Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1311 No One Can Be Missing

The Dragonmen, who were already confident of victory and were ready to wipe out the Milei tribe in one fell swoop, suddenly had a force of reinforcements at this critical moment.

That's right, the Milei tribe's reinforcements arrived, and they were the strongest Pastoral Army in the Pastoral Alliance.

As the strongest legion in the Pastoral Alliance, there are only a handful of legions that can rival it in the entire Eternal Star Domain.

And the Dragonmen Legion is definitely not one of them.

So, when Long Zhan saw the Pastoral Army, his face instantly became ugly.

"Damn, why are these guys here?"

Long Zhan was obviously a little surprised. He couldn't imagine why the Pastoral Army, which was located in the center of the Eternal Star Domain, would appear here.

And judging from the opponent's strength, it is likely to be the main force.

In other words, Long Zhan is now facing the main force of the Pastoral Army.

It can be said that the Dragonmen have no power to resist.

Now, they are facing a pincer attack from both sides.

There is the Milei tribe in front and the Pastoral Army in the back. Long Zhan didn't expect that he would be caught in a dilemma.

His proud heart just now turned into a mixed feeling.

"Damn it, we were fooled."

Long Zhan thought that they were trapped by the Mile tribe.

The Mile tribe had contacted the Mu Fa Army, a secret force, long ago.

They were waiting for him to appear, and then attack him from the front and back.

Now Long Zhan couldn't attack or retreat. The situation of being attacked from both sides left him with no way to retreat.

"Chief, what should we do now?"

The other dragon people looked at the chief Long Zhan, and they all looked embarrassed.

Everyone understood that they had no advantage now. And not only did they lose their advantage, but they fell into a very passive situation.

"Find a way to retreat, we are definitely not the opponent of the Mu Fa Army."

Long Zhan hadn't lost his mind yet, at least he understood that he was no match for the Mu Fa Army now.

The Mu Fa Army was well-trained, and all the warships were lined up in a row, and then a huge mystery magic ring was formed in front of each warship.

Seeing this scene, Long Zhan was stunned.

"Not good, prepare for defense."

Long Zhan shouted, and the sound of the soul penetrated the entire starry sky.

Then, the mystery rings of the herdsman army began to connect into a huge mystery gate.

The next second, a beam of light of the end was ejected in front of each warship.

The light instantly covered the entire starry sky, and then swept across the dragon army in front of them.

Bang bang bang bang bang.

Above the void, there were fireworks and lights everywhere. Long Zhan's dragon army was almost destroyed in an instant.

"It's over!"

Seeing this scene, Long Zhan's heart was instantly shocked. He knew he was finished.

"Retreat, retreat quickly!"

Long Zhan didn't have time to think about it, and immediately summoned everyone to retreat.

And he quickly returned to the Ziji battleship and returned to Kaila.

"Sister Kayla, I'm sorry! We were attacked from both sides by the enemy. I'm afraid it will be difficult to capture Mile Star now. Your brother may not be rescued for a while."

"But don't worry, I will definitely find a way to rescue your brother. The most urgent thing is that we must retreat first, and then I will rush to the allies of the Primarch Alliance to fight against this powerful enemy."

Long Zhan had to admit that they had encountered an unprecedented powerful enemy.

As one of the most powerful legions in the Eternal Star Domain, the Pastoral Army can be said to have no power to fight back.


At this time, the leader of the Mile tribe, Lyle, who was far above Mile Star, couldn't help laughing after seeing this sudden scene.

"Hahahaha, God really helps me!"

"I wanted to use secret weapons to destroy the Dragon People in one fell swoop."

"I didn't expect the reinforcements to arrive."

"In that case, there is no need to use my secret weapons."

From Lyle's mouth, we can understand.

Originally, he should have prepared secret weapons. So even if facing the powerful Dragon People, he still has the power to fight back.

Unexpectedly, now, the divine soldiers descended from the sky, and his allied army, the Mufa Army, arrived.

As a result, the dragon army was quickly defeated.

"Go and pursue the victory and completely destroy all the dragons."

Lyle issued an order to exterminate them.

For a time, the morale of all the warriors of the Mile tribe was high, and they began to pursue the retreating dragon army.

"Retreat quickly, quickly!"

Long Zhan turned into a golden dragon, forming a huge golden barrier, and began to protect everyone from retreating.

However, his power alone is limited after all.

Especially since his opponent is so powerful, he simply cannot save everyone.

In front of him, the Mile tribe was frantically killing like a mad dog, and behind him, the Mufa Army was horrible.

The dragon tribe suffered the biggest blow in history.

You know, for this expedition, Long Zhan recruited 80% of the dragons on Longyuan Star.

Now, Longyuan Star is full of old, weak, sick and disabled people.

Therefore, if the Dragon People cannot successfully evacuate this time, then there may be a crisis of extinction for the Dragon People.

Perhaps even Long Zhan did not expect that things would develop into such a difficult situation.

Originally, it was thought that attacking the Milei tribe was a piece of cake, but who would have thought that there would be a danger of extinction.

The Mufa tribe was more terrifying than imagined, and various terrifying mysteries began to bombard one after another.

Facing these terrifying mysteries, it can be said that the dragon tribe has no power to fight back and can only be passively beaten indefinitely.

Seeing that the dragon clan is getting weaker and weaker, if this continues, he will really be exterminated.

At this desperate moment, Mu Faxing's new offensive suddenly stopped.

Originally, Mufaxing had prepared an ultimate secret.

But it came to an abrupt end at the last moment.

Everyone was deeply surprised by this result.

Immediately afterwards, various sounds of wailing souls came from the Mufa Legion.

Something had obviously happened to the Mufa Legion, so that the whole chaotic void was filled with cries of death.


"What is it? What on earth is it?"

"Report to the command center, report to the command center! Unknown combat power appears in the Twelve Fleet. The entire fleet is destroyed, the entire fleet is destroyed."

"Report to the headquarters that unknown creatures also appeared in the Eighth Fleet. The entire fleet was destroyed. Please ask for support."

"Report to the headquarters that unknown creatures have appeared in the fifteenth fleet. Please support me. Please...ahhhh!"

Accompanied by bursts of miserable screams.

The Mufa Legion had obviously encountered something terrible.

Soon, only the explosion flames began to appear among the battleships of the Mufa Army.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

One by one, the battleships began to explode in the air, causing their intestines to pierce their stomachs.

The entire Mufa army had no idea what was happening. Only Long Zhan and the others standing in the distance could vaguely see them.

Among the battleships of the Mufa Army, there was a golden light that shuttled back and forth among the battleships.

His speed is very fast, like a bolt of lightning.

Wherever the lightning struck, a battleship exploded in the air.

Then the explosion caused a chain reaction, leaving Mufa's army with no time to escape, and the last pieces were destroyed in the void.

This sudden change caught everyone by surprise.

Not only Mu Fajun, but also Long Zhan and the others were completely unexpected.

"What's happening here?"

Long Zhan looked at the Mufa Legion that exploded like bright fireworks in front of him with a confused look on his face.

It can be said that the situation was completely reversed at once.

Mufa's army, which was originally at an absolute advantage, suddenly began to collapse.

Everything happened so dramatically.

Just like the previous situation between the Dragon Tribe and the Milai Tribe.

Originally, the Dragon Tribe had an absolute advantage and could take down the Milai Tribe in one fell swoop. As a result, a Mufa tribe came out halfway.

The emergence of the Mufa Clan completely defeated the Dragon Clan and almost caused them to be exterminated.

But now, things have changed.

Before the Mufa tribe had time to be happy, they were also in tragedy.

"That ray of light looks familiar. Could it be the legendary Shura God of War in our Primarch Alliance?"

After Long Zhan saw the golden light, he thought of one person, the Shura God of War of their original body alliance.

There is a Shura God of War in the Primarch Alliance. He transforms into light, shuttles among the enemy troops, and then kills the enemy without leaving any trace behind.

When Long Zhan saw the person in front of him, he immediately thought of the Shura God of War.

"It's reinforcements, reinforcements from our alliance have arrived."

Dragon War is exciting.

Because Shura God of War is a member of the Primarch Alliance, the appearance of Shura God of War means the arrival of reinforcements from their alliance.

Watching the Mufa army's warships explode one by one.

In just a moment, not even the dregs of Mu Fa's army were left. The entire void is filled with the ruins of Mu French warships.

After seeing it, Long Zhan was quite relieved.

"Well done! These smashes should teach them a lesson."

"As expected of the Shura God of War, he defeated all the enemy troops so easily."

Long Zhan looked at the golden divine light and sighed endlessly in his heart.

On the other side, among the Mu Fa army, some people began to get angry.

"who is it?"

"Which bastard is here to plot against our Mufa army?"

Dou Shi, the legion commander in charge of leading the team, was already furious.

Now, except for the command warship where he was, there was no one left in his Mufa army.

The commander-in-chief was left completely alone, and he was naturally howling with anger.

"Asshole, get out of here!"

Doushi was so angry that he gritted his teeth. At this moment, he saw an extremely bright blue planet in the starry sky not far away, flying towards the battlefield.

That blue planet is none other than Blue Mercury.

When Keira on the Ziji Battleship saw the flying Blue Mercury, she couldn't help but be stunned.

"Seven-star formation? Ronin star?"

Keira was shocked because the star in front of her looked exactly like her hometown.

Keira's hometown of Ronin has the most powerful seven-star array in the chaotic void.

Seven satellites surround the origin star and form a world of their own.

You must know that other stars revolve around the sun wheel to obtain all vital energy.

And if you want to gain life, it takes a lot of time to evolve.

But the Seven Star Formation is different. The most powerful thing about the Seven Star Formation is that it can form a powerful life system on its own.

In other words, the planet in the center of the seven-star array can form a star of life without the addition of other stars.

This is also the premise for the planet to be able to wander.

It can be said that in the entire chaotic void, only Ronin has such a spectacle.

Therefore, when Keira saw the blue planet, she mistakenly thought it was their Ronin planet.

"The Ronin Star, that's the Ronin Star!"

Kayla felt homesick.

However, when the planet got closer, Keira realized that it was not her home planet Ronin.

Because Ronin is an icy blue star, but the star in front of you is water blue.

There are obvious differences between the two sides.

And the most important thing is that Keira didn't feel the same kind of breath on that star.

The Ronin clan can sense each other.

Moreover, Keira did not forget that he watched the Ronin planet be destroyed with his own eyes.

In other words, it is impossible for Ronin to exist in this world.

"how so?"

"what is going on?"

Just when Keira was confused, she suddenly saw the golden light.

That golden light shuttled through the void, and his figure was so familiar.

When Keira saw the golden light, she couldn't help but think of something in her mind.

"That is? Shun?"

Keira suddenly thought of someone, Ronin Shun!

Ronin Shun is originally the sixth elder of the Ronin Star and the best brother of the clan leader Qiankun.

Naturally, Keira is also extremely familiar with Ronin Shun.

The Ronin is on the Ronin planet and is called the light of the instant. One is that he is as fast as light and can appear in places that others cannot reach in an instant.

Now, that familiar light appears before our eyes again, how can we not be excited?

"Shun, it's him, it's him, it's him!"

When Keira saw Ronin Shun for the first time, she couldn't help but cry out in excitement.

Perhaps feeling someone's call, the golden light suddenly stopped.

Then, only the golden light was seen, suddenly flying in the direction of Keira.

His speed was astonishingly fast, and he appeared in front of Keira almost instantly before Keira could react.

Immediately, Keira took a closer look and couldn't help but her eyes were wet.

"Really, really it's you!"

"Shun, is it really you?"

Kayla looked at the person who suddenly appeared in front of her, tears rolling in her eyes.

She never thought that there would be a time when she could see Shun again.

She thought Shun was dead, but she didn't expect Shun to be alive.

When Shun saw Keira, he was also extremely excited. Both sides were in almost the same mood.

"Keira! Great, I finally found you."

Keira was not the only one crying bitterly! Ronin Shun also had tears in his eyes.

It can be said that Ronin Shun went to great lengths to find them.

Now that I see my old friend again, I feel an indescribable excitement!

"Keira, I'm coming and you're coming!"

"Where are the kids? Are they okay?"

Ronin Shun came out of the sky to save Keira and the others in crisis. It can be said that the current Ronin Shun is a symbol of legend.

Keira nodded after listening to Ronin Shun's greeting.

"The children are all fine, but Ling Xiao was arrested."

"Ling Xiao?"

Ronin Shun naturally knew Ling Xiao.

Upon learning that Ling Xiao had been arrested, Ronin Shun was immediately furious.

"Who was caught? I'm going to rescue him now."

Long Zhan on the side said immediately after hearing this.

"Replying to Master Shura, Ling Xiao was captured by those bastards from the Milai clan, the star in front of him."

After hearing this, Ronin narrowed his eyes slightly.

Then he looked at Keira aside and said.

"Don't worry, I will definitely be able to rescue Ling Xiao."

"From now on, none of us Ronin clan can be missing."

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