Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1294 Chi Chi is here [New book release]

The peerless ice seal that Qiankun was proud of was easily dissolved by Batu.

When Batu came out of the ice again, he had a mysterious axe in his hand.

It was a very strange axe. It was dark and full of evil spirit.

It felt like countless souls were buried under the axe.

There were probably countless masters who died on this axe.

"What is this?"

Qiankun was stunned. He didn't expect that even his peerless ice seal couldn't seal it.

The Ice Soul Seat was a high-level Chaos Beast. Even the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao would be very afraid.

And according to his plan, it would definitely be able to freeze a strong man like Batu.

He didn't expect to kill Batu, as long as he could freeze him.

However, he never expected that he would fail to seal it in the end.

Seeing Batu coming out of the ice seal, Qiankun felt extremely lost.


At this moment, Li Mei suddenly appeared beside Qian Kun, and then pulled Qian Kun to open up a space, ready to escape. Qian Kun was slightly stunned when he saw this.

"Why run?"

"If you don't run now, it will be too late!"

Li Mei said quickly.

"That is the Xingtian Axe, the Tiandao artifact of Tyranny!"

"That is a divine weapon that can create the world, and is called the strongest Tiandao artifact of killing and slaughter!"

"Once it is cut, it will be reduced to ashes."

Li Mei naturally knows the power of the Xingtian Axe, so she will take Qian Kun away at all costs.

Ba Tu's Xingtian Axe is called the artifact of opening the sky. It was the highest reward given to Tyranny by Daluo Tiandao at the time.

Among all the Tiandao artifacts, the Xingtian Axe ranks the highest.

The power it represents is absolute destruction.

As long as it is hit by it, no matter what it is, it will be reduced to ashes.

"You want to leave? Can you still leave?"

In a rage, Ba Tu swung the Xing Tian Axe in his hand with absolute killing intent, and chopped at Li Mei and Qian Kun.

Seeing this, Qian Kun summoned the Ice Soul Seat immediately.

"Ice Soul Seat, seal him!"

The Ice Soul Seat is the body of an ice girl, and it spewed out an extremely powerful ice force towards Ba Tu.

This is a power that can freeze time, but Ba Tu took the Xing Tian Axe and chopped it down at the ice girl.


Almost instantly, the high-level Chaos Beast Ice Soul Seat was instantly reduced to ashes.

You know, it's a high-level Chaos Beast.

Wang Ce and the others had to be cautious when they saw it, and didn't dare to provoke it easily.

But such a powerful Ice Soul Seat was chopped into ice chips by Ba Tu's Xing Tian Axe.

When Ba Tu killed the Ice Soul Seat with the Xing Tian Axe, he found that Li Mei and Qian Kun had already disappeared.

They used the Ice Soul Seat as a cover and evacuated the battlefield in time.

Batu was furious when he saw this.

"Damn beast, you dare to tease me. When we meet again next time, I will definitely turn you into ashes and rub your bones and ashes."

In Batu's view, he was forced to use the Xingtian Axe, which was a humiliation for him.

More importantly, the Xingtian Axe was born, but it was not able to kill Qiankun, which was the most infuriating.

Obviously, Qiankun and Li Mei escaped.

Qiankun didn't plan to escape, but Li Mei took him away by force.

Li Mei knew how terrible Batu was with the Xingtian Axe.

That was the real reliance of Batu to become the strongest incarnation of the Heavenly Dao.

In the previous battle with Meng Chanyi, Batu did not use the Xingtian Axe.

Now that he was forced to use the Xingtian Axe by Qiankun, it was already a success.

Qiankun was already very good.


The battle on this side was ultimately unable to detonate the entire Eternal Star Domain.

In the end, it ended with Qiankun's escape.

On the other side, the battle on Gray Star had just begun.

Mo Chichi and Hun Dun, as well as Mu Shen and Yuan Zun, arrived at Gray Star one after another.

Needless to say, Mo Chichi came for Zhuo Bufan.

Mu Shen and Yuan Zun had their own thoughts.

When they arrived at Gray Star, they saw that Gray Star was being baptized by war.

The people of the Brain Demon Clan and the Orfa Clan attacked Gray Star non-stop.

And the entire Gray Star was wrapped in a strong gray fog.

Under the protection of the gray fog, Gray Star obviously had a strong defense.

When Yuan Zun arrived at Gray Star, he saw Gray Star being attacked.

As Meng Yong, the most important person in the Primitive Alliance, Gray Star was naturally obliged to help.

However, he did not rush to take action immediately.

Because in front of Yuan Zun, there were Mu Shen and others.

Especially beside Mu Shen, there were Hun Dun and Mo Chichi.

"Mr. Hun Dun, aren't you in league with me? What's your position now?"

The person Yuan Zun fears the most among those present now should be Hun Dun, the Greedy Heaven.

Originally, Hun Dun, the Tyrant Heaven, and Ao Lai were in the same league with him.

However, Ao Lai suddenly chose to escape just now, and Hun Dun ran to the camp of the God of Shepherd.

Yuan Zun now doesn't know what Hun Dun's position is, so he doesn't dare to act rashly.

After hearing this, Hun Dun replied.

"I don't associate with anyone, I just come here to help my sister Chi Chi!"

"Sister Chi Chi, what should we do next?"

Mo Chi Chi was severely injured and couldn't hold on for much longer.

Hundun naturally wanted to help Mo Chichi and fulfill her last wish.

After hearing this, Mo Chichi looked at the Shepherd God beside him and said.

"Shepherd God, tell me quickly, where is Zhuo Lang? Is he on the Gray Star?"

Mo Chichi now only wants to find Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, the Shepherd God quickly replied.

"Yes, the Zhuo Bufan you want to find is on this Gray Star."

"He was originally the great military strategist of my Shepherd Alliance. I asked him to attack the Gray Star."

"But I didn't expect that he was captured by the Lord of the Gray Star.

"So, you can only rescue him if you defeat the Lord of the Gray Star."

The Shepherd God used words to stimulate Mo Chichi to deal with the Gray Star.

After hearing this, Mo Chichi looked at the Gray Star not far away without hesitation.

"In that case, I will destroy it! "

After Mo Chichi finished speaking, she was suddenly covered with a magic suit.

Then, a strong energy burst out from Mo Chichi.

This was the last bit of Mo Chichi's strength. She had been saving it, just waiting for this battle.

"Sister Chichi, I'll help you!"

Watching Mo Chichi fly towards the gray star, Hun Dun followed without thinking.

When they left, for a while, only Mu Shen and Yuan Zun were left in the void.

Yuan Zun looked at Mu Shen and sneered.

"Hypocrite, you haven't changed!"

"Use your sanctimoniousness to take advantage of everyone's trust in you."

"You guys really deserve to die! "

Yuan Zun saw at a glance that Mu Shen was deceiving Mo Chichi and the others.

He knew better than anyone what kind of person Mu Shen was.

Mu Shen was definitely not a good person.

He would do anything to achieve his goal. He was a very cunning person.

The Mu Shen looked at Yuan Zun and laughed.

"Same here, old man, aren't you also using those people?"

"Old man, I don't want to fight with you today! When this matter is over, I will come back to turn you into ashes and grind you to dust. "

The Shepherd God made a harsh remark, and then he also flew towards the Gray Star.

Yuan Zun saw this, but did not follow immediately.

Yuan Zun wanted to help Gray Star survive this disaster, but seeing that Hun Dun had completely stood on the side of the Shepherd God, it would obviously be very disadvantageous for him to help Gray Star.

So in the end, Yuan Zun did not intend to help.

For him, a master of Gray Star was not worth the risk of going to war with the incarnation of Heaven.

On this side, Mo Chichi and Hun Dun rushed to the sky above Gray Star and saw the gray fog wrapped above Gray Star.

The first time Hun Dun saw the gray fog, his eyes lit up.

"Is this the energy of Chaos Hongmeng?"

Mo Chichi also discovered this magical gray fog at the first time.

"How can there be this Chaos Hongmeng in such a place?"

"This is the power that only Heaven has."

Mo Chichi also frowned.

"Chichi sister, be careful, don't get close! Father said that the power of this Chaos Hongmeng is 'Taichu'. Once you enter, your power will be assimilated and weakened. "

Hundun knew the power of the gray fog, so even they did not dare to approach it easily.

But Mo Chichi could not care so much now.

"No matter what, I have to go in."

"I want to save him!"

Mo Chichi was in a very bad state, but she still had to force her way into the gray star.


She stopped talking nonsense and turned into a ray of light and entered the gray star.

When she just entered the gray star, she felt a strange power sweeping over.

Then Mo Chichi found that the power of the heaven on her body disappeared faster.

At the same time, the Lord of the Gray Star also discovered Mo Chichi who suddenly came.

"No, someone is coming!"

The Lord of the Gray Star sensed the appearance of Mo Chichi at the first time.

He did not expect that there would be an invasion of foreign enemies so soon.

Soon, a legion commander rushed in from outside the hall.

He immediately reported.

"It's not good, Lord Star, a strong enemy is invading, and we can't resist it! "

Mo Chichi and Hun Dun rushed into Gray Star at the same time.

They are the incarnations of Heaven, and there are ten thousand ways to deal with these gray bodies.

The Lord of Gray Star knew that the opponent coming this time was very powerful, but he had to fight.

Because he had to protect the Chaos Lotus, his mission was to protect this Chaos Lotus.

So, the Lord of Gray Star rushed out of the hall and faced the powerful enemy that was about to come.

When the Lord of Gray Star rushed out of the Gray Castle Hall, he saw Mo Chichi and Hun Dun killing people in the air.

Hun Dun, needless to say, showed his true form and could swallow the sky and the earth.

And Mo Chichi turned into a demon idiot, and with one sword, he killed the gray bodies and made them cry out in pain.

The Lord of Gray Star, who saw this scene, immediately rushed into the air.

"Where did this ruthless person come from? How dare you hurt my people like this? "

The Lord of Gray Star could feel that the enemies coming this time were very powerful, and he was afraid that he was far from being their opponent.

But now, he had no way out, and it was even more impossible for him to hand over Gray Star.

At this time, Mo Chichi also saw the Lord of Gray Star who suddenly ran out.

She looked at the Lord of Gray Star and said coldly.

"Are you the Lord of Gray Star?"

"Hand over the people you kidnapped to me quickly, otherwise I will crush your Gray Star today."

Mo Chichi's cold eyes flashed with terrifying murderous intent.

The Lord of Gray Star was startled.

He quickly looked at Mo Chichi and said.

"I don't know what you are talking about!"

"What kidnapping? When have I ever kidnapped anyone?"

The Lord of Gray Star was still a little confused, because the kidnapping that Mo Chichi said did not exist at all.

And Mo Chichi, the Lord of Sword-shaped Gray Star, kidnapped Zhuo Bufan, so she replied.

"If you are stubborn, then I will destroy your entire clan and then find it myself."

Mo Chichi was also anxious.

She just wanted to rescue Zhuo Bufan as soon as possible. This was the only thing she could do for Zhuo Bufan before she died.

After Mo Chichi finished speaking, she suddenly raised her hand and clenched it in the air.

Then a crescent-shaped moon knife appeared in her hand.

Although the moon knife is not the strongest killing weapon.

But so far, the moon knife has the most amazing record.

It has killed Xu Kuang, Zhuo Bufan, Tyranny, and Jealousy.

Every time the Moon Blade strikes, it can make the opponent despair.

So, if the Lord of Gray Star does not confess honestly, then she will also be able to use the Moon Blade to sweep the entire Gray Star.

When the Moon Blade appeared, the Lord of Gray Star actually felt a fatal threat for the first time.

He could feel that this Moon Blade was not simple.

Once it cuts, it is probably either dead or injured.

The most important thing is that he really doesn't want to fight with Mo Chichi.

"Miss, forgive others when you can! We can discuss it."

"You said I kidnapped your people. May I ask if you can tell me clearly who I kidnapped?"

The Lord of Gray Star does not want to fight with Mo Chichi. He wants to negotiate with Mo Chichi.

Mo Chichi heard it and said coldly.

"Are you stalling for time?"

"Then I'll give you another chance to hand over my Zhuo Lang!"

"The Shepherd God said that you kidnapped him. Where is he now?"

After Mo Chichi calmed down, he decided to talk to the Lord of Gray Star.

When the Lord of Gray Star heard this, his brows furrowed.

"So that's it, it was that fellow Shepherd God who was behind this!"

He immediately understood that Mo Chichi was just being used by Shepherd God.

"Girl, Shepherd God lied to you, I never kidnapped your people."

"You were used by that fellow!"

At this moment, the moon knife in Mo Chichi's hand suddenly flew directly to the throat of the Lord of Gray Star.

"You still dare to lie to me?"

"I have already felt Zhuo Lang's breath, he is on your Gray Star!"

"It seems that you are not going to tell the truth, in that case, then die!"

Mo Chichi and Zhuo Bufan had a soul exchange.

So she could feel Zhuo Bufan's existence.

Just when Mo Chichi was about to behead the Lord of Gray Star with the moon knife, the Lord of Gray Star suddenly raised his hand and shouted.

"Wait a minute!"

"Girl, wait a minute!"

"Is the person you are talking about the Void Merchant, Zhuo Bufan?"

The Lord of Gray Star suddenly remembered that there was only one outsider on his Gray Star recently.

Let's talk about Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan claimed to be a void merchant, but he was obviously deceiving himself.

The Lord of Gray Star only found out later.

Now this woman claimed to come for Zhuo Lang, so the Lord of Gray Star guessed that Zhuo Lang was most likely Zhuo Bufan.


[New Book Release]

[Dear book friends, Zhenming's new book "Super God Sealing Demon Master" has been released and has been signed. You can invest with confidence! Everyone knows Zhenming's character. Since writing the book, there has been no interruption for a day. Including the ban for some reasons some time ago, there was no interruption. After the ban is restored, there are all that should be there. So you can collect it with confidence. This new book is a sincere work that I have prepared for more than half a year. The setting alone has been prepared for half a year. There are naturally manuscripts in reserve, and updates will be guaranteed. There is no eunuch record, and you will not be disappointed! Please collect it with confidence, thank you! 】

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