Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1286 Meeting [Subscription Request]

Of course the Shepherd knew the whereabouts of Zhuo Bufan.

After all, Zhuo Bufan is the great strategist of his Pastoral Alliance.

He obviously didn't expect that the person Mo Chichi was looking for turned out to be Zhuo Bufan.

When Mo Chichi heard that the other party knew Zhuo Bufan's whereabouts, he was extremely excited.

"I promise you, now you can tell me, where is he?"

In order to meet Zhuo Bufan, Mo Chichi agreed to the conditions of the Shepherd without hesitation.

"You help me kill someone, and I'll tell you where he is!"

Mo Chichi frowned slightly when he heard this!

He didn't expect that the Faun's request was to let her kill someone.

"Kill who?"

Mo ChiChi didn't waste any time and directly asked who he wanted to kill!

With her current abilities, it might be difficult to kill someone like the Faun.

But killing other people, rub rub because.

When the Shepherd heard this, he frowned slightly.

"I want you to help me kill the Lord of Gray Star!"

"Lord of Gray Star? Who is that?"

Mo Chichi had never heard of the Lord of Gray Star, but she knew that this person must not be simple, otherwise the other party would not let her complete this task.

"The Lord of Gray Star is my mortal enemy! If you kill him, you will naturally be able to meet the person you meet."

The Shepherd deliberately lured Mo Chichi to Gray Star.

Firstly, he can use Mo Chichi's power to get rid of the person he wants to get rid of. Secondly, he has not broken his promise and allowed Mo Chichi to see Zhuo Bufan.

Because Zhuo Bufan is in Gray Star.

As long as Mo ChiChi goes to Gray Star, he can naturally meet Zhuo Bufan.

However, in Mo Chichi's current state, he didn't know if he could still fight with high intensity.

"How does this person compare to you?"

Mo Chichi asked.

"Of course you are no match for me!"

The faun replied confidently.

"How does it compare to your men?"

Mo Chichi asked again.

The faun replied after hearing this.

"Nature is better than that!"

"Okay, I'll go!"

Mo Chichi resolutely agreed to the Shepherd's request.

"Where is the formation envoy?" The Shepherd shouted.

After hearing this, the formation envoy on the side replied: "I am always on standby for my humble duty!"

"Array envoy, take this girl to Gray Star immediately!"

"If she can kill the Lord of Gray Star, she will tell him the whereabouts of Zhuo Bufan!"

When the array envoy heard this, he replied: "I humbly obey my orders!"

After Mo Chichi listened to the Shepherd's request, he believed what he said.

Just when Mo Chichi was full of expectations and ready to find Zhuo Bufan.

Suddenly a light appeared in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, Mo Chichi couldn't help but be startled.

"Li Mei? Why are you here?"

The person who suddenly appeared was none other than Luo Zhi Tian Li Mei.

Li Mei was also in disbelief when she saw Mo Jiumi.

"I just sensed the aura of my own race, but I didn't expect it to be you!"

"Chichi, where have you been?"

"What happened? What's the message Wang Ce left with you?"

"What does it mean that Heaven is ruthless?"

Li Mei was extremely excited after seeing Mo Chi Chi.

After Mo Chichi's accident happened before, he also left messages to other Tiandao clones.

Li Mei had to contact Mo Chi Chi as soon as she got the news.

However, he found that Mo Chichi's soul was very weak and he could not contact him at all.

Mo Ji looked at Li Mei and frowned.

"It's father, he issued a fatwa to kill us!"

Mo ChiChi didn't hide anything, she told Li Mei everything she knew.

After Li Mei learned about the existence of Jealousy Heaven, she showed an incredulous look.

"Why? Why do you do this?"

"Father doesn't need us anymore?"

"Why did he send people to kill us?"

At this moment, Li Mei could be said to be extremely angry.

They are the incarnations of Heavenly Dao, and they have dedicated themselves to death for the sake of Daluo Heavenly Dao.

But I didn't expect that God would kill the donkey and cross the river with a colorful bridge.

After they were no longer needed, they decided to destroy these incarnations of heaven.

"What a ruthless God! What a ruthless God!"

Li Mei couldn't help but sigh.

After Mo Chichi listened, he shook his head silently.

"Heaven is ruthless and all living beings suffer! We are just our father's pawns."

"In fact, we should have had this awareness a long time ago."

"When we have no value to our father, our destiny is death!"

Mo Chichi obviously thought more clearly than Li Mei.

Li Mei is still having illusions, but Mo Chi Chi already understands!

They are just pawns of heaven.

Daluo Tiandao will not allow anyone to betray him!

So when he thinks that the Heavenly Dao clones have no effect, he will completely obliterate these Heavenly Dao clones.

Jealousy is the strongest killer he sent.

"Chichi, why are you injured like this? Just wait, I will heal your wounds right now!"

Li Mei looked at Mo Chichi's current injuries and felt extremely uncomfortable.

However, after Mo Chi Chi listened, he shook his head very calmly.

"No need, Li Mei, this injury cannot be cured!"

Mo Chichi knew very well that his injury could definitely not be cured by ordinary medicinal stones.

Mo Chichi had obviously resigned herself to her fate.

Li Mei felt it, and she could clearly sense how terrible Mo Chichi's injuries were.

"Chichi, where is that bastard?"

"He hurt you like this, I want to avenge you!"

Seeing his dearest relatives being so seriously injured, Li Mei could no longer bear it.

Mo Chichi saw this and immediately grabbed him and said.

"Don't go, you are not his opponent."

"It's okay, Li Mei, this is my fate!"

"I betrayed my father, this is his punishment for me!"

Mo Chichi was quite open-minded!

Indeed, Mo Chichi could be regarded as the one who truly betrayed the incarnation of Heaven!

Because she actually fell in love with the enemy of nature, this was simply unforgivable.

Therefore, Mo Chichi did not have any self-sympathy for her own result! Instead, she felt that perhaps this was the end of her betrayal of Heaven.

She did not want to resist, she just wanted to take another look at Zhuo Bufan before she died.

Mo Chichi, who was deeply in love, now seemed to have only the last love-sickness to resist completely.

"Chichi, why are you doing this!"

"You did not betray your father, none of us did!"

"You are just trapped by love! You are the heaven of love!"

As for the question of whether Mo Chichi betrayed Heaven, in fact, everyone else had the answer! Everyone knows it.

Mo Chichi did betray Daluo Tiandao, otherwise Jealous Heaven would not be so eager to kill her.

"Li Mei, you and I don't need to deceive ourselves!"

"We are the products of the affectionate Heaven Dao, how can we be ruthless?"

"After my father created us, he became the real ruthless Heaven Dao!"

"So, betrayal requires a price. In this case, I am willing to accept this price!"

Mo Chichi's awareness is much higher than Li Mei's.

After hearing this, Li Mei said nothing more.

"Since you have decided, I will not say anything more!"

"What are you going to do next?"

"Find Tyrant and the others, and then discuss countermeasures together?"

Li Mei asked.

Mo Chichi shook his head and said.


"I just want to see him again!"

"This shepherd god told me that as long as I kill the Lord of Gray Star, I can see the person I want to meet!"

"So, I'm going to kill someone!"

Mo Chichi promised the shepherd god that he would kill the Lord of Gray Star.

After hearing this, Li Mei frowned.

"Who can you kill in your current state?"

"Kill someone, huh? I'll go for you!"

Li Mei could see that Mo Chichi was no longer the Heavenly Dao clone who could sweep across the star core.

She was probably not his opponent in one move now.

"Shepherd god, right? Where is the Lord of Gray Star? I'll kill him for him!"

Li Mei looked at the shepherd god and shouted.

Shepherd god smiled when he heard this.

"If the girl is willing to help, it would be perfect."

"I have no objection!"

"In that case, I am willing to take you to Gray Star in person."

Shepherd god now just wants to kill the Lord of Gray Star as soon as possible.

The Shepherd God had been to Gray Star, and on Gray Star, he felt a shocking mysterious energy.

That energy moved even the Shepherd God.

The Shepherd God could feel that it was the prototype of the power of Heaven.

In other words, in addition to the Eternal Heaven, a more powerful Gray Star Heaven might be born in the Eternal Star Domain.

The Shepherd God wanted to take Gray Star for himself, but that mysterious energy weakened his ability by 90%.

On Gray Star, he was not even the opponent of the Lord of Gray Star.

The stronger you are, the weaker you will become when you enter Gray Star.

So the Shepherd God was helpless against Gray Star.

However, he wanted the mysterious power on Gray Star too much.

So, he tried his best to find ways to kill the Lord of Gray Star.

First, he asked his subordinates to attack Gray Star with Zhuo Bufan and others.

Now he has won over Qiankun, Mo Chichi, Li Mei and others.

In fact, even in this war in the Eternal Star Domain, half of the factors of the Shepherd God were for this Gray Star.

However, he used the strategy of covering one's ears and stealing the bell, and making a feint to the east and attacking the west.

It seems that the Shepherd God is going to launch a full-scale war, but in fact, its main target is the Gray Star.

As long as he obtains the Gray Star Core, he will naturally become the strongest existence in the Eternal Star Domain.

At that time, ruling the Eternal Star Domain will be a piece of cake.

Therefore, the Shepherd God hopes to win over Qiankun and others.

As long as they can help him kill the Lord of Gray Star, he can pay any price.

"I will go with you!"

At this time, Qiankun also appeared in the void.

In the defense of Ronin Star, Qiankun still dares not forget Mo Chichi's help to him.

Therefore, now that Mo Chichi is in trouble, he will naturally help without hesitation.

Seeing this, the Shepherd God said happily.

"Brother Qiankun is willing to go out, that's great!"

"In this case, then I will lead the way for you now."

At this time, suddenly Ronin Shun also saw Qiankun coming out of nowhere.

"Qian Kun, you are not dead yet?"

After seeing Qian Kun, Ronin Shun couldn't help but burst out!

At the same time, Qian Kun also saw Ronin Shun in front of him.

"Shun! Are you still alive?"

Shun smiled coldly after hearing Qian Kun's words.

"Why, do you want me to die?"

"Of course not, how could I want you to die!"

"I hope you can live well more than anyone else!"

Ronin Shun laughed when he heard it.

"Qian Kun, I really didn't expect to see you here again!"

"Let me ask you, where are our people?"

When Ronin Shun said these words, Qiankun was completely stunned.

As the leader of the Ronin clan, Qiankun's mission is to protect his people.

However, his Ronin star was destroyed before his eyes.

No one can understand the pain of Qiankun.

Even Ronin Shun couldn't realize it.

After all, Qiankun is the clan leader and he has great responsibilities.

The Ronin planet was destroyed, and he, the leader of the clan, was to blame.

"Shun, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I didn't protect you, I didn't protect everyone!"

Ronin listened for a moment and showed an indifferent expression.

"Protect? Do you still know that you, the patriarch, want to protect us?"

"Qiankun, did you really protect us?"

"Didn't you, the clan leader, bring this disaster yourself?"

Faced with Ronin Shun's questioning, Qiankun was confused.

Ronin Shun was right.

The disaster of their Ronin clan was indeed caused by Qiankun.

"sorry Sorry!"

Qiankun wanted to apologize, but Ronin Shun didn't accept his apology at all.

"Shun, where are the others? Where is everyone?"

"Keira, Ling Xiao, they are all still alive, right?"

Qiankun asked.

However, Ronin Shun ignored him!

"Shun, you know where they are, right?"

"Tell me quickly, I just want to see everyone now, and I want to apologize to them in person."

"Please, tell me!"

Qiankun begged Ronin Shun.

Ronin Shun looked at the former best friend in front of him, and he shook his head silently.

"I don't know. Even if I knew, I wouldn't tell you."

"Qiankun, what you have to do is not beg me to forgive you. Because I will not forgive you."

Ronin Shun's attitude was very firm.

He has always believed that the disaster on Ronin was caused by Qiankun.

If Qiankun hadn't coveted Mengchanyi's beauty, there wouldn't have been so many disputes.

Therefore, Qiankun has an unshirkable responsibility for the destruction of Ronin Star.

He brought two women back to Dao Ronin, but the result was catastrophe.

"Then why did you come here? Didn't you come here just to tell me the whereabouts of my people?"

Qiankun asked.

After hearing this for a moment, Ronin chuckled and said.

"Don't make any mistake, I'm not here for you!"

"Qiankun, that's what you are, you are so self-righteous."

"I'm here for the leader of the mermaid tribe, Yu Ji, right? Your Majesty, the God of Priest, can you please return Yu Ji to me?"

Ronin Shun suddenly looked at the Shepherd beside him.

The Shepherd looked at Qiankun and then at Ronin Shun.

He probably understood what was going on.

He finally laughed.

"Shun Ronin? Are you the Shura God of War Ronin Shun who killed our troops on the front line not long ago?"

"You are so audacious, you actually came to my Mufa Star, in front of me, to ask for someone in person!"

After hearing this, Ronin did not flinch, but spoke righteously.

"Don't scare me!"

"Now that I'm here, I have no intention of leaving alive!"

Ronin said with determination.

He obviously came with the intention of dying.

However, what Ronin Shun never expected was that the Shepherd suddenly laughed.

"Hahahaha, you are worthy of being the greatest race in the Chaos Void!"

"The Ronin clan is indeed worthy of its reputation!"

"I admire the talents of the Ronin tribe, so I promise you to let the mermaid princess go!"

"Just take her and leave!"

Ronin was stunned for a moment.

He didn't expect that the Shepherd actually agreed to his request and let Yu Ji go!

【Finally released! Thanks to the editor for the great help. Dear book friends, I, Hu Hanshan, am back! 】

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