Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1305 Secret Weapon [Subscription Request]

Ling Xiao went to an unknown galaxy alone to look for supplies and energy.

After all, the Ziji warship they were riding on had no power source.

And the comet where the Ziji warship was hiding was about to be dragged into the gravitational orbit of an unknown galaxy.

It might eventually fall into a star and turn into ashes.

The situation was urgent, so Ling Xiao had to take the risk alone.


Ling Xiao quickly entered the target galaxy.

This galaxy was relatively large, and the energy and gravity released by the central star made the drifting spacecraft he was riding unable to resist the opponent's swallowing.

As a last resort, Ling Xiao could only abandon the ship and flee.

After all, Ling Xiao was also a disciple of Qiankun, the chief of the Ronin tribe. He once obtained Qiankun's inheritance and almost became the chief of the Ronin tribe.

Therefore, Ling Xiao still had a certain strength to survive in this chaotic void.

Moreover, there were two Chaos Beasts sealed by Ling Xiao. Although they were both lower-level Chaos Beasts, they both had powerful speed.

Therefore, Ling Xiao's speed is second only to Ronin Shun among the Ronin Clan.

Ling Xiao relies on his powerful speed to quickly shuttle through this galaxy.

"Next, we need to find stars with life!"

The first thing Ling Xiao needs to do is to collect enough living resources for the children on the Ziji battleship.

Next, they may leave the Eternal Star Region, and then they may drift in the chaotic void for a long time.

At that time, they may fall into a long period of hibernation.

So before entering hibernation, he needs to reserve enough resources.

"Time is running out. According to the speed of the comet, it will probably arrive in this galaxy in less than half a month."

"In other words, I only have half a month, and I must find supplies within this period of time."

Ling Xiao doesn't have much time, so he needs to act as soon as possible.

Soon, he found the target star through the life detector.

There is a dazzling red dot of life on the life detector.

"Such a strong vitality, I'm afraid this life star is not simple."

Ling Xiao approached the red dot of life carefully.

When he approached the red dot of life, Ling Xiao was shocked to find that a star war was breaking out in the starry sky not far from him.

Ling Xiao was stunned when he saw this scene.

"What's going on? There is a war here?"

Ling Xiao was a little shocked and surprised.

Looking at the starry sky in front of him, the explosions and flashes everywhere made people dizzy.

"Maybe this is an opportunity!"

Ling Xiao is a smart man. He immediately realized that the war in front of him might be conducive to the implementation of his plan.

After all, the situation in the battlefield is complicated and chaotic.

If a stranger sneaks in, he may not be discovered.

"Go investigate first."

Ling Xiao decided to find out the situation first.

So he flew towards the battlefield in the distance.


Next, Ling Xiao successfully sneaked into this battlefield.

Of course, he became a marginal figure wandering outside the battlefield.

After a period of inquiry, Ling Xiao understood the identities of the two sides of the battle.

The two sides of this battle, one is called the Mile tribe, and the other is called the Dragon Clan!

Among them, the Mile tribe is an ally of the Shepherd Alliance, while the Dragon tribe is an ally of the Primarch Alliance.

In other words, this battle is actually a battle between the Shepherd God and Yuan Zun.

"I didn't expect that the war between the Shepherd God and Yuan Zun has burned here."

"This is the edge of the Eternal Star Domain. I didn't expect that the battle between the two sides has intensified to this extent."

"Next, I need to find a way to get into one of their camps."

"It's not easy to impersonate the Dragon tribe. After all, they have dragon features such as dragon scales, dragon horns, and dragon tails. It seems that I can only join the Mile tribe."

"The people of the Mile tribe are good at controlling their mechanical puppets!"

"But their appearance features are no different from those of ordinary people like us. They shouldn't be easily discovered."

After Ling Xiao made a full investigation, he decided to mix into the Mile tribe.

The Mile tribe actually invaded the Dragon tribe as an invading party.

The Yuanlong Star where the Dragon tribe is located is relatively powerful in the Primarch Alliance.

However, the Mile tribe is obviously well prepared this time.

In order to be able to take down the Dragon tribe, the Mile tribe used the secret weapons that their people had developed for hundreds of years.

"Further investigation is needed on the secret weapon of the Milei tribe!"

"The Milei tribe is not a very powerful race in the Eternal Star Domain, but they dare to challenge the Dragon People. Obviously, they are very confident in their secret weapon."

Ling Xiao began to analyze the current battle situation.

He was sure that the Milei tribe had a powerful secret weapon, but he didn't know what it was yet.

However, Ling Xiao relied on his own ability to sneak into the battleship of the Milei tribe.

Almost all the people of the Milei tribe wore armor, so it was not difficult to impersonate them.

You just need to kill a Milei tribe member and then put on their armor.

However, there are always unexpected things.

Because Ling Xiao didn't kill an ordinary person, but a captain of the Milei tribe, who was considered a small officer.

So, when Ling Xiao came to his battleship according to the communicator on the armor.

As soon as he boarded the warship, two rows of soldiers stood on his aisle to welcome his return.

"Sir, congratulations on your safe return. How is the battle situation on the front line?"

When Ling Xiao heard this, he realized that he had accidentally impersonated the captain of the Mile tribe.

He quickly replied.

"The battle situation on the front line is urgent, and the dragon tribe is quite stubborn. Our tribe has been unable to break through, and can only passively retreat at present."

"So I'm afraid the most urgent thing is to use our tribe's secret weapons."

Ling Xiao wanted to make this war even crazier.

He wanted to stir up the muddy water that was already muddy.

In this way, he could fish in the muddy water, and no one would notice his existence at that time.

He could facilitate his next plan.

Now Ling Xiao has become the captain of the 12th ship of the Mile tribe's fleet, so he plans to go with the flow and suggest that the Mile tribe use their secret weapons.

On the one hand, the secret weapons can make this war more chaotic.

On the other hand, Ling Xiao also wants to see what the Mile tribe's secret weapons are.

Therefore, in the next fleet video conference of the First Fleet.

Ling Xiao put forward his proposal without hesitation.

"What? Captain of the 12th Fleet, are you really going to propose to the top leaders to use secret weapons?"

The captain of the fleet questioned Ling Xiao in the video conference.

Ling Xiao answered affirmatively.

"That's right, my race is not the opponent of the Dragon Race. Now my race has begun to show a trend of defeat, and even my mechanical puppets have been destroyed in the battle."

"That's why I proposed that Lord Star Lord use secret weapons."

"If not now, when?"

"Aren't our secret weapons meant to be used at this time?"

Ling Xiao's words made other captains in the meeting advise.

"I think the captain of the 12th Fleet is right, and I second it!"

"Then I second it too!"

"Now is the critical moment, and secret weapons must be used to tear open the defense of the Dragon Race, second it!"

"I have no objection, second it!"

Seeing that all the captains supported the proposal of the captain of the 12th Fleet, the captain of the fleet also said at last.

"Well, I will ask the top management for instructions. But I am not sure whether the top management will adopt this proposal."

"Before that, please all captains work hard to stick to your posts and never let the dragon people have a chance to breathe."

"The meeting is over!"

After the meeting.

Ling Xiao began to investigate and understand the affairs of the Mile tribe through the warship.

At the same time, he also learned that the Mile tribe had a purpose in attacking the dragon tribe this time.

It turns out that the heart of the ancient ancestor dragon exists in the Dragon Yuan Star of the Dragon People.

The heart of the ancestor dragon is one of the ten sacred objects in the Eternal Star Domain.

Oc, the star lord of the Mile tribe, intends to offer the heart of the ancestor dragon to the Shepherd God in order to please the Shepherd God.

Of course, Oc's main purpose is to annihilate the dragon people.

Because he has a deep hatred with the dragon people.

Ling Xiao is not interested in Oc's personal grudges, he is interested in the materials on the Dragon Yuan Star.

There is a kind of Dragon Yuan Stone on Longyuan Star. Although this Dragon Yuan Stone is not as good as the Purple Extreme Chaos Stone, it is a very good source of energy.

This is an urgently needed energy material for their Purple Extreme warship.

So Ling Xiao set his sights on this Dragon Yuan Stone.

However, if you want to get the Dragon Yuan Stone, you must enter Longyuan Star.

Now Longyuan Star is in the midst of a war, and not even a fly can fly in.

So Ling Xiao wants to break into the Dragon People alone, which can be said to be as difficult as ascending to heaven.

"It seems that the only hope now is to expect the Milei tribe to defeat the Dragon People."

"In this way, I can enter smoothly."

"Time is running out, I must push the Milei tribe to use secret weapons as soon as possible."

The reason why Ling Xiao is so eager to hope that the Milei tribe can use secret weapons is because he hopes that the Milei tribe can attack the Dragon People as soon as possible.

Soon, Ling Xiao's proposal was circulated and passed to the top leaders of the Milei tribe.

At the high-level meeting of the Jilai Group, after analyzing the various intelligence transmitted from below, the senior officials also began to propose the use of secret weapons.

"Master Star Lord, the news from below is that our tribe is currently facing the stubborn resistance of the Dragon People."

"The chief of the Dragon People has even decided to go to the battlefield in person and fight us."

"I'm afraid it's time for us to use our secret weapons."

An elder-level figure proposed to the Star Lord right above the hall.

After hearing this, the Star Lord of the Milei tribe tapped the armrest of the throne with his fingers, and then frowned.

"Everyone, you should know that our secret weapon cannot be used at will."

"Because it is too powerful, even I can't control it at all!"

"So once the secret weapon is used, we have to bear the crisis that it may go out of control at any time."

From the mouth of the Star Lord of the Milei tribe, we can understand that this secret weapon is not simple.

Even he, as the Star Lord, may not be able to control it. It seems to be an extraordinary existence.

However, after weighing the pros and cons, the elders present still made up their minds.

"Star Lord, if we don't use the secret weapon again, then I'm afraid we can only retreat."

"Although the Dragon People are few in number, their fighting power is really amazing."

"One dragon man is as good as 1,800 of our people."

"If we continue to fight like this, our people will face an unprecedented crisis."

"And I just got intelligence that there are still a large number of dragon people in the Dragon Yuan Star who are in a dormant stage."

"Now for the sake of war, the dragon people are planning to wake up these dormant warriors."

"By then, there will be more and more dragon people joining the battlefield, which will be even more disadvantageous to our people."

The elders are all rational, after all, each of them is like a military advisor.

Their opinions are naturally very important.

"I also agree with the proposal of the Sixth Elder, either fight or retreat!"

"If we want to fight, we can only take out secret weapons to be qualified to fight."

"If we want to retreat, we must retreat immediately. Otherwise, when all the dragon people wake up, our people will suffer an unimaginable blow."

Under the offensive of the elders,

Finally, the star master sitting on the throne suddenly said.

"Okay, since all the elders agree to use the secret weapon. Then we will follow the elders' wishes and prepare for action."

"Pass the order and let all the frontline soldiers retreat immediately behind the commander-in-chief."

"At the same time, be ready for battle and be ready to fight at any time."

Finally, the Mile tribe is ready to use the secret weapon.

But the secret weapon is too powerful.

Once used, it may bring destruction to this starry sky.

The most important thing is that it is easy to get out of control. Once it loses control, it may cause a catastrophe to the Mile tribe.

So, before using the secret weapon, the tribe members must be evacuated to a safe place.

When the star master of the Mile tribe issued the order to retreat.

For a time, the soldiers who were fighting on the front line began to retreat one after another.

And Ling Xiao, as the captain, also received the order to retreat.

"It seems that the Mile tribe really intends to use the secret weapon."

Ling Xiao saw the entire army retreating, and he knew what the Mile tribe was going to do next.

Ling Xiao smiled, everything was in his plan.

Next, it was time to wait for the secret weapon of the Mile tribe to show its power.

On the other side, the Dragon People were obviously surprised to see the Mile tribe retreating in large numbers.

They all guessed that the Mile tribe was afraid.

So the people of the Dragon People were still laughing at these jumping clowns of the Mile tribe.

However, when the Mile tribe members completely retreated behind their headquarters.

Suddenly, countless magic circle rings appeared above the void.

Buzz buzz buzz buzz!

Accompanied by a soul-trembling buzzing sound, the entire space began to distort and deform.

Then countless magic circle rings formed two overlapping giant magic circles.

With the appearance of the two giant magic circles, a phantom slowly emerged in the center of the magic circle.

Ao ao ao ao ao!

Before the phantom showed its true appearance, a roar that was enough to kill everyone's soul came.

Suddenly, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked.

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