Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1326: Death Wish [Subscribe]

Above the night sky, the moon is high and the stars are twinkling.

Under the night sky, the lights of thousands of houses are shining.

Zhuo Bufan floated in the air, looking at the small town with dim lights below.

This town is the first small town he encountered after leaving Senluo Palace.

In the small town, there is singing and dancing, and it is peaceful. Zhuo Bufan seems a little bored.

In fact, Zhuo Bufan has not recovered from his previous fish incarnation.

He still misses his stormy moments in the fish world. After all, his life in that world is too wonderful, it can be said to be wonderful.

There is passion, excitement, thrills, and happiness.

After turning into a dragon, Zhuo Bufan became the unique god of that world.

It's a pity that he didn't have time to enjoy the beauty of being a dragon, and was sent back from that world.

Now, Zhuo Bufan reincarnates again and becomes a lonely ghost.

"Alas, the road of reincarnation is really long and difficult!"

"There are eighteen reincarnation worlds, and I don't know how many sad fates are waiting for me."

Zhuo Bufan actually felt a little emotional.

Because now he has only experienced the test of two reincarnation worlds.

Now, the test of the third world is coming, and Zhuo Bufan is beginning to get a little tired.

You know, there are still fifteen worlds waiting for him.

So, Zhuo Bufan is actually beginning to get a little numb, and even wants to back down.

However, when he thought of his other clone, Zhuo Bufan once again mustered up his fighting spirit.

"Damn it, a little clone also wants to turn over and become the master?"

"If I don't knock him down, then I'm dead?"

Zhuo Bufan's first clone was obviously unwilling to admit defeat.

He also wanted to be the master of two clones.

So he must comprehend the law of reincarnation and master the power of reincarnation.

Moreover, Zhuo Bufan believed that once he mastered the power of reincarnation, it would be easier for him to find the Lord of Time.

To put it bluntly, everything Zhuo Bufan is doing now is to find the Lord of Time in the future.

He doesn't know how much time he has left, but he knows that his time is definitely running out.

"Lord of Samsara, I must become the Lord of Samsara."

Zhuo Bufan made up his mind secretly.

So he called out his long page of Yin Gong Ce.

Then he looked at the first task.

"Help the dying person and fulfill his wish!"

"Dying person, wish?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the first task and muttered to himself.

He is now a little ghost and needs to complete the tasks on the Yin Gong Ce before he can enter the reincarnation.

Zhuo Bufan took a look at his Yin Gong Ce and found that there were a total of one hundred tasks.

Each task is very strange.

Of course, the first task is okay, just helping a dying person complete the task.

However, Zhuo Bufan immediately realized that the wish of a dying person is generally to continue living?

A person who is about to die, he naturally doesn't want to die.

His wish is to be able to continue living.

If this is such an injustice, how should Zhuo Bufan be satisfied?

You know, he is just a little ghost now, without any strength, let alone extending the life of others.

"It seems that I need to carefully select the mission target."

Zhuo Bufan said, and then he jumped into the small town below.

Because he was a little ghost, he could only float in the air.

He began to look for a suitable target on the street.

"Dying people, where are dying people?"

First of all, this first condition is very difficult to find.

After all, dying people are not easy to find.

In such a small town with a population of less than 10,000, it is impossible for people to die every day.

But Zhuo Bufan is still looking for it all over the city.

In the next few days, Zhuo Bufan persevered in looking for his mission target.

He targeted bedridden people, because the mortality rate of seriously ill people is generally high.

Finally, he targeted an octogenarian old woman.

The old woman was lying alone on the sickbed, without the company and care of her children.

Occasionally, only neighbors would come to see her.

Zhuo Bufan could feel that she didn't have much time left and might die at any time.

Such a goal was exactly what Zhuo Bufan needed.

However, Zhuo Bufan didn't know the old woman's wish before she died, which made him a little speechless.

If he didn't know the old woman's wish before she died, how could he complete the task?

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan had to find her wish before she died.

However, Zhuo Bufan was a ghost now, and it was impossible for the little ghost to communicate directly with people.

This was the most difficult part of the task, because he couldn't communicate with people freely, so it was not easy to know the other party's wish.

"It's over, if you don't think of a way, she will die."

"It's so hard to find a dying person."

"If you can't even complete the first task, then there are so many tasks behind, what should you do?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that the task on the Yin Gong Ce would be so difficult to complete.

But no matter how difficult it is, it must be completed.

"By the way, I think I can possess some small animals, maybe I can give it a try."

"It's a good thing she has a dog."

Zhuo Bufan noticed that this mother-in-law has a big black dog.

Over the years, it has always been this big black dog that has been with her.

Because she has no children, this big black dog seems to be her only relative.

And Zhuo Bufan just happens to have the ability to possess, but with his current ability, he can only possess animals.

Because human souls are too strong, he cannot possess.

"Give it a try, maybe I can make her say something from her heart."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he possessed the big black dog beside the bed.

Soon, the big black dog lying on the ground suddenly brightened up and stood up.


Zhuo Bufan watched himself successfully possess the big black dog, and he became excited.

"Alas, I didn't expect to become a beast again."

Zhuo Bufan remembered the life when he turned into a fish.

Fortunately, he didn't turn into a dog in this life, otherwise it would be a tragedy.

"Next, it's time to listen to her inner thoughts."

After Zhuo Bufan possessed the big black dog, he jumped onto the old woman's bed.

At this time, the old woman slowly opened her eyes and looked at the big black dog in front of her.

She stretched out her trembling right hand weakly, and then stroked Zhuo Bufan's dog head.

"Wangcai! Grandma, I'm afraid I can't hold on for much longer."

As the old woman spoke, she held Zhuo Bufan's dog head in her arms.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan remained calm, because he knew that the old woman should be telling her heart.

When a person is about to die, his words are good.

Before a person dies, he will want to find someone to confide in.

Zhuo Bufan believed that she must have her unfulfilled wishes.

So he lay quietly in the old woman's arms, quietly listening to her wishes.

At this time, the old woman began to slowly talk about some past events.

"I still remember when I first met you, you were just a little puppy!"

"You were bullied by a group of little bastards in front of my house."

"They put you in the river and almost drowned you."

"It was I who stopped those bastards with a drink and saved your life!"

"After that, you stayed in my house wholeheartedly."

"My family is poor and we can't even eat enough."

"But you didn't despise me and stayed by my side all the time, never leaving me."

The old woman became more and more excited as she spoke, and even her spirits improved a lot.

She simply sat up from the bed, then picked up the big black dog in her arms and continued.

"I still remember that when you entered my house for the third year, our house was robbed!"

"In order to protect me, you fought with the evil thief and finally had one leg broken by him."

As the old woman spoke, she touched the big black dog's right leg behind.

Zhuo Bufan then realized that the leg was indeed not sensitive, and it turned out that it had been broken long ago.

"Grandma is really in pain!"

"I'm sorry, Wangcai, it's really wronged for you to follow grandma."

"Grandma is almost dying now. What are you going to do now that grandma is gone?"

"The daughter-in-law of the Zhang family next door is a good person. Grandma wanted to send you to her house to raise you. But her family has three children and they can hardly make ends meet. She will definitely not raise you anymore."

"Grandma can't let go of her worries if she gives you to someone else!"

"Hey, hey, hey!"

The old woman sighed repeatedly.

The big black dog in her arms was enlightened after hearing this.

"So that's it. The old woman's wish before she died was to settle this big black dog?"

"It seems that the old woman also has deep feelings for this big black dog!"

Zhuo Bufan finally knew the old woman's wish before she died.

Now all he needs to do is help her fulfill this wish.

And at this moment, the old woman suddenly put the big black dog down.

Then she struggled to get up from the bed.

"What is she going to do?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the old woman's behavior and was a little puzzled.

After all, it would be better for her to lie down now.

If she got up and moved, she might not be able to do it.

At this time, the old woman took out a small paper bag from under her pillow.

Then, she hunched over and slowly walked into the kitchen and got a bowl of water.

Zhuo Bufan followed her all the time, wanting to see what she was going to do.

At this time, he suddenly discovered that the old woman actually opened the small paper bag, and then shook out some white powder from it and blended it into the bowl of water.

Then, she held the bowl of water and placed it in front of the big black dog that Zhuo Bufan was possessed by.

Zhuo Bufan, who saw this scene, reacted immediately.

"Oh my god, this old woman is going to poison me! Oh no, she is going to poison this big black dog."

Zhuo Bufan is not a fool. He can see at a glance that the white powder must be poison.

The old woman didn't want to trouble her neighbors, so she planned to die with the big black dog.

"This is murder!"

Zhuo Bufan wanted to fight for the dog's right to survive.

He couldn't be buried with the old woman just because she was going to die!

So Zhuo Bufan turned his head and ran away.

The old woman saw this and quickly chased after him with a bowl of water.

"Wangcai, don't run! Come and drink the sugar water."

"Don't you like sugar water the most? Come and drink it!"

The old woman couldn't catch up with the big black dog, so she had to lie to him that it was sugar water.

Zhuo Bufan looked at her coldly after hearing this.

"You call poison sugar water, you old woman, you are so bad!"

"You want to kill me, oh no, you want to kill the dog, no way."

Zhuo Bufan opened his throat and started barking.

"Woof woof woof, woof woof woof, woof woof woof woof woof!"

He seemed to be shouting.

"Murder, murder, the old woman is going to kill me!"

In the end, the old woman still couldn't catch up with the lame black dog.

She had to hold the water bowl and sat on the ground.

At this time, a woman suddenly ran in from outside the courtyard.

The woman was holding a three-year-old baby in her hand.

She heard Wangcai's cry and thought that the old woman was in trouble, so she couldn't wait to run over with the baby she was feeding.

"Mother-in-law, are you okay? I heard your dog barking, and I thought..."

The woman who suddenly ran in was the good daughter-in-law next door that the mother-in-law mentioned.

After hearing this, the mother-in-law smiled and said.

"It's okay, mother-in-law is strong!"

"Why is Wangcai barking?" the good daughter-in-law next door asked.

After hearing this, the mother-in-law sighed and said.

"Hey, this little beast, mother-in-law fed him sugar water, but he refused to drink it!!"

"That's why he kept barking!"

At this time, the good daughter-in-law next door saw the bowl of water in the mother-in-law's hand and frowned slightly.

And the child in her hand stretched out his hand and shouted with great joy.

"Sugar water, I want to drink, I want to drink!"

Seeing the child running towards her, the mother-in-law quickly took the bowl back.

"No, child, you can't drink this!"

That's not sugar water, it's poison.

The old woman naturally can't harm the child.

At this time, the smart daughter-in-law next door said.

"Mother-in-law, that's not sugar water, it's poison!"

She seemed to see at a glance that the mother-in-law didn't want to feed the big black dog with sugar water.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan hurriedly called out to the clever daughter-in-law next door twice.

It seemed to be saying, "You guessed right, the old woman wants to murder me."

After being exposed by the daughter-in-law next door, the old woman helplessly put down the bowl of water in her hand and sighed.

"Alas, mother-in-law has no choice. If not, what should it do when mother-in-law is gone!"

"Mother-in-law doesn't want it to wander around again and be bullied by others."

The mother-in-law wiped away her tears of grievance and said.

After hearing this, the daughter-in-law next door sighed helplessly and said.

"Alas, mother-in-law, why are you doing this?"

Zhuo Bufan, who saw this scene, knew that his chance had come.

As long as this clever daughter-in-law next door took the big black dog at this time, the old woman's wish would be fulfilled.

So, Zhuo Bufan shamelessly began to rub the legs of the good daughter-in-law and wailed.

The daughter-in-law next door looked at the pitiful appearance of the big black dog, and her heart softened, and then she said.

"Let's do this, mother-in-law, let me take care of Wangcai."

"Don't worry, I will never treat it badly!"

"As long as I have a bite of food, there will be a bite of it."

When the old woman heard this, tears burst out.


"Really, mother-in-law, don't you believe me?"

"Of course I believe, I believe you. Thank you, thank you Lingling!"

The mother-in-law didn't expect that the good daughter-in-law next door would eventually agree to take care of the big black dog.

In order to reassure the mother-in-law, the daughter-in-law next door took the big black dog to his house that day.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan also found that the first task on his Yin Gong Ce disappeared.

Then, the next day, the mother-in-law suddenly lost her temper and passed away.

The family of the good daughter-in-law next door helped the mother-in-law to deal with the funeral.

On the day of the funeral, Zhuo Bufan was also there.

However, he arrived at the scene in the form of a little ghost.

On the day of the mother-in-law's funeral, the big black dog cried, and cried very sadly.

That night, the family of the good daughter-in-law next door found that the big black dog was missing while having dinner.

They searched the old house of the mother-in-law, but could not find it.

In the end, they found the body of the big black dog in front of the mother-in-law's grave.

The big black dog couldn't leave the mother-in-law after all. On the day of the mother-in-law's death, it didn't plan to continue living.

When seeing the body of the big black dog, for some reason, Zhuo Bufan felt very uncomfortable.

That was a feeling that a little ghost shouldn't have.

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