Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1300 Two Zhuos, who is the master? [Subscribe]

Facing the wrath of eternal heaven, they never expected that Zhuo Bufan and the others could really escape.

This result is undoubtedly gratifying.

After all, it is the eternal heaven, and being able to escape from the hands of the eternal heaven is definitely a glorious achievement.

The first clone looked back at the swallowing black hole where he had been destroyed, with some lingering fear in his heart.

"It's so powerful that it can even completely destroy the space and time of the world."

"I almost didn't come back."

The first clone looked at the second clone.

Fortunately, the second clone used the energy of chaos to retain a stable space at the most critical moment.

Only then was the first clone able to take the opportunity to open up a space channel for escape.

It can be said that they were able to escape because of the cooperation of the two clones.

After all, they are the same entity, so they have a tacit understanding that is difficult to compare with others.

After hearing this, the second clone shook his head.

"Eternal Heaven has set its sights on us."

"It's hard for me to fight against Tiandao-level opponents now."

"So, I hope the two of us can become one."

The second clone looked at the first clone and said.

Gao Yangxu, who was on the side, saw this, stepped forward and hugged the shoulders of the two clones, and said.

"Two brothers, now that you have finally met each other, you should indeed become one."

"There's just a question now. Between the two of you, who is the leader?"

It must be said that Gao Yangxu's question touched the depths of the two clones' souls.

Both the first clone and the second clone looked at each other, and then showed awkward smiles.

The two clones merge into one, so who is the master?

No matter which clone's consciousness is dominant, the consciousness of the other clone will definitely disappear.

In other words, one of the two clones will definitely die.

"Of course it's me."

The first clone spoke first.

The second clone was not to be outdone and said quickly.

"Why you? I should be the main one!"

Naturally, the second clone also wants to become the master of the clone.

After hearing this, the first clone naturally refused to agree.

"Why? As the upper body, naturally you should listen to me."

The first clone is actually the upper body of the original Zhuo Bufan.

The upper body contains the important organ of the head.

Therefore, the first avatar believes that its own consciousness should be the main one.

But the second clone completely ignored his words.

"You are the master, do you want to destroy me?"

The second clone knows very well that once the consciousness of the first clone dominates, it will disappear.

Because there cannot be two consciousnesses in the same body.

This is not the same as dual personality.

Dual personality can also be divided into inner personality and outer personality.

In other words, when the first personality appears, the second personality will be hidden.

But double consciousness is different.

They would only appear at the same time, so naturally they would not be allowed to prosper together.

Therefore, at this moment, Zhuo Bufan's two clones both hope to become the main consciousness.

"Are you kidding me?"

"Don't you want to merge?"

The first clone questioned the second clone.

After hearing this, the second clone immediately choked.

"I didn't say not to fuse, it's just that you are just a clone of me and you actually want to replace me. It's simply ridiculous."

The second clone has regarded himself as a real extraordinary person.

Of course, he himself is indeed extraordinary.

But after hearing this, the first clone became furious.

"What's ridiculous is you. You're just a clone, and you dare to replace me?"

They each think that the other is just a clone of themselves.

After all, they are both extraordinary, and neither wants to be eliminated by the other's consciousness.

Whether it's the first clone or the second clone.

In fact, they now have their own consciousness and soul.

Forced fusion will definitely cause one of them to disappear.

Gao Yangxu on the side was stunned.

He didn't expect that the two Zhuo brothers in front of him would start to quarrel over who was the main consciousness.

In his opinion, the two Zhuo Bufan are the same person!

"It seems that we can't talk anymore!"

The first clone said to the second clone.

After hearing this, the second clone looked at the first clone coldly and smiled.

"If you can't talk about it, then there's no need to talk about it!"

"Look at me forcibly merging you."

This second clone suddenly used the power of chaos towards the first clone.

For a moment, a majestic gray mist rushed towards the first clone.

The first clone obviously didn't expect that the second clone would suddenly attack him.

"What's the use of keeping a traitorous clone."

Seeing this, the first clone raised his right hand, and a powerful swallowing black hole appeared in front of him.

Then he frantically absorbed all the gray mist released by the second clone.

"Sword of Chaos!"

Just when the first clone used the Law of Devouring and frantically absorbed the power of the second clone.

Suddenly the second clone used the Sword of Chaos.

A handful of gray open sky struck down towards the first clone like the beginning of heaven and earth.

Then the sword fell, and actually cut off the swallowing black hole in front of the first clone.

When the first clone saw this, dozens of swallowing black holes suddenly appeared around him.

Then he started to devour the second clone like crazy.

The second clone was equally unwilling to be outdone. He shouted lowly.

"Chaos Storm Needle!"

For a moment, the gray weapons condensed into hair-thick needles, heading towards the first clone.

"The Law of Devouring!"

The first clone waved his hand again, and all the chaotic rainstorm needles were swallowed up by the swallowing black hole.

But the next second, they suddenly flew out of the air and shot towards the first clone's body.

Puff puff puff puff!

Countless fine chaos needles were nailed into the chest of the first clone.

"Tian Mending Technique!"

Almost at the same time, the first clone began to use the Sky Mending Technique to mend its own wounds.

Those chaos needles were originally fusing the power of the first clone.

However, it was instantly leveled by the Heaven-Mending Technique.

Not only that, the first clone actually took the opportunity to release a huge swallowing black hole, like a sky-covering mouth, biting into the second clone.


That bite directly penetrated the second clone's head, biting his head into pieces.

But the first clone was not happy yet.

Suddenly the soul of the second clone also let out a low drink.

"Tian Mending Technique!"

Both clones know how to mend the sky.

The first clone knows it, and the second clone will naturally do it too.

Therefore, the head of the second clone that was bitten off recovered instantly, leaving Gao Yangxu standing by with his mouth agape.

The two clones are actually about the same strength.

Both sides are going back and forth, trying to find ways to deal with each other. It can be said that no one is allowed to do so.

In order to gain the power of the main consciousness, they fought hard, even to the death.

"Very well. Since you're not polite, I won't be polite either."

"In this way, you and I will fight to the death, and the one who dies will be automatically eliminated!"

The first clone actually made a surprising proposal.

He wants to duel with the second clone, and the winner must be determined.

Unexpectedly, the second clone agreed without hesitation.

"Very well, that's what I meant."

"Then it's a battle of life and death. The dead ones will be automatically eliminated. The ones who survive will inherit all the power of the two bodies."

In the end, the first clone and the second clone became mortal enemies.

Gao Yangxu, who was standing by, was already dumbfounded.

"Brother Zhuo, what are you doing?"

"Why is that so?"

Gao Yangxu didn't understand, but the two clones looked at him at the same time and said.

"This is our business!"

Yes, this is Zhuo Bufan's business alone.

Both the first and second clones want to retain their consciousness.

Once merged, one party will definitely disappear.

This is something neither party wants to see.

But now, they have no choice but to integrate.

Otherwise, they will no longer be a complete Zhuo Feifan, and they will definitely have regrets in their hearts.

It is impossible to move the Lord of Time if you have regrets in your heart.

Therefore, this time, both sides need to compete for a final result.

The first clone looked at Gao Yangxu and said.

"Brother, if this is the case, then you will be our witness."

The second clone also said after hearing this.

"That's right, brother, we will fight to the death. The one who survives is the real Zhuo Bufan."

"You come and be a witness for us."

Gao Yangxu inexplicably became a witness to Zhuo Bufan's two clones.

Regarding this witness, Gao Yangxu was really reluctant.

Because it can see that this is destined to be a miserable battle.

Regardless of whether it was the first clone or the second clone, no matter who died, Gao Yangxu was very reluctant to leave.

"Can't you tolerate each other?"

"If it doesn't work, we might as well not integrate."

Gao Yangxu said that he did not want the two clones to fight.

He proposed that the two clones not merge.

But after hearing this, the two clones became displeased.

"How does this work?"

"Yes, we must merge. This world only allows one Zhuo Bufan to exist."

"Next, there will be three generations of fusion. If the current strength remains unchanged, then Zhuo Bufan will be forcibly eliminated."

On this point, the two clones' views are surprisingly consistent.

They all believe that if they do not combine, Zhuo Bufan will be the weakest among the three reincarnations.

When the three generations merge, Zhuo Bufan's consciousness may be completely obliterated.

Therefore, the two clones must merge, and they must compete for the initiative for themselves, or Zhuo Feifan.

It may be cruel now, but it will be even more cruel in the future.

Now it's just Zhuo Bufan's two clones competing with each other to see who is Zhuo Bufan.

From now on, Zhuo Bufan will compete with Ji Xuanhao and Luo Tian for important will at the same time.

"Although I really don't want to admit it, only the two of us can take the initiative in integrating with Ji Xuanhao and Luo Tian from now on."

"That's what I think too, so stop chirping and let's do it!"

After the first clone finished speaking, the void suddenly trembled, and then the surrounding space began to collapse.

Swallowing black holes appeared around the second clone.

The first clone actually followed the method used by Eternal Heaven before and swallowed up all the time and space power of a space.

In this way, the second clone will lose the ability of time and space.

The second clone discovered the purpose of the first clone at the first time.

"Ridiculous, don't forget who helped you escape."

"Chaos Bell!"

The second clone mastered the power of chaos, created a huge chaos bell, and then wrapped himself up.

And it shocked the entire space.

The devouring power of the first clone encountered certain difficulties when devouring the Chaos Bell of the second clone.

Because the Chaos Bell stood still, it was like the nemesis of its devouring power.

Although the devouring power can devour part of the power of chaos.

But for the existence of the second clone who possesses endless power of chaos, its devouring ability is also limited.

And the second clone also launched an attack while devouring defensively.

The Chaos Bell around him suddenly shot out countless spikes and stabbed at the first clone.

Seeing this, the first clone had several devouring black holes in front of him at the same time, and then strangled all the spikes.


The two sides went back and forth again.

It must be said that the strength of these two clones is completely evenly matched.

Not to mention that they both mastered the Heaven Repairing Technique, after all, the Heaven Repairing Technique is the most powerful talent for sustained combat.

Just the abilities they both mastered can almost be said to be complementary.

In other words, if the first clone and the second clone are perfectly integrated.

Then this world will give birth to the most perfect Zhuo Bufan.

And Zhuo Bufan himself will be stronger than ever before.

However, they must fight for their respective main consciousness, which is a difficult battle.

The battle lasted for a long time, and they fought back and forth.

Wherever they went, it can be said that it was reduced to ashes.

Gao Yangxu had to condense defense again and again, otherwise he would not be able to resist the war between the two Zhuo Bufan.

The war between the two sides was about to ignite the entire void.

At this moment, Gao Yangxu was also very distressed.

Because he didn't want to see any clone die.

But reality forced Gao Yangxu to succumb.

After all, this was Zhuo Bufan's own choice.

After the two clones were defeated, they obviously discovered this problem themselves.

Neither of them could defeat the other. Continuing the fight would only waste time and achieve nothing.

For a moment, the first and second clones stopped at the same time.

Then, they looked at each other.

Suddenly, the first clone spoke.

"Let's stop here! There is no point in continuing the fight."

"You and I both have the Heaven Repairing Technique. Neither of us can defeat the other."

The second clone said after hearing this.

"That can't be helped. The Heaven Repairing Technique is almost becoming my passive skill. Once it is severely damaged, it will recover on its own."

"In that case, I have a suggestion. That is, you and I will continue to look for ways to kill each other."

"Only one of us can survive."

"That sounds good. OK, let's do as you say! I will definitely kill you."

The two clones, one after another, both want to kill each other.

But both sides want to die but cannot.

"Then let's agree on a date!"

"Zhuo Bufan still has to find the Lord of Time, so he can't waste too much time on the issue of the clone."

"From now on, we will meet here again one year later."

"At that time, we must fight to the death."

The first clone said.

The second clone responded after hearing it.

"One year, okay!"

"Then one year, one year later, I will behead you here. Just accept my fusion honestly."

The first clone sneered after hearing it.

"It's ridiculous, let's see who will die then!"

"Brother, let's go!"

After the first clone finished speaking, he suddenly opened up a swallowing black hole in the air.

The next second, the first clone took Gao Yangxu and went in.

One year's appointment, the two Zhuo Bufan, fight to the death!


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