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Chapter 1287 Gathering on Gray Star [Subscribe]

Mu Shen actually agreed to Shun's request.

Obviously, this Mu Shen 10 was written for Qiankun's sake.

If Qiankun wasn't here, this shepherd might have dismissed Shun.

For Shun, of course he will not feel any gratitude to Qiankun for this.

He and Qiankun have a knot that is difficult to untie.

Mu Shen agreed and released Yu Ji.

When he saw Yu Ji, he felt particularly happy.

"Yu Ji, I'm here to take you home!"

However, when Yu Ji saw Ronin Shun, she showed a blank expression.

"Go home? I'm not going home, I want to be with Master Shepherd!"

"Mu Shen, sir? What's wrong with you, Yu Ji? I'm Shun!"

Shun looked at Yu Ji in front of him and thought of the happy times he had spent with her.

However, Yu Ji looked at Shun with a blank look on her face, as if she didn't recognize him at all.

Shun looked a little angry about this.

He knew it must be the work of the faun!

"What exactly did you do? Why did Yu Ji become like this?"

Shun angrily scolded the Shepherd.

He could feel that Yu Ji's soul was now in chaos.

This guy must have deliberately changed Yu Ji's soul.

Seeing this, the Shepherd laughed.

"Your Majesty, you misunderstood, I did not control Yu Ji's mind!"

"If you don't believe me, ask Yu Ji yourself if she is under my control."

After hearing this, Ronin immediately asked Yu Ji.

"Yu Ji, what happened?"

Ronin immediately asked Yu Ji, but after hearing this, Yu Ji frowned tightly.

"Sorry, I don't know you! I'm not being controlled as you say!"

"Don't remember me? You don't remember me!"

"If you don't remember me, you should remember who you are, right?"

Ronin Shun asked.

After hearing this, Yu Ji frowned slightly.

"Who am I? I am Yu Ji, the leader of the mermaid clan!"

Ronin listened for a moment and continued to ask.

"Okay, do you still remember your mermaid clan?"

Ronin Shun asked.

"Mermaid clan? Mermaid clan?"

Yu Ji murmured and kept asking herself.

In her mind, she only knew that she was a member of the mermaid clan.

As for the people in the mermaid clan, he seems to have really forgotten about them.

"Why, why don't I remember?"

In Yu Ji's mind, she had very little memory of the fish people.

After Ronin Shun asked like this, Yu Ji realized that she had forgotten the most important person.

"Follow me, I will take you to find your tribe!"

"Don't you want to see your people again?"

Ronin constantly induced Yu Ji, and soon Yu Ji began to recover some memories.

"My people! My people! Where are they?"

Yu Ji quickly asked Ronin Shun.

Ronin listened for a moment and replied.

"Follow me, I will take you to find your tribe, I know where they are!"

"you know?"

Yu Ji asked.

"Yes, will you come with me?"

After Ronin Shun finished speaking, Yu Ji suddenly looked back at the Shepherd behind him.

Mu Shen had a cold face. It was obvious that he didn't expect that this ronin Shun had some tricks to make Yu Ji obey his words.

At this moment, Yu Ji also looked confused.

The reason why she looked at the Faun was because she wanted to get permission from the Faun.

The Shepherd looked at Yu Ji, and finally he smiled coldly and said.

"If you want to go there, go ahead!"

After getting permission from the Shepherd, Yu Ji looked at Ronin Shun happily.

"Take me there, I want to find my people!"

Yu Ji said to Ronin Shun impatiently.

After Ronin heard this, he said no more, took Yu Ji and left Mu Fa Xing's territory without stopping.

Seeing Ronin leaving instantly, Qiankun sighed helplessly.

"As expected, you won't forgive me?"

At this time, the Shepherd on the side suddenly said.

"Emissary, follow them!"

The envoy next to him disappeared instantly after hearing this.

Mu Shen suddenly sent people to follow Ronin Shun, which made Qian Kun on the side a little unhappy.

"what do you mean?"

Although Ronin Shun refused to forgive Qiankun, Qiankun had to protect him.

After all, there is only one brother in the universe.

After hearing this, the Shepherd explained.

"Your Excellency Qiankun, don't you want to know the whereabouts of your people?"

"Actually, you also believe that he knows the whereabouts of your people, right?"

"Since he doesn't want to tell you, let's go find it ourselves."

It turns out that the Shepherd sent people to follow him in order to find the survivors of the Ronin tribe.

"So next, we just have to wait for news immediately."

This shepherd has all kinds of schemes. Although Qiankun is very dissatisfied, it seems that he has no other choice now.

"Don't hurt him!"

Finally, Qiankun said this to the Shepherd God.

For Qiankun, every member of the Ronin clan needs him to protect them with their lives.

"Okay, let's set off to Gray Star!"

"Girl, you can take good care of yourself first!"

"It's a long journey to Gray Star. I will tell you about Gray Star's situation on the way."

"This Gray Star is not as simple as you think."

After the Shepherd finished speaking, he asked his men to activate his Dharma God battleship, and then took the three of them, Qiankun Limei Mo Chichi, to the Gray Star.

At the same time, on the other side of the starry sky.

Yuan Zun of the other side of the sky and Ba Tu, the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao, and others are waiting for his intelligence organization to report the latest intelligence.

In order to find Zhuo Bufan, Yuan Zun has assigned all his intelligence corps.

Now almost the entire Primarch Alliance is looking for Zhuo Bufan.

With the ability of Yuan Zun's intelligence corps, it is not difficult to find information about Zhuo Bufan.

After all, Zhuo Bufan has become the Grand Military Advisor of the Pastoral Alliance.

As the two warring parties, the Primarch Alliance must have spies planted in the Pastoral Alliance.

Therefore, the news that Zhuo Bufan is the Grand Military Advisor of the Pastoral Alliance almost quickly reached Yuan Zun's ears.

"Three, found it, found it!"

On this day, Yuan Zun rushed into the reception hall excitedly, and then found Ba Tu and the other three.

"Found it?"

"Yes, found it, I found Zhuo Bufan!"

When Yuan Zun told Ba Tu and the others the news, the three Ba ​​Tu were very excited.

"Really found it? Where is that kid? Tell us quickly."

Ba Tu and the others did not expect that Yuan Zun would have news about Zhuo Bufan so quickly.

"I heard that Zhuo Bufan became the chief military advisor of the Mufa Alliance."

"Then he received an order from the old villain Mushen to attack Gray Star."

"Now, he is on Gray Star!"

Yuan Zun was also very excited, because he didn't expect that Zhuo Bufan, whom he wanted to find, was actually in the territory of his alliance.

The Lord of Gray Star is his most important ally.

So Yuan Zun was naturally happy, it was simply a matter of effort.

"Gray Star? Let's go to Gray Star now!"

"How long does it take to get to Gray Star?"

Yuan Zun hurriedly said when he heard it.

"Half a month, only half a month is enough."

"If the speed is fast, it will be there in ten days!"

"Very good, then what are we waiting for, we will go to Gray Star now. This time, we must not let that kid escape again."

Batu said with gritted teeth.

In order to hunt down Zhuo Bufan, they chased from the Three Emperors Star Region to the Eternal Star Region.

They wasted too much time.

So far, Zhuo Bufan has not been caught back.

However, for them, Zhuo Bufan must be captured.

The longer the delay, the more disadvantageous it will be for them.

The incarnation of the Heavenly Dao was teased by a little Zhuo Bufan. It can be said that this is simply a great shame.

Now, they finally have news about Zhuo Bufan again, and they are naturally eager to capture Zhuo Bufan.

"In this case, everyone, let's go to Gray Star immediately."

"But the three of you, I hope that after catching that Zhuo Bufan, you can help me."

This Yuan Zun has not forgotten the promises made to him by these three people.

After hearing this, the Tyrant snorted coldly.

"Hmph, a mean heart! You can rest assured that when we catch Zhuo Bufan, we will immediately help you rule the entire Eternal Star Domain."

For Tyrant and his people, nothing is more important than Zhuo Bufan.

As long as they can catch Zhuo Bufan, they can agree to anything.

"Well, let's go to Gray Star now!"

After Yuan Zun finished speaking, he was also eager to lead Tyrant and his people to Gray Star.

For a while, whether it was the Shepherd God or Yuan Zun, they all headed towards the Gray Star.

On the Shepherd God side, he brought the three Void Overlords Qiankun, Li Mei, and Mo Chichi.

On the Yuan Zun side, he brought the three universe powerhouses Tyranny, Aolai, and Hun Dun.

Both sides unexpectedly went to the Gray Star at the same time, and all for Zhuo Bufan.

It can be said that this Gray Star is destined to have an unimaginable war because of Zhuo Bufan.

At that time, once the two sides meet, they will certainly be on the verge of a fight to the death.

Zhuo Bufan doesn't know what kind of battle will break out in this star field because of him.


At the same time, in the field of the Gray Star.

The three heads of the Brain Demon Clan and the chief of the Orfa Clan, Aolong, joined forces, and they bombarded the entire Gray Star without discouragement.

They tried to destroy the Gray Star, but the gray fog of the Gray Star was too strong. The energy they released could not hurt the Gray Star at all, but only stirred up the heavy gray fog.

These gray mists completely enveloped the Gray Star and protected it.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to destroy the Gray Star.

Unless the Gray Star encounters an unprecedented catastrophe.

If the Shepherd God and Yuan Zun join forces, then the Gray Star will definitely encounter an unprecedented disaster.

And now, this disaster is about to come.

And it is obvious that this disaster is more terrible than imagined.

Whether it is the Shepherd God or Yuan Zun, they each brought terrible strong men.

If a war breaks out, it is likely to be destroyed.

The entire Gray Star will probably be destroyed in this battle.

And the person who triggered this war is Zhuo Bufan!

At this time, Zhuo Bufan is still merging with the Chaos Lotus.

The fusion process is very slow.

After all, the Chaos Lotus is the heart of Luo Tian, ​​and has all the abilities of Luo Tian.

And in these millions of years, the Chaos Lotus has become more powerful, and has even achieved the prototype of the Heavenly Dao consciousness.

Therefore, it is definitely not a matter of a day or a night for Zhuo Bufan to completely merge with the Chaos Lotus.

Of course, he was already merging with the Chaos Lotus as quickly as possible.

After all, Zhuo Bufan knew that the outside world was in chaos.

Of course, no matter how chaotic the outside world was, it could not disturb his heart.

Zhuo Bufan was now completely immersed in Luo Tian's memory.

In Luo Tian's memory, Zhuo Bufan completely became Luo Tian.

He witnessed Luo Tian's life.

What surprised Zhuo Bufan was the relationship between Luo Tian and Meng Chanyi.

Meng Chanyi was an orphan picked up by Luo Tian in an ancient battlefield.

When they met, Meng Chanyi was still a baby, and Luo Tian was already a world-famous fairy hero!

It can be said that Luo Tian's feelings for Meng Chanyi at the beginning were just a master-disciple relationship.

However, as Meng Chanyi grew up day by day.

As they went through life and death together, Luo Tian found that he could no longer do without this little Lolita.

And as Meng Chanyi continued to grow up, he could no longer do without Luo Tian.

They completely became a community of destiny that depended on each other.

Especially Meng Chanyi, when she grew up, she actually fell in love with Luo Tian.

Meng Chanyi's love for Luo Tian is also very interesting. It is a kind of love that is difficult to describe.

She respects Luo Tian very much, but in that kind of respect, there is also a kind of girlish love.

Although Meng Chanyi was unwilling to admit it when she was a child, she found out after he grew up that it was a kind of love.

Love beyond family affection!

Meng Chanyi fell in love with Luo Tian, ​​and it was a love that she couldn't extricate herself from.

So later, Meng Chanyi was even willing to die for Luo Tian.

In Daluotian, she waited for Luo Tian to return for millions of years.

In order to help Zhuo Bufan merge the three lives, she even came to Tianwaitian alone, came to the chaotic void, looking for the legendary Lord of Time.

This is Luo Tian and Meng Chanyi.

Because of a strange feeling between them, an insurmountable gap was formed.

It is precisely because of this that they can only face their hearts after losing each other.

But it is undeniable that Luo Tian also has Meng Chanyi in his heart.

Especially when Zhuo Bufan begins to merge Luo Tian's heart now.

He truly felt Luo Tian's feelings for Meng Chanyi.

Luo Tian's feelings for Meng Chanyi were equally complicated.

At first, he just raised Meng Chanyi as if she were his adopted child.

Then, slowly, he found that he couldn't leave Meng Chanyi.

Meng Chanyi became the most important existence in his life.

Later, he even completely fell in love with Meng Chanyi.

But he couldn't say it, and didn't dare to say it.

Because in his opinion, this kind of feeling was very absurd.

So in his heart, he had always been close to Meng Chanyi.

Both parties did not dare to cross the line of defense they had set in their hearts.

The relationship between the two sides became more and more awkward under this kind of getting along.

So in the end, Luo Tian chose to leave.

When Luo Tian left, he felt a lot of regret in his heart.

Especially before reincarnation, Luo Tian even had the idea of ​​regret.

But in the end, he still chose reincarnation.

And the reason he chose reincarnation was actually for Meng Chanyi.

She entered reincarnation so that Meng Chanyi could live well in Daluotian in the future.

He wants to change the way of heaven and change the world.

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