Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1330 White Boundary

Chapter 1330: White Realm

Zhuo Bufan used the power of chaos to find the gap that could lead to the reincarnation world in this crack of time and space.

Looking at the black hole in front of him, he was actually a little hesitant.

"Boy, you want to go in? Are you sure?"

The Space-Time Nightmare Dragon looked at the black hole in front of him with fear.

The Space-Time Nightmare Dragon knew very well what kind of energy was hidden in this black hole.

This kind of energy was definitely not something that a small character like it could occupy.

So no matter what, it didn't dare to enter the black hole.

However, Zhuo Bufan didn't care about the mood of the Space-Time Nightmare Dragon.

Zhuo Bufan went through so much trouble to find this place just to find Meng Chanyi.

Now that he knew the whereabouts of Meng Chanyi, how could he give up?

Meng Chanyi disappeared from here, so Zhuo Bufan had to go in and try anyway.

"Unfortunately, there are only two archive doors left now, and you can't save it casually."

Zhuo Bufan obviously realized that he couldn't save it easily now.

So entering the black hole this time might really be risky.

But what about that?

He used to be unable to look for Meng Chanyi because he had no ability.

But now he has the ability, and he is no longer a weakling in this chaotic void.

Even the most powerful Eternal Heavenly Dao, he dares to fight it.

So, Zhuo Bufan decided to go in and take a look.

So, Zhuo Bufan first injected the chaotic energy into the black hole.

He first used the chaotic energy to sense what was happening on the other side of the black hole.

As the chaotic energy continued to penetrate the black hole, Zhuo Bufan sensed that the depths of the black hole were full of chaotic time turbulence.

Some time flows very fast, and some time flows very slowly.

If ordinary people enter it, they will definitely be disintegrated by the power of time.

However, Zhuo Bufan's chaotic energy is not simple. It is the most primitive power, not restricted by the power of time and space.

This is why Zhuo Bufan used the chaotic energy to explore the way.

Soon, Zhuo Bufan used the chaotic energy to find the exit at the other end of the black hole.

Zhuo Bufan could feel that the chaotic energy suddenly became clear and entered a huge space.

That space was boundless and very wide.

"Is that the reincarnation world?"

Just when Zhuo Bufan thought that it was the reincarnation world, he suddenly found that the black hole in front of him began to shrink.

"No, this channel is about to collapse."

Due to the extremely chaotic time turbulence inside, the space channel in front of him could collapse at any time.

Zhuo Bufan, who saw this scene, no longer hesitated.

"Let's go!"

Zhuo Bufan took the time and space nightmare dragon, and then got into the channel before the channel collapsed.

After entering the channel, the powerful time turbulence began to tear Zhuo Bufan and the time and space nightmare dragon's bodies frantically.

"I'm going to die!"

"Boy, I'm going to die, save me."

The time and space nightmare dragon began to feel the threat to his life, and his body began to tear.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan immediately released more chaotic energy, and then used his own chaotic energy to open up a stable channel.

The chaotic energy formed a vortex and a channel, completely protecting Zhuo Bufan and the Space-Time Nightmare Dragon. This space channel is very stable, and it forcibly supports the channel that is about to collapse.

Even the Space-Time Nightmare Dragon has to be shocked by Zhuo Bufan's ability.

"Boy, you are too strong. You can stabilize even such a violent time crack. This is not something that ordinary masters can do."

The Space-Time Nightmare Dragon was shocked by Zhuo Bufan's strength.

Zhuo Bufan laughed after hearing this.

"What level do you think my current strength is?"

After being asked by Zhuo Bufan, the Space-Time Nightmare Dragon was silent.

After a moment of silence, it suddenly said again.

Your current strength may have reached the peak of the void.

Presumably, there are no more than ten beings in the entire chaotic void who can be compared with you.

Zhuo Bufan laughed after hearing this.

"It seems that you think I am very powerful!"

"Isn't it?" The Space-Time Nightmare Dragon replied.

In his opinion, Zhuo Bufan is a very powerful master.

However, Zhuo Bufan shook his head after hearing this.

"Compared with the real peak, I am still far away!"

"Of course, my goal is not just this peak. My goal is the Lord of Time."

Zhuo Bufan did not reserve his admiration for the Lord of Time.

The reincarnation world he had gone through so much trouble to find was to find the Lord of Time.

So in Zhuo Bufan's opinion, the Lord of Time was his goal.

"We are almost out, I hope the reincarnation world we are looking for is ahead."

Zhuo Bufan looked at the exit not far away, and he was very excited.

He was looking forward to meeting Meng Chanyi again.

After all, he hadn't seen Meng Chanyi for a long time. It would be a lie to say that he didn't care. Zhuo Bufan seemed to care about Meng Chanyi's affairs.

Not only because Meng Chanyi saved him, but more importantly, Meng Chanyi already had a certain status in her heart.

From the beginning, Zhuo Bufan deliberately alienated Meng Chanyi, to now Zhuo Bufan's dependence on Meng Chanyi.

Meng Chanyi is different from other women Zhuo Bufan has met. She is the kind of person who silently dedicates herself behind the scenes.

Maybe she gave everything for Zhuo Bufan, but Zhuo Bufan didn't know it.

Zhuo Bufan felt that perhaps the person he owed the most was Meng Chanyi.

He couldn't make up for the debt he owed Meng Chanyi.

It was precisely because of this that Zhuo Bufan had to find her, at least not let her do anything stupid for him again.

When Zhuo Bufan and the Space-Time Nightmare Dragon got out of the space-time channel, what appeared before their eyes was an extremely bright and colorful world.

Zhuo Bufan swore that it was the most beautiful starry sky he had ever seen.

It was even more beautiful than the Eternal Star Domain he had seen before.

"Where is this?"

The Space-Time Nightmare Dragon asked, looking at the world in front of him in confusion.

Zhuo Bufan shook his head slowly.

He didn't know where this place was, but in this world, Zhuo Bufan felt a very empty power.

It's a bit difficult to understand, but that kind of power is like an ordinary person falling into a deep water that can't float up.

It felt like an invisible hand grabbed his neck, making him feel suffocated.

When it was hot, the suffocation Zhuo Bufan felt was slightly different from that felt by ordinary people.

Zhuo Bufan felt a suffocation of the soul.

Here, it seemed that the energy of time and space did not exist.

Of course, time and space did not really not exist, but their existence was very weak.

The flow rate of time was much slower than that of the chaotic void. So Zhuo Bufan felt a sense of soul suffocation.

Everything here seemed to have reached eternity, motionless, even the light.

The flow rate of time was close to stillness, but not completely still.

In short, this place made Zhuo Bufan feel very uncomfortable.

The flow rate of time was too slow. If he did not have the chaotic energy, he might not be able to move at all in it.

Just taking a step might take ten days and half a month.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan wrapped himself with the chaotic energy.

In this way, his actions in it were not affected at all.

Of course, for the safety of the space-time nightmare dragon, Zhuo Bufan also protected it.

"I heard that there is a transitional space between the Chaos Void and the Reincarnation World, called the White Realm!"

"The speed of time in the White Realm is hundreds of thousands of times faster than that in the Chaos Void!"

"One day here may be thousands of years in the Chaos Void!"

"Even the speed of light propagation here has slowed down by hundreds of thousands of times."

"So everything in here seems to be still."

"Could this be the White Realm?"

As a product of the Space-Time Crack, the Space-Time Nightmare Dragon knows a lot about the outside of space-time.

When Zhuo Bufan first heard about the White Realm, he couldn't help but frown slightly.

"White Realm?"

"Could it be that the power of the White Sand of Time is hidden in it?"

In Zhuo Bufan's memory, the only two powers that can affect the power of time are the White Sand of Time and the Black Sand of Time.

Among them, the White Sand of Time can slow down time, while the Black Sand of Time can speed up time.

Since this place is called the White Realm, Zhuo Bufan must have something to do with the White Sand of Time.

Zhuo Bufan had a bold guess that the White Realm might be a space world created by the white sand of time.

Of course, only the Lord of Time could create this space world.

"Is there a Black Realm?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

After hearing this, the Space-Time Nightmare Dragon shouted.

"How do you know? There really is a Black Realm!"

The Space-Time Nightmare Dragon replied.

Zhuo Bufan was not surprised after hearing this, after all, he had guessed the existence of the Black Realm.

"I guessed right, the White Realm and the Black Realm are actually two worlds formed by the Sand of Time!"

"The time in the White Realm is slowing down, so the time in the Black Realm should be speeding up."

"Can you reach the world of reincarnation as long as you pass through the White Realm and the Black Realm?"

Zhuo Bufan guessed.

The Space-Time Nightmare Dragon didn't know much about this.

"I heard that the White Realm and the Black Realm are two worlds where life is absolutely impossible to exist. Especially the Black Realm, that place is too terrible, and any life that enters the Black Realm will eventually wither."

According to the words of the Space-Time Nightmare Dragon, Zhuo Bufan could basically imagine how terrible the black and white world is.

Combined with the information he knew, Zhuo Bufan almost guessed where the reincarnation world was.

"It is located above the black world and the white world!"

"What a reincarnation world."

"Little Nightmare, let's go and take a look!"

After hearing this, the Space-Time Nightmare Dragon was stunned for a moment.

"Take a look? What are you going to see?"

"Let's go to the black and white world and take a look! I want to see if the legendary reincarnation world is behind these two worlds."

Zhuo Bufan was really determined to find out behind the two worlds.

Because Zhuo Bufan believed that the Meng Chanyi he was looking for must be in these two worlds!

"Maybe it's the white world, or maybe it's the black world. I believe you must be waiting for me there."

Since Zhuo Bufan has come here, he must find Meng Chanyi.

So he began to take the Space-Time Nightmare Dragon to look for Meng Chanyi's whereabouts in this vast and traceless white world.

Because there is the Chaos Clothes transformed by the Chaos Qi, Zhuo Bufan can shuttle freely in this white world.

However, Zhuo Bufan wandered around this white world for a long time, but did not sense any signs of life.

Obviously, just like what the Time and Space Nightmare Dragon said.

In this world, no life can survive.

The existence of this world itself is a desperate situation where life is impossible.

"Boy, let's go back, we won't find it this way."

Zhuo Bufan searched for a long time, but still could not find the whereabouts of Meng Chanyi.

He didn't even sense Meng Chanyi's soul aura.

"She has obviously been here, why isn't she here?"

Zhuo Bufan knew that Meng Chanyi had come to this world, but where was she now?

The world is too big, and it is certainly impossible for Zhuo Bufan to search every corner. Looking for the whereabouts of Meng Chanyi seems to be like finding a needle in a haystack.

"Did she leave here and go to the dark world?"

Zhuo Bufan felt a little worried in his heart.

"If she really went to the underworld, how should I go to the underworld?"

Zhuo Bufan guessed that Meng Chanyi might have gone to the underworld.

In this case, if Zhuo Bufan wanted to find her, he would have to search in the dark world.

But where is the underworld?

Zhuo Bufan has been searching in the white world for a long time, but there are no clues about the black world.

"Boy, there's no way you can continue searching like this."

"It's definitely impossible for you to find the Black World so easily."

"I think we should go back to the Void of Chaos and think of a solution! I don't want to stay in this hellish place for a minute. It's too terrifying. There is only endless loneliness."

The Time and Space Nightmare Dragon obviously doesn't like the environment in the White World.

Because the flow of time here is too slow, everything feels like it's still.

This feeling is so weird that it is really difficult for ordinary people to accept it.

Zhuo Bufan himself is a person who can endure loneliness, so he doesn't feel much in this white world.

The only feeling is that the energy of chaos is consumed very quickly and cannot keep up with his own recovery speed.

Indeed, if this continues, it won't be long before he can no longer use the Clothes of Chaos.

Without the protection of the Chaos Clothes, Zhuo Bufan might have to leave the White Realm.

"You go back to my world for a while, I have my own plans."

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to talk nonsense with the Time and Space Nightmare Dragon, so he threw the Time and Space Nightmare Dragon directly into his own world.

Without Xiao Xi, Zhuo Bufan was obviously much more relaxed on his own.

He began to continue looking for traces of Meng Chanyi.

However, for a long period of time, Zhuo Bufan still just wandered around the white world without any purpose.

Soon, Zhuo Bufan's Chaos Qi could no longer support his Chaos Clothes.

"It seems that I won't be able to stay in this world for much longer."

Zhuo Bufan realized that if he did not return to the chaotic void, he might die here.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan completely opened the passage from the chaotic void to the white world and used his own chaotic energy to consolidate it.

Now as long as he wants, he can come to the White World at any time.

"Go back to resupply first, and then come back when the energy of chaos has recovered!"

Zhuo Bufan plans to return to the Chaos Void to restore the energy of Chaos.

But just when Zhuo Bufan was about to leave, a dazzling white light suddenly came from not far away.

The white light was extremely dazzling, like a bright light in the darkness.

Tell Zhuo Bufan directly that that is his direction.

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