Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 132 The First Disciple [10-3, please subscribe]

Above the sky, white clouds and dogs!

The wind in Yunmeng Realm is a bit spicy and a bit refreshing. It made Duan Xinghe and Xiao Chenglang look very comfortable even when they were suffering.

"Chujiu, this is not the way to go. We haven't had any opportunities so far, but we can't come to Yunmeng Realm in vain."

Xiao Chenglang, that is, on August 12th, he followed Duan Xinghe and moved forward slowly.

After hearing this, Duan Xinghe said helplessly.

"Hey, what a bullshit opportunity. After coming to this ghost place, I have been constantly being chased by monsters. Now I can't even lift my legs."

The two of them were relatively miserable. Not to mention opportunities, after they arrived in this world, they only encountered a group of spirit beasts, the kind of spirit beasts that pursued them relentlessly.

The two of them were almost in trouble, and looking at their tired backs as they walked, they looked extremely miserable.

Whirring whirring!

At this moment, the sound of howling wind suddenly came from above.

The two of them looked up...

They saw a group of huge black crows like eagles rushing towards them.


The two people's unruly feet started running instinctively again.

Run fast!

"There is a mountain ahead, run to it!

"Duan Xinghe led Xiao Chenglang and ran frantically towards the bare barren mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, there stood a huge stone tablet a hundred meters high, with the words "Seal the True Name" written on it.

"Sealing the true name, isn't this the first camp?"

Xiao Chenglang was stunned for a moment, but Duan Xinghe didn't pay much attention at all. He grabbed Xiao Chenglang's hand and jumped into the monument boundary.

Those black hawks and crows that were chasing after them formed a huge black screen overwhelming the sky, but they were right in front of the monument.

All the black hawks and crows flapped their wings and stopped in time.

The two men who were running around looked back and were inexplicably surprised.


Of course they were saved, because the two of them came to Zhuo Bufan's camp. Within the realm of the soul altar, it is a restricted area for all soul beasts.

It can protect the personal safety of soul cultivators like them.

Although the black hawks and crows did not dare to enter the monument boundary, they did not leave easily.

The situation of the two of them was exactly the same as that of Zhuo Bufan.

As a last resort, the two had to join hands to climb the mountain together.

"Chujiu, did you just see that? We seem to have entered the camp that 'seals the true name'."

Xiao Chenglang said to Duan Xinghe.

Upon hearing this, Duan Xinghe nodded and replied.

"I saw it. It seems that these camps are very safe. Creatures from Yunmeng World dare not enter."

There are times when Duan Xinghe doesn't play tricks. Duan Xinghe, who doesn't play tricks, is very serious.

"Our opportunity has come."

After reaching the top of the mountain, Duan Xinghe and the others saw the Nine Layer Soul Altar on the top of the mountain, with a proud smile on their faces.

Both of them had the experience of exploring secret realms, and their intuition told them that the soul altar was their opportunity.

Upon seeing this, Duan Xinghe carried Xiao Chenglang to the soul altar.

In front of the soul altar, there is a soul monument, which reads:

Camp site: seal the true name.

"It's this sealed true name again. Who is he?"

Xiao Chenglang and Duan Xinghe looked at each other blankly.

"I don't know, but I can be sure that he must be from our Four Seasons Shanhe. In this world, only our Four Seasons Shanhe people exist for the time being."

Duan Xinghe and the others didn't know that this camp was founded by their brother Zhuo Bufan.

"What should we do now?" Xiao Chenglang asked.

Duan Xinghe looked at the soul altar, then raised his eyebrows and said with his starry eyes.

"My instinct tells me to stand up."

With that said, Duan Xinghe took steps and climbed onto the Soul Altar step by step.

When he climbed to the top of the soul altar, the nine-level soul altar under his feet began to rotate.

Buzz buzz...

Immediately after the soul altar began to rotate, a ray of light suddenly fell from the sky.

Duan Xinghe's entire body was bathed in the holy light, and his whole body underwent an astonishing baptism.

Immediately afterwards, in front of him, countless starlights flew out, forming a soul book densely covered with stars.

The cover of the Soul Code is a bright blue galaxy.

Seeing this scene, Duan Xinghe raised the corner of his mouth slightly. Sure enough, this was an opportunity.

When Duan Xinghe opened the Soul Code in a hurry, he saw the main page of the Soul Code, displaying his basic information.

Soul Code: Codex of the Stars

Cultivation: Divine Movement Realm

Level: forty-six

Soul power: none

Soul power required to advance: 98,750 points

Turning to the second page, there is a brilliant picture.

On the picture scroll, there is a brilliant galaxy, and underneath the picture scroll it is written:

Natal Horcrux: Star Chart

Horcrux Level: Level 1

Soul power consumption: ten points

Required for Horcrux advancement: 100 points

Native ability: Star Chart, which can summon powerful stars to fall. As the level of the Horcrux increases, the summoned stars will become more and more powerful.

"Damn it, summon the stars, am I invincible?"

After Duan Xinghe saw the ability of his own soul weapon, he slapped his thigh suddenly and shouted proudly.

His performance was exactly the same as Zhuo Bufan's previous performance.

When Zhuo Bufan saw the ability of his natal Horcrux, he also expressed the same emotion of "I am invincible in the world", which seemed very average.

But just when Duan Xinghe was feeling proud, he suddenly heard a cold voice.

"Congratulations, you have joined the 'Seal True Name' camp, become the first disciple under the camp, be given the title of Chief Disciple, and be awarded 10,000 soul power points."

Duan Xinghe was stunned when he heard it.

"I joined the 'Seal True Name' camp? What does this mean? I didn't want to join! I still want to create my own sect."

Duan Xinghe wanted to cry but had no tears. His goal was to create a camp, but he didn't expect to join a camp inexplicably now.

"After joining a camp, you are not allowed to create a camp. You can choose to leave the camp, and I will deprive you of your soul code and all abilities. The next time you awaken, the soul code level will be reduced."

The answer of the soul monument was cold and ruthless, but the meaning was very clear. You can leave the camp, but you will be deprived of all your awakened abilities including the soul code.

Not only that, even if you establish your own camp next time, the ability of the soul code will be greatly reduced, and you may not have such a powerful soul weapon as the "Star Map".

"You have to think clearly. This camp has the blessing of the only three great celestial masters in Yunmeng Realm."

The Soul Monument is really a good housekeeper. It actually helped Zhuo Bufan to retain Duan Xinghe.

Just when Duan Xinghe was hesitating, suddenly, the sky thundered.

"Announcement, the fourth camp of Yunmeng Realm, 'Seal True Name II', has been established. A special reward of 30,000 soul power points is given for the basic construction of the camp."

The words of the celestial master spread throughout the sky and the earth. Duan Xinghe stood on the soul altar and was stunned.

"Who the hell is this person? How come he established another camp in just a short while?"

Obviously, it was not just Duan Xinghe who was hysterical. The disciples of Four Seasons Mountain and River in the entire Yunmeng Realm were looking up at the sky in a daze.

"Is this big guy going to heaven?"


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