Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1295: The Wrath of Tyranny [New Book Release]

Chapter 1295: The Wrath of Tyranny

Mo Chichi came to Gray Star for Zhuo Bufan. When the Lord of Gray Star saw Mo Chichi, he was shocked at first, and then he immediately explained.

"Girl, I didn't kidnap Zhuo Bufan you were looking for."

"On the contrary, he is a distinguished guest of our Gray Star."

"If you don't believe me, you can ask my subordinates!"

The Lord of Gray Star knew that the visitor was not kind, so he quickly explained.

After hearing this, the other legion leaders on the side also said immediately.

"Yes, yes!"

"Girl, I assure you, we definitely didn't kidnap Mr. Zhuo!"

Mo Chichi looked at the Lord of Gray Star with half-belief and half-doubt, and then said.

"Where is he now?"

After hearing this, the Lord of Gray Star replied.

"Girl, you may not believe it."

"The Zhuo Bufan you are looking for is actually in our Gray Star."

"And he is now accepting the most important trial and inheritance of our Gray Star."

"To be honest, this inheritance is very important to her, to him, and to our entire Gray Star."

"I am not even qualified to participate in this inheritance!"

The Lord of Gray Star said truthfully.

Mo Chichi was stunned when he heard it.

"The inheritance of Gray Star?"

"Why would he accept the inheritance of your Gray Star?"

"What the hell are you doing, Gray Star?"

"I warn you, if you want to hurt him, I will make your Gray Star disappear into ashes."

Mo Chichi warned.

The Lord of Gray Star hurriedly explained when he heard it.

"Everything I said is true. As for why he was able to join the most important inheritance of our Gray Star."

"Even I don't know the reason."

"After all, this inheritance was chosen by Lord Gray Lotus."

"But please rest assured, Lord Gray Lotus will not hurt him. After all, Lord Gray Lotus has been waiting for him for millions of years."

When the Lord of Gray Star told Mo Chichi about the existence of Gray Lotus, Mo Chichi himself seemed quite shocked.

"Gray Lotus? What is that?"

"Lord Gray Lotus is the true guardian of our Gray Star."

"It is because of the existence of Lord Gray Lotus that our Gray Body exists."

After hearing this, Mo Chichi frowned deeply.

"Gray Lotus? Inheritance?"

"Has his chance come?"

Mo Chichi thought to himself.

Mo Chichi knew that Zhuo Bufan had been longing for power.

Because he was hunted by the incarnation of Heaven, Zhuo Bufan was actually very aggrieved.

Being hunted again and again, anyone would be eager for power.

Mo Chichi could imagine that Zhuo Bufan must have endured unimaginable torture during this period.

After all, who wants to be hunted down for no reason?

So now Zhuo Bufan is accepting the inheritance of Gray Lotus, and Mo Chichi naturally doesn't want to disturb him.

Even though he can't hold on for much longer.

"How long will he have?"

Mo Chichi asked!

After hearing this, the Lord of Gray Star replied.

"I'm not sure about this!"

"After all, I haven't received the inheritance."

"But Brother Zhuo has been in there for some time, and I believe it won't take long for him to completely inherit the power of Lord Gray Lotus."

"If the girl is really for Brother Zhuo's good. You must make sure he comes out safely."

"Now there is an invasion from the Shepherd God's army outside, and I, Gray Star, am also fighting to the death."

"Girl, are you willing to lend me a hand? Protect Brother Zhuo and the inheritance?"

The Lord of Gray Star wanted to take the opportunity to incite Mo Chichi to rebel.

He could see that the girl was very concerned about Zhuo Bufan's safety.

He could use this to incite Mo Chichi and others to defend Gray Star.

Although it was a bit shameless to do so, it was all for Gray Star!

So the Lord of Gray Star tried his best to win over Mo Chichi.

How could Mo Chichi not know what the Lord of Gray Star was thinking.

"Shepherd God told me that you kidnapped him, and you told me that he was receiving inheritance!"

"One of you two is full of nonsense!"

"How can I believe you?"

Mo Chichi looked at the Lord of Gray Star and said.

After hearing this, the Lord of Gray Star frowned deeply.

"So that's it, it was the bastard Shepherd God who asked you to come!"

"You were all deceived by that hypocrite!"

"Did Shepherd God say that if you kill me, you can find the person you want to find?"

What would the Lord of Gray Star say to Mo Chichi if he flirted with Shepherd God.

After hearing this, Mo Chichi replied.

"It seems that you know that person very well!"

"Of course I know that bastard!"

"The reason why that bastard asked you to kill me is nothing more than for the Gray Lotus."

"The Gray Lotus has unimaginable power. Once it is obtained by the bastard Mu Shen, it will cause unimaginable disasters to the entire Eternal Star Domain and even the entire Chaos Void."

"Fortunately, the Gray Lotus has chosen a suitable successor now."

"Now that Master Zhuo Bufan is receiving inheritance, now is the most important time to not be disturbed."

"Girl, if you believe in me, you must help me protect the Gray Star!"

"If the Gray Star is destroyed, it is very likely to interrupt the inheritance, and then it will cause serious harm to Master Zhuo Bufan."

"I don't think you would like to see Master Zhuo Bufan suffer a serious injury!"

The Lord of the Gray Star saw that Mo Chichi would definitely help Zhuo Bufan.

So he has been lobbying Mo Chichi.

At this moment, Mo Chichi was also in a dilemma.

She didn't know who she should trust.

After thinking it over, Mo Chichi finally decided to trust the Lord of Gray Star.

Because if what the Lord of Gray Star said was true, then she must not destroy this Gray Star.

And not only can she not destroy it, but she must swear to protect Gray Star.

She can't let Zhuo Bufan's inheritance be interrupted.

"Okay, I believe you once. If you dare to lie to me, I will definitely make you and your Gray Star disappear into ashes."

Mo Chichi resisted the disappearance of her power. The powerful enemy she will fight next will be unimaginable.

"Brother, are you willing to help Chichi for the last time?"

Mo Chichi looked at the only Hun Dun beside her.

Now, the only one she can rely on is Hun Dun.

After hearing this, Hun Dun made a low voice.

"Don't worry, sister Chichi, I will definitely protect you."

Hun Dun is naturally willing to help Mo Chichi now.

At this time, if he doesn't help Mo Chichi again, then no one will be willing to help her.

"Okay, I can help you!"

After getting the support of Hun Dun, Mo Chi Chi was confident.

She looked at the Lord of Gray Star opposite, and finally decided to form an alliance with him to fight against the impending crisis of Shepherd God and others.

At the same time, outside the Gray Star——

Shepherd God was waiting for news from Mo Chi Chi and others.

He wanted to use Mo Chi Chi and Hun Dun to destroy the Lord of Gray Star and obtain the Gray Star Core, which is the Gray Lotus.

However, he didn't know that Mo Chi Chi had been turned against by the Lord of Gray Star.

And at this time, Yuan Zun, who had already left, actually returned again.

Accompanying him was the invincible man before, Ba Tu.

That's right, Ba Tu and Yuan Zun rushed to the Gray Star.

Originally, Yuan Zun wanted to leave, but he didn't know that he met Ba Tu who was furious halfway.

Ba Tu was very angry, and Qian Kun, who he wanted to kill, escaped.

And his companion Hen Zhi Tian Aolai also escaped.

Everyone escaped, which made Ba Tu hide a ball of anger in his heart, not knowing how to release it.

So he flew towards Gray Star as soon as possible. He wanted to destroy his natural enemy Zhuo Bufan and vent all his anger on Zhuo Bufan.

So, he rushed to Gray Star with a heart full of anger.

Yuan Zun looked at this big man helplessly. He was completely forced to come here by Tyranny.

When Tyranny came to the sky above Gray Star, Yuan Zun and Mu Shen, the two strongest men in the Eternal Star Domain, fell silent at this moment.

Because they did not dare to resist when facing a strong man like Tyranny.

Although they are peerless masters of the Eternal Star Domain.

But in front of Tyranny, it is not worth mentioning at all.

"Tell me, is the person I'm looking for on this star?"

Tyranny said coldly, looking at the Gray Star in front of him.

He didn't even look at Yuan Zun and Mu Shen.

But Yuan Zun and Mu Shen had to answer quickly.

"Reply to this lord, the Zhuo Bufan you are looking for, Mu Shen knows where he is better than me."

Yuan Zun quickly pushed the topic to Mu Shen.

Mu Shen was stunned after hearing it.

He didn't expect that Yuan Zun would actually pit him at this time.

"Yuan Zun, you bastard, what are you going to do?"

Shepherd God questioned.

At this time, Ba Tu suddenly raised his hand towards the Shepherd God and clenched it in the air.

For a moment, the cage of heaven and earth wrapped up the Shepherd God and began to crush him.

"Didn't you hear me asking you a question?"

Ba Tu's domineering and unparalleled power made the Shepherd God powerless to resist.

"I say, I say!"

"Zhuo Bufan, it's on this gray star."

Shepherd God immediately betrayed Zhuo Bufan.

Because if he didn't say it again, he would be dead.

After hearing this, Ba Tu didn't think much. He immediately released a powerful soul declaration towards the gray star in front of him.

"Zhuo Bufan, get out of here! If you don't come out, I will destroy this star."

Ba Tu's soul roared angrily, shaking the entire gray star.

The gray fog on the gray star was extinguished a lot in an instant.

This Ba Tu is extremely strong and a ruthless person.

The shepherd god was also stunned. He didn't expect that this Tyrant was so powerful.

And Tyrant looked at the gray star in front of him. After waiting for a long time, he didn't see Zhuo Bufan. He was already a little annoyed!

"You're not coming out, right? Then die!"

I saw Tyrant suddenly grab the Xingtian Axe, and then chopped it down at the gray star in front of him.

The Xingtian Axe was released today, and no blood has been seen.

So Tyrant must make this Xingtian Axe bloodthirsty.

This is a divine weapon that can create the world.

When the Xingtian Axe was chopped from the void, it immediately detonated the entire void.

A shocking energy chopped towards the gray star.

When the gray star was about to be reduced to ashes under the power of the Xingtian Axe.

Suddenly, the speed of the energy began to slow down.

The speed became slower and slower, until it was about to fall on the gray star, it actually stopped.

Then, the energy that destroyed the world actually began to fall back.

"Time goes back?"

When Tyranny saw this scene, his eyes suddenly froze.


At the moment when the energy went back, Tyranny chopped out again with his axe.

The two faced off, shaking the earth!

"Hundun, you traitor, how dare you betray me?"

When Tyranny saw the time flow backwards, he immediately understood that the person fighting against him was really Hun Dun.

Because only Hun Dun had the power to control time.

While he was talking, a huge monster flew out from the gray star.

It was a mysterious creature as majestic as an elephant.

On its back stood a woman.

When they appeared, Tyranny's eyes showed murderous intent.

"Mo Chichi, Hun Dun!"

"Do you two really want to be my enemy?"

Tyranny obviously understood that it was impossible for him to kill Zhuo Bufan easily. Because Mo Chichi would definitely protect his safety to the death.

"Hand over the natural enemy quickly, otherwise don't blame me for killing!"

"When the time comes, it won't be the turn of the killer of the heavenly way to come, I will kill you first."

Tyranny pointed the Xingtian axe in his hand at Hun Dun and Mo Chichi.

Seeing this, Mo Chichi sneered.

"Xingtian Axe! Batu, you seem to be desperate."

"Since I have decided to be your enemy, I will not return to Daluotian."

"Batu, if you want to catch your enemy today, then step over my body."

Mo Chichi said, grabbed the moon knife in his hand, and then made a fighting posture.

"Batu, I'm sorry, this time I decided to help Chichi."

Hundun had already promised Mo Chichi, so this time, he wanted to be an enemy of Batu.

Batu looked at the betrayed Hun Dun, and the whole person was completely furious.

"Since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill your wish."

As soon as Batu finished speaking, the Xingtian Axe in his hand once again gathered the power of splitting the sky.

"Open the world!"

Batu shouted angrily, and the energy of this chopping was extremely terrifying.

Hundun activated the power of time reversal at the first time, but the energy of opening the world could even split time!

"Brother, be careful!"

Mo Chichi knew how powerful Batu's Xingtian Axe was.

The Xingtian Axe in a serious state can cut off time.

So Hun Dun's time power was actually split by Ba Tu's Xingtian Axe.

Fortunately, Mo Chi Chi used the separation power of the Moon Knife in time to divide the energy of the creation of the world into two.

Two powerful forces flew out to both sides of the gray star, and then swept across a starry sky.

Countless stars were destroyed on the spot and turned into dust.

Although Mo Chi Chi had little energy left, she was still the powerful female war god.

Ba Tu looked at Mo Chi Chi, and the anger in his heart could not be relieved at all.

"Stupid woman, if you are my enemy, you will only die."

Ba Tu was no longer merciful.

The Xingtian Axe in his hand began to chop wildly. Every axe head chopped towards the gray star.

And Mo Chi Chi cooperated with Hun Dun to stop Ba Tu's attack again and again.

Yuan Zun and Mu Shen on the side looked at this scene in amazement.

They could no longer describe the shock in their hearts in words.

This battle was not something they could intervene in.

The space was detonated at any time, and they even felt the threat to their lives, and fled light years away one by one.

However, Gray Star could not escape, it could only withstand Tyranny's attacks again and again.

If Mo Chichi and Hun Dun failed to block even one move, then what awaited Gray Star was destruction.

The new book "Super God Sealing Demon Master" has been released, and book friends can click on the author's backstage to view the new book. Please collect the new book for me! ! Thank you all old readers

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