Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1332 The final mission

After Zhuo Bufan mastered the latest way to use the energy of chaos, he integrated into the energy of chaos in a state of absolute invisibility.

After that, Zhuo Bufan successfully entered the White Lotus of Time.

This time, Zhuo Bufan was not bombarded by that ruthless energy.

He entered the center of the lotus safely, looking for a way to enter the black world.

Zhuo Bufan believed that from this white lotus, one would be able to enter the black world.

If a way to enter the dark world cannot be found even here, then Zhuo Bufan may have no choice but to find another way.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan believed that he could find a way into the dark world.

After entering the White Lotus Center, Zhuo Bufan began to constantly look for the passage.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan discovered the space at the center of the white lotus. There is actually a small lotus seat.

Zhuo Bufan didn't think much, he went directly to the lotus seat and sat down on it.

When Zhuo Bufan sat on the white lotus seat, a strange energy suddenly surged from the lotus seat, and then penetrated directly into Zhuo Bufan's soul.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan felt as if his soul was frozen.

His thinking ability began to slowly weaken, and his spirit entered a state of depression in an instant.

"It's a big deal, it's not good!"

Zhuo Bufan immediately realized that this lotus platform was not simple, it contained terrifying time-stopping energy.

That's right, it's not freezing, it's time standing still.

Zhuo Bufan could feel that his soul was about to be frozen.

Zhuo Bufan immediately gathered the energy of chaos and then protected his soul.

The energy of chaos can isolate the power of time, but even so, the power of suspended time is still irresistible to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan has experienced time suspension before, but never as seriously as this time.

In the past, whether it was the save door Zhuo Bufan used when loading files, or when Chaos used the power of time reversal in Greedy Sky.

Extraordinary souls are not affected by time.

But now, Zhuo Bufan's soul can't bear the power of time in this lotus, which is really incredible.

It can be seen that the time power in the lotus is far stronger than the time power in the outside world.

In other words, the person who arranged this time device is far stronger than anyone Zhuo Bufan has encountered so far.

And among Zhuo Bufan's knowledge, there may be only one such person.

He is the legendary Lord of Time.

Zhuo Bufan guessed right. The White Lotus and even the entire White World were actually created by the Lord of Time.

And not only the White World, but the Black World after the White World was also created by the Lord of Time.

There is no doubt about the power of the Lord of Time. In order to isolate the world of chaos and the world of reincarnation, he created two worlds, the Black World and the White World.

Since the two worlds of black and white exist for a new world that isolates the world of chaos and the world of reincarnation.

Therefore, the task of these two worlds is to stop anyone who has any intentions.

Even Zhuo Bufan, who had mastered the energy of chaos, was firmly fixed on the lotus platform, unable to move.

"Damn it!"

Zhuo Bufan could only barely keep his soul from being affected by the power of time on the lotus platform.

But so far, Zhuo Bufan can only achieve the state of Jiaozuo.

He didn't know how long he could last, he only knew that if he continued like this, he would definitely die.

So Zhuo Bufan worked very hard to maintain his condition, and he was fighting against this lotus platform.

Both sides were evenly matched and fell into a stalemate.

On this side, Zhuo Bufan's second clone is trapped in time on the White Realm Lotus Platform.

On the other side, Zhuo Bufan's first clone is in the Tower of Reincarnation, accepting his test.

After decades of hard work, Zhuo Bufan finally completed 99% of his Yin Gong strategy tasks.

Now, only one last task remains.

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly as he looked at the last task.

"The volcano is about to wake up, and the catastrophe is coming. Save all the people in Wulong City!"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the last task and clearly felt some difficulty.

The city where Zhuo Bufan is now is called Wulong City. This Wulong City is surrounded by mountains and is surrounded by five mountains shaped like dragon heads, so it is called Wulong City.

But in fact, Wulong City is not located in a valley surrounded by mountains.

This Five Dragons City is actually built on a dormant volcano.

But this volcano has not erupted for tens of thousands of years.

The crater turned into an oasis.

The ancestors of Wulong City fled here, and after seeing this paradise on earth, they established Wulong City.

Because this Five Dragons City is located in the crater of a volcano, it is in a naturally dangerous position and is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Therefore, it has not suffered any intrusion since its creation.

The weather in the city is smooth and the people live and work in peace and contentment.

It can be said that this is the place that everyone longs for.

But now, the volcano is about to erupt.

Once the volcano erupts, Wulong City will be destroyed instantly. Tens of thousands of people in the city will die without their bodies intact.

So no matter what, Zhuo Bufan must stop this catastrophe.

This is also the task given to him by Yin Gongce.

However, Zhuo Bufan is still just a kid.

He cannot communicate with humans themselves, so he cannot directly tell humans that the volcano is about to erupt.

What's more, even if Zhuo Bufan can communicate with humans, even if he tells these people that the volcano is about to erupt.

But who would believe it?

After all, so far, this volcano has shown no signs of recovery, and has not even trembled.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan must find a way to let the people of Wulong City escape this disaster.

"This is the last mission. You can only succeed, not fail."

"I must drive these guys out of Wulong City."

As Zhuo Bufan's last mission in the ghost world.

He must complete this task before he can enter reincarnation.

Only then can he complete the trials of this world and finally be recognized by the Reincarnation Tower.

But it is not easy to complete this task. Zhuo Bufan is just a kid after all.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan was not inexperienced after going through so many previous tasks.

During this process, Zhuo Bufan has already tried to communicate with humans.

That’s writing!

Zhuo Bufan possessed his soul into the bird, then used the bird's beak to dip in ink, and then wrote on white paper.

Zhuo Bufan once used this method to help a scholar write a love letter to a lady from a supposedly rich family.

At that time, Zhuo Bufan's task was to help the scholar and the rich lady become the marriage elders and hold the red line.

Finally, with Zhuo Bufan's help, the scholar married a rich lady.

It was also from that time that Zhuo Bufan mastered the means of communicating with humans.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan plans to use the same method to communicate with humans this time.

However, Zhuo Bufan had just come to Wulong City and didn't know much about the situation in the city.

There are no friends worth trusting.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan must first find a human being to serve as a bridge between him and other human beings.

Zhuo Bufan planned to use this human being to save the city.

"There's less than half a month until the volcano erupts. It seems I have to hurry up."

Zhuo Bufan knew that he didn't have much time, so he started looking for candidates in Wulong City without stopping.

He first walked around in a large circle over Wulong City, carefully observing Wulong City and its surrounding environment.

Zhuo Bufan then began to look for candidates.

The first person he found was the city lord of Wulong City.

After all, he is the city lord, so Zhuo Bufan believes that someone will believe what he says.

But the question is, how can he make the city lord believe what he said?

Zhuo Bufan first possessed a bird, and then left a line of writing in the city lord's study.

"Half a month later, the volcano erupted, disaster struck, and the whole city was destroyed."

Zhuo Bufan pretended to be mysterious, making the city lord think it was an apocalypse, a reminder from God.

When the old city lord saw this sentence, he was slightly startled. He was indeed shocked by this sentence.

But soon, he smiled.

He thought it was someone's prank.

After all, they didn't even know that there was a volcano under Wulong City. So let alone a volcanic eruption, that is simply impossible.

Seeing that the city lord didn't believe it, Zhuo Bufan continued to leave a message.

"Under the Five Dragons City, the fire dragon was dormant. Half a month later, the fire dragon soared into the sky."

Zhuo Bufan thought that if he reminded him like this, as long as the city lord was not stupid, he would pay attention to it.

Facts have proved that Zhuo Bufan's repeated reminders did attract the attention of the city lord.

The city lord found his own think tank and began to study the words left by Zhuo Bufan.

After some research, they finally came to a conclusion.

That means it's someone's prank.

There was no way, Zhuo Bufan had to appear in person this time.

In front of everyone, he possessed the bird and wrote a sentence on the spot.

"I have been inspired by the apocalypse and deeply feel that the catastrophe of Wulong City is coming, so I came here..."

As a result, before Zhuo Bufan could finish writing this sentence, he was shouted at as a monster.

The two guards under the city lord quickly took action and killed the bird possessed by Zhuo Bufan with one sword on the spot.

Zhuo Bufan was so angry that he was half dead.

"These idiots! If I help them again, they will treat me like this?"

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that it would be so difficult for humans to communicate.

He reminded them with good intentions, but these guys were so self-righteous that they actually wanted to kill him.

Fortunately, Zhuo Bufan's soul escaped before the bird died.

Poor little bird, it was killed by these stupid guys.

If it weren't for completing the mission and entering reincarnation, Zhuo Bufan might have given up and left all these people to die.

But now, there was no way he could just sit idly by.

Seeing the approaching catastrophe in Wulong City, Zhuo Bufan must find a new way.

After that, Zhuo Bufan began to possess various animals in the surrounding mountains, and then created a tide of beasts and caused commotion.

He wanted to use this method to attract the attention of the people of Wulong City.

However, these people lived so happily in Wulong City that they did not want to think about whether a disaster might happen.

After a week, Zhuo Bufan's efforts were meaningless.

The people of Wulong City still eat when they should and drink when they should.

"If this continues, it will be impossible to complete my mission."

Just when Zhuo Bufan was upset, a young man suddenly appeared in his eyes.

This young man is called Zhou You, a well-known prodigy in Wulong City.

Although he is only sixteen years old, he is already a genius admired by everyone.

He wrote poems at the age of five, practiced martial arts at the age of seven, and was able to go up the mountain to kill tigers at the age of ten.

Such a talented young man has a high reputation among the people of Wulong City.

Recently, this young man named Zhou You found that the temperature of water drawn from many wells in the city has increased a lot.

Not only the well water, but also the temperature of the lake water in the center of the city has increased a lot.

After his own research and investigation, Zhou You came to a conclusion that the geothermal heat under Wulong City is constantly rising.

This discovery made Zhou You have a sense of crisis.

And Zhuo Bufan obviously found the person he had been looking for.

What he wanted to find was someone like Zhou You who could think for himself.

So, Zhuo Bufan began to contact this Zhou You.

He used the same method to write a line of words to Zhou You.

"Under Wulong City, the fire dragon awakens! Ten days later, a catastrophe will come! Be careful."

Zhuo Bufan once wrote the same words to the city lord.

As a result, a group of old guys in the city lord's mansion regarded him as a monster and killed the bird he possessed.

But Zhou You is different.

When Zhou You saw the bird writing, he was surprised at first, and then began to get nervous.

"Bird, bird, are you telling the truth? Will there really be a fire dragon awakening under Wulong City?"

Zhou You asked the magical bird in front of him.

Of course he didn't know that the bird in front of him was possessed by a ghost.

Zhuo Bufan saw that this little genius had a heart of worry, so he believed that Zhou You could help him complete the task.

So he continued to communicate with Zhou You.

Zhuo Bufan told Zhou You about the volcanic eruption. After listening, Zhou You combined the information he had investigated and finally concluded.

"Is that the reason? No wonder I found that the groundwater has become hot recently. It turns out that the volcano is about to erupt. So what should we do now?"

Since it is a volcanic eruption, we must find a way to solve it.

Zhuo Bufan found Zhou You because he wanted to use Zhou You's fame to make the people in the city believe him.

So next, Zhuo Bufan planned to cooperate with Zhou You.

And Zhou You also completely believed what Zhuo Bufan said, and began to use his intelligence and wisdom to prepare for the escape of the entire city.

At first, no one believed what Zhou You said, but Zhou You gave a lot of arguments and then testified. Slowly, more and more people believed in this genius.

Gradually, some people began to withdraw from Wulong City and moved to the temporary rescue station at the foot of the mountain.

However, there are still many stubborn people who do not intend to leave.

And Zhuo Bufan's mission is to rescue everyone.

So, everyone must leave here.

Zhuo Bufan's mission is a long way to go.

Seeing that the time for the volcanic eruption is about to come, there is not much time left for Zhuo Bufan and his team.

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