Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1293 Xingtian Axe [Subscribe]

The disappearance of Xu Kuang once again shocked all the other Heavenly Dao clones.

Especially Tyranny, who was fighting Qiankun, felt the disappearance of Xu Kuang's life almost immediately.

"Xu Kuang, dead?"

Xu Kuang's death is indeed a bit shocking.

Bingxukuang is a very powerful existence among the seven heavenly incarnations.

Even Tyranny did not dare to take anything lightly when faced with Xu Kuang.

However, such a powerful Xu Kuang died inexplicably.

"Could it be that Heavenly Killer again?"

Ao Lai, who was on the side of Hate Tian, ​​also felt the disappearing Xu Kuang.

He frowned slightly and looked a little solemn.

Because he is arrogant and ashamed of himself.

If he met a Tiandao killer, he would probably die.

The Tiandao Killer specializes in hunting down the incarnation of Tiandao.

After Wang Ce, Xu Kuang became the second incarnation of Tiandao to be killed.

And Mo Chi Chi's time is running out.

If Mo Chichi also dies, then almost half of their seven heavenly incarnations will be destroyed.

People were panicked for a moment, and Ao Lai felt that it might be his turn next.

Ao Lai didn't want to die, at least he didn't want to be killed by the heavenly killer.

"Is it really true that God is ruthless?"

Ao Lai frowned deeply. He really couldn't understand why Heaven would send killers to hunt them down.

Looking at Tyranny in the void, fighting Qiankun, Ao Lai felt a deep sense of crisis.

"Is this guy really stupid or just pretending to be stupid?"

"Now that even Xu Kuang is dead, does he still believe in the way of heaven?"

Ao Lai felt that this Tyranny was really unreasonable.

"The Tiandao killer has killed the two Tiandao clones, and he also wants to help Tiandao capture Zhuo Bufan."

"No amount of loyalty can compare to the ruthlessness of heaven."

"I'd better run away!"

"Get out of this damn place!"

Ao Lai thought about it and finally made a decision to run away!

So, Ao Lai immediately left the starry sky and the Eternal Star Territory.

If he didn't run away, he would probably die without a burial place when the jealous sky came to kill him.

Ao Lai ran away, and Hun Chao moved to Gray Star with Mo Chi Chi.

Now in this void, only the decisive battle between Tyranny and Qiankun is left.

Li Mei watched the battle from the sidelines, always ready to help Qian Kun.

As for Yuan Zun and Mu Shen, they also followed Mo Chichi and the others to Gray Star.

For them, Gray Star is the most important battlefield.

Above the void, Tyranny and Qiankun are still fighting fiercely.

Tyranny was suddenly distracted by Xu Kuang's affairs, and was successfully attacked by Qian Kun.


Between the lightning and flint, a cold light was seen slashing down.

The next second, a hideous scar was left on Tyranny's shoulder.

Blood spurted out and then splashed into the void.

Endless energy began to pour out, causing Tyranny to feel pain.

"Damn it!"

Tyranny roared inwardly, and then he felt as if a terrifying energy exploded within his body.


A burst of self-destruction exploded from Tyranny's body. Blast him to pieces.

Qiankun on the opposite side saw this and showed a proud smile.

"Hahahaha, I thought you were invincible, but I didn't expect you would still get hurt!"

Qiankun was so excited that he used a kind of chaos beast called Chaos Flower, and during the battle, it was quietly buried in Tyranny's body.

This Chaos Flower should be the smallest Chaos Beast.

It can hide in the human body, and when the right opportunity comes, it will explode from the body.

The power of self-destruction is naturally extraordinary and earth-shattering.

After all, it is a low-level Chaos Beast, and the power of self-destruction is absolutely extraordinary.

Even Tyranny, the incarnation of Heavenly Dao, cannot withstand such self-destruction.

When the self-destruction occurred, Tyranny's entire body was blown to pieces almost instantly.

Qiankun was so happy that he finally hurt the arrogant Tyranny.

You know, before this, it was absolutely impossible for him to cause any harm to Tyranny.

It can be said that the gap between him and Tyranny before was the gap between an ant and an elephant.

But now, Qiankun has grown into a fierce tiger.

He was finally qualified to fight an elephant.

However, it is obviously impossible to defeat Tyranny with this little trick.

Tyranny will not die easily. They are the incarnation of the way of heaven, and they have the same longevity as heaven.

After the self-destruction, all the dust began to gather together quickly, and then reshaped his body and soul.

Qiankun was slightly shocked when he saw this.

"So fast?"

He obviously didn't expect Tyranny to recover so quickly.

"Chaos Flower, destroy it for me!"

Seeing Tyranny's rapid recovery, Qiankun didn't think much and immediately summoned the Chaos Flower again, and then tried to plant it into Tyranny's body.

"Zhai Sui, the same method, do you think it will still be useful to me?"

Tyranny saw Qiankun once again release the invisible Chaos Flower, and he immediately released the Immovable Golden Body.

This time, before the Chaos Flower could land on Tyranny, it was destroyed by a powerful energy.

Next, Tyranny began to counterattack.

He rushed towards Qiankun, then glanced coldly, and burst out with an extremely cold and arrogant killing trend.

"Cage of heaven and earth, come and die!"

Tyranny stretched out his hand towards Qiankun and shook it in the air.

Qian Kun was imprisoned immediately, and then two violent energies rushed towards Qian Kun.

It was like two black tornadoes, breaking through the constraints of space wherever they went.

Qian Kun was shocked when he saw this!

"Damn, this guy actually has this kind of power?"

Qian Kun was naturally shocked, because Tyranny had just suffered a devastating blow from him.

However, Tyranny, who had recovered, actually showed an extremely powerful strength.

It seemed to be even stronger than before!

"You bastard, do you really think you are my opponent?"

"I really gave you face, right?"

Tyranny was angry, and his pride was just covered in Qian Kun's face.

Now he wanted to tear Qian Kun into pieces.

"Spear of Destruction, pierce him!"

Tyranny grabbed the Tyranny Spear in his hand, and then pierced Qian Kun's head.


At the critical moment, Qian Kun suddenly summoned a black turtle and crashed into Tyranny's spear.


The Tyrant God Spear collided with the turtle shell, shaking the earth.

The entire turtle shell was instantly shattered, and the body was crushed into slag, and it died coldly.

The Black Turtle used his own life to hold Qiankun's life.

Qiankun stared at everything that happened in front of him in amazement, feeling a bit of pain and discomfort in his heart.

"Damn it, damn it!"

The Ronin tribe has a contract with the Chaos Beast. Once the Chaos Beast dies, the contractor will also be backfired.

So when the Black Turtle died, Qiankun's soul was severely damaged.

The powerful impact made Qiankun suffer unbearably.

Seeing Qiankun so uncomfortable, Li Mei was ready to rush over to help.

But Qiankun stopped him.

"Don't come over, this is a fight between me and him."

"Today, I will fight him to the death!"

Qiankun stopped Li Mei.

He wanted to avenge all the members of the Ronin tribe. This was his own battle, and he would not borrow the hands of others.

"But you are probably not his opponent now."

Li Mei could see that Qian Kun could not beat Ba Tu.

Li Mei knew Ba Tu's strength very well. Ba Tu now did not even use one-third of his strength.

He had not even used his own divine weapon of heaven.

So Qian Kun had almost no chance of winning if he wanted to fight Ba Tu.

But now, Qian Kun did not intend to retreat.

Even if he died in battle, he had no regrets.

Death was not scary, but what was scary was that he could not avenge his people.

"I have my own plan. Even if I die in battle, I will not let you interfere!"

Qian Kun had made up his mind, and Li Mei could not force it.

Li Mei knew Qian Kun's personality very well. Once he made a decision, he would never change it.

It was because of Qian Kun's unique charm that Li Mei was so devoted to him.

Even if he could not defeat Ba Tu, he would resolutely fight him.

"Boy, since you are looking for death, I will do it for you."

"These Chaos Beasts are your Achilles' heel!"

"I will kill all your Chaos Beasts."

After Tyranny finished speaking, all the dragons in the Honghuang Armor suddenly flew out.

These dragons roared and hissed, and began to bite the Chaos Beasts of Qiankun.

Each bite hit the soul beasts hard.

These dragons are endless and countless.

For Chaos Beasts, they are ants.

But countless ants are a very terrible force.

Countless ants can chew up even an elephant.

Not to mention, these ants are not ordinary ants, they are dragons tamed by the Heavenly Dao.

Possessing the power of the Daluo Heavenly Dao.

As a result, more and more Chaos Beasts began to struggle under the bloody mouths of these dragons.

After a while, one Chaos Beast after another fell.

Every time a Chaos Beast fell, Qiankun's soul suffered a heavy blow.

As more and more Chaos Beasts fell, Qiankun began to feel a little dazed.

As a last resort, Qiankun recovered all the Chaos Beasts.

He couldn't let these Chaos Beasts become his weaknesses and fatal points.

After collecting the Chaos Beasts, Qiankun twisted his fist directly.


That punch, with the energy that could destroy a star, hit Ao Zhitian Ba ​​Tu.

However, Ao Zhitian was as still as a mountain in the face of this punch, and did not react at all.

"Sure enough, without the power of Chaos Beasts, you are just a scum!"

Ba Tu was very proud. Qiankun's fist hit him without any reaction.

The power of that punch was negligible to him.

Qiankun once again became the Qiankun who posed no threat to Ba Tu before.

However, just when Ba Tu was proud, Qiankun's mouth suddenly raised slightly.

"Sword God Throne, pierce him!"

Qiankun's fist suddenly rushed out with an extremely sharp sword.

Then the sword pierced through Batu's body.

Batu was stunned for a moment, looking at the big sword in front of his chest.

"Little beast, you dare to trick me?"

Batu didn't expect that he would be tricked by Qiankun.

Qiankun's sword has a strong penetrating force, and it hits the soul directly. Batu felt that his soul was fixed and couldn't move.

This was obviously planned by Qiankun.

"Tuntianzuo, chew him up!"

As soon as Qiankun finished speaking, he suddenly opened his mouth wide and bit towards Tyranny's head.


He bit down and bit off Tyranny's head directly. Not only the head was bitten off, but also part of the soul.

Of course, this is not over yet.

"Tian Centipede, tear him apart!"

At this time, countless hands grew out from under Qiankun's armpits.

Each hand held a terrible chopping knife, and then chopped towards Tyranny.

Bang bang bang bang...

Those chopping knives cut Tyranny's body like cutting vegetables.

Completely chop Tyranny's body and soul into pieces.

"Ice Soul Seat, seal him!"

After chopping up the body and soul, Qiankun finally summoned an extremely powerful high-level chaos beast, Ice Soul Seat.

Qiankun exhaled towards Tyranny's broken body.

A strong chill came to his face.

That was not an ordinary freezing power, but an icy power that could freeze time.

As a high-level Chaos Beast, the Ice Soul Seat's freezing ability should not be underestimated.

It can freeze time, so it is easy to freeze Tyranny's soul.

As expected, Tyranny's body and soul did not have time to recover.

In the end, he was sealed by the freezing air spit out by Qiankun.

Qiankun knew that he could not kill Tyranny, so he chose to seal.

It was just like when he sealed Li Mei.

The best way to deal with the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao is to seal.

Qiankun's series of attacks were obviously prepared and planned.

First, he used the Sword God Sealing Sword of the Sword God Seat to freeze Tyranny's soul.

Then he used the swallowing power of the Heaven Devouring Seat to devour the soul of Tyranny's most important head, leaving the opponent no chance to react.

Finally, he used the Soul-Severing Sword of the Sky Centipede Seat to cut Qiankun's soul into countless pieces.

In this way, he could not recover instantly.

Finally, he used the power of the Ice Soul Seat that could freeze even time to seal it.

The whole process was done in one go, without giving Tyranny any chance to react.

Li Mei, who was not far away, saw this scene and showed an unbelievable look.


"You successfully sealed Tyranny!"

Even Li Mei didn't expect that Qian Kun could actually seal Tyranny.

This Qian Kun was really beyond her expectations.

Qian Kun didn't say much, he just looked at Tyranny's frozen body and smiled coldly.

"Since I can't kill you, I'll freeze you."

"I will seal you forever, and I will make you never reincarnate!"

Qian Kun's hatred for Tyranny was beyond words.

Tyranny never dreamed that he would be plotted against by Qian Kun.

"I said, I will make you pay with blood!"

"From now on, I will make you live a life worse than death."

Qian Kun has already thought about how to torture Tyranny in the future.

However, at this moment, a beam of light suddenly projected from the ice, and then directly penetrated Qian Kun's chest.

"Qian Kun!"

Seeing this, Li Mei quickly jumped over.


At this moment, the ice in front of Qian Kun suddenly exploded.

It exploded into countless pieces.

Then, a peerless figure came out with a black axe in his hand.

"Oh no! Xing Tian Axe!"

When Li Mei saw the black axe, her hair stood on end.

That was Tyranny's divine weapon, Xing Tian Axe!


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