Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1306 Puppet Fights Dragon [Subscribe]

The secret weapon of the Milai clan appeared, and the roar alone made all the dragon people feel that their souls were about to be torn apart.

In the camp of the dragon tribe, there is a golden dragon man covered in golden light, staring at the existence that is about to emerge in the void like a torch.

This golden dragon man is none other than the leader of the Dragon Clan, the Lord of Long Yuan Star, Long Zhan!

Long Zhan looked at the secret weapon released by the Milai clan with a solemn expression.

He could feel that this secret weapon was more powerful than him. This is a powerful existence that surpasses the Star Lord.

"The ultimate puppet of the Milei clan?"

Long Zhan said with cold eyes.

"Star Lord, what are we going to do now? This is obviously a secret weapon prepared by the Milei tribe to deal with us."

"I've long heard that the Milei tribe came prepared, but I didn't expect it to be true. What did these guys get?"

After seeing the existence in front of them, the other dragon people on the side felt a strong sense of crisis.

"It seems that we can only fight hard!"

"But we don't have to be too pessimistic and desperate. Once the Milai tribe's puppets go beyond control, they will be completely out of control."

"I believe that it is impossible for people from the Milai tribe to control this guy."

"This guy will probably lose control sooner or later."

Long Zhan said confidently.

He knows the people of the Milai tribe very well and also knows the puppetry technique of the Millai tribe.

Obviously, the behemoth that is about to appear in front of us is the ultimate puppet of the Milei tribe.

As the void continues to tear apart, the Milai tribe's ultimate puppet and secret weapon slowly reveals its ultimate true appearance.

Only a huge Tyrannosaurus rex-like body was slowly revealed.

Its size alone has surpassed ordinary stars.

And above the body, huge heads began to emerge from the void.

Those ferocious and violent heads directly bit the void, tore up the space, and then let out a roar that shook the earth.

"This, what is this?"

This time, not only the dragon tribe, but all the creatures in the void, including the people of the Milei tribe, stared at the being born in the void with their mouths open.

Especially Ling Xiao, he recognized the existence in front of him almost immediately.

"Mid-level Chaos Beast, Egila!"

Ling Xiao exclaimed.

That's right, the Milei clan's secret weapon is actually a mid-level Chaos Beast.

In this chaotic void, no one knows the Chaos Beast better than the Ronin people.

The Ronin tribe is almost familiar with most of the Chaos Beasts in the Chaos Void, and the monster with more than a hundred heads in front of them is none other than the middle-level Chaos Beast, Egila!

In the Ronin tribe, there is a book dedicated to recording chaos beasts called "Illustrated Book of Chaos Beasts".

Among them is the record of the hundred-headed star-shattering beast in the void, Egila!

Agila is a dragon-shaped chaos beast with a hundred heads. Although it is only a middle-level beast, it possesses destructive power comparable to that of a high-level chaos beast.

It can be said that Agila is the king among the middle-level chaos beasts.

Such an existence is indeed more powerful than the ordinary star masters in the eternal star field.

It was hard for Ling Xiao to imagine that such a powerful Agila could be subdued by the Milei tribe.

I didn't expect that it would be used as a secret weapon by the Milei tribe.

"No, there seems to be something wrong with this Agila!"

"The book says that Agila has a very violent temper and will not hesitate to destroy anything she wants."

"Agila has a violent temper and is very proud. Even if she dies, she will not be easily subdued. She will not be so obedient."

"Even our Ronin clan has a hard time taming Agila. It can be said that Agila is the unruly wolf in the void of chaos."

"It is impossible for it to be so submissive to the Milei tribe."

Ling Xiao is familiar with Aijila's information.

Now after comparing it, he realized that the Ajira in front of him was not what was written in the book at all.

There are only two possibilities.

Either everything written in the book of the Ronin tribe is false.

Either the Ajira in front of me is not the real Ajira.

Just when Ling Xiao was confused, he discovered that Agila was equipped with various mechanical devices.

There are quite a few puppetry devices among them.

Seeing Ling Xiao here, he couldn't help but be shocked.

"No way. Could it be that Agila was made a puppet by the people of the Milai tribe?"

Ling Xiao was shocked by his guess.

But the more he thought about it, the more he realized that it was the truth.

The Milei people are good at making puppets. In terms of making puppets, they are unparalleled in the Chaos Void.

However, the Milei tribe should not be able to capture the middle-level chaos beasts yet.

Even with the efforts of the entire clan, it is impossible to defeat a Chaos Beast.

What is a Chaos Beast? That is what is called the scavenger in the chaotic void.

They are the natural enemies of all life, and only perverted races like the Ronin will contract Chaos Beasts as contract beasts.

In addition, there must be no race in the entire Chaos Void that has the strength to challenge the Chaos Beasts.

But now, the Milei clan has truly turned a mid-level chaos beast into the ultimate puppet.

"No wonder, no wonder the Milei tribe would regard it as a secret weapon."

"Such a puppet can sweep across the void, no problem."

Ling Xiao said in shock.

As a Ronin, no one here knows Chaos Beasts better than him.

The Ronin have an innate ability, which is to hear the voices of Chaos Beasts.

He seemed to be able to hear the Chaos Beast Ajira in front of him, howling in grief.

"Not dead yet?"

Ling Xiao frowned.

He could feel that this Chaos Beast was not dead.

In other words, it was a half-puppet, half-chaos beast.

"It seems that the Mile tribe should not be able to completely control the soul of this Ajira."

"So it can only be made into half a puppet."

Ling Xiao analyzed calmly.

And at this moment, a huge halo suddenly appeared above Ajira's head.

Then, above the halo, a man in black armor appeared.

This man who suddenly appeared was the patriarch of the Mile tribe, Lyle!

As the main controller of this ultimate puppet, Lyle had to go to the battlefield in person.

At the same time, all the Mile tribe members standing behind the ultimate puppet used the puppet spirit line.

Then, a blue light flew out from the top of all the Mile tribe members' heads, like antennas, connected to the ultimate puppet.

To control this chaotic puppet beast, the power of the entire Mile tribe is needed.

It is not enough to rely on the tribe leader alone.

So, all the Mile tribe members gathered their spirit power together to control the ultimate puppet.

Seeing the Mile tribe's movement, the leader of the dragon tribe on the opposite side, Long Zhan, shouted.

"All dragon people, pass the dragon source power to me!"

I only heard Long Zhan's dragon roar, and the next second, golden rays of light flew out from the Dragon Yuan Star.

Then, all the golden rays of light gathered on Long Zhan's body.

Ao ao ao ao ao!

The next second, Long Zhan looked up to the sky and roared, making a shocking dragon roar.

Then, above the sky, a huge golden dragon with golden wings slowly grew larger.

Until finally, it surpassed the entire Dragon Yuan Star.

However, the golden dragon was still much smaller than the Chaos Puppet Beast Ajira in front of him.

However, this was already the greatest power that the Dragon People could gather.

It was obvious that the Dragon People were ready to fight to the death.

Roar, roar, roar!

Seeing the golden dragon that gathered the energy of the entire Dragon People in front of him, the Void Puppet Ajira let out a provocative roar.

Just a roar made the golden light on the golden dragon dim a lot.

However, the Dragon People were not to be outdone.

The next second, the golden dragon spread its wings that covered the sky and sun, and also let out a dragon roar towards the Chaos Puppet Beast.

Under a roar, the space in front of him became distorted.

In the entire battlefield, I am afraid that only Ling Xiao did not join this battle now.

On the Mile side, everyone used their spiritual lines to connect to the Ultimate Puppet.

On the Dragon People side, all the dragon people passed their dragon source power to the Star Lord Long Zhan.

This war has changed from a decentralized battle to a condensed duel with the power of the entire tribe.

The earth-shaking battle between the golden dragon and the chaos beast is about to break out.


Boom! Boom!

The moment the golden dragon roared at the chaos beast, it sprayed endless energy rays from its mouth, directly spraying the chaos beast in the face.

The chaos beast Ajila had dozens of heads killed in an instant.

The first to launch the attack was the dragon people.

The dragon people are indeed worthy of being a fighting nation. They are not afraid of fighting, and even enjoy fighting.

Facing the chaos beast in front of them, the fighting spirit deep in their souls is about to break out.

The golden dragon breathed a destructive breath and sprayed it at the chaos beast.

The Chaos Beast opened dozens of huge mouths and bit the Golden Dragon.

Bang, bang, bang!

Every bite was an earth-shattering explosion.

For a moment, the Golden Dragon's body was riddled with holes and was bitten beyond recognition.

Even their wings were instantly bitten into pieces!

Aijila is indeed the king of the middle-level Chaos Beasts. Even if he became a puppet, he was still extremely powerful.

It can be said that the Golden Dragon had no power to resist in front of Aijila.

Although the Golden Dragon's body was constantly recovering, the recovery speed was far less than Aijila's destruction speed.

Soon, the Golden Dragon was covered with scars and was dying.

You know, the Golden Dragon was condensed by the dragon people of the entire Dragon Clan with their own original power.

The life of the Golden Dragon is closely related to the life of the entire Dragon Clan.

This puppet beast bit down, and I don't know how many dragon people died.

When the Chaos Beast bit down, it was not only the Golden Dragon that was injured.

It was also the Dragonman who provided energy to the Golden Dragon.

Soon, more and more Dragonmen fell under the attack of the Puppet Beast.

The Golden Dragon also began to be less and less able to resist the destruction of the Puppet Beast Ajira.

The Golden Dragon became smaller and smaller, until finally, it completely disappeared in the Chaos Void.

"Damn it!"

Long Zhan, the chief of the Dragonman tribe, looked at the Chaos Puppet Beast above the void and shouted in despair.

After seeing this scene, the chieftain of the Mile tribe, Lyle, who was standing on the head of the Chaos Puppet Beast Ajira, laughed triumphantly.

"Hahahahaha, it is worthy of the secret weapon that I spent a hundred years to refine."

"Sure enough, I was not disappointed!"

The battle between the golden dragon and the puppet beast, the result is self-evident, the puppet beast almost won.

"Next, destroy the dragon people for me."

The chieftain of the Mile tribe, Lyle, issued an order to the puppet beast under his feet.

I thought the puppet beast would take the opportunity to destroy the dragon people in front of him.

However, at this moment, the puppet beast suddenly did not move.

"What's the matter? Didn't you hear my order? Destroy the dragon people in front of you."

The chieftain, Lyle, once again issued an order to the puppet beast.

Not only that, all the members of the Mile tribe issued orders to the puppet beast.

But the puppet beast still stood there, motionless.

And at this moment, the puppet beast suddenly seemed to sense something.

Suddenly, it turned its head and looked at the large group of Mile tribe behind it.

He seemed to be looking for something!

Although his movements were a little sluggish, he had indeed slowly escaped from Lyle's control.

He was indeed looking for Ling Xiao, who was among the Mile tribe.

There was an indescribable innate induction between the Chaos Beast and the Ronin.

In fact, the reason why the Ronin could drive the Chaos Beast was not that they forcibly sealed the Chaos Beast and obtained the power of the Chaos Beast.

But they were born to be recognized by the Chaos Beast.

Although it is still unknown why the Chaos Beast recognized the Ronin.

But it was precisely because of this recognition that the Ronin could obtain the power of the Chaos Beast.

And now, this Chaos Puppet Beast, among countless lives, felt the existence of Ling Xiao for the first time.

Obviously, this was a special feeling between the Chaos Beast and the Ronin.

The Chaos Beast sensed Ling Xiao.

In its opinion, among so many humans, only Ling Xiao could save himself.

So the Chaos Puppet Beast suddenly howled towards Ling Xiao's location.

As a result, the Chaos Beast's howl was seen by others as a declaration of war.

"It's going berserk, the Puppet King is going berserk!"

When many elders saw the Puppet Beast was out of control and began to howl, they thought it was going to go berserk.

So everyone started to get nervous.

"No, quickly control it, everyone concentrate, control it!"

The chief of the Mile tribe, Lyle, immediately ordered all the Mile tribe members to control the Chaos Beast with all their strength.

For a moment, the Chaos Beast let out an even more heartbreaking howl.


The louder it howled, the more destructive it was.

The Mile tribe's warships exploded one after another.

This made people feel more and more that it was going berserk.

"No, we can't control him at all!"

"Star Lord, we can't hesitate, we must destroy this Chaos Beast."

"That's right, Star Lord, we must destroy it!"

"Star Lord, we can't think about it, start the destruction program!"

Everyone felt that the Ultimate Puppet was out of control and could only be destroyed.

At this point, there was really no choice.

After hearing this, Star Lord Lyle frowned deeply.

"It seems that there is really no choice!"

"In that case, destroy him!"

Finally, Lyle pressed the destruction knob that he had already prepared!

Afterwards, the Chaos Beast began to explode all over!

Bang bang bang bang bang!

The explosions that came one after another resounded through the world!


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