Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 131: Soul-stealing Altar (Part 2) [Subscribe]

It was indeed Zhuo Bufan's natal soul weapon, exactly the same as the one described in the soul book.

As soon as the death sword comes out, it kills instantly!

All enemies whose level is lower than Death Sword will be instantly killed without distinction! The Death Sword's current level is twenty-nine, while the Night Demon Duck's level is only twenty-two.

An unquestionable victory.

But what annoyed Zhuo Bufan was. The remaining two beasts were still chasing after him.

"Depend on!"

Recalling the information given by Xuanguang Baojian, once you are targeted by these beasts, you will die. It seemed that Zhuo Bufan couldn't hide even if he wanted to.

"Sword of Life and Death, go!"

Zhuo Bufan gritted his teeth and summoned a sword of life and death again. Then he controlled the Death Sword and flew out with a whoosh.


Another sword strike, killing one of the Night Demon Ducks instantly. Blood sprayed into the air and formed a streak.

"Come again and die!"

Zhuo Bufan gritted his teeth again, and another black light shot out.


The Night Demon Duck had almost no resistance and fell to the ground with a bang like a crashed fighter plane, shattering into pieces.

The sword of life and death is really awesome! In just two breaths, the remaining two Night Demon Ducks were killed instantly.

However, Zhuo Bufan was heartbroken!

"Damn, it cost me 1,800 soul points."

Zhuo Bufan looked at the first page of the Soul Code. His soul power went from the 6,000 points left after buying the Xuanguang Baojian to 4,200 points in an instant.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was annoyed, he suddenly saw only the blank part on the first page of the Soul Code, which suddenly appeared.

"Kill a Night Demon Duck and gain 800 soul power points."

"Kill a Night Demon Duck and gain 800 soul power points."

"Kill a Night Demon Duck and gain 800 soul power points."

In that blank space, three lines of words appeared in succession, and then slowly disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, he saw that the 4,200 points of soul power turned into 6,600 points in an instant.

"Oh, that's good, I made a profit."

After seeing this result, Zhuo Bufan smiled lightly. Unexpectedly, after killing these three beasts, I ended up earning 600 points.

"Yes, yes. Sure enough, you can also gain soul power by hunting soul beasts?"

Seeing that his soul power had increased by more than 600, Zhuo Bufan's annoyance just now disappeared.

Then he unfolded the Yunmeng Diagram on the third page of the Soul Code. Interestingly, Zhuo Bufan's flight path was marked on the Yunmeng Diagram.

Just like a GPS navigation system, a small red dot marked his location.

"Here we are, the location of the second soul altar."

Zhuo Bufan watched as the red dot representing himself overlapped with the black dot representing the soul altar. Then he looked up and saw a huge lake below as far as he could see.

In the middle of the lake, there is a small island. And in the very center of the island, there happened to be a soul altar.

At the entrance of the island, there is a huge stone tablet with the words, Jingshui Dwelling!

Obviously, Jingshui Residence was the name of this soul altar’s former camp.

Now the owner of Jingshui Residence has been dead for more than 200,000 years, and at this moment, Jingshui Residence is empty.

Zhuo Bufan appeared above the island riding a black light falcon horse.

At this time, Wuguang Falcon Horse did not dare to move forward, because moving forward would be the realm of the soul altar, which was a restricted area for the soul beasts.

As a last resort, Zhuo Bufan could only let the Wuguang Falcon Horse wait outside, while he jumped off the island and quickly rushed towards the soul altar in the center.

Soon, Zhuo Bufan rushed to the soul altar.

In front of him are the familiar nine-layered soul altar and black soul monument, as well as the ruins and broken walls all over the ground.

Zhuo Bufan almost didn't think much and put his hand on the black soul tablet.

Suddenly, there was communication between his soul and the soul tablet.

"Are you willing to become the master of this altar?"

The soul monument begins a dialogue with Zhuo Bufan's spirit.

Zhuo Bufan replied: "Yes."

"Imprint your soul on this monument."

"From now on, you will be the master of this soul altar. Anyone who enters the area covered by the soul altar will be forced to contribute ten points of soul power to you. At the same time, they will be protected and blessed by the soul altar."

"Everyone who awakens on the altar will be forced to join your camp and contribute 10% of their soul power every day."

"Everyone who teleports on the altar will be forced to contribute one hundred soul points to you, and can be teleported to any location on the soul altar."

"Everyone who enters the altar and leaves the world will be forced to contribute two hundred points of soul power to you, so that you can leave Yunmeng World safely."

"Everyone who goes to the altar to practice will be forced to contribute a thousand points of soul power to you, which can be converted into soul power to improve the cultivation level of the soul."

The familiar terms and conditions came into his mind again, and Zhuo Bufan almost without hesitation engraved his soul on the soul tablet.

Immediately afterwards, I heard the soul monument continue to say: "The recognition of the master is successful, please name your camp."

"Seal the true name." Zhuo Bufan said eagerly.

"Sorry, the camp is duplicated and renamed."

An accident occurred, and Zhuo Bufan frowned. It seems that the camp name Sealed True Name can no longer be used.

Zhuo Bufan thought for a moment, then slapped his thigh suddenly and said: "Seal the true name one!"

Since duplicates cannot be used, it’s okay to add a serial number yourself, right?

With the real name of the seal one, there will be the real name of the seal two, three, four, five, six...

In order to facilitate his memory, Zhuo Bufan arranged all his soul altar camps according to serial numbers.

This time, the Soul Monument approved it!

"The camp is confirmed, the true name is sealed."

At the same time, a ray of light suddenly rose into the sky from the stone tablet standing outside the island.

On the 100-meter-high stone tablet, the original three characters "Jingshui Residence" began to change into the five characters "Seal True Name One".

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan once again showed a hearty smile.

"Very good, there are two of them, continue, grab the soul altar!"

Zhuo Bufan did not continue to commemorate this soul altar. He rushed out of the island and jumped on the waiting black light falcon.

"Let's go, drive!"

Zhuo Bufan flew towards the next soul altar non-stop.

Just when he flew out of the island in the middle of the lake, the mysterious Heavenly Lord's announcement came again from the sky.

"Notice that the third camp in Yunmeng Realm, 'Sealed True Name One', has been established. A special reward of 50,000 soul power points will be provided for the basic construction of the camp."

"As a reward of the blessing of 'Pure Yang Protection', the souls of all disciples under this camp will receive certain protection."

The mysterious "Tianzun" voice exploded in the sky and spread to the ears of everyone in the entire Yunmeng Realm.

For a time, it caused a storm.

"Damn it, no way, someone else has established a camp?"

"No, haven't you heard the name of this camp? The true name of the seal is one. Isn't this the name of the first camp? It's just that the guy cunningly added a one at the end."

"Damn, is this cunning? I think he's just showing off!"

"Yes, that guy is showing off. He is showing off to all of us that he has established two factions."

"Damn it, how did you establish this camp? It's unfair, so unfair? How is this world supposed to be played?"

Groups of sun students from Four Seasons Mountains and Rivers are indignant.

Some people are crying like ghosts and howling like wolves, while others are making waves.

Zhuo Bufan naturally heard the "Tianzun"'s announcement. At the same time, his soul power increased by fifty thousand points.

This soul power, don't come too soon!

The next chapter will be updated around 9 o'clock tomorrow daytime...

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