Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1312 Becoming a Puppet [Subscribe]

Ronin Shun swore that he would never lose again. He would use his life to protect every member of the Ronin tribe.

After many hardships, he finally found Kaila and the others.

But he heard the news that Ling Xiao was captured. In a rage, Ronin Shun attacked Mile Star.

He turned into golden divine light again and became the Shura God of War. He only saw the warships of the Mile tribe being destroyed one by one in the starry sky.

Bang bang bang bang!

The exploding warships, like fireworks, lit up the dark void.

Seeing this scene, Long Zhan and others were dumbfounded.

He is worthy of being the strongest warrior in our alliance, golden divine light, Shura God of War, invincible!

Long Zhan believed that he could never be the opponent of Ronin Shun.

Shun was too strong, and the entire starry sky was his stage.

The dragon people had completely stopped fighting, and all watched Shun's performance.

Shun used his strength to tell them what absolute crushing was.

In the face of absolute strength, all resistance is futile!

Ronin Shun almost beat the entire Mile tribe alone. Until the end, there were no more Mile tribe warships in the void.

For a moment, the entire void was dead silent. Everyone stared at the situation in front of them in amazement.

As the second-in-command of the Ronin tribe, Ronin Shun's strength is simply terrifying.

Now people finally understand a sentence, that is, never provoke the Ronin people.

At this moment, perhaps the most confused person is the Mile tribe star lord Lyle.

Lyle watched his fellow tribesmen disappear one by one in front of him, and the degree of shock was beyond words.

At this time, a figure slowly emerged in front of Lyle.

"Give Ling Xiao back to me!"

Ronin Shun grabbed Lyle's throat.

The dignified star lord was twisted up by Ronin Shun like a little chicken.

Obviously, in front of Ronin Shun, Lyle had no power to resist.

This is the gap in strength, which is an absolute gap.

Ronin Shun was invincible in front of Lyle.

However, Lyle, who should have been afraid, had an intriguing smile in his eyes.

"Want to save your people? Okay, I'll give it to you! You have to catch it."

As he spoke, a beam of light suddenly shot out from the center of Lyle's eyebrows and shot at Ronin Shun.

Ronin Shun dodged at the first moment, and then he stared at the figure emerging from the light.

A person walked out from the brilliant light.

When Ronin Shun saw the other person, his eyes lit up.

"Ling Xiao?"

The person who suddenly walked out was Ling Xiao.

Ronin Shun also watched Ling Xiao grow up, and Ling Xiao was even half his apprentice.

In other words, Ronin Shun was also Ling Xiao's master.

Although he was not as good as Qiankun, Ling Xiao still occupied a very important position in Ronin Shun's heart.

So, when Ronin Shun saw Ling Xiao, he was overjoyed.

Then he quickly flew towards Ling Xiao, preparing to hug him.

However, at this moment, Ling Xiao suddenly attacked Ronin Shun.

Ling Xiao's attack was extremely fast, and Ronin Shun was not prepared at all.

Almost in an instant, a huge hole was pierced in Ronin Shun's chest.


Ronin Shun was also severely injured at that moment.

At the moment of being severely injured, Ronin Shun punched Ling Xiao's chest and blasted him away.

"You, you are not Ling Xiao?"

Ronin Shun instantly distanced himself from Ling Xiao.

Then, he looked at the person in front of him and found that there was no light in the other's eyes.

The whole person was like a walking corpse.

Ronin Shun looked at the person in front of him carefully, and he could be sure that the person in front of him was indeed Ling Xiao.

But, it was not the real Ling Xiao.

Because he was controlled!

Or, at this moment, Ling Xiao was made into a puppet!

"Damn it, I'm going to kill you!"

When Ronin Shun saw Ling Xiao being made into a puppet, he was furious, even with a hideous face, wishing to eat the guy in front of him alive.

However, just as Ronin Shun was about to rush towards Lyle, Ling Xiao suddenly appeared in front of Lyle, and then blocked Ronin Shun's attack with his body.

When Ronin Shun was about to touch Ling Xiao's head, Ronin Shun dodged to the side in an instant!

It is obvious that this Lyle not only made Ling Xiao into a puppet, but also used him as a shield.

As long as he is there, Ronin Shun and the others dare not kill him at all.

"Hahahaha! Come on, let me see your arrogant look!"

"Want to kill me? That depends on whether he agrees or not!"

This Lyle began to become fearless, because he could see that Ronin Shun did not dare to take any real action against Ling Xiao.

Ronin Shun became cautious because of his concerns.

But his opponent Ling Xiao was merciless and ruthless, and every move was meant to kill Shun.

"No, Shun will be killed by Ling Xiao if this goes on!"

Kyla, who was not far away, naturally saw this heart-wrenching scene.

Kyla naturally didn't want to see Ling Xiao and Shun killing each other.

So she rushed into the battlefield as soon as possible and stopped Shun, who was in a passive position.

"Shun, wait a minute!"

"He controls Ling Xiao, and if the fight continues like this, both sides will suffer."

"This man just wants to see us kill each other, and we can't let him get what he wants."

Keira stopped Ronin Shun in time.

Ronin saw this and said.

"Then what should we do now? This bastard turned Ling Xiao into a puppet. It's simply unforgivable!"

"I will cut him into pieces with a thousand knives and crush his bones into ashes!"

Ronin wanted to eat the other person alive at that moment.

However, Keira held Ronin Shun tightly and said.

"Let's retreat first!"

"What? Evacuate? What about Ling Xiao? Don't you want to save him?"

Ronin Shun obviously did not agree to retreat.

But Keira pulled him and left the battlefield without hesitation, flying back to their Ziji battleship.

Seeing Ronin Shun and the others running away, Lyle did not pursue them, but laughed.

"Hahahaha! Look at the way you are running away, you are so ugly!"

Lyle proudly laughed at the escaping Ronin Shun and Keira.

Although Ronin Shun was furious, Keira held him firmly to prevent him from messing around.

Finally, Ronin Shun returned to the Purple Ji Battleship at Keira's insistence.

"Why do you want me to retreat? Didn't you see that bastard turned Ling Xiao into a puppet?"

"If Qian Kun existed, he would definitely cut that bastard into pieces."

Ronin Shun said that he hated Qiankun.

But he would also say Qiankun's name unconsciously.

But after hearing this, Keira said.

"You are wrong. If Qiankun were here, he would retreat without hesitation."

"Why? Don't you want to save Ling Xiao?"

"We need to save him, but not now. We can't fight them now. Do you want to kill Ling Xiao?"

Keira knew that Ronin Shun was furious now, and no one could persuade this angry man.

Maybe if Qiankun is here, Ronin Shun can be comforted.

"Shun, calm down! I know you are angry now, and I am too."

"Do you think I will feel at ease when I see editor Ling like this?"

"But we can't mess around. As you can see, the other party has Ling Xiao completely in his hands."

"If you want to kill him, you must kill Ling Xiao first."

"So we have to find another way."

Keira is relatively calm. After all, after so many things, Keira is now much more mature than the ignorant girl she once was who only knew the love between her children.

After listening to Keira's explanation, Shun finally calmed down his restless heart.

"Phew! Sorry, I was too excited."

Shun let out a slow breath, then looked at Keira again and said.

"Then what are you going to do next?"

"This bastard made Ling Xiao into a puppet. We don't even know whether Ling Xiao is dead or alive now!"

Shun said as he began to repair the wound on his shoulder.

Keira saw this and said.

"I believe Ling Xiao must still be alive! But now we still can't act rashly!"

"Listen to me, I want to save Ling Xiao more than you do."

"But our top priority now is to find a way to release Ling Xiao's control."

After hearing this for a moment, Ronin frowned.

"Then what's your plan?"

Ronin Shun believed that Keira had persuaded him like this, so she must have some idea.

After hearing this, Keira shook her head.

"Actually, I don't have any plan, but I know a friend who may have an idea!"

"Friend? Who?"

After hearing this, Keira replied.

"It's the leader of the Dragon Tribe, Long Zhan!"

"The Dragon Tribe and the Milai Tribe have been enemies for generations. They must know each other very well."

"I'm going to invite the Dragon King to come over and discuss countermeasures."

After Keira finished speaking, she immediately went to find the Dragon King.

Soon, when Keira found Dragon King Long Zhan, Long Zhan answered almost without hesitation.

"Yes, of course I am willing to help you."

"If you have any requests, just tell me."

Long Zhan fell in love with Keira, and his thoughts were almost reflected on his face.

After hearing this, Kayla said.

"You know the Milai tribe. Do you know the weaknesses of the Milai tribe's puppetry?"

"Now Ling Xiao has been turned into a puppet by the other party's clan leader. The only ones who can save him are us, so I need your help!"

After listening to Keira's words, Long Zhan answered without hesitation.

"Don't worry, I will definitely help you rescue your brother."

"Regarding the Milei tribe, this race is actually just a despicable and shameless inferior race in this void."

"They rely on their strong mental power to control other beings and make them their own puppets."

"Before, this Milai tribe even refined a chaos beast into the ultimate puppet."

"So in terms of puppetry, I'm afraid there is no one more powerful than the Milei clan in the entire Eternal Star Territory."

"But don't worry, this Milai tribe's puppet technique is not unsolvable."

"In fact, the Milei tribe needs to rely on their own spiritual threads to control the puppets."

"The so-called spiritual line is an invisible energy line."

"This thread connects the puppet and the controller."

"If you can cut this thread, you will be able to free the puppet."

The Dragon Clan and the Mile Clan have fought countless times for generations.

As old enemies, they naturally understand each other.

The Dragon Clan leader, Long Zhan, knows the Mile Clan very well.

Now, in order to help the person he loves and the Shura God of War he admires, he naturally expresses his support unconditionally.

After listening to Long Zhan's explanation, Ronin Shun frowned and said.

"How can we find this spiritual line?"

Long Zhan continued.

"According to past experience, the controlling spiritual lines are usually on their heads."

"Because the Milai people have a well-developed brain, which is also the place with the strongest spiritual power. They rely on the spiritual lines released by the Tianling acupoint on the top of their heads to achieve the greatest degree of control."

"But some Milai people's spiritual lines are on the fingertips of their ten fingers!"

"They rely on the spiritual lines on their hands to control their puppets. This control method will be more conducive to combat."

"And from my experience, the chief of the Milai tribe, Lyle, should be the best at fingertip control!"

"So his spiritual lines are mostly on his fingers."

"In other words, as long as you cut off the spiritual lines on his fingertips, your people will automatically release the control."

Long Zhan told Kaila and Ronin Shun everything he knew.

Ronin Shun frowned after hearing it.

"Cut off the spiritual lines on the fingertips? It's better to kill him directly."

Since they have to cut off the opponent's fingers, wouldn't it be easy for Ronin Shun to kill Lyle?

But the difficulty now is that they can't get close to Lyle.

Lyle used Ling Xiao as a shield.

If they can't get close to him, how can they cut off his fingers?

Everything seems to have returned to the starting point.

"This is indeed a problem!"

"That's why I think that the guys of the Mile tribe are all despicable and shameless villains."

Long Zhan also complained viciously on the side.

"By the way, there is actually another way!"

"You can control the puppet first, and then kill Lyle while the puppet is controlled."

"As long as the controller dies, the puppet will naturally stop being controlled."

Long Zhan had an idea and thought of this method.

After hearing this, Kaila and Ronin Shun narrowed their eyes slightly.

"This method is feasible! But I'm afraid I need your help."

Ronin Shun looked at Kaila and Long Zhan.

Seeing this, Long Zhan said obligingly.

"I have no choice but to do it. If the Asura God of War has any request, just tell me."

Long Zhan was also very excited to fight side by side with Ronin Shun.

After listening to him, Ronin Shun began to deploy the plan.

"Just follow what you just said, first control Ling Xiao, and then kill that bastard."

"The task of killing that bastard is left to me, after all, I can kill him as quickly as possible."

"So, the task of controlling Ling Xiao may require the help of you two."

Ronin Shun looked at Kaila and Long Zhan and said.

After listening to him, Kaila nodded without hesitation.

"No problem, I will control Ling Xiao."

Long Zhan on the side was even more excited, he wanted to fight side by side with the goddess in his heart.

"Don't worry, sir, I will definitely protect Miss Kaila well."

After listening to him, Ronin Shun laughed and said.

"Just protect yourself!"

"Let's do it!"

"We don't have much time left. Once you control Ling Xiao, I will kill that bastard right away."

Ronin Shun said, and flew out of the Ziji warship with Kaila and Long Zhan.

The plan to save Ling Xiao was officially launched.


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