Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 130: Soul-stealing Altar (Part 2) [First Order Request]

Seizing the Soul Altar is what Zhuo Bufan decided to do after careful consideration.

Since you want to grab the soul altar, you need to know the distribution of soul altars in Yunmeng Realm.

"Soul Monument, is there a map of the distribution of soul altars in the entire Yunmeng Realm?" Zhuo Bufan asked the Soul Monument.

After hearing this, the soul monument replied: "Yes!"

As he spoke, a yellow scroll appeared in Zhuo Bufan's mind.

It's marked on it:

Yunmengtu, value: 100 points of soul power

Zhuo Bufan didn't think much and bought the Yunmengtu.

Ever since, a map of Yunmeng World appeared on the third page of the Soul Code in front of him. The distribution of all soul altars in Yunmeng Realm is marked on the map.

"Is this the entire Yunmeng Realm?"

From the map, the distribution of Yunmeng Realm is more like a circular continent, surrounded by the vast sea.

"Soul altar statistics: 8,000!"

Seeing the statistics of the soul altar, Zhuo Bufan became determined.

"Very good. The location of my soul altar is also marked on it. My current location is at the southern end of Yunmeng Realm."

After Zhuo Bufan determined his position, he formulated a course of action.

After planning the action route, it is time to prepare mobility tools, that is, transportation tools.

"Soul Monument, is there a flying soul beast that is fast and has strong endurance. It doesn't require much aggression."

Since the soul-stealing altar is called the soul-stealing altar, time is everything.

He didn't want to waste time on the road, so it was necessary to choose a flying spirit beast with fast speed and strong endurance.

Zhuo Bufan's mind was very clear and he knew what he needed most now.

This time the soul monument did not answer, and directly recommended him a level 38 flying soul beast, the Black Light Falcon Horse!

The Black Light Falcon Horse costs 30,000 soul power!

The price was very high, but Zhuo Bufan didn't feel any heartache at all and bought it without hesitation.

After buying it, a black light falcon horse appeared on the fourth page of the Soul Code.

It was a black and shiny horse, but it was a horse, but it had four eagle claws. The whole body is also covered with jet-black feathers. There is also a long sharp horn on the top of the head.

This black light falcon horse, in addition to being sold at a high price, is also hungry. It takes one hundred soul power to feed it every day.

It can only be said that raising this horse is not easy. After the task is completed, Zhuo Bufan will definitely kill the donkey.

With the addresses of all the soul altars and such a black light falcon horse, Zhuo Bufan was ready.

"There are still 69,890 points of soul power left. First, increase the level of the soul weapon 'Sword of Life and Death'."

"I will definitely encounter a lot of attacks from spirit beasts along the way. I need to be able to protect myself. The Death Sword can instantly kill all spirit beasts whose level is lower than it. It is necessary to increase the level of the Life and Death Sword."

This moment was extraordinary, and my mind was exceptionally clear.

He used the remaining nearly 70,000 soul power to upgrade the level of the Sword of Life and Death.

In the end, he raised the level of the Life and Death Sword to level 29!

Take another look at the situation of the ‘Sword of Life and Death’ on the second page of the Soul Code. The above information shows:

The natal Horcrux: Sword of Life and Death

Horcrux level: twenty-nine

Soul power consumption: 600 points

Required for Horcrux advancement: 8,700 points

Zhuo Bufan was smart enough to leave eleven thousand points of soul power behind.

Originally, he could advance to another level, but he noticed that the soul power consumption had reached 600 points.

In other words, using the Life and Death Sword once would cost him 600 points of soul power. Two times is one thousand two hundred points.

As the level of the Sword of Life and Death increases, more and more soul power is consumed each time it is used.

If he reaches level 30, his remaining soul power will probably not be used a few times.

No matter how high the level of the sword of life and death is, it is useless if it cannot be used.

"That's almost it!"

Zhuo Bufan looked at his preparations and suddenly thought of something else in his mind.

"By the way, is there anything like a soul beast illustrated book?"

Zhuo Bufan was always able to come up with sudden ideas, and what was surprising was that the soul monument actually had everything he came up with.

This time the soul monument did not answer, but sold a bronze mirror named "Xuanguang Baojian" to Zhuo Bufan.

"The price is five thousand, damn, so expensive?"

Zhuo Bufan cursed a lot, but he bought the "Xuanguang Baojian" without hesitation.

As a result, an ancient bronze mirror appeared on the fifth page of his soul code.

Xuanguang Baojian can display the information of the things it shines on in detail. It not only affects soul beasts, but can also be used for soul cultivation.

This Xuanguang Baojian is a Horcrux. All Horcruxes have an inexplicable wear rate, which is a limit on the number of times they can be used.

This Xuanguang Baojian can be used ten times. After being used, it will destroy itself.

However, you can consume soul power to repair it before destruction. One repair costs 300 soul power, and ten repairs only cost 3,000 soul power.

Overall, it's more cost-effective than buying a new one.


"What a scam, why does everything consume soul power? A soul beast consumes soul power if it has a hunger level, and a soul weapon consumes soul power if it has a depletion rate."

"It seems that in this world, soul power really is everything. Isn't this world all made up of soul power?"

Zhuo Bufan complained.

After vomiting, I felt a little more comfortable.

It was too late to continue complaining, Zhuo Bufan prepared to summon the Black Light Falcon Horse!

Turning to the fourth page of the Soul Code, a jet-black light burst out from the Soul Code.

The next second, a black shadow rushed out of the page, and then, a fierce horse's scream was heard on the top of the barren mountain.

A black light falcon horse with a pair of huge feathers and wings appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan with its front legs raised high and its head held high.

"Very well, let's go!"

Without saying a word, Zhuo Bufan jumped onto the back of the Black Light Falcon horse and shouted: "Fly, Xiao Hei!"


The Black Light Falcon Horse suddenly flapped its wings and soared into the sky, like a black arrow, and flew towards the east with a hiss.

However, just after Zhuo Bufan flew out of the Soul Altar realm, the three beasts that had been waiting outside the realm actually caught up with him.

"Three beasts, are you too persistent? Are you attracted to me, grandpa?"

Zhuo Bufan was speechless. He didn't expect that after so long, the three beasts were still thinking about him.

"Soul Code, come out."

Zhuo Bufan snapped his fingers and summoned his soul code. Two rays of light, one black and one white, gathered around him, and finally condensed into a code.

The code seemed to have little wings, one following Zhuo Bufan's side.

Then Zhuo Bufan thought, and the soul code was opened!

Hua Hua Hua Hua!

The soul code turned to the fifth page, Xuanguang Baojian.

I saw Zhuo Bufan using the Xuanguang Baojian to shine on the three beasts that were chasing after them.

Immediately afterwards, the information of the three beasts was immediately displayed on the Xuanguang Treasure Mirror.

Soul Beast: Night Demon Duck

Level: twenty-two

Introduction: A powerful carnivorous soul beast that lives in the Demonic Swamp. Once it sets its sights on a target, it will never give up until death. It will spit out strong black evil spirit and corrode the soul.

"Three ducks dare to go to the sky? Sword of life and death, come out."

Zhuo Bufan gritted his teeth and spent 600 soul power to summon the Sword of Life and Death.

Then with a thought, the Death Sword turned into a stream of black light and shot out with a hiss.


The black stream of light penetrated one of the Night Demon ducks. The night demon crow died on the spot and fell directly into the sky a hundred feet high. With a crack, it fell into a pulp.

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