Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1302 Samsara Tower [Subscribe]

Zhuo Bufan's first clone followed Gao Yangxu and returned to the Samsara Star Territory.

The first time he returned to the Samsara Star Territory, Gao Yangxu took Zhuo Bufan's first clone to the Holy Land of the Samsara Star Territory, the Samsara Tower.

The Tower of Reincarnation is a black and white spiral tower, like a genetic chain.

Needless to say, the black and white are the sands of time!

The white sand of time and the black sand of time condensed into such a mysterious tower of miracles.

They rotate quietly in the void, forever and ever.

"This is the Tower of Reincarnation!"

"The Tower of Reincarnation and the Road to Reincarnation were both created by the Lord of Time."

"The Tower of Reincarnation was originally me in my previous life, the palace of the Lord of Reincarnation."

"And the mission of the Lord of Reincarnation is to protect the road to reincarnation."

"Now that the road to reincarnation has collapsed, I am no longer qualified to continue living in this tower of reincarnation."

"The Lord of Time left behind the Tower of Reincarnation."

"This Tower of Reincarnation contains many secrets left behind by the Lord of Time."

"Even me in my previous life could not completely solve the mystery of the Tower of Reincarnation."

"I only know that the mystery of time and reincarnation is hidden in this reincarnation tower."

"In my previous life, I understood the law of reincarnation, controlled the power of reincarnation, and became the master of reincarnation."

Gao Yangxu made no reservations to the first clone.

In his previous life, he was indeed the Lord of Reincarnation. It was just that he was punished by the Lord of Time for not guarding the path of reincarnation.

Now that Kong is guarding the Tower of Reincarnation, he obviously has a lot of regrets.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan raised his head and looked at the huge reincarnation tower in front of him.

He could feel the extraordinary power contained in this tower.

This is a tower built entirely from the Sands of Time, which contains extraordinary time power.

I am afraid that even my own door to rebirth is not as good as this sacred tower.

The first clone looked at the Reincarnation Tower in front of him and fell into worry for a moment.

"Brother! Just in case, I mean just in case!"

"What if I understand the law of reincarnation, doesn't it mean that I will take your place and become the Lord of Reincarnation?"

The clone asked.

Because it is obvious that he who masters the law of reincarnation will have the qualifications to become the Lord of Reincarnation.

After all, Gao Yangxu in his previous life became the Lord of Reincarnation because he mastered the law of reincarnation.

After hearing this, Gao Yangxu couldn't help laughing.

"What's the point of that?"

"Whether it's you, Brother Zhuo, who becomes the Lord of Reincarnation, or me, it doesn't matter!"

"To me, the Lord of Reincarnation is just a mere name."

"The reason why I work so hard to repair the path of reincarnation is not because I want to become the Lord of Reincarnation again. I want to lift the curse of our reincarnation clan."

Gao Yangxu told Zhuo Bufan his true feelings.

For Gao Yangxu, whether he can become the Lord of Reincarnation or not is not important at all.

What he wants is to lift the curse on his people.

The curse of the reincarnation clan is too cruel. Once it happens, they will specifically hunt down and kill their closest relatives.

Gao Yangxu now only has one sister left, and he doesn't want his sister to die in his hands.

If the curse is not lifted, Gao Yangxu may harm his sister sooner or later.

Therefore, Gao Yangxu's goal is not to become the Lord of Reincarnation.

He just wants to lift the curse and save his people.

Zhuo Bufan looked at Gao Yangxu and finally said.

"I see!"

"Don't worry, brother, as soon as I recover the clone, I will help you repair your reincarnation path immediately."

"When the road to reincarnation is repaired, the curse of your reincarnation clan will be lifted."

Gao Yangxu helped the first clone enter the Reincarnation Tower.

Naturally, the first clone would not accept Gao Yangxu's help in vain.

The two reached an agreement. Next, it depends on whether Zhuo Bufan can understand the so-called law of reincarnation from the Reincarnation Tower.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the Tower of Reincarnation in front of him, his mind already drawn away.

At this time, Gao Yangxu suddenly took out a padlock with a Tai Chi pattern and handed it to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the padlock and couldn't help but ask.

"What's this?"

Gao Yangxu said.

"This is the reincarnation lock. Take it and you can enter the reincarnation tower!"

"Brother Zhuo, remember, everything is included in the Tower of Reincarnation. If your mind is not firm enough, you may fall into reincarnation."

"Whenever you encounter danger, use this reincarnation lock as soon as possible. It can bring you out safely."

Gao Yangxu warned word by word.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan took the reincarnation lock.

Then, he took the reincarnation lock and walked towards the quietly rotating Tower of Reincarnation in the void in front of him.

When he approached the Reincarnation Tower, the Reincarnation Lock in his hand suddenly began to rotate.

The Tai Chi pattern in the reincarnation lock began to rotate with the reincarnation tower, and the speed became faster and faster.

Until finally, the entire pattern turned completely gray.

At this moment, the reincarnation lock suddenly released a gray light, wrapping Zhuo Bufan.

The next second, Zhuo Bufan's entire body was swallowed up.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan disappear in front of his eyes, Gao Yangxu frowned slightly.

"Good luck to you!"

In Gao Yangxu's view, perhaps Zhuo Bufan's chances of success are not too high.

The Tower of Reincarnation is not as easy to pass as imagined, otherwise, he would have completed the test of the Tower of Reincarnation long ago.

Gao Yangxu did not tell Zhuo Bufan that there were dangers in the Samsara Tower.

He will face an unprecedented test.

A beam of light shone on his face, and Zhuo Bufan's first clone silently opened his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, he found himself standing on a mirror lake.

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

"How is it possible? I can't feel my power!"


Zhuo Bufan tried to summon a swallowing magic ball.

But the result was beyond his expectation, there was no reaction.

Zhuo Bufan was extremely shocked.

He didn't expect that in this tower of reincarnation, he wouldn't even be able to use the power of the Devouring Law that he had mastered.

You must know that the Devouring Law he has understood is the highest level of law power in the chaotic void, acting on all heavens and worlds.

No matter what world you are in, you should be able to use the Law of Devouring.

But in this Tower of Reincarnation, he actually lost control of the Devouring Law.

"The Tower of Reincarnation is not simple!"

The first clone finally realized that what he was facing was not a simple adventure.

In this tower of reincarnation, there are existences that Zhuo Bufan cannot understand.

After all, it is the Reincarnation Tower created by the Lord of Time, so the Reincarnation Tower can be said to be the most powerful chaos artifact in the chaotic void.

"What's next?"

Zhuo Bufan's first clone looked around.

After losing all his strength, instead of being nervous, he seemed very calm.

At this moment, black and white spiral pillars slowly emerged from the surrounding mirror lake.

Zhuo Bufan took a closer look and saw that there were eighteen spiral pillars surrounding him.

On each spiral column, there is a huge energy ball.

Every energy ball is a magical world.

The first clone came to one of the spiral columns and stretched out his hand.

Just as he was about to touch the divine pillar, he didn't expect that at this moment, the light ball on the spiral pillar suddenly released a ray of light and enveloped him.

Immediately, the first clone was swallowed directly.

When the first clone came back to his senses, he found that the environment around him had completely changed.

"Not Mirror Lake? Where is this?"

Zhuo Bufan discovered that the surrounding environment had completely changed.

"This is the forest?"

Zhuo Bufan looked around him, surrounded by flowers, plants and trees.

Above the head, there is bright sunshine, which makes people warm and very comfortable.

Suddenly, the first clone seemed to react and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"No, I became a tree?"

The first clone exclaimed, because he soon discovered that he had turned into a sapling that had just broken out of the ground.

He wanted to shake his hands, but found that only two leaves shook a few times.

"Did I really turn into a tree?"

The first clone quickly calmed down.

He literally turned into a tree.

He was rooted in the forest and could not move.

There was only dirt under his feet, and only weeds around him.

Its roots cling to the rocks, and its leaves catch the sunlight.

He really turned into a tree completely.

"Could this be reincarnation?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment.

His soul had practiced the Six Paths of Reincarnation, entered the Six Paths, and experienced the reincarnation of the six realms of life.

However, I have never felt it so realistically.

What will happen when your body and soul become a tree?

"Brother said that everything is happening inside the Tower of Reincarnation. Reincarnation is the flow of all things."

"It can be seen that I am now reincarnated as a tree from a human being."

"So, how do I clear the level?"

The first clone quickly figured out that he was undergoing the test of reincarnation.

He has indeed entered reincarnation, and reincarnation has become a tree.

So what to do next?

He didn't get any hints, and no one showed him the way.

He seemed to have no choice but to grow slowly.

"Do you want me to experience the life of a tree?"

"Are you kidding? The life of a tree can be as short as a hundred years or as long as a thousand years. Do you want me to wait for a thousand years?"

"And this is only the first reincarnation world. If we looked at it this way earlier, there would be a total of eighteen reincarnation worlds."

"Each reincarnation world requires a trial of a thousand years, so eighteen reincarnation worlds are eighteen thousand years."

"Can't wait!"

The first clone remembered the agreement he made with the second clone.

The two parties agreed to a life-or-death showdown in one year. So, he only has one year.

However, one year is not enough.

Now that the first clone has entered the Reincarnation Tower, it is not easy to come out.

He guessed right, he must live in this tree world and experience the life of a tree.

Moreover, this is not an ordinary life, it is a life that must be legendary.

Ordinary trees are not qualified to enter reincarnation, let alone return to the Tower of Reincarnation.

If the first clone cannot successfully return to the Tower of Reincarnation, then he will stay in the tree world forever until death.

This is the most terrifying thing about the Tower of Reincarnation.

No matter how powerful a being is, once it enters it, it cannot help itself.

Now, the first clone has entered the Tower of Reincarnation.

Then it would be impossible for him to regret it.

Next, whether he can successfully comprehend the law of reincarnation depends on the luck of the first clone.

However, if he can comprehend the third-ranked Devouring Law, then he may also be able to comprehend the law of reincarnation.

The law of reincarnation is the law closest to the law of time.

If he comprehends the law of reincarnation, then he will only be one step away from the law of time.

So next, the first clone will definitely try his best to comprehend the mystery of reincarnation.

On this side, the first clone is in the tree world of the Reincarnation Tower, reincarnated into a tree, and experienced the life of a tree.

On the other side, the second clone is on the way to find Mo Chichi.

Mo Chichi was sent away by the second clone before.

So the second clone can actually still vaguely feel where Mo Chichi is.

But now, the second clone has encountered a problem.

Although he can sense the direction of Mo Chichi, Mo Chichi's position makes the second clone a little difficult to deal with.

"Mo Chichi, in the Eternal Star Domain?"

The second clone soon discovered that Mo Chichi was still in the Eternal Star Domain and had not come out.

In this case, the second clone could not immediately look for Mo Chichi.

Because the Eternal Heavenly Dao in the Eternal Star Domain had just set its sights on the second clone.

Moreover, the second clone had just escaped from the Eternal Heavenly Dao.

It can be said that the Eternal Star Domain cannot be returned now.

However, Zhuo Bufan can only find Mo Chichi by entering the Eternal Star Domain.

He must find Mo Chichi to know how to merge the two clones.

"What should I do next?"

The second clone was entangled because he was in a dilemma.

"We must find a way to get Mo Chichi out of the Eternal Star Domain."

The second clone began to look for ways to conceal the Eternal Heavenly Dao and find Mo Chichi outside the Eternal Star Domain.

It was impossible for him to enter the Eternal Star Domain for a while.

At this moment, Mo Chichi, whom the second clone was looking for, was also chasing Li Mei and the others.

The clones of Heavenly Dao can sense each other, so Mo Chichi knows which direction Li Mei is in.

In order to fight Jealous Heaven, Mo Chichi and Hun Dun must summon other clones of Heavenly Dao.

However, Li Mei's mind is now on Qian Kun.

And Qian Kun's mind is on his own Ronin tribe.

As for Jealous Heaven, which the clones of Heavenly Dao fear the most, he has already approached the Eternal Star Domain.

The current Jealous Heaven has obtained the power of Doubt Heavenly King Strategy and Anger Heavenly Void Madness at the same time.

It can be said that Jealous Heaven is no longer his opponent even if Mo Chichi is in his prime.

After learning that Mo Chichi was rescued, Jealous Heaven realized that he must deal with other clones of Heavenly Dao as soon as possible.

Otherwise, there may be more changes in the future.

So Jealous Heaven rushed to the Eternal Star Domain, ready to kill.

However, when he arrived at the outskirts of the Eternal Star Domain, he bumped into someone by accident.

This person was Zhuo Bufan's second clone who was hesitant and dared not enter the Eternal Star Domain.

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