Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1309 Saving Ling Xiao

After receiving the news from Xu Yuan, Ronin Shun was shocked.

"Brother Xu Yuan, what did you say? Did you find my people?"

Ronin Shun is still the Shura God of War of the Primitive Alliance.

And Xu Yuan really regarded Ronin Shun as his brother, so he spared no effort to help Ronin Shun investigate the whereabouts of the Ronin.

Finally, hard work pays off. After such a long time of inquiry, they finally knew the whereabouts of the Ronin.

"Brother, I found your people, just at the edge of the Eternal Star Domain!"

"The Dragon People of my Primitive Alliance just saw your Ronin people not long ago."

"I will send you the location of Longyuan Star now."

Ronin Shun hurriedly thanked after hearing it.

"Thank you, brother, thank you!"

"I, Ronin Shun, will never forget your great kindness today, Brother Xu Yuan."

While speaking, Ronin Shun received the coordinates sent by Xu Yuan.

Xu Yuan said after hearing it.

"Brother, since you call me big brother, I should do all these things for you."

"Go, go and reunite with your people."

"Remember, tell me if you need anything."

"If it weren't for the urgency of the war and I couldn't get away from the front line, I would definitely go there in person and accompany you to find your people."

Xu Yuan is a very loyal person, and Ronin Shun was very moved after hearing this.

"No need, big brother, I understand your intention."

"Don't worry, when I find my people, I will definitely come back to keep my promise, help your original body alliance, and fight to the death."

Xu Yuan is so loyal, Ronin Shun will naturally not betray his promise.

After all, he is also a very loyal person.

"Okay, brother, go!"

When Ronin Shun heard Xu Yuan asked him to go, he couldn't wait to take Blue Water Star to Longyuan Star.

Ronin Shun told Yu Ji and the elders of the mermaid tribe about the specific situation.

And no one rejected Ronin Shun's proposal.

They are willing to help Ronin Shun find his people.

"Well, I will drive the planet, open the space channel, and go to Longyuan Star at full speed."

After the elder received the address from Ronin Shun, he immediately activated the most powerful ability of the Seven Stars Array, which is space teleportation.

The seven satellites around Blue Mercury began to rotate.

Soon, a space channel was forcibly opened.

The next second, the Seven Stars Array took Blue Mercury in and disappeared into the void.



The moment Blue Mercury disappeared, Li Mei and Qian Kun, who were chasing in secret not far away, were both stunned.

Li Mei left a soul mark on Ronin Shun and could feel Ronin Shun's presence.

And just now, she found that Ronin Shun suddenly disappeared in this star field.

But not long after, she sensed that Ronin Shun appeared again outside this starry sky.

"He teleported, did he find us?"

Li Mei couldn't help but say.

Qian Kun, who was standing aside, answered after hearing this.

"It shouldn't be. I have a feeling that Shun may have found news about our people."

"That's why he couldn't wait to teleport away."

It must be said that Qiankun's intuition is very strong.

He guessed why Ronin Shun couldn't wait to leave, because he found his people.

In this world, if there is anyone who wants to see his people more quickly than Ronin Shun, it must be Qiankun.

As the patriarch of the Ronin tribe, Qiankun failed to protect his people, so he blamed himself more than anyone else.

Now, there is only one boat of Ronin tribe members left.

These children are all the future of the Ronin tribe.

So Qiankun must find them no matter what. He must lead his people back to their former glory.

This is his unshirkable responsibility as the patriarch.

So, after sensing that Ronin Shun had left, Qiankun immediately asked Li Mei.

"Can we still find them now?"

"We have to go quickly. He must have found my people."

Qiankun asked impatiently.

Li Mei nodded in response after hearing this.

"I can sense that although they have teleported, the teleportation distance is not far."

"If we move at full speed now, we can catch up with them."

"Then let's go."

Qian Kun said nothing else, took Li Mei, and flew towards the place where Ronin Shun disappeared with full firepower.


At the same time, behind Qian Kun and the others.

Another team of people stopped.

"Why did Li Mei suddenly speed up? Did she find us?"

Mo Chi Chi sensed Li Mei who was moving.

As the incarnations of the Heavenly Dao, they can sense each other's existence.

However, Li Mei's mind is now on Qian Kun, so she didn't notice Mo Chi Chi.

However, Mo Chi Chi has been secretly paying attention to Li Mei and the others.

The reason why Mo Chi Chi chased Li Mei is that she must join forces with Li Mei to fight against the Heavenly Dao killer, Jealous Heaven, who is about to catch up.

Jealous Heaven likes to find the Heavenly Dao incarnations who are alone.

So now, Li Mei is relatively dangerous.

Mo Chi Chi must find Li Mei before Jealous Heaven.

"Crazy sister, what should we do now?"

"Sister Li Mei ran so fast, could it be that she didn't want to see us?"

"Did she decide to run away after sensing us?"

Hundun asked worriedly.

He has now decided to follow Mo Chichi to fight against the coming Heavenly Dao assassin.

Mo Chichi said after hearing this.

"I don't know, but whether she is willing to see us or not, we must catch up with her."

"Brother, you continue to contact Li Mei on the soul channel and tell her our intentions."

Mo Chichi has his own arrangements and plans.

She has been contacting Li Mei, but Li Mei has not responded to them so far.

"Let's chase!"

Mo Chichi had no choice but to take Hun Dun and continue to chase at full speed.


Mo Chichi didn't know that behind them, Jealous Heaven was already chasing at full speed.

This time, Jealous Heaven did not decide to attack the lone Heavenly Dao incarnation, his target was all Heavenly Dao incarnations.

After fusing the Doubt Heavenly King Strategy and the Anger Heavenly Void Madness, this guy completely swelled up.

First, he sealed Zhuo Bufan's second clone with the Wrath Soul Tower, and then he took Zhuo Bufan's second clone into the Eternal Star Domain.

Poor Zhuo Bufan's second clone, who didn't want to enter the Eternal Star Domain, was inexplicably brought in.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan's second clone was fighting with another self in the Wrath Soul Tower.

Both sides were almost identical in terms of movements, moves, abilities, and consumption.

This second clone really didn't know how to kill the clone in front of him and escape.

But he knew very well that if he didn't kill this clone, he would never be able to escape.

"Damn it! Who is that guy? He sealed me inexplicably."

"This Heavenly Dao artifact seems to be the Heavenly Dao artifact of the Anger of Heavenly Xu Kuang, but that guy is clearly not Xu Kuang."

"Most importantly, he still has the breath of Doubt of Heavenly King Strategy."

"Who is a man who possesses both Doubt of Heavenly King Strategy and Anger of Heavenly Xu Kuang?"

Zhuo Bufan just felt puzzled.

He believed that if there was no Wrathful Soul Tower, the other party might not be his opponent.

But this guy possessed the three great powers of the Heavenly Dao and possessed the three great artifacts of the Heavenly Dao. It must be said that Zhuo Bufan's second clone was also very troubled.

Now trapped in the Wrathful Soul Tower, the second clone did not have too many complaints.

It cannot be said that he was not as skilled as others, but that he was too careless.

He had just gained the power of the Chaos Lotus, so he was a little inflated.

But now the second clone also realized that even if he had gained the power of the Chaos Lotus, it would not be the strongest in this void.

The Eternal Heavenly Dao could crush him mercilessly,

and his first clone could be on par with him.

Now there is another Jealous Heaven, it's difficult to deal with!

"Come again!"

The second clone looked at his own mirror image in front of him, and the chaotic energy in his hand condensed into a sword, and the sword slashed away.

At the same time, the mirror image on the opposite side also made the same move.

Holding the divine sword condensed by the chaotic energy, he slashed at Zhuo Bufan.

The two sides fought again, and the fight was indisputable and earth-shaking.

At the same time, on the edge of the Eternal Star Region, on the Dragon Yuan Star.

Star Lord Long Zhan docked the only spaceship of the Ronin Clan, the Purple Extreme Battleship, in his own airport.

Afterwards, he asked his tribesmen to settle and take care of all the Ronin children.

And he himself, holding the unconscious Keira, entered his Dragon King Palace.

This Long Zhan really fell in love with Keira at first sight.

It's strange to say that this Long Zhan was originally a very discerning person.

After all, he is the patriarch of the Dragon Clan, and he is also the star lord of the Dragon Yuan Star.

Because of his high status, his vision is naturally high.

He doesn't look down on ordinary people at all.

However, he didn't expect that when he saw Keira for the first time, he was deeply attracted to her.

Just like Qiankun was obsessed with Meng Chanyi at the beginning.

Keira, who Qiankun didn't love, was irreplaceable in Long Zhan's eyes.

It can only be said that a lover sees beauty in everything, and everyone has their own fate.

And Long Zhan could feel that his fate had come.

So, Long Zhan would save Kaila at all costs.

And with Long Zhan's full support, Kaila would naturally no longer have to worry about her life.

Soon, under Long Zhan's strenuous treatment, Kaila slowly woke up.

Kaila, who woke up, shouted almost immediately.

"Ling Xiao!"

The name Ling Xiao blurted out, which shocked Long Zhan slightly.

He wondered if this Ling Xiao would be his rival in love.

"Girl, you're awake."

Long Zhan looked at Kaila with a smile on his face, but Kaila frowned deeply when she saw this.

"You, who are you?"

"Where is this?"

"Where are the children? Where are the children?"

The first time Kaila woke up, she found that she was not on the Ziji battleship, so she was a little flustered.

Especially when she didn't see the children, she was even more panicked.

Fortunately, Long Zhan quickly explained.

"Don't worry, girl. I will answer your questions one by one."

"I am Long Zhan, this is Long Yuan Star, and I am also the master of Long Yuan Star."

"As for the children you mentioned, they are all safe now. I have sent people to take good care of them."

"If you want to see them, I will arrange it for you now."

Kyla was very grateful when she learned that she was saved by the dragon man in front of her.

"Thank you for saving my life, can I see the children?"

What Kyla wanted to see most was the children.

After all, these children are the last hope of their Ronin tribe. In order to protect them, Kyla can risk her life.

After hearing this, Long Zhan replied.

"Okay, I will ask my men to bring the children now."

"As for you, you have just recovered, and you are still not energetic enough. You need to rest well."

"Don't worry, you are absolutely safe in our Longyuan Star."

Long Zhan is now trying his best to show himself, hoping to get the other party's recognition.

After hearing this, Kyla said.

"Thank you for saving my life, but I still have a tribesman who is now in danger of death. I must find him as soon as possible."

Kyla did not forget Ling Xiao. Now they can't lose any of their Ronin tribe.

What's more, Ling Xiao is Qiankun's apprentice, and he must protect his safety no matter what.

After hearing this, Long Zhan frowned and asked.

"Miss, are you talking about the person called Ling Xiao?"

Kaira responded immediately after hearing this.

"Yes, Ling Xiao, you have seen Ling Xiao, right?"

Kaira thought that Long Zhan had seen Ling Xiao, so she excitedly grabbed Long Zhan's hands.

Long Zhan was slightly startled at first, then he shook his head and smiled.

"Miss, don't be excited, I don't know the Ling Xiao you mentioned, but you kept calling his name when you were unconscious."

"Presumably, this Ling Xiao is also a very important person to you."

Long Zhan took the opportunity to investigate who Ling Xiao was.

After hearing this, Kaila replied.

"He is a member of my tribe and a very important relative of mine."

"If you know the whereabouts of my brother, please tell me."


When Long Zhan heard Kaila call Ling Xiao his brother, his eyes immediately lit up.

This is his brother-in-law! He first breathed a sigh of relief, then said with his head held high.

"Don't worry, girl. I will definitely help you find your brother."

"I will send out the scouts of the tribe to help you find him."

Long Zhan was very excited.

He thought that if he helped Kayla find her brother, she would be grateful to him.

At that time, he would be able to take his relationship with Kayla to a new level.

It was obvious that Long Zhan was completely attracted to Kayla and wanted to be with her.

At this time, the children entered the palace under the leadership of Long Zhan's men.

"Sister Kayla, you are awake, so good."

When they saw Kayla wake up, the children immediately surrounded her.

And Kayla was also moved after seeing the children.

"It's great, you are all fine, it's really great."

For Kayla, she now knows what her tribe means to her.

At the same time, she also understands her own significance.

Protecting her tribe is her most important mission.

Kayla hugged the children tightly together. From this moment on, Kayla became the true queen of the Ronin tribe.


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