.

Obviously, this answer was not what she wanted to know.

"You really don't know Meng Chanyi?"

Mo Chichi asked again.

This time, she carefully observed the Shepherd God's expression.

The Shepherd God said calmly.

"If you haven't seen it, you haven't seen it. If you don't know it, you don't know it! I am the Lord of One Star, have I ever lied to you?"

Mo Chichi could see that the other party was not lying.

So she asked again.

"Then do you know Zhuo Bufan?"

Originally, Mo Chichi had no hope!

But when Mo Chichi mentioned Zhuo Bufan's name, the eyes of the Shepherd God lit up.

"Zhuo Bufan?"

Shepherd God didn't even have time to hide his expression. The next second, Mo Chichi asked hurriedly.

"You know, right? You know Zhuo Bufan!"

"Where is he? Is he on your Mufa Star?"

Mo Chichi asked the Shepherd God.

It was impossible for the Shepherd God to say that he didn't know him now.

After all, his expression had betrayed him.

He did know Zhuo Bufan, there was no doubt about that.

So, Mo Chichi asked almost for sure this time.

"Tell me, where is he?"

"I just want to see him once, even if it's just seeing him once."

Mo Chichi didn't actually expect to be rescued.

He wanted to see Zhuo Bufan even more.

Because for her, being able to see Zhuo Bufan before she died would be a good thing.

Shepherd God saw that Mo Chichi was so sincere, and finally he narrowed his eyes and said.

"I do know Zhuo Bufan, and I know him!"

"It is true, where is he?"

Mo Chichi asked impatiently.

However, after hearing this, the Shepherd God replied.

"But he is not on my Shepherd Star now!"

"He is the chief military advisor of my Shepherd Clan. If you want to see him, you need to meet one condition of mine!"

Shepherd God took advantage of the situation at this time.

Mo Chichi agreed immediately without even thinking.

"Okay, I promise you!"


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