Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1329 Re-searching for Mengchanyi [Subscribe]

Ao Lai, the Tian of Hatred, is dead. Even with the determination to defeat the enemy to the death, he still cannot defeat the eighth clone of the Tian of Envy.

Jealousy Zhitian is indeed the most powerful clone created by Da Luotian, and there is no doubt about his strength.

Now, Jealousy has absorbed Ao Lai's power, and he has become even more powerful.

However, Jealousy Zhitian encountered a little trouble on the way to absorbing the power of Ao Lai Tiandao.

Tian Aolai of Hatred is the aggregate of all hatred, and it represents the hatred of Heaven.

Therefore, Ao Lai absorbed countless hatreds throughout his life.

He is the Lord of Hatred, and there are countless resentful spirits hidden in his Dragon Balls.

These resentful spirits died with hatred.

Therefore, these resentful spirits have a lot of resentment, and these resentments make it difficult for Jealousy to bear.

Jealousy felt countless wronged souls wailing, roaring, and roaring in his soul.

This feeling made him feel irritable.

After all, he is not Ao Lai, the god of hatred. He does not have the capacity to bear all the hatred in the world like Ao Lai.

He was not a person of hatred, so he only felt bored by the wails of these resentful spirits.

And what this boredom brought about was that jealousy felt extremely angry.

Anger is the power of anger.

Xukuang is an angry person, and anger is his unique power.

Jealousy Zhitian has not mastered the power of anger at all, so this power gradually makes him feel lost.

Lost myself, lost my direction.

Eating too much messy food will cause diarrhea.

It was obvious that Jealousy Zhitian had absorbed too much power from the incarnation of Heavenly Dao and was unable to adapt to this power for a while, so he began to feel the backlash.

Jealousy Zhitian also realized the serious consequences of this, so he did not dare to continue his hunting plan.

He must take time to settle himself so that he can fully master all the power of heaven as soon as possible.

Therefore, jealousy fell silent, and he began to retreat, waiting to come out again.

Because of the need to integrate the power of heaven, Jealousy had to remain silent for a period of time.

Obviously, this was also a chance to breathe for Mo Chichi and the others.

After all, facing the vicious pursuit of Jealousy, they had already felt great pressure.

Now that Jealousy Heaven is in retreat, they can also take the opportunity to start strengthening themselves.

Of course, Mo Chichi and the others obviously already knew about the death of Tian Aolai.

After they learned the news, they did feel a little regretful.

Of course, no matter how much you feel sorry, it won't help. All they have to do now is to become even stronger when Jealousy Sky appears again.

Assassin Mo Chichu stayed with Zhuo Bufan's second clone.

Zhuo Bufan took advantage of the time he spent repairing the separation knife for Mo ChiChi, and slowly got to know Mo ChiChi.

Mo Chichi is not a person born and raised, she is actually a human being.

Mo Chichi was originally just an ordinary mortal, but because of his curious nature, he was also very talented.

Therefore, Mo Chichi has been proficient in playing chess, calligraphy, painting, tea art and martial arts since childhood.

Moreover, Mo Chichi is a person who has absolute infatuation and absolute sincerity towards everything.

She treats things with sincerity and is absolutely infatuated, even to the point of being as infatuated as a demon.

Later, because Mo Chichi was burdened by her own infatuation, she began to have schizophrenia and finally went crazy.

The once infatuated and talented girl has become a crazy woman.

Such a blow was unbearable for Mo Chichi. In the end, she chose death.

However, Mo ChiChi never expected that her infatuation would attract the attention of Da Luo Tian Tiandao.

It just so happened that Da Luotian also had his own obsessions.

So it separated its own obsession and merged it into Mo ChiChi's body.

Ever since, the Heaven of Crazy was born.

Mo Chichi transformed from an ordinary woman to the incarnation of heaven, possessing absolute power.

After gaining the power of obsession, Mo ChiChi can finally let go and do whatever he wants.

She divided herself into thousands of clones.

Each clone specializes in one thing.

Everything in the world has become the object of her research.

Only love was something Mo Chichi never dared to try.

However, Mo Chi Chi has to pass the test of love and infatuation. She also didn't expect that by chance, she would fall in love with Zhuo Bufan. And it’s still her true body.

Although now Mo Chichi also knows that it is because of his obsession that he has delusional thoughts about Zhuo Bufan.

But when she saw Zhuo Bufan, her heart was still restless.

Zhuo Bufan felt a little emotional after hearing Mo Chichi's story.

"I see, I didn't expect you to have such a past."

"It seems that the Heavenly Dao clones also have their own stories!"

Zhuo Bufan learned from Mo Chichi that most of the clones of Heaven were actually born from the fusion of Heaven's emotions and ordinary people.

Of course, except for the first Heavenly Dao clone Chaos.

Chaos is the only clone created entirely by Daluo Tiandao. Unfortunately, it was a failure.

"Don't worry, I will protect you."

Zhuo Bufan promised Mo Chichi that he would protect her safety and prevent her from being pursued by the Tiandao killer Jealousy.

The last time Zhuo Bufan was careless, he was trapped in the Raging Soul Tower.

If he really fights alone, Jealousy Zhitian will definitely not be Zhuo Bufan's opponent.

After all, Zhuo Bufan now has mastered the terrifying power of chaos.

The power of Chaos can neutralize the power of others.

This is actually very similar to Jealousy's Gui Ling Dao. However, the power of chaos is obviously superior.

After hearing this, Mo Chichi said with gratitude.

"Thank you, but this is a battle between our heavenly clones, so we will not rely on your power."

"But don't worry, I will definitely live well. I still have to make your two clones merge into one."

Mo ChiChi did not dare to have too much contact with Zhuo Bufan, otherwise she was afraid that her infatuation would happen again.

If the infatuation happens again, she may really be unable to extricate herself.

Soon, Zhuo Bufan repaired Mo Chichi's separation knife.

After the separation knife has been repaired, it is time to separate.

Mo ChiChi wants to enter the Eternal Star Territory to find Li Mei and the others.

It is impossible for Zhuo Bufan to enter the Eternal Star Territory.

Once he enters it, Eternal Heaven will hunt him down.

Therefore, for Zhuo Bufan now, this Eternal Star Territory is undoubtedly a dangerous place.

Because he could not enter the Eternal Star Territory, Zhuo Bufan would not be able to travel with Mo Chichi.

"I'm leaving!"

After Mo Chichi took the repaired separation knife from Zhuo Bufan, she prepared to leave.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan said yes.

"Okay, be careful on the road. Don't forget the jade token I gave you. You must use it when you encounter danger."

After Mo Chichi listened, he reached out and touched the jade plaque given by Zhuo Bufan in his arms.

"I know, take care!"

After Mo Chichi finished speaking, he entered the Eternal Star Territory.

Only Zhuo Bufan was left, standing there blankly. After knowing that he couldn't sense Mo Chichi's soul energy at all, he turned around and left.

However, where should Zhuo Bufan go now?

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan's first clone is undergoing trials in the Reincarnation Tower.

However, his second clone could only stay in the void aimlessly.

Zhuo Bufan didn't know where he should go next. To be honest, he was very confused.

After all, the current situation is that he is temporarily unable to improve himself.

But the first clone is still getting stronger.

As the second clone, he can sense that the first clone is getting stronger.

And it still became very powerful, surpassing him.

The one-year appointment is coming soon, and I am afraid that I will have to become the prisoner of the first clone and bow to him.

"No, I am who I am, and I cannot be erased."

The second clone now has a complete personality.

He is now equivalent to Zhuo Bufan, not to mention he has obtained Luo Tian's Heart in his first life.

It can be said that he must not die.

"In this case, we can only find the Lord of Time before him, and then gain the approval of the Lord of Time."

The second clone realizes that it may not be a match for the first clone.

Therefore, he planned to change his approach and gain control over his body.

That is to find the Lord of Time and let the Lord of Time merge him with the previous two lives as soon as possible.

In this way, he will be truly extraordinary and will no longer be subject to any restrictions.

"I wonder if Fairy Chanyi is okay!"

"Little Nightmare, take me to the space-time rift where Fairy Chanyi disappeared."

Zhuo Bufan summoned the long-lost little nightmare.

All he can think about now is to find Meng Chanyi first.

In order to escort Zhuo Bufan, Meng Chanyi was swallowed up by a mysterious whirlpool in the rift of time and space.

According to Meng Chanyi and Time and Space Nightmare Dragon, the mysterious vortex is a shortcut to the world of reincarnation.

Meng Chanyi may have arrived in the world of reincarnation.

If this is the case, Zhuo Bufan should also be able to use this shortcut to reach the world of reincarnation.

"Boy, you finally remembered that I am here."

"Uncle, I'm going to die from suffocation in your little world."

"Your little world is full of beings as weak as ants. Is that really okay?"

During the time when Xiao Xiang disappeared, Zhuo Bufan actually put him into his own world similar to the earth.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan has some restrictions on him and will not let him run amok in his own world.

From the perspective of Time and Space Nightmare Dragon, the humans in Zhuo Bufan's world are indeed very weak, and can even be said to be ants.

He didn't understand why Zhuo Bufan raised so many ants.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan smiled.

"If you underestimate the fate of human beings, they will die miserably."

"Back then, I was just an ant in your mouth."

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, the energy of chaos released from his body, and Little Nightmare couldn't help but tremble.

"What a powerful force, boy, you have become stronger. And much stronger.

Xiao Xiang didn't know that Zhuo Bufan had obtained the energy of chaos, so he had no idea about Zhuo Bufan's sudden strength.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan said.

"This is the power of the ants in your mouth now."

"Believe me, they will become the overlords of this void in the future."

Zhuo Bufan has great confidence in human beings.

After all, he originally came from this world.

After listening to Zhuo Bufan's words, Xiao Xiang asked no more questions or questioned him again.

"By the way, you just said you were going to find that little girl! Isn't she dead?"

Little Nightmare asked.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan replied.

"I believe she is still alive. It is impossible for Dream Fairy to die."

Meng Chanyi has a more powerful sky-repairing technique than Zhuo Bufan, so she can never die.

The question now is whether Meng Chanyi has gone to the reincarnation world.

If she really went to the reincarnation world, then Zhuo Bufan might also be able to go to the reincarnation world.

When the time comes, the two sides will meet again in the reincarnation world, and Zhuo Bufan is looking forward to the arrival of this day.

Xiaoyan said no more, and took Zhuo Bufan to find the space-time crack where Mo Chichi disappeared before.

However, the space-time crack is erratic and will often change its position.

So even Xiaoyan can't locate the space-time crack where Meng Chanyi disappeared for a while.

It's still there, with Zhuo Bufan's help.

Under the strengthening of Zhuo Bufan's chaotic energy, the perception ability of the space-time nightmare dragon has been strengthened.

Soon, Xiaoyan finally sensed the space-time crack again.

"I found it."

Xiaoyan excitedly took Zhuo Bufan to the direction of the space-time crack.

Soon, they came to the vicinity of the space-time crack they were looking for.

Coming to this space-time crack again, Zhuo Bufan was no longer as scared as before.

After all, Zhuo Bufan was too weak before, and crossing the space-time crack often involves life-threatening dangers.

But now it is different. Zhuo Bufan is now strong enough to stand in front of this space-time crack, unmoved.

He doesn't even need the protection of the Space-Time Nightmare Dragon, and can enter it freely.

"Hey, kid, aren't you afraid of the space-time storm? Wait!"

The Space-Time Nightmare Dragon stared at Zhuo Bufan in amazement as he stepped into the space-time crack.

He knew that Zhuo Bufan had become very powerful now, but he didn't expect him to be so powerful.

Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly after hearing this.

"Don't talk too much, follow me!"

Then, Zhuo Bufan took the Space-Time Nightmare Dragon and entered the space-time crack.

"Little Nightmare, can you still find the place where the Fairy Chan Yi disappeared?"

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's question, Little Nightmare replied.

"Let me sense it! If I remember correctly, the place where she disappeared should be located at the crack."

Under Xiaoyan's sensing, Zhuo Bufan and his team slowly approached the place where Meng Qiyi disappeared.

"It's here!"

Soon, they arrived at their destination.

Xiaoyan looked at the turbulent flow in front of him and said to Zhuo Bufan behind him.

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly when he saw this.

"Are you sure it's here?"

"It must be here, I remember it very clearly."

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's words, Xiaoyan said firmly.

After listening to Zhuo Bufan, Zhuo Bufan looked carefully at the turbulent flow in front of him.

Then, Zhuo Bufan stretched out his hand and slowly merged a ball of chaotic air into the turbulent flow in front of him.

Then, he saw that the turbulent flow was slowly split open, and then a small black hole emerged.

Zhuo Bufan's eyes lit up when he saw this scene.

"Found it!"

The black hole in front of him was undoubtedly the black hole that swallowed Meng Chanyi at the beginning!

In other words, this black hole is likely to lead to the legendary reincarnation world.

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