Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1325: Ghost World [New Book Recommendations Requested]

Zhuo Bufan used his ninth thunder tribulation to bring about their respective dragon tribulations for the four overlords of the Divine Sea.

He used the dragon tribulation to kill all of the four overlords.

This result was not expected by Zhuo Bufan himself.

He originally thought that it would only cause trouble to the four overlords, but he didn't know that the dragon tribulation directly destroyed the four overlords.

Originally, this was the best result for Zhuo Bufan.

However, Zhuo Bufan didn't have time to be happy.

As a result, his dragon tribulation also followed.

The power of the four dragon tribulations was too strong. After killing the four overlords.

The energy of the four overlords was all leaked between heaven and earth.

After Zhuo Bufan accidentally absorbed this energy, he triggered his own dragon tribulation.

In other words, Zhuo Bufan had just survived his ninth heavenly tribulation, but he didn't expect the final heavenly tribulation to come again.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom!

Above the sky, the divine thunder covered the entire Divine Sea.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the increasing number of thunderclouds accumulating in the sky, and he knew that he was doomed this time.

The divine thunder will not be merciful to him.

"It seems that I can't escape!"

Zhuo Bufan knew very well that he could not escape this catastrophe.

The dragon transformation catastrophe has appeared. He must either transform into a dragon or die.

After all, Zhuo Bufan has endured countless bombardments in the tree world, and his soul has long become extremely powerful.

Therefore, facing the dragon transformation catastrophe, he is actually very confident.

To survive the catastrophe, self-confidence is particularly important.

Without the confidence of transforming into a dragon and the awareness of risking one's life, it is impossible to successfully survive the catastrophe.

So for Zhuo Bufan, the dragon transformation catastrophe in front of him is not a dead end.

On the contrary, he is very confident that he can survive this catastrophe.

"Come on!"

Zhuo Bufan swung his powerful dragon tail and looked at the chaotic sky.

At this time, above the sky, a huge golden dragon head slowly poked out of the dark clouds.

Zhuo Bufan, who saw this scene, was inwardly daunted.

But his facial expression was fearless in the face of danger.

Roar, roar, roar!

Above the sky, the dragon soul let out a roar that shocked the world.

This is the dragon's might, this is the domineering attitude that shakes the world.

All the creatures who heard this roar bowed their heads and were convinced by it.

However, Zhuo Bufan did not kowtow at all.

On the contrary, he looked at the golden dragon soul above the sky and laughed triumphantly.

"Are you demonstrating to me? Who is afraid of who?"


Facing the dragon's might of the golden dragon soul, Zhuo Bufan was not afraid at all, but instead shouted at the golden dragon.

In terms of roar, Zhuo Bufan may not be as earth-shattering as the golden dragon soul.

But Zhuo Bufan's momentum was not inferior to that of the golden dragon.

"Come on! Let me see how powerful your dragon transformation is."

Zhuo Bufan roared again.

This time, he even jumped up and flew to the sky.

He actually took the initiative to fly towards the golden dragon soul.

For a moment, between heaven and earth, only a dragon body was seen, flying towards the huge golden dragon head above the sky under the thunder.

Ang ang ang ang!

Suddenly, the golden dragon circled its huge body and blasted towards Zhuo Bufan.

The world was still and everything was quiet!

It was as if a worm flew towards a giant python.

Zhuo Bufan's body seemed so small under the figure of the golden dragon soul.

It can be said that no one could be optimistic about Zhuo Bufan.

Many creatures on the sea saw this scene and thought that Zhuo Bufan was doomed to die. He was trying to kill himself by hitting a rock with an egg.

Even the four overlords could not stop the dragon soul from turning into a dragon disaster.

How could Zhuo Bufan resist this terrifying blow?

Boom boom boom boom boom!

In the end, the terrifying dragon disaster fell on Zhuo Bufan's head.

The two sides finally collided.

Then, a thousand-foot-long light shone throughout the world.

All living beings were blinded at that moment. Their eyes were too greedy and they were unwilling to close their eyes. They could only endure endless pain.

After the infinite light, the world was dead silent.

The thunderclouds above the sky were still rolling in the air, but there was no thunder.

Because all the thunder and lightning were carried by the dragon god soul just now and bombarded Zhuo Bufan.

It can be said that Zhuo Bufan endured a stronger heavenly tribulation than the four overlords.

Such a strong heavenly tribulation, even if the four overlords united, it would be impossible to survive.

It can be said that Zhuo Bufan is almost certain to die.

However, just when all living beings thought that Zhuo Bufan was dead.

Suddenly, a golden light was projected from the thunderclouds above the sky and projected onto the sea surface.

The next second, from under the sea, a thousand-foot-long golden dragon flew out from the sea surface with a shocking dragon roar.


In the golden holy light projected from the sky, a dragon appeared.

Zhuo Bufan, who was doomed to die, turned into a dragon.

At that moment, countless creatures in the entire Shenhai world shouted.

The luster of the dragon covered the entire world.

All the lives illuminated by this holy light were instantly evolved.

Zhuo Bufan turned into a dragon, and the whole world celebrated.

Looking at the figure of the dragon soaring in the sky above the sky.

This moment will become an unforgettable miracle for the entire world of Shenhai.

Perhaps, the one who feels the most incredible should be Zhuo Bufan himself.

Zhuo Bufan himself never dreamed that he really succeeded, really succeeded in overcoming the tribulation and successfully transformed into a dragon.

He didn't even know how he survived the tribulation of transforming into a dragon.

He only remembered that after the golden dragon soul landed on him, an extremely huge energy seemed to want to tear his body apart.

Zhuo Bufan's soul also began to collapse under the tearing of that power.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan persisted to the end.

In the end, he found that he had turned into a dragon.

With the power of the dragon god, he immediately illuminated the world.

Zhuo Bufan flew over the Shenhai, overlooking the entire Shenhai.

For a time, he fell into endless nostalgia.

He also deeply remembered that when he first came to this world, he was just a little red fish.

Who would have thought that this little red fish would be able to transform into a dragon one day.

This is incredible even for the knowledgeable Zhuo Bufan.

This is his life as a fish. His life is full of legends.

Just like when he was in the tree world, he grew from a small sapling to a towering tree.

Whether it is the life of a tree or the life of a fish. Zhuo Bufan has a very deep understanding of this.

"This is the so-called reincarnation!"

"The so-called reincarnation is to start from the beginning and yearn for the peak."

"I have no regrets in my life as a fish."

Zhuo Bufan finally sighed.

He turned from a fish into a dragon. No one would have any regrets in such a life.

Just as Zhuo Bufan was sighing, a ray of light suddenly shone on Zhuo Bufan's giant dragon body.

Soon, Zhuo Bufan's soul began to be pulled out of the dragon's body.

"Is it over? My life as a fish?"

Seeing this familiar scene, Zhuo Bufan began to feel a little regretful.

He knew that the trial of his life as a fish was over.

But for some reason, he was still reluctant to leave. He missed his life as a fish.

Such a life, unfettered and truly free, was the life he had always dreamed of!

But dreams would eventually wake up.

Zhuo Bufan was undergoing the test of the Samsara Tower. The life of a fish was just a short life for him.

When Zhuo Bufan opened his eyes again, he found himself back in the Samsara Tower.

The second Samsara column on his left was lit up by the light.

Zhuo Bufan looked around and found that he had already lit up two Samsara columns.

Zhuo Bufan successfully completed the test in both the tree world and the fish world.

"Oh, what a wonderful life!"

"If I can in my next life, I really want to be a heartless fish."

Although Zhuo Bufan had returned to the Samsara Tower, he still missed his life as a fish.

Time was in a hurry, and he obviously could not return to the Divine Sea World.

He even had no time to miss his life as a fish.

Because, at this time, the third reincarnation pillar was slowly lit up.

Then, a beam of light was projected onto Zhuo Bufan.

Before Zhuo Bufan could come to his senses, he disappeared into the reincarnation tower again in the next second.

The third reincarnation world belonging to Zhuo Bufan was opened again.

When Zhuo Bufan opened his eyes again, he suddenly found that it was pitch black around him and he couldn't see anything clearly.

"Is it dark? What kind of a hell is this place?"

After going through the tree world and the fish world, Zhuo Bufan obviously became calmer.

He lowered his head and looked at his hands and feet at the first time.

"Human arms, human feet! Am I finally not an animal or a plant this time?"

"Does this mean that I have to reincarnate as a human being this time?"

Zhuo Bufan was puzzled.

Because he was originally a human being, he didn't need to reincarnate as a human being.

But now, his body has indeed become a human being.

Just when Zhuo Bufan thought that he could finally be a good person.

Suddenly, a glowing passage appeared in front of him.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan walked towards the glowing passage.

When he reached the end, he found himself in a court.

Before Zhuo Bufan could react, a bull-headed man and a horse-faced man suddenly rushed out from behind him, and they pressed Zhuo Bufan up.

"Who is in the court?"

In the court, there was a black-faced Yama King glaring, and his expression was chilling.

Zhuo Bufan the assassin could not move. In the reincarnation world, he could not use any of his own power.

In other words, he is now the weakest existence.

Facing the questioning of the black-faced Yama King, Zhuo Bufan had no choice but to answer helplessly.

"I am Zhuo Bufan, may I ask where this place is?"

Zhuo Bufan needs to figure out his current situation as quickly as possible.

The black-faced Yama King shouted when he heard it.

"This is the underworld!"

"Yin Gongce, come out."

The black-faced Yama King shouted, and a huge book appeared in the air.

Then he shouted at the book.

"Zhuo Bufan!"

He called out Zhuo Bufan's name, and soon the book began to turn.

After flipping through it for a while, it finally stopped on one page.

That page contained Zhuo Bufan's life achievements.

The black-faced King of Hell looked at the information recorded on the Yin Gongce, then looked at Zhuo Bufan and said.

"Zhuo Bufan! Take your yin tricks!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a ray of light flew out from the book and fell in front of Zhuo Bufan's eyes.

The light turned into a page with some strange things listed on it.

"Zhuo Bufan, this is a yin strategy! What is recorded above is what you need to fulfill your wish to gain merit."

"As long as you fulfill this ethical wish, you can be reincarnated. Do you understand?"

"If you fail to complete it, you will forever become a wandering little devil in this underworld!"

Zhuo Bufan was shocked after hearing what the black-faced King of Hell said.

"Little ghost? Could it be that I have become a ghost now?"

Only then did Zhuo Bufan realize that his reincarnation this time was actually a ghost.

In other words, Zhuo Bufan will spend his life from the perspective of a ghost.

"I didn't expect to be reincarnated as a ghost. This is so funny."

Zhuo Bufan thought he could finally be an upright human being for once.

Na knew that in the end he was still not a human being, but a ghost.

"Nu-headed horse-faced, take him down!"

After the black-faced King of Hell finished speaking, suddenly the bull-headed horse-faced man behind him came forward and took him down.

Finally, Zhuo Bufan was taken away from the Yama Hall.

After leaving Yama Luodian, Zhuo Bufan found that Yin Gongce had been following him.

The things listed on that piece of paper became what Zhuo Bufan had to do next.

Zhuo Bufan glanced at what was recorded on the Yin Gong policy and couldn't help but laugh.

"What the hell is all this?"

"Help a dying man fulfill his wish!"

"Let a wicked man die an untimely death and do justice for God!"

"Help others offer a letter of remembrance!"

"Guard a baby until he dies."

Zhuo Bufan looked at these terms and conditions and felt dizzy.

To put it bluntly, this Yin Gong strategy is to use the identity of a ghost to help living people fulfill some wishes and complete the tasks assigned above.

As long as Zhuo Bufan completes these tasks, he can enter reincarnation.

"It seems that if I want to complete the reincarnation trial this time, I can only do it as mentioned above."

"It's just that the mission above is really weird."

Although it was strange, Zhuo Bufan had no choice.

If he doesn't do this, he will never leave this world.

As his third reincarnation world, Zhuo Bufan must persevere no matter what.

In order to master the law of reincarnation, Zhuo Bufan must complete all reincarnation trials.

In this regard, Zhuo Bufan was obviously extremely serious.

Ever since, he began to travel around the world as a kid to complete his yin-related tasks.

In order to complete the reincarnation trial, he began to work hard to complete the task. Just so that one day, I can leave this weird ghost world as soon as possible.

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