Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1324: Dragon Transformation [Recommended new book: Super God Demon Sealer]

After absorbing the power of the four sea kings under the Dragon Blood Shark Crocodile, Zhuo Bufan's first clone finally gained enough power to impact the ninth level.

He found a safe place and began to prepare for evolution.

The process of evolution is when Zhuo Bufan is the weakest.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan cannot be disturbed by the Ten Thousand Worlds.

However, Zhuo Bufan has long been targeted by the four overlords of the Divine Sea, and they are waiting to kill him together when he is ready to evolve.

Now, the entire Divine Sea is looking for Zhuo Bufan's evolution place.

After all, the entire sea clan is their eyes, so it is not easy for Zhuo Bufan to find a quiet place to evolve.

However, Zhuo Bufan is Zhuo Bufan after all. Your father is your father after all!

If there is no place to evolve, then make one yourself.

Zhuo Bufan is a fish, and digging holes is his strong point.

And in order to avoid the pursuit of the four overlords of the ocean, Zhuo Bufan even adopted the tactic of chasing dangerous places is the safest.

Zhuo Bufan actually dug his dormant place under the Dragon Palace of the North Sea Overlord Dragon Blood Shark Crocodile.

Obviously, no one expected that Zhuo Bufan's place of evolution was actually in the North Sea, right under the lair of the Dragon Blood Shark Crocodile.

The four ocean overlords used all their strength to look for Zhuo Bufan.

But they searched the entire Divine Sea and found nothing.

Perhaps, none of them expected that Zhuo Bufan had been hiding under their noses.

You know, the entire Divine Sea is the eyes of the four overlords, and Zhuo Bufan is such a big fish.

Where would such a behemoth hide?

The four overlords searched for three whole months, but found nothing.

Zhuo Bufan seemed to have evaporated from the face of the earth.

Until three months later, the Dragon Palace of the North Sea Overlord suddenly exploded!


That loud bang shook the entire North Sea. The sky above the North Sea was even more covered with thunderclouds.

A dark mass covered the entire sea surface.

The four deep-sea overlords gathered outside the North Sea, looking at the sky, thunder and lightning, and were horrified.

"What's going on?"

"Lord of the North Sea, why is there an evolutionary calamity cloud above your Dragon Palace?"

The four deep-sea overlords looked at the calamity cloud in the sky and were shocked.


Above the sky, thunder and lightning with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers are gathering.

From time to time, electric shocks will fall, bombing the Dragon Palace of the North Sea into pieces.

However, this has not really started yet, this is just the prelude to the thunder calamity.

"My Dragon Palace!"

The Dragon Blood Shark Crocodile, the overlord of the North Sea, let out a heart-wrenching wail.

If the heavenly calamity really falls, let alone his Dragon Palace, I'm afraid the entire North Sea will suffer a catastrophe.

"Not good, this is the ninth-level evolutionary thunder."

"It's that guy, he is going through the calamity in your Dragon Palace."

The Sky-turning Demon Dragon next to him saw this scene and immediately guessed that under the thunder calamity was Zhuo Bufan, the big fish.

Zhuo Bufan, who they had been looking for for three months but couldn't find, was actually under this Dragon Palace of the North Sea.

"How is it possible? How could that guy be in my Dragon Palace?"

The Dragon Blood Shark Crocodile couldn't believe it, because he didn't sense Zhuo Bufan's existence at all.

As a big fish about to evolve to the ninth level, how could Zhuo Bufan not sense anything at all?

However, Zhuo Bufan was hiding under his nose.

Seeing that Zhuo Bufan was about to start his ninth thunder tribulation, the four overlords present looked sideways and didn't dare to get close.

This is a thunder tribulation, a disaster of evolution. Once you get close, the consequences are unimaginable.

The most important thing is that they are all ninth-level beings now, and they are at a stage where they will attract their own thunder tribulation at any time.

Once they get too close to the thunder tribulation, they may attract their own thunder tribulation as well.

Therefore, the four overlords didn't dare to get close to Zhuo Bufan who was going through the tribulation.

They could only watch Zhuo Bufan, the big fish, go through the tribulation.

"Don't worry, after he passes the tribulation, he will be at his weakest!"

"Then we will kill him and cut him into pieces."

"With the combined strength of our four overlords, it will be easy to destroy him."

The four deep-sea overlords planned to wait until Zhuo Bufan passed the tribulation, and then kill him while he was sick.

This proposal was also agreed by all the overlords.

However, Zhuo Bufan also knew that after he passed the tribulation, he would be at his weakest.

The four overlords would definitely choose to take action at this time.

So Zhuo Bufan would not let these guys succeed.

So, just before the thunder tribulation was about to fall, Zhuo Bufan suddenly turned his head and swam towards the location of the four deep-sea overlords.

The thunderclouds above the sky began to float with Zhuo Bufan.

Obviously, Zhuo Bufan did not intend to let these guys reap the benefits, he wanted to drag them into this thunder tribulation.

Seeing the thunderclouds above the sky floating towards their direction, the four overlords immediately exploded.

"This bastard, why is he here?"

"Damn it, is he trying to attract his thunder tribulation?"

"Don't let him come, kill him for me."

Seeing that Zhuo Bufan was trying to attract his thunder tribulation, the four overlords got anxious on the spot.

They all used their own special moves and blasted towards Zhuo Bufan.

"Boom boom boom!"

Flying thunder, water bombs, and energy cannons blasted towards Zhuo Bufan.

However, Zhuo Bufan had no intention of stopping. He spotted the terrifying lightning disaster gathering above his head, and then he swam towards the four overlords regardless of his own safety.

"Let's play together!"

Zhuo Bufan arrived in front of them in an instant.

The next second, the terrifying thunderstorm in the sky suddenly fell.


A huge thunder beam with a diameter of a hundred meters fell from the thunder clouds overhead.

The next second, it landed just above the heads of the four overlords.

Immediately afterwards, this terrifying thunder of destruction simultaneously baptized all the deep-sea overlords, including Zhuo Bufan.

"Hahahaha! So happy, so happy!"

The thunderstorm struck Zhuo Bufan's body, but Zhuo Bufan didn't feel much pain.

On the contrary, there is an indescribable feeling of pleasure.

At the same time, the four deep-sea overlords were all suffering.

"Asshole, this damn guy."

"I can't do it anymore, I can't suppress my thunder tribulation anymore."

"No, I can't do it either. I'm not ready to survive the tribulation yet!"

"This little beast, he wants to kill us all."

Zhuo Bufan never expected that the thunder catastrophe he brought would unexpectedly trigger the thunder catastrophes of the other four deep sea overlords.

You know, the four deep sea overlords are all ninth-level evolvers.

They are only one step away from the tenth-level Dragon God.

The thunder tribulation that evolves from the ninth level to the tenth level is called the dragon transformation tribulation!

This catastrophe is not simple, its power will be geometrically times stronger than the previous nine evolutionary thunder tribulations.

So far, no ninth-level evolver has been able to withstand the catastrophe of dragon transformation.

They were all destroyed by the Dragon Transformation Catastrophe.

It can be said that the Dragon Transformation Tribulation is the most terrifying and dangerous.

In fact, the four deep-sea overlords have already had the potential to transform into dragons.

But they have been suppressing their own power to prevent their dragon transformation from coming.

After all, after ten thousand years of practice, no one wants to let ten thousand years of hard work be wiped out in an instant.

Therefore, basically no deep sea overlord is willing to try this Dragon Transformation Tribulation.

This is also the reason why there are four overlords in this divine sea.

Because for them, as long as they survive the dragon transformation and become a divine dragon, they can rule the entire divine sea.

But they didn't dare to try to transform into a dragon.

Once it fails, it will be wiped out.

The four deep-sea overlords all agreed that it was enough for them to reach the ninth level, and there was no need to challenge the disaster of being transformed into a dragon after a narrow escape.

Therefore, the four deep sea overlords have all been tacitly suppressing their respective cultivations and suppressing the appearance of their own dragon transformations.

However, the Dragon Transformation Tribulation that they had suppressed for hundreds of years was completely ignited by Zhuo Bufan's ninth level Thunder Tribulation.

It can be said that Zhuo Bufan's ninth-level thunder tribulation was a fuse.

Specially responsible for igniting the Dragon Transformation Tribulation of the other four overlords.

Suddenly, more and more terrifying thunderclouds began to gather in the sky.

Soon, the entire sea was covered by dark thunderclouds.

This time, the thunderclouds can be said to have covered two-thirds of the Divine Sea World.

All the creatures in the entire Divine Sea World were trembling under this thundercloud.

Of course, the most feared ones are undoubtedly the four deep sea overlords.

They no longer cared about Zhuo Bufan's existence at this time, because they were too busy taking care of themselves.

Zhuo Bufan was also stunned after seeing the dragon transformation disaster of the four deep sea overlords.

"I'm going to choke this guy, I'm afraid he's going to destroy the world!"

The four major dragon transformation tribulations appeared at the same time. This has never happened in the entire history of the Divine Sea World.

This means that there are four opportunities to become dragons.

If you are lucky, four dragons will appear.

The appearance of the four divine dragons is also an honor for the entire Shenhai world.

However, the premise is that the four of them can survive the dragon transformation.

Dragon Transformation Tribulation, Dragon Transformation Tribulation.

Success leads to dragon, failure leads to death!

Once it fails, it will be wiped out.

This world will lack four ninth-level deep-sea overlords.

At this moment, the four deep sea overlords were simply wailing.

None of them were prepared, and they didn't expect that their dragon transformation would come just like this.

"Damn it! I don't want to die yet."

"There is no other way but to fight hard."

"If you succeed, you will be a dragon. If you fail, you will die! I want to transform into a dragon."

"Become a dragon, I want to be a dragon too."

They have all come to this point, and the four deep-sea overlords have no way out now.

They have only one choice, and that is to transform into a dragon.

As long as you can transform into a dragon, everything will be worth it.

Above the sky, five thunderclouds that destroyed the heaven and earth were gathering.

Among them, the thundercloud in the middle is the smallest.

Outside it are four extremely powerful thunderclouds.

The smallest one is naturally Zhuo Bufan's Ninth Thunder Tribulation.

Zhuo Bufan's Ninth Thunder Tribulation was originally shocking enough, but in the face of the Dragon Transformation Tribulation of the four major overlords, it was simply insignificant and not worth mentioning at all.

"Guys, my thunder tribulation is coming! I'll go first. I wish you good luck."

Zhuo Bufan laughed wildly as he watched his lightning disaster coming.

Compared to the Dragon Transformation Tribulation of the Four Overlords, his Ninth Thunder Tribulation was obviously much easier.

So when he saw his thunder tribulation coming, Zhuo Bufan jumped up without hesitation, flew up, and took the initiative to meet his thunder tribulation.


Zhuo Bufan's thunder tribulation light column fell on him, giving his skin a layer of golden light.

And Zhuo Bufan's originally bloated body, under this thunder tribulation, actually began to slowly transform.

First, his body began to stretch and slowly approached the dragon shape.

Secondly, he grew dragon feet, which was more and more like a dragon.

This thunder tribulation is not only a tribulation, but also a baptism.

Under such a baptism, Zhuo Bufan obviously began to have the tendency to turn into a dragon.

However, compared with the real dragon tribulation, Zhuo Bufan's tribulation is really not worth mentioning.

The four dragon tribulations made Zhuo Bufan see what a real thunder tribulation is.

The dragon tribulation is no longer just a thunder tribulation. It is not just thunder and lightning, but a golden dragon.

That's right, the dragon tribulation descended, a dragon.

This is actually the soul of the Dragon God.

Only by bearing the life of the Dragon God Soul can one be considered a Dragon God and truly transformed into a dragon.


Above the sky, in the thundercloud where the four dragon transformation disasters are located, a golden dragon soul slowly appears.

The huge dragon head poked out of the thundercloud layer and then overlooked the sea.

Above the sea, hundreds of millions of creatures saw this scene and couldn't help but be fascinated.

"It's the Dragon God, it's the Dragon God!"

The creatures looked at the Dragon God Soul poking out of the dragon head above the sky with admiration.

However, the four overlords looked at the Dragon God Soul, but their hearts trembled.

They didn't even dare to look directly into the eyes of the Dragon God.

In fact, when they didn't dare to look directly into the eyes of the Dragon God, they had already failed.

Since they want to transform into a dragon, they must have the arrogance to soar to the sky and the domineering spirit of becoming a Dragon God.

Therefore, they didn't dare to look directly into the eyes of the Dragon God Soul, and they were already weaker.

Sure enough, the next second, the Dragon Tribulation fell from the sky.


Four golden dragon souls flew down from the sky towards the four overlords.

Accompanied by earth-shaking roars and the wailing of the four overlords.


The next second, four golden dragon souls drilled into the bodies of the four overlords.

Then, amidst waves of heart-wrenching wails, the bodies of the four deep-sea overlords began to tear apart.

Until the end, they could not withstand the power of the dragon souls, exploded on the spot, and turned into ashes.

For a moment, endless golden light enveloped the entire ocean.

The four deep-sea overlords were finished.

Under the dragon souls, they could not even withstand a second, and then turned into dust in an instant.

This scene shocked Zhuo Bufan.

He did not expect that the dragon transformation calamity would be so difficult, and the four overlords died in an instant.

"Fortunately, I'm only at the ninth thunder tribulation."

"It seems that I must be fully prepared before I can face the dragon tribulation."

Zhuo Bufan looked at the experiences of the four deep-sea overlords and felt a little scared.

He secretly decided that he must be fully prepared for his own dragon tribulation.

However, just when Zhuo Bufan thought that everything was over.

Suddenly, the thunderclouds above his head began to gather.

The golden light above the sea was absorbed into the sky.

The original five thundercloud vortexes gathered together and formed the most powerful thundercloud vortex in history.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned when he saw this scene.

"What's going on? I just passed the ninth tribulation!"

"Could it be that my dragon tribulation is coming?"

Zhuo Bufan never expected that he had just said that he must be fully prepared before turning into a dragon.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, his dragon tribulation came.

He was unprepared for this!


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