Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1308 Whereabouts [Subscribe]

Lyle, the leader of the Milei tribe, captured Ling Xiao of the Ronin tribe.

This is definitely a huge harvest for the Milei people.

As an elite of the Ronin clan, Ling Xiao has the means to contract with the Chaos Beast.

Lyle wanted to use Ling Xiao to develop a method to master the Chaos Beast.

So he couldn't wait to take Ling Xiao back to Mile Star!

On the other side, news of the appearance of the Ronin tribe in the battlefield between the Milai tribe and the Dragon tribe also spread like wildfire.

The news reached the ears of the void merchant immediately.

The Void Merchants' Chaos Worms are spread throughout the Chaos Void, so they can naturally learn the news as soon as possible.

And not only the Void Merchant, but also the Shepherd also learned the location of the Ronin tribe for the first time.

Because when the Shepherd God cooperated with Qiankun, the leader of the Ronin tribe, he once issued an order to use the power of the entire alliance to find the whereabouts of the Ronin tribe.

In fact, the leader of the Milei clan, Lyle, also knew about this order, but now he can no longer control it so much.

He wants to know even more what is the secret of this Ronin clan?

Why can the Ronin tribe control the most powerful life form in the Chaos Void, the Chaos Beast.

If he can find the secret, then he will definitely be able to lead the entire group and dominate the void in the future.

The news that Ronin was destroyed has already spread throughout the Eternal Star Territory.

Nowadays, the Ronin Star has long ceased to exist, and the glory of the Ronin clan will also become a thing of the past.

Therefore, the Milei tribe wants to replace the Ronin tribe and become the strongest race in the void.

When the time comes, they don’t need to take it seriously even if it’s the Shepherd God of Mufa Star.

Lyle has very strong ambitions in his heart. Of course, all of this depends on whether he can successfully analyze the secrets of the Ronin tribe.

You know, the Ronin race was once the strongest race in the Chaos Void.

Countless races want to know their secrets.

But so far, no race knows why the Ronins can reach some kind of spiritual contract with the Chaos Beasts.

Therefore, it is up to Lyle to reveal all this.

As the star master of the Milei tribe, Lyle controls the most advanced science and technology of Milei.

So if it were him, it might really be possible to unlock the mystery of the Ronin clan.

After Lyle captured Ling Xiao back to Mile Star, he immediately threw him into the research room and soaked him in the research equipment.

He planned to conduct comprehensive research and analysis on Lyle.

Including the body, including the soul.

At this moment, Ling Xiao was already in a coma. He really didn't know what was happening in the outside world.

Deep in his soul, the final contract is still being made.

That's right, the soul contract between Ling Xiao and the chaotic beast Agila is not over yet.

However, Ling Xiao's soul power is too weak now, and it is not easy for him to completely integrate Agila's soul.

Therefore, he won't wake up for a while.

Before that, Lyle might do a lot of research on him.

On the other side, Keira took the remaining tribesmen and had no choice but to come to the galaxy where the Milei tribe and the Dragon tribe had fought before.

Because the Ziji battleship that Keira and the others were riding on stopped on the comet.

But now the comet has no choice but to enter the gravitational orbit because of the gravitational pull of that galaxy.

Moreover, Keira's Ziji battleship has no kinetic energy at all.

So there was no way to escape the comet.

Now that Ling Xiao has not been able to return for a long time, Keira has already gathered some strength.

As a last resort, Keira had a bold idea.

She planned to detonate the comet and use the comet's explosive energy to fly away the Ziji battleship.

The Ziji battleship has strong defensive power, and its surface is covered with Ziji Chaos Stone.

The Purple Chaos Stone can absorb explosive energy and store it as its own kinetic energy.

I have to say that this is indeed the best solution that can be thought of in a critical moment.

However, there is an important problem with this approach.

That is, the Ziji battleship may not be able to withstand the energy of the comet explosion.

In that case, the gain may outweigh the loss, and the Ziji battleship may even be detonated.

Once the Ziji battleship explodes, the children in the battleship will be doomed.

It can be said that this is a very risky approach.

But now, Keira has no choice.

If she didn't use this method, I'm afraid the Ziji battleship would fall into the central star of the galaxy together with the comet.

Then it was burned to ashes by the central star.

It is uncertain whether the Ziji battleship can withstand the comet explosion.

But the Ziji battleship must not be able to withstand the destruction of stellar energy.

Therefore, one path is a certain death, and the other is a possible death.

With almost no thought, Keira chose her plan to detonate the comet.

Keira flew to the comet, and then poured all her power into the gray star.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

With each punch, a powerful energy was poured into the comet.

Punch after punch, terrifying energy began to gather in the comet.

Soon, the energy in the comet expanded to the limit it could bear.

The ground began to explode, and cracks spread all over the comet instantly.

Then surging and violent energy rushed out from the comet.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

The next second, the entire comet began to explode crazily.

It first exploded on the surface, and then spread to the center of the earth.

Then, a destructive energy condensed in the center of the earth.

Finally, the energy exploded again. This time, the entire gray star disintegrated in an instant, and then only a thunderous roar was heard.


The next second, the comet exploded completely.

A series of dragon-like energies swept through the void.

At the same time, the purple chaos stone covering the surface of the purple battleship began to absorb the energy of the comet's self-explosion crazily.

Don't look at the purple chaos stone covering the entire surface of the purple battleship.

In fact, this purple chaos stone is only a thin layer of less than one millimeter.

But even so, it can still absorb terrible energy.

The energy of the comet's self-explosion was almost instantly absorbed by the purple battleship.

However, Kayla's worries are obviously not redundant.

As a high-level figure of the Ronin tribe and the patriarch of the female tribe.

She knew the limit of the explosive energy that the Purple Extreme Battleship could withstand.

Her calculations were correct. The energy generated by the complete explosion of this comet was beyond the ability of the Purple Extreme Battleship to absorb.

Although it was just a gray star, its size had surpassed that of an ordinary planet. It was a wandering planet wandering in the starry sky.

Kayla watched as the surface of the Purple Extreme Battleship changed from purple to red.

You know, red is a very dangerous signal.

This means that the Purple Extreme Battleship is about to explode.

This is not a joke. Once the Purple Extreme Battleship explodes, all the children in the battleship will probably die.

You know, that is the last spark of life for the Ronin.

The hope for the Ronin to rebuild their glory.

If they die in this catastrophe, then the Ronin will be completely finished.


After seeing this scene, Kayla rushed to the Purple Extreme Battleship without hesitation, and then immediately used her last strength to open a defensive barrier to block the contact between the Purple Extreme Battleship and the energy generated by the comet explosion.

Keira used her body to block all the energy impact.

At that moment, she felt that her body was about to be destroyed and her soul was about to be disintegrated.

The energy of the comet's self-explosion even impacted the entire galaxy.

Not far away, the Dragon Clan, which was rebuilding, obviously discovered the situation here.

Long Zhan, the chief of the Dragon Clan, immediately sent scouts to the center of the explosion to investigate.

Because he was worried that the guys from the Mile Clan would come back again, so prevention was necessary.

Keira, on this side, after using her body to withstand the impact of the comet's self-explosion, relied on her own strength to push the Ziji warship and escaped from the strong gravitational orbit of the central star.

With Keira's desperate efforts, they finally managed to avoid this disaster and escape.

However, Keira was also severely injured and finally fell on the overtime of the Ziji warship.

A group of Ronin children surrounded Keira.

They cried with tears on their faces, thinking that Keira was dead.

Above the void, the Ziji warship that escaped death floated quietly in the air.

After absorbing the energy of the comet's self-explosion, it finally had enough energy to start sailing.

However, the only captain who could control it fell down at this time.

Soon, the Ziji warship floating in the chaotic void was discovered by the dragons who came to investigate.

These dragon scouts did not dare to approach easily, so they returned to their Longyuan Star as soon as possible to ask their clan leader Long Zhan for instructions.

After learning about the scouts' investigation, Long Zhan immediately took his men to the void.

When he saw the Ziji warship, he was also slightly startled.

"What kind of warship is this? It looks very powerful!"

The Ziji warship is a secret weapon developed by the Ronin Clan, and only the Ronin Clan has a warship as powerful as the Ziji warship.

In comparison, the warships of the Dragon Clan are obviously much weaker.

So, when Long Zhan saw the Ziji warship, he had the idea of ​​owning his own warship in his heart.

However, when he approached the Ziji warship to observe, he found that on the deck of the Ziji warship, a group of children were crying loudly around a woman.

When Long Zhan saw the woman, his eyes lit up and his heart trembled.

When he saw Keira, his heart was pounding.

"Who is this woman? She is so beautiful?"

Long Zhan, the chief of the Dragon Clan, was attracted by Keira in front of him.

He slowly descended from the air to the spaceship.

At this time, the children on the spaceship stood up one after another, and then looked at Long Zhan fiercely.

"Who are you? Get off our spaceship quickly."

"You leave quickly, otherwise we will be rude to you."

These little guys of the Ronin Clan looked at Long Zhan in front of them with tears on their faces.

After seeing this scene, Long Zhan said.

"Maybe I can save her!"

Long Zhan saw at a glance that these children were crying for this woman.

So, when he said that he could save this woman, all the children present were brightened.

"Really? Can you save Sister Kayla?"

"Please save Sister Kayla, okay? We can do anything you ask us to do."

"Uncle, please save Sister Kayla."

Several leading children stood up and begged Long Zhan.

Long Zhan saw this and said.

"Her name is Kayla, right?"

"Let me check her condition first."

After Long Zhan finished speaking, all the children made way for him.

Afterwards, Long Zhan approached Kayla, who was lying unconscious on the ground, step by step.

He first checked Kayla's injuries, then stretched out his hand and placed it on Kayla's forehead. .

For a moment, a golden light vibrated from Kayla's head, and then covered Kayla's whole body.

Soon, the external injuries on Kayla's body began to recover rapidly.

Seeing that Kayla's injuries were slowly recovering, all the children jumped up excitedly.

"Great, sister Kaila's injury has recovered."

"Uncle, you are so awesome, thank you."

"Uncle, you are a good person, thank you for saving sister Kaila."

These children kept calling her a good person, which made Long Zhan a little embarrassed.

In fact, Long Zhan is not a human, he is a dragon man.

"She was seriously injured, not only her body was severely injured, but also her soul was traumatized to a certain extent. In addition, she had used up all her strength before, and she is still in danger now."

When Long Zhan said this, all the children looked at him with tears in their eyes.

"How could this happen, uncle, what should we do?"

"Uncle, you must save sister Kaila, we can't live without her."

"Yes, uncle, please. As long as you can save sister Kaila, I am willing to agree to anything you want."

The children wanted to save Kaila with all their hearts.

At this time, Long Zhan said.

"It's not impossible to save her, but you need to come back to my planet with me."

"Are you willing?"

Long Zhan wanted to take this opportunity to bring Kayla and the others, along with the entire Purple Extreme Battleship, to their Longyuan Star.

In fact, Long Zhan did this out of his own selfishness.

The children naturally didn't know what Long Zhan was thinking. When they heard that Kayla could be saved, they couldn't wait to agree.

"Okay, uncle! We'll go to your planet with you. You must save our sister Kayla."

In this way, Long Zhan returned to Longyuan Star with the entire Purple Extreme Battleship.


At this moment, in the Eternal Star Region.

Blue Mercury is flying fast.

On Blue Mercury, Ronin Shun is having a headache about finding news about his people.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, he suddenly received a message from Xu Yuan.

Xu Yuan, the commander of the Third Legion of the Primitive Alliance.

Before, Ronin Shun asked Xu Yuan to find the whereabouts of his people.

And Xu Yuan has never forgotten Ronin Shun's entrustment.

He had been asking his Harrier Army to look for news about the Ronin.

Just now, he got intelligence that the Ronin appeared on the battlefield at the edge of the Eternal Star Domain.

So, Xu Yuan immediately told Ronin Shun the news.

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