Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1328 Death of Ao Lai [Subscribe]

Now, Zhuo Bufan's two clones are working hard for their own future.

The first clone is undergoing trials in the Samsara Tower in order to master the law of reincarnation.

Now that the reincarnation trials of two worlds have been completed, he is undergoing the test of reincarnation in the third world, the ghost world.

As for the second clone, he is repairing Mo Chichi's Tiandao artifact. He wants to rely on Mo Chichi's power to merge the first clone.

In short, the two clones will definitely have a life-and-death battle in the future.

When that day comes, it will probably be another earth-shattering battle.

After all, the two clones are now unwilling to admit each other, and neither is willing to recognize the other.

So both sides are also working hard for their own autonomy.

They even put the task of finding the Lord of Time behind them.

They must deal with the troubles in front of them.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan actually has an invisible trouble that he has not noticed yet.

This trouble is the eighth clone of Tiandao, Jealous Heaven.

Zhuo Bufan's second clone has seen the strength of Jealous Heaven.

Although Jealous Heaven used the Heavenly Dao artifact to trap Zhuo Bufan, it is undeniable that Jealous Heaven has the power that is not weaker than Zhuo Bufan's second clone.

Jealous Heaven is now equivalent to the strength of three Heavenly Dao incarnations.

He can integrate the power of other Heavenly Dao incarnations to strengthen himself.

When he integrates all Heavenly Dao incarnations, Jealous Heaven will become more powerful than ever before.

Zhuo Bufan may face the most severe test in history at that time.

Zhuo Bufan has not yet regarded Jealous Heaven as an opponent, or he has not yet fully noticed the dangerous existence of Jealous Heaven.

After all, Jealous Heaven's main task now is to hunt down the Heavenly Dao incarnation.

This is actually good news for Zhuo Bufan.

After all, he is tired of these Heavenly Dao clones.

So now Zhuo Bufan and Jealous Heaven have the same interests and are not mortal enemies.

However, once Jealous Heaven integrates all Heavenly Dao clones, his next goal will be to hunt down Zhuo Bufan.

After all, Jealous Heaven has two tasks at the beginning.

Merge all the Heavenly Dao clones, and then kill Zhuo Bufan.

This is the purpose of his pursuit from the Daluo Heavenly Dao out of the Chaos Void.

However, Zhuo Bufan's current task is only the trouble of his clones, and he has not yet paid attention to this Jealous Heaven.

Jealous Heaven has been secretly accumulating his own strength.

Outside the Eternal Star Domain, Jealous Heaven merged the two clones that were cut off by Mo Chichi, and once again embarked on the journey to find the Heavenly Dao clone.

Jealous Heaven has the ability given by the Daluo Heavenly Dao, which can be immune to the Heavenly Dao abilities of other Heavenly Dao incarnations.

So Mo Chichi's separation knife can't actually cause fatal damage to him, at most it brings him some trouble.

After Jealous Heaven merged the two clones again, it took some time to restore his vision to its peak.

"It seems that now is not the time to hunt down Mo Chichi."

"Zhuo Bufan is next to Mo Chichi, and there are two troubles, Li Mei and Hun Dun. They have begun to form a group, which is indeed a bit troublesome for me."

"Fortunately, there are still two guys wandering outside, Ao Zhitian Ba ​​Tu and Hen Zhitian Aolai."

"I can kill these two guys first, and then hunt down Mo Chichi and the others."

"Wait until I merge the power of Ba Tu and Aolai, and then deal with the five of them, and I will have a better chance of winning."

Jun Zhitian is good at calculations and can be regarded as a scheming person.

After fighting with Mo Chichi and the others, he realized the insufficiency of his current ability.

So he decided to lie dormant for a while, and then look for a single incarnation of the Heavenly Dao to start with.

Jun Zhitian took out the magic weapon that Daluo Tiandao gave him to find the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao.

Jun Zhitian looked at the red dot of life on the compass and couldn't help showing a smug smile.

"Hahahaha, the formation master has been searching for it for a long time, but now he has found it without any effort. Mo Chichi, you really helped me a lot."

Jealous Heaven obviously found something on the compass, so he put down the compass and rushed to the target location.


Speaking of this incarnation of the Heaven who acted alone, we have to mention Hateful Heaven Aolai.

Hateful Heaven Aolai suddenly separated from Proud Heaven Tyrant while chasing Zhuo Bu.

Because Aolai obviously realized that Jealous Heaven was a terrifying existence.

He didn't want to get involved in Zhuo Bufan's pursuit anymore. He just wanted to hide and avoid this disaster.

However, some people can't hide just because they want to, and some disasters can't be avoided just because they want to.

Although Hateful Heaven Aolai tried his best to escape, there were some destiny that he couldn't escape.

Jealous Heaven was blessed by the Heaven in the dark.

And the Heaven's clone had long lost the protection of the Heaven and could only be manipulated by the Heaven.

Just like this Hateful Heaven Aolai, who tried his best to escape, but Mo Chichi's separation knife sent him the person he least wanted to see.

That's right, Mo Chichi's separation knife happened to send Jealous Heaven to Aolai's vicinity.

Just like last time, Mo Chichi's separation knife also sent Jealous Heaven to Xu Kuang's side.

Because Mo Chichi's separation knife is a divine weapon of the Heavenly Dao after all, it is affected by the power of the Heavenly Dao.

So, Mo Chichi used the separation knife twice, and both times helped Jealous Heaven find the Heavenly Dao incarnation to get rid of singleness.

Ao Lai tried his best to escape, but he just happened to run into Jealous Sky who had recovered to his peak.


There was a blast in the sky, and Ao Lai looked back and saw a black-armored war god coming to kill him.

The other party didn't waste words, and the moment they met, they used their killing skills.

Ao Lai turned into a dragon, twisted his body, and dodged the fatal blow.

Then Ao Lai spit out dragon balls, and countless hateful spirits rushed towards Jealous Sky.

Unexpectedly, Jealous Sky was blocked by these countless hateful spirits.

Seeing this, Ao Lai did not dare to be careless.

After all, his hateful spirits could not kill the other party, but could only stop the other party from coming.

"Who is coming? Dare to attack me?"

At this point, Ao Lai had actually guessed the other party's identity in his heart.

But he still couldn't believe it.

How could he not escape the other party's pursuit when he ran away so desperately?

Jealous Sky on the opposite side said coldly after hearing this.

"Don't you already have the answer in your heart?"

"Aolai, the Heaven of Hate, I'm here to take your life."

The Heaven of Jealousy shouted angrily, and countless zeroing knives flew out from behind him, killing all the hateful spirits.

Then the flying knife in the hand of the Heaven of Jealousy took Ao Lai's life.

Seeing this, Ao Lai spit out the dragon ball and hit the Heaven of Jealousy.

Ding Ding Ding!

The dragon ball and the zeroing knife fought together.

Both are artifacts of the Heavenly Dao. Although there is a gap between the two sides, it is not a crushing victory.

So Aolai's dragon ball can temporarily resist the zeroing knife.

But it is impossible to completely block the zeroing knife.

"The Heaven of Jealousy, why are you chasing me?"

Ao Lai no longer asked about the other party's origin. The other party was so murderous that it was clear that he was specifically chasing the Heaven of Jealousy, the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao.

The Heaven of Jealousy smiled after hearing this.

"Naive Hate Heaven, do I need a reason to kill you?"

"You rubbish, you disappoint Daluotian so much."

"I can't even kill a little Zhuo Bufan, what's the point of keeping you?"

"So Daluotian gave me the authority to kill you, and then merge your power to become the only incarnation of the Heavenly Dao."

Jealous Heaven mocked Ao Lai.

When Ao Lai heard it, his heart shuddered.

"The only incarnation of the Heavenly Dao? You have such a big ambition."

"Ambition? What's the point?"

"I want to be the number one person under the Heavenly Dao, and as for you guys, there is no need to exist."

"Anyway, you are just failures of Daluotian. Instead of wasting power on you, it's better to give all the power to me."

"So you can die peacefully and merge all your power with me."

Jealous Heaven did not hide his ambition.

He just wanted to be the number one person under the Heavenly Dao, so he was willing to be possessed by the will of the Heavenly Dao and become the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao.

"You are really delusional."

"Do you think I will really surrender?"

After that, Ao Lai swallowed the dragon ball in one gulp, and then the whole body began to burn with surging energy.

His whole body suddenly grew larger, and the bones in his body began to grow, and then turned into armor, covering them.

His claws were covered with a layer of powerful energy.

"Dragon clan tyrant body! It seems that you want to fight to the death."

Seeing Ao Lai fully armed, Jealous Heaven knew that Ao Lai was going to fight to the death.

After hearing this, Ao Lai laughed.

"You also know my dragon clan tyrant body! Using this move, my ability will increase a hundred times. But after using this move, I will either die or be disabled!"

"So I will never activate the tyrant body unless it is absolutely necessary."

"But since you are forcing me, don't blame me for fighting to the death."

"Even if I die, I won't let you feel good. I will drag you to die with me."

After Ao Lai finished, he suddenly opened the mouth of a giant dragon, and then roared at Jealous Heaven.


At that moment, a terrifying energy gushed out of his mouth.

Then, the firepower instantly covered the entire void in front of him.


The entire firepower covered Jealousy Heaven like a rotten wood.

Jealousy Heaven could only defend under the coverage of the terrifying firepower.

Fortunately, Jealousy Heaven's strength was better, and it was not difficult to resist Aolai's firepower coverage.

However, Aolai, who had fully opened the hegemony, obviously had more than just this ability.

Speed, strength, power and other aspects were improved by hundreds of times.


He instantly appeared in front of Jealousy Heaven, and then hit Jealousy Heaven heavily with a dragon's tail.

This move was enough to instantly explode a star, and if it was someone else, it might be destroyed on the spot.

Jealousy Heaven just relied on his strong strength and defense to withstand this move.

But he was also severely hit by Aolai, causing his soul to almost leave his body.

Of course, this is not over yet.

Ao Lai, the Hateful Sky, did not give Jealous Sky a chance to react.

He appeared above his head again in an instant. When Jealous Sky reacted and looked up, he was greeted by Ao Lai's terrifying dragon breath.


The rays that could instantly disintegrate bombarded Jealous Sky.

Jealous Sky's body actually showed signs of disintegration under that terrifying energy.


Jealous Sky saw this and shouted angrily. Then, the Zero Blade in his hand flew towards his head.

Zeroing knife was blocked by Ao Lai's disintegration ray.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Instead, there was another beating.

Unexpectedly, this Jealous Heaven was suppressed by Ao Lai.

After Ao Lai went berserk, he indeed had the strength to surpass Ao Zhitian Ba ​​Tu.

Obviously, every incarnation of the Heavenly Dao has his own hidden ability.

With the determination to die, they all have infinite fighting power.

Seeing that he was about to be defeated by Ao Lai, Jealous Heaven finally went crazy.

"You are looking for death!"

Jealous Heaven suddenly went berserk, his body instantly turned into a ghost, and disappeared in front of Ao Lai.

Then, he seemed to have completely disappeared, and even his soul lost its sense.

Ao Lai floated in the void, trying to sense Jealous Heaven's existence, but he couldn't find him at all.


Ao Lai said with a dazed look.

Ao Lai thought Jealous Heaven had escaped, but at this moment, a bunch of flying knives suddenly appeared in the air.

Seeing this scene, Ao Lai couldn't help but frown slightly.

Jealousy Heaven disappeared, but his Heavenly Dao artifact Zeroing Blade did not disappear.

The next second, these Zeroing Blades began to attack Ao Lai.

Swish, swish, swish, swish!

The Zeroing Blade attacked Ao Lai frantically.

At the beginning, Ao Lai could still use his strong defense to resist the killing intent of Jealousy Heaven's Zeroing Blade.

But as time went on, he began to feel a little exhausted.

From time to time, he was taken advantage of by a Zeroing Blade and a hideous wound was cut on his body.

Puff, puff, puff!

Soon, Jealousy Heaven's power was completely released.

More and more Zeroing Blades, like a group of ants besieging a giant python. ,

Under the continuous attack of these ants, even a powerful giant python can only struggle to death in the end.

Yes, although Ao Lai has increased his strength to the limit.

But now he has no goal to fight.

What awaits him is only a slow march towards destruction.

Because the Zero Blade of Jealousy is not an ordinary Heavenly Dao artifact.

Even if a wound is cut by the Zero Blade, death is waiting.

You should know that Mo Chichi was almost killed by the Zero Blade.

But now, Ao Lai has been slashed countless times.

Without Zhuo Bufan's Heaven Repairing Technique to save him, it can be said that he is doomed to die.

Seeing that the bone armor outside his body began to break, Ao Lai closed his eyes silently.

A strong sense of fatigue swept over.

Ao Lai suddenly felt so tired, and an indescribable feeling of boredom made him physically and mentally exhausted.

He knew that he was going to die.

Before he died, he remembered himself before he became the incarnation of Heaven.

Before he became the incarnation of Heaven, he was just an ordinary little blue dragon of the dragon clan.

However, after a catastrophe that wiped out his clan, he was completely blinded by hatred.

Until the end, he became a gathering body of hatred, which absorbed the power of all hatred in the world.

Daluotian took a fancy to the power of hatred in him, so he possessed his will of hatred in him.

From then on, Ao Lai, the Heaven of Hate, was born.

"My life has been blinded by hatred! Ridiculous!"

After Ao Lai finished speaking, his body exploded and turned into ashes.


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