Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1301: Chasing each other [Subscribe please]

Who would have thought that Zhuo Bufan's two clones would turn against each other.

This may be the most ridiculous thing.

Zhuo Bufan has a big shortcoming, that is, he is too conceited.

Both clones think that they have the ability to become the only Zhuo Bufan.

It is precisely because of this that their egocentric consciousness is too strong and they cannot merge into one.

The first clone and the second clone are destined to end in a life-and-death struggle.

Because no one can kill each other now, the two sides agreed to fight again in a year.

At that time, there will definitely be a life-and-death battle.

There is no way, for the next battle, the two clones must merge into one.

The first clone took Gao Yangxu away, and Gao Yangxu obviously recognized him more.


"Brother Zhuo, what are you going to do next?"

Gao Yangxu looked at the first clone and said.

The first clone looked at Gao Yangxu with a solemn expression.

"I didn't expect that a mere clone would dare to disobey my orders."

"It seems that it is not easy to subdue him."

The first clone still thinks that he is the real Zhuo Bufan.

In fact, he himself is just a clone of Zhuo Bufan.

Gao Yangxu, who was standing by, said after hearing this.

"Brother Zhuo, although some of the words are inappropriate to say. But in my opinion, both of you are my brother Zhuo Bufan. Why do you have to fight to the death?"

Gao Yangxu saw through it, but Zhuo Bufan, the first clone, did not intend to do so.

"Brother, he was originally a clone of mine."

"Now he wants to take over my position. Do you think I should let this guy go?"

"No matter what, I must merge him."

The first clone is very persistent.

Of course, both sides have an obsession to fight to the death.

"Then what are you going to do next?"

Gao Yangxu said, looking at the first clone.

After hearing this, the first clone replied.

"Of course, find a way to kill that guy!"

"What's abominable is that I didn't expect that guy to master the sky repairing technique. Trouble!"

The first clone was obviously distressed, because the sky repairing technique must exist, and the two clones will never be able to kill each other.

So the first clone must find a way to crack the Heaven Repairing Technique.

"It would be great if Chan Yi was here. She is familiar with the Heaven Repairing Technique and may know its weaknesses."

Zhuo Bufan's Heaven Repairing Technique was passed down to him by Meng Chan Yi. So she may know the weaknesses of the Heaven Repairing Technique.

Although the Heaven Repairing Technique is considered the most perfect magical power, Zhuo Bufan believes that there is absolutely no perfect existence in this world.

The Heaven Repairing Technique also has its weaknesses.

"It seems that I am not strong enough now. If I were stronger, even if he has the Heaven Repairing Technique, I would be able to kill him."

The first clone said to himself.

After hearing this, Gao Yangxu frowned deeply and fell into deep thought.

After hesitating for a moment, he suddenly said.

"Maybe, I have a way to make you stronger!"

Gao Yangxu actually didn't want to say this.

After all, he didn't want to see the two Zhuo Bufans killing each other.

However, Zhuo Bufan had made up his mind, and it was definitely not something he could change.

And what the first clone said was right. The two clones must be completely integrated to become the real Zhuo Bufan.

Since one of the two clones will definitely die in the end, why don't I help him?

Gao Yangxu's attitude has actually changed.

He believes that since the two Zhuo Bufans are just clones, his true sworn brother should be their fusion.

So, he should help the two clones merge.

After hearing that Gao Yangxu has a way to make him stronger, the first clone became particularly excited.

"Brother, what is the method, tell me quickly."

Gao Yangxu replied.

"In our Samsara Star Region, there is a Samsara Tower!"

"There is a Samsara inheritance left by the Lord of Time."

"Perhaps you, you can understand the law of Samsara from it!"

Gao Yangxu's words made the first clone's eyes light up.

"The law of Samsara?"

"Yes, master the law of Samsara, maybe you can defeat the other clone."

Gao Yangxu pointed out a clear way for the first clone.

After hearing this, the first clone said excitedly.

"I understand. Take me there, brother. If this is the only way to become stronger, then I must go."

The first clone now dreams of becoming stronger.

Only by becoming stronger can he completely merge with the second clone.

Gao Yangxu can also feel the first clone's desire to become stronger, so he agreed to the first clone.

Gao Yangxu chose to help the first clone, in fact, he also had a certain selfish motive.

That is, the first clone can help him repair the road of reincarnation.

This is also one of the most important reasons why Gao Yangxu helped the first clone.

Afterwards, Gao Yangxu took the first clone to the reincarnation star field.

He began his trial in the tower of reincarnation.

On the other side, Zhuo Bufan's second clone also fell into a period of entanglement in contemplation.

The second clone had just merged with the Chaos Lotus, and had not had time to feel the feeling of a strong man brought by the Chaos Lotus.

As a result, he was chased by the Eternal Heavenly Dao in the next second.

If it weren't for the critical moment, the first clone suddenly appeared to rescue him, maybe he would be finished now.

Therefore, the second clone is actually grateful to the first clone.

However, gratitude is gratitude, and one thing is another.

If you want to lose yourself and become a victim of the other party's fusion, then the second clone will never allow it.

Now, the second clone must also find a way to defeat the first clone.

The one-year agreement is fleeting, and they must find a way to restrain the sky-repairing technique within this year.

The second clone quickly thought of a person, that is, Mo Chichi.

Because it was Mo Chichi who used the separation knife to split Zhuo Bufan into two.

Now that the two clones have turned against each other, Mo Chichi must have a certain responsibility.

Moreover, Mo Chichi must know how to merge the two clones.

A way not to lose consciousness at the same time.

"Find Mo Chichi!"

The second clone began to look for Mo Chichi.

However, he drove Mo Chichi away, so if he went to find Mo Chichi now, what would he say?

"No matter, I must find Mo Chichi now."

After the second clone finished speaking, he began to look for Mo Chichi's traces in the chaotic void.

And Mo Chichi, whom the second clone was looking for, was outside the Eternal Star Domain at this moment.

After Mo Chichi was sent out of the Eternal Star Domain by Zhuo Bufan.

She followed Tan Zhi Tian Hun Dun and began to rethink her life.

Zhuo Bufan's words touched her greatly.

Zhuo Bufan was right. Her deep affection for him was not real love, but was just because of her infatuation.

She was the infatuation of Daluo Tian Dao, and was the infatuation's infatuation.

So her infatuation was actually just a very normal emotion of hers.

It was equivalent to the seven emotions and six desires of a person.

She could have feelings for anyone and become infatuated with love. It didn't have to be Zhuo Bufan.

Infatuation was just her calamity.

Mo Chichi thought about it carefully.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt that she was too stupid. The incarnation of the Heavenly Dao was actually burdened by infatuation.

Mo Chichi was like being hit on the head and suddenly woke up.

"I understand, I understand everything."

"I am Mo Chichi, I will not fall in love with anyone."

"Lovesickness is just a ridiculous feeling!"

"Brother, I understand everything."

Mo Chichi looked at Hun Dun beside him and said excitedly.

Hun Dun was surprised to see this.

"Chichi, do you really understand?"

"I understand brother, I really understand."

"Zhuo Bufan is not my lover, he is my enemy."

"Natural enemy, sworn enemy!"

Mo Chichi seemed to have suddenly become a different person, no longer trapped by lovesickness.

The whole person seemed to be illuminated by the holy light, as if completely sublimated.

"Chichi, have you become a lovesickness?"

Hun Dun looked at Mo Chichi and said.

Hun Dun knew that Mo Chichi was cultivating lovesickness.

It was because of lovesickness that Mo Chichi had a crazy dream about Zhuo Bufan.

But now Mo Chichi has gotten rid of her obsession. Obviously, she should have walked out of the lovesick state.

After hearing this, Mo Chichi nodded to Hun Dun and said.

"Don't worry, brother, I should have come out of it."

Mo Chichi said so.

Although he didn't know whether she really came out, Hun Dun could see that Mo Chichi was no longer obsessed with Zhuo Bufan.

"That's great!"

"Chichi, I knew you wouldn't betray the way of heaven or your father."

"You can't help yourself!"

Hun Dun said so.

After hearing this, Mo Chichi just shook her head slowly.

She didn't know whether she had betrayed the way of heaven or her so-called father.

She only knew that she had figured it out.

"Chichi, what should we do next?"

Hun Dun looked at Mo Chichi and said.

Now Mo Chichi has not only recovered from the injuries severely injured by Jealous Heaven.

And Mo Chichi has also broken free from the state of love.

It can be said that now Mo Chichi has been completely liberated and is free from any constraints.

So next, what should these living clones of the way of heaven do?

It has been more than ten years since the Heavenly Dao clone left Daluo Heaven.

So far, they have not caught Zhuo Bufan.

The Heavenly Dao clones that came out together at the beginning were more than 300 soul masters, but now they are all torn apart.

Among them, two of the seven Heavenly Dao clones have died.

Doubtful Heavenly King Ce and Angerful Heavenly Xu Kuang both died at the hands of Jealous Heaven.

The remaining five Heavenly Dao incarnations are now going their separate ways.

Prideful Heavenly Tyrant was beaten thousands of light years away by Zhuo Bufan's second clone, and now his whereabouts are completely unknown.

Hateful Heavenly Aolai, because he was afraid of being hunted down by Jealous Heaven, also fled a long time ago, and now he is also missing.

Fallen Heavenly Li Mei, took Qiankun away from Tyrant's hands, and now no one knows where he has gone.

Now only Mo Chichi and Hun Dun are together.

Now the Heavenly Dao incarnation not only has internal troubles, but also external troubles.

The external trouble is obviously Jealous Heaven.

The appearance of the eighth incarnation of Heavenly Dao, Jealous Heaven, caused panic among the other incarnations of Heavenly Dao.

All the incarnations of Heavenly Dao have now completely escaped the control of Daluo Heavenly Dao and started to fight on their own.

Mo Chichi thought for a while and said.

"Now Jealous Heaven is hunting us. Every time he kills an incarnation, he will gain the opponent's power."

"So now, we can't fight alone. We must unite to deal with this jealous genius first."

Mo Chichi was the only one who fought against Jealousy and survived.

So she knew how powerful the Heaven of Jealousy was.

After hearing this, Huan Chao agreed.

"Then what do we do next?"

Chaos continued to ask.

"Tyranny is nowhere to be found, Ao Lai has long since escaped, and Li Mei is nowhere to be found. How can we find them?"

Mo Chichi frowned slightly after hearing this.

Then she said.

"Let's go find Li Mei first!"

"Li Mei is with Qiankun, the leader of the Ronin clan."

"And Qiankun and the others are looking for the surviving Ronin tribe."

"The shepherd said before that they have the whereabouts of the Ronin tribe."

"So, we go directly to Mufa Star to look for Mufa."

After Mo Chichi analyzed it, he finally decided to go to Mufa Star.

Because only in this way can it be possible to find Li Mei.

After hearing this, Hun Chao said without any objection.

"Okay, then let's go to Mufa Star!"

Therefore, Mo Chichi and Hun Chaos originally planned to leave the Eternal Star Territory.

Suddenly went and came back, returning to the Eternal Star Territory.

And Mo Chichi and the others were indeed in the Eternal Star Territory with the Li Mei they were looking for.

Li Mei is a very smart person.

When Li Mei and the others met Ronin Shun before, Li Mei left a soul mark on Ronin Shun.

Therefore, Li Mei knew where Ronin Shun was.

Li Mei believes that if they want to find the surviving Ronin clan members, they need Ronin Shun to lead the way.

So now Li Mei, Qian Kun and the others are chasing Ronin Shun.

They believed that as long as they followed Ronin Shun, they would find the surviving Ronin clan members.

Qiankun did not object to Li Mei's approach, because Qiankun also wanted to find his master as soon as possible, so he had no choice but to use Ronin Shun.

As for Ronin Shun, they don't even know that they have been tracked by Qiankun and Limei.

He took Yu Ji, the leader of the mermaid tribe, to find Blue Mercury of the mermaid tribe.

Today's Blue Mercury has long been transformed into a wandering planet by Ronin.

It wanders in the starry sky with no destination.

The only one who can find Blue Mercury is Ronin Shun.

Therefore, Ronin Shun took Yu Ji and began to chase Blue Mercury.

And Blue Mercury has now unknowingly entered the edge of the Eternal Star Territory.

"Yu Ji, we are almost there!"

Ronin Shun looked at Yu Ji and said.

The spaceship they were on slowly approached a flying star.

The blue star was quickly heading towards a void and darkness.

Around it are seven huge satellites.

That was the Blue Mercury that Ronin Shun was looking for.

Now, Zhuo Bufan is looking for Mo ChiChi, while Mo ChiChi is looking for Li Mei, Li Mei is looking for Ronin Shun, and Ronin Shun is looking for Blue Mercury.

They started chasing each other.

Obviously, the final result of chasing each other will definitely be another melee.

At this time, outside the chaotic void, Jealousy Sky has quickly approached the Eternal Star Territory.

This terrifying incarnation of heaven is beginning his journey of killing.

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